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8793748 No.8793748 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on capitalism? Particularly books that are pro-capitalism.

>> No.8793774
File: 30 KB, 625x625, good job left wing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google "cultural commodification"

>> No.8793780

Try Capital by Karl Marx, OP. It's pretty much the classic.

>> No.8793782

do gay people actually like this kind of shit?
they don't find it patronizing and offensive?

>> No.8793790

Anything by Friedman.

Sowell too.

>> No.8793803

Frankly, I'm sick of it.
I kinda liked the rainbow flag and all, and I'm glad we have marriage equality but only because so many wanted to get married.
But I don't care about marriage... It's liberal propaganda crap. I'm a woke AF anarchist.

>> No.8794061

"Eat The Rich" by P.J.O'Rourke

>> No.8794070

Das Kapital

>> No.8794071

Shut up faggot

>> No.8794122

You know those were mass produced because of a Hollywood movie and were actively avoided by most anti-capitalist and Alan Moore fans.

>> No.8794125

We're all faggots here.

>> No.8794161

>private capital company
>left wing

>> No.8794195

The Origin of Species

>> No.8794363
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so your argument is people will adapt regardless of imposed conditions

does this include heavy taxation or are you trying to make a comparison that doesn't exist

>> No.8794590

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.8794604

i can't believe it would actually be for the coalition itself. more for leftyprog faggots who think that they can smash the patriarchy by snacking correctly

god i hate this earth

>> No.8794798

It's actually the kind of shit that has really turned off minority groups and "real" feminists. The original groups were labor rights activists who wanted to break up the power that had been concentrated at the top and was being used to impose unfair conditions on them in factories, agriculture, and service work (look up the role feminists played in improving working conditions of women in textile factories). Now they are a platform used to sell more shit as the Democratic party which these groups helped build in the early 20th century has shifted since Watergate to support an approach that favors centralizing power in the hands of banks and large multinational corporations with nominal rights granted to minorities which is seen as a "big win for the gays".

Is anyone going to encourage a boycott of large retailers for crushing small business and forcing harsher conditions on employees? No, they'll tell you to shop at Target instead of Walmart.

>> No.8794814


>forgetting to read

>> No.8794824

Fascism in Action

>> No.8795670

it's a form of social control. Once excluded groups are now put forward as paragons of middle class protestant values and consumerism. THEY suffer stoically and in silence. THEY enjoy whatever trash the culture industry is shoving down our throats nowadays, because it represents THEM, because it speaks to THEM. so shame on you if you dare complain, you entitled fuck.

>> No.8795677
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Capitalism was a word invented by revolutionary communists for propaganda purposes, it's not different than "Cultural Marxism" in the sense that few people actually used it to describe themselves, and it's a term used almost exclusively by its enemies.

Actually, if you see someone using the term "capitalism" positively, you are probably dealing with a crypto-communist. Pic related.

>> No.8795742

'Capitalism' is not a thing, but the natural and innevitable result of a free society based on respect of other people's rights and the non aggression principle. I don't know about you, but I prefer free society to a society based on theft of people's hard earned stuff

>> No.8795858
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The "free" society where I'm "non-aggressively" forced to pay rent for living on the "hard-earned" piece of land that's been "naturally" segregated from the collective humanity.

>> No.8795865

someone bought that land, with money, you know.

>> No.8795888
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>> No.8795905

The Road to Serfdom (Hayek), Human Action (von Mises), Atlas Shrugged (Rand), Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman)

>> No.8795914

Proudhon actually was the first to use the term "capitalism"

There's noting natural about capitalism. It arose with the violent rise of the nation state and direct expropriation of lands

>respect of other people's rights and the non aggression principle
>non aggression principle
memes invented to justify power

>> No.8795920


the height of asininity is to think that, because people rely on things produced within capitalism, they are barred from hating it.

>> No.8795923
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with money issued by governments that somehow magically came into possession of land

>> No.8795929

Good argument. Capital is without exception generated from hard work. Particularly in the real estate sector. Landlords are a group of real work dogs and provide a vital service to society by sitting on their ass collecting rent to buy their next hard-earned property.

>> No.8795932
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>requiring justification

Scratch the surface, pal. You'll find the real memes.

>> No.8795952


power does not require justification, true; yet it invents justifications to lubricate its own functioning, and we must oppose these, as they are mechanisms of social control.

i would also add, to your nietzsche, that admiring power is not to acquire it, but to be all the more thoroughly penetrated by it.

>> No.8795954

Libertarianism is probably the political ideology most prone to rely on spooks and muh 'objective' ethics.

>> No.8796074

Atlas Shrugged, for all it's faults, is actually a pretty atmospheric book, i thought.

>> No.8796291

>Actually, if you see someone using the term "capitalism" positively, you are probably dealing with a crypto-communist. Pic related.
>Milton Friedman
Please explain.

>> No.8796346

Has there been anything written after it that even comes close?

>> No.8796391

Forgive me for wanting to hear all sides.

>> No.8796459

Here here.

"Shop at a competitor. Vote with your dollars"
How about we found a new proto-state on top of this rotted one?

People assume you're rightwing looking for justification books for your shelf. The picture kind of cement this perception. It's always thrown back in our faces that we wear cloths and eat food with money, and this somehow negates our political views.

>> No.8796680

two cheers for capitalism

>> No.8796682

What are?

>> No.8797028
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>> No.8797439

>it invents justifications to lubricate its own functioning, and we must oppose these, as they are mechanisms of social control.

Living amongst your own people with traditional values and nice patriarchal family units sure beats pomo foucaultian degeneracy multicultural rhizome commie utopia. no question. It's an unsustainable system anyways, because eventually you a) die of AIDS b) run out of other people's money b) get swept away by POC hordes of barbarism and forced into the yoke of Sharia law.

>> No.8797471
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>and this somehow negates our political views.

the fact that leftists claim to be antiestablishment while controlling 90% of all media and academia Hollywood and being able to censor all thoughtcrime does tho.

>> No.8797520
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>The leftists
>controlling 90% of all media

The liberals, liberal capitalists are not actually the left. The media is lying. Shocking, I know. When the election protests started up, did you see the red flags flying in those crowds? You didn't hear any anchors telling you who they really were

>> No.8797532

>You didn't hear any anchors telling you who they really were
you mean paid soros thugs?

>> No.8797551

Some Berniecrats and some Hillary people did join, of course, but most of them were organized by socialists.

>I am funding all the OWS protests
>...to defeat my own globalist agenda
Tell me you aren't this confused.

>> No.8797563

>get paid to go outside and yell a lot

I wish to subscribe to this newsletter, tell me more

>> No.8797595

>but most of them were organized by socialists

the question is, who organizes the socialists? these are people with a seething pathological hatred of western civilization. they dont even pretend they give a shit about democracy anymore.

>> No.8797617

No no, the question is, who created God?

>> No.8797618

what are some books/authors that admit to capitalism's dehumanising power but celebrate it?
Nick Land is the obvious one but are there any others?

>> No.8797622
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Thomas Friedman= Nick Land for Normies

>> No.8797627


so you believe in privatized roads?

>> No.8797637
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>> No.8797653
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Nonsense. Socialism, communism and anarchism's ideologies survive on love. Solidarity and a dream of peace and plenty.
You have to be trolling.

If not, I leave you with these eleven minutes.

If a privateer were to hang around a road to claim his an already owned thing as his property, I believe in self defense for the robbed. Including killing him. We don't need robbers But why would he rob in a land of plenty? Raised in peace and taught to ask and share and maintain roads to earn his meals.

>> No.8797930


Not everyone gets paid to protest, pal. Only the ringleaders/rabble-rousers/organisers.

If you have the ability/contacts/etc to get a hefty amount of people onto the streets for Left-Wing causes like OWS, expect to hear from Soros.

>> No.8797961

I hate it. I don't think you should use your sexuality as a rallying point for identity. I find men attractive and only feel comfortable with romance towards men. That's it.

I don't go out clubbing with leather, drinking colorful alcohol while being penetrated by 8 dudes. I shitpost and act like I know literature because I read books recommended on a Turkmeni glassblowing imageboard.

>> No.8798024


>why would he rob in a land of plenty?

because people are cunts

>> No.8798048

Uh, wtf with the vagaries, nerd. I was saying capitalism imposes a virtual natural selection on a species no longer subject to true natural selection.

>> No.8798079
File: 28 KB, 272x400, my-life-and-work-400x400-imad7hr29yp474c2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Henry Ford wrote some good shit in his memoirs.

I own his first book 'my life and work' but havent read it yet, mostly bought it because it was asthetically pleasing cover (pic related)

Also did a check on him and didn6t realise he wrot 'The international Jew'. Was he first to coin that phrase? i feel dumb.

>> No.8798097

Buffettology, the Warren Buffet Way, One up on Wall Street, the communist manifesto!

>> No.8798909

They're cunts now for a variety of reasons.
The cunts of the future will be easy to spot and correct. All according to local popular rule. You're a cunt and you don't like the people in your area, you can travel. Just watch out your cunty behavior doesn't get you killed.
Not a perfect world, no such thing, but just admit it, a better world would come from ending capitalism.

>> No.8798919

Respect the stache.

I'm seriously surprised that Thomas Friedman is not more popular on this site. I read his first book The World is Flat and it was awful but every NEET on this site should appreciate his claim and justification for the rise of autism among young people as a sign of a new breed of super data analysts that use their autistic powers to bring in a new age of globalization (I'm not making that shit up he really thinks autistic people are going to become Mentats).

>> No.8798930

The way paid protestors work is they only form the nucleus of the protest out of shills. These shills then invite their friends who might genuinely want to protest but lacked the initiative.

This tactic is also used by the FBI, DEA, ATF, and local agencies to bring dissenters/criminals into the open where they can be more easily monitored. These infiltrators will also encourage escalation at critical moments that will allow the justification of their arrest or disbursement.

Occupy Wall Street was heavily penetrated by the NYPD which allowed them to know exactly what the movement, which was founded by some salesmen that wanted to attract a large audience of naive kids, who wanted to stand up to state capitalism, to launch their careers.

The Oregon reserve occupation also had at least one FBI informant in a high position, he oversaw their gun range and weapons training. I believe he was also encouraging them to become more militant.

>> No.8798933

No, Debord is the wokest motherfucker ever and every leftist thinker worth a damn these days is trying to move forward SoS.

>> No.8798938

Ford wasn't someone really comfortable with modern capitalism considering his paternalistic technocratic tendencies and pathological hatred of finance capital. He's closer to someone like Saint-Simon than Milton Friedman.

>Also did a check on him and didn6t realise he wrot 'The international Jew'. Was he first to coin that phrase? i feel dumb.
No, the phrase is much older than him

>> No.8798942

>these are people with a seething pathological hatred of western civilization. they dont even pretend they give a shit about democracy anymore.

>> No.8798956

I always find that dumb. That is like if the DEA started push cocaine to weed sellers. It is like FBI wants dissent and criminals

>> No.8798961

The FBI literally did that with heroin in the 70s

>> No.8798983

>It is like FBI wants dissent and criminals
They do, it justifies larger budgets. There's also been a question of which kinds of movements get targeted, so Tea Party rallies are often legitimately more violent or crazy (or both) but rarely result in prosecutions like Occupy. So there seems to be an ideological angle here.

>> No.8798985

Hahaha this

>> No.8798991

>It is like FBI wants dissent and criminals
Just about every authoritarian agency takes efforts to control the opposition in a way that allows for the further growth of the agency.

They do this with weapons too (Operation Fast and Furious).

Israel also played a large role in the development of militant Islamic groups in the 70's by cracking down hard on the peaceful Palestinian groups. They are also targeting only Shia groups and leaving the Sunnis because they believe that if the Sunnis win then they will be a more easily controlled opposition which will allow for the expansion of the Isreali intelligence and military agencies.

>> No.8799053

Two words: George Soros

>> No.8799057

Soros is just a scapegoat that makes politicians look like the idiots they are.

>> No.8799092 [DELETED] 

Soros is the leader of a worldwide PC Globalist left wing elite. Dig a little and you'll find there is not a single left wing/Marxist/SJW movement that isn't choke full of Soros cash. The real resistance is on the right.

>> No.8799119

Fuck you for even mentioning Soros. He is so irrelevant to the larger problem. Soros is a middleman that is largely dependent on state support to maintain his large wealth. If he wasn't useful he would lose everything.

>> No.8799123

I wish they were individualistic enough to be cunts even when trapped in a land of plenty, but they aren't. We're malleable. Do you think it's an accident Somalia and Russia have worse crime than western Europe?

>> No.8799133

Useful idiot

>> No.8799134

>western civilization

oh i am laffing

>> No.8799137

Stop being an idiot. Stop watching Alex Jones.

He's a globalist capitalist. The left are against him. Your "left-liberals" and their 60/70% of the MSM and "SJW" bourgeoisie, are on his side. Marxists, socialism and anarchists are not.

The "right" are nothing more than right-liberals, freemarket liberals (American libertarians included) hardly real conservatives. So you don't like the establishment GOP, doesn't matter much since Trump is a corporatist. He may favor some protectionism, but in the end he wont do shit. So what resistance do you speak of? Hillbilly militias? anti-semitic clubs? You just elected another corporate tool. That's not resistance.

>> No.8799314

>He's a globalist capitalist.
Yes and no. A lot of liberal globalists outright hate him because all speculation is his fault, and if it weren't for speculation we could just have totally open markets everywhere.

>> No.8799333

You don't consider contemporary fascists and National Socialists part of the right?

>> No.8799336

I think he means those are very niche views, and the right predominantly are globalists.

>> No.8799363

speculation and exploitation are inherent to capitalism and not glitches in an otherwise fair system.

Soros' foundation is named after Karl Popper's the Open Society and it's Enemies, which he also credits as an inspiration for his investment strategies. He's more of a globalist liberal with close links to the state department, deeply involved in recent regime change efforts in the Ukraine and Brazil. Hedge Fund managers are not only self interested capitalists, but often highly ideological aspiring revolutionaries. See Peter Thiel for example, he's pretty close to the coming Trump administration and a total lunatic into Nrx, messianic transhumanism, and Girardian mimetic desire theories.

>> No.8799392

>but often highly ideological aspiring revolutionaries
That's sort of my point. Politicians hate him partly because he warns them not to do something, they do that something, he makes a lot of money and they get egg on their face.

>He's more of a globalist liberal with close links to the state department
That part varies. He wants to have political force for sure, but he has often had little to no influence. The kind of liberalism that had been seen from the IMF in the past for example was not his sort of liberalism, they tended to limit currency flows but increase capital flows.

>> No.8799434

What is Soros' ideology?

Its interesting how Khodorovsky (Russian dissident, most prominent anti-Putin big honcho pushing for regime change in Russia) called his foundation and movement "Open Russia".

Wonder if it's all tied with Popper's philosophy.

>> No.8799446

oh, okay. That makes sense.

>> No.8799450

The point of this shit is to get straight white middle class progressives to buy it, so they can show how tolerant and progressive they are to their friends and families.

The percentage of actual LGBT people in the populus is so miniscule that advertising general purpose products to them is kinda pointless.

>> No.8799626

I left them out. Hardliner nationalists may be nativists, but they're still liberals economically. Though some take it all the way back to primitive capital. They want imperialism, and have romantic notions of the Roman era. But those groups are a very small section of the population and the right generally.
This. Especially those in power.
A real conservative is another small splinter group. They just like farming and going to church. Junk like that. Probably never vote, but their kids may have bought into Trump this cycle.


The point is to get people used to a section of the population that has always been there but has had to hide from persecution in years past. Civil rights issues have had a long time coming to this, because it's been used as political theatre the whole time.

>> No.8800028

>every leftist thinker worth a damn these days is trying to move forward SoS.

What are some books that build on the idea? Apart from Baudrillard's Simulacra and such.

>> No.8800042

There aren't any. Capitalists are naturally opposed to education (they wouldn't be capitalists otherwise) so even the brightest of them are barely literate. Hope this helps.

>> No.8800097

Are you by any chance a white middle class progressive?

>> No.8800137

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

>> No.8800271

Mostly italian authors, like Agamben, Bifo Berardi, Antonio Negri and Perniolla

>> No.8800423
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I enjoyed this and A Random Walk Down Wallstreet, as well as All the Devils Are Here.

When the system works it is poetry in motion, but the market will always correct deviancy, hence the collapse of global communism.

>> No.8800912

Buddy, the liberals and neocons are the ones that don't give a fuck about democracy. Together they transformed this country into a market corporatocracy where spending and consumption indicate power, not votes, and are now actively suppressing any dissent by repeating the lies that any attempt to make the world a better place apparently leads to tyranny. See Blair's obsession with trying to preserve negative liberty (Berlin, "Two Concepts of Liberty"), ironically through coercion and deception.

You can also see how little liberals give two fucks about democracy since they're all borderline agitating for a purge of "wrong" or "stupid" voters or at the very least half-joking about seceding from the Midwest to shut out those voices.

Eat shit.

>> No.8800954

Soros is a crony.

>> No.8801333
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I am a white prole/working-poor anarchist with a Christian-conservative upbringing. Why?

>> No.8803199
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>> No.8803246

Based af

>> No.8803264

any sensible book is anti-capitalist even when it's not an intent of a writer