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/lit/ - Literature

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8792882 No.8792882 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/,

this is my very first time post on this board! i'm very excited!

i've been writing sad, amateurish & sappy poems for about a year now and i've finally compiled a bunch of them into a "collection" that's actually just a hastily made .pdf file.

i want to put them out where someone will hopefully read them, and my question is, is there a group on /lit/ that does that kind of thing?

kind of like how a netlabel on bandcamp puts out people's albums, i'm looking for a group or collective somewhere who will "publish" my shitty poetry.

thx for your time,

>> No.8792890


my bad, don't want to seem like i don't PROOFREAD or anything haha

>> No.8792896

If this were real life right now I would rape you.

>> No.8792906

I think this is just the sort of young blood we need on this board.

Post a poem or three, let's see what you got.

>> No.8792914


here is one i wrote yesterday titled "outsiders"

you dig, pony?
i, ah-a, i, i, i
do you sometimes say things that you don’t mean? i hope

i’ll forget, and forget forgetting
mistakes made back in 8th grade
i’d do-d-do them all over

all over, all over, all over again
looping-da-loop-da-looping, go around and around
again, about the pony, about

i dream sometimes, i dream about forgetting
it is, it is, a farce it is
a varsity football team the school didn’t have, a dream it is

and i, and i, and i and you
you and i, and i and you
who could have ever known? i could have

i’ll get married, get married and have a baby
name it pony,
no name but pony

i dig, i dig, i dig, i dig
deeper and deeper i go, i go
repeating, repeating, the motions forever

one day i’ll know it’s all for naught
for now, fear not,
it’s not, it’s not

my mother told me, i should not worry
i trust my mother, my mother, i trust
i love her dearly, i dig a pony

>> No.8792921


and another one! titled "brose"

familiar prose sounds good to the ear
hence, i’ve subscribed the same channels for how many years
in silence, watching brothers green
utilized by soft and grey, distant machines

ushered in by a king, the king of all kings
brings halt to a movement, minute pinhole in smooth tent fabric
rips notebooks to shreds dreams of fanboys who,
shedding coats without collars for high collar jobs

sieve through the prime numbers, finding numb simple solace
among company of bros, blight familiar prose in the brains
of monkeys trained solely in code, for the cold coming months
await winter solstice, the catalyst causes all the trains to run on time

an adverse efficiency, at least the sense thereof
that which uproots the system, saved solely by none
their familiar prose, pulling sheets over faces
casts a warm sterile glow, stave off sleep for no reasons

mind mastered over men, a magician sets forth
among madness fostered thought through strange symbols in the sand
mad magic men gathered many molehill shovels,
seeking secrets among stars, as modern slaves still do

>> No.8792924
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>> No.8792934

upload your PDF to something yo, and then share the link on here so we can all download it and read em. IMO make a new thread and make sure that the downloadl ink is in the OP

>> No.8792940


Yes, see I love how took the idea of the book, "The Outsiders," and made it yours, you dig?

definitely 10/10, post more.

>> No.8792943

the violets:

i write this with cum on my hand
in the dead diaspora of a million me's
finitely spilt like hot popcorn seed


the bedroom wind
dow has a soft wind breeze
a hay fever so
sneezy, flick some thin
come to my eyes,

blind, looking at the sky,


the sky has eyes tonight
spidery lies tonight
a cobweb of octagons gone
between my silver curtain
some way beyond


i wonder, if aliens live,
between my cummy mist,
and how they touch themselves,

they fist?

>> No.8792956


I actually really liked this. Cut out the second and third stanza though.

>> No.8792958

Anon I wrote that as bored satire, I'm not OP.

>> No.8792963

yeah, i don't give a shit, still liked it

>> No.8792976
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>> No.8792978

OP here! back again. had to go check on the food i was cooking. glad to see some activity in my very first thread!

here is an untitled poem:

our destinies are probably intertwined somehow
like star-crossed lovers, except an evil and dark and terrible version of that
and i’ll let my emotions pour out and manifest themselves
into not saying anything for a week or two

the sun can go down every night but i won’t give a shit about
health, relationships, family, school, money, art, society,
waking up at a reasonable hour
can go fuck itself

i hate the idea
that in a large group of people you are certain to have a connection to at least somebody
and the discovery of an indigenous people
(why can’t i just be left alone)

i have interests
in tea and coffee
and so therefore i am alive
and i’ll stay awake for another day

i have aspirations
for breathing and sighing
at pre-programmed instances during a good day
and at random intervals otherwise

i don’t feel right
placing worth in myself
or viewing myself through the eyes of others
my vantage point on life is a lens that only points down

happiness can be cultivated
by means that are outside of my control i guess
i mean,
i’m really happy for everyone else

>> No.8792995

I suppose there's some poignancy to it, although really, I just hate this /lit/ trend to treat melancholy jackoffs and pseudo-sexual frustration as some kind of poetic muse. Not really that OP has done that - although I'd really recommend that he drop his word count and the nonsensical repetitions.

>> No.8793008
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>> No.8793040

Thanks for the small chuckle this low quality bait gave me OP.

>> No.8793080

last one! wrote this just now, titled "do you smoke?"

an acquaintance asked me today
“no i don’t, i’m trying to quit”

“oh ok”
i walked away, and that i was it
i’m trying to quit, and that is it

wish me luck, myself and i
a kind acquaintance group, but a sight outside of classrooms
brings chills to my spine, grab a quick smoke why don’t you?

a feeling to place in the hole in your head
sends a buzz up my neck,
the top of my head buzzing

i’ve no one to talk to
but a buzz in my head
good enough, i’d say, for now, good enough
and that was today
and it’s been one week

either i’m weak, or i’m strong, i can’t be nothing in between
in between classes, i’ll be nothing
i’ll be nothing by myself
as time slows down, then speeds up for no reason

>> No.8793088
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>> No.8793097

My father chopped my penis off,
With a rusty lawnmower blade,
In a junkyard,
While high.

Not really,
But i've jacked to this.

>> No.8793101

You lie, I saw this on here around a year ago.