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/lit/ - Literature

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8791953 No.8791953 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8791972

>43% of Ameripoops are reading a book right now
Doubt it. I doubt that even 43% of Ameripoops are literate.

>> No.8792369

Odds of that Hipster twat actually having read it?

>> No.8792380

>they actually believe that socrates existed

Had to pause the video

>> No.8792392

>more people are reading now than in the 50s
yeah, the difference is that in 50s they were reading ts elliot, james joyce, emily dickinson and now they're reading jk rowling, stephanie meyer and e.l james

>> No.8792418

Most of the people always read shit books (10 cent westerns and romances and so on)

>> No.8792545


Adam Ruins Everything is trite unfunny garbage.

The internet and all general technological advances have been nothing but harmful.

>> No.8792566

>The internet and all general technological advances have been nothing but harmful.
Every claim needs evidence, my friend.

>> No.8792569


The Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.8794019


>> No.8794035

the fact that this >>8791953

>> No.8794036

>more americans read now than in the 50s
There is more shit to read now. I'm sure there was shit 50 years ago, but just statistically speaking you were more likely to be reading a decent author if you were reading at all.

>according to Socrates
Maybe if this faggot pseud had ever actually read anything instead of cherrypicking lines from a "quotes about books" google search, he would at least be vaguely enough aware of the "Socratic problem" of parsing Socrates' actual ideas from the words ascribed to him by Plato, that maybe he would have had the decency to not quote "Socrates."

Ironically the guy in the video countered his own point. Millenials are exposed to a greater volume of information, but understand less.

>> No.8794040

Strawman: The series

>> No.8794371

>the internet connects people more than before
yeah, because human connection is staring a LED screen

>> No.8794404

>50% of americans read books
Whats the criteria for such polling? Opened a book once in a lifetime - counts as a book reader?

>> No.8794407
File: 266 KB, 475x430, dfw good sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when books were invented

>> No.8794412


>> No.8794413

That more people are reading is exactly the problem. Commoners are polluting it.

>> No.8794415

Whatever you say, anti-Trump cuck.

>> No.8794435

as demonstrated by /lit/

>> No.8794513

literally zero

>> No.8794514

come to NYC, everyone reads here it's great.

>> No.8794516

He's against Trump being a cuck?

>> No.8794528

Lived there for 4 years, think I'll pass.

>> No.8794592
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>actually believing in green anarchy
Teddy was right about the feminists, but that's it.

>> No.8794917

I thought as much

>> No.8794930

I hate it because he gives off this smug look while parroting information found on Wikipedia

>> No.8794996

im so glad im not this retarded

heinously depressing

>> No.8795830

I bet 43% of Americans can't even dunk a ball.

>> No.8795885

>we weren't better people
I'd like a bunch of these rimmed-glasses wearing cucks dropped in post-plague medieval Europe, or Great Depression period for a week or two.
Socrates was right btw, studies literally had shown that Internet by large made society forgetful and dumber

>> No.8796190

>both nu males
they eviscerated their own point by existing

>> No.8796195

>there are americans living in nyc

>> No.8797579


>> No.8797820

odds of DC Pierson writer for Derrick comedy and writer of crap kingdom and the boy who couldnt sleep and never had to reading pretentious post ironic brain farts of a special needs child trapped in the body of a mentally ill man


>> No.8797845

anyone from now who can't create a new empire by being dropped into one of those two times is either inept, lazy, stupid, or all of the above.

No hyperbole if I woke up in an english speaking environment in the past I would be listed in history akin to Paul Atreides or even god king Leto the second.

>> No.8797857

>when books were invented
>16th century

TIL :)

>> No.8797880

I'm tired of these scripted strawman who step in, say something, then stand idly by as the guy who wrote the script "refutes" them for 5 minutes.

It's just really shoddy.

>> No.8797946
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Interestingly enough the author is always correct and flawless.

>> No.8798016

It was pulled from this

>> No.8798028

Not sure if this is also a clever Socrates joke, but if it is then 10/10

>> No.8798050

so the criterion is literally "lied about reading a book"

>> No.8798074

the Atlantic publishes so many terrible articles, it's really a bummer

>> No.8798102

Could someone link that short film where the /lit/ guy goes for a haircut and the hairdresser insults him for reading Ulysses in public?

Even better if you could link the thread about it in the archive (this was 3-4 years ago).

>> No.8798131

>the /lit/ guy

Are you talking about the guy who threw Blood Meridian in the trash and started all of the McCarthy memes? If so, I would also be interested.

>> No.8798492

I doubt there even are 43% of americans

>> No.8798499

That's called Nietzsche 1 or something, I remember he has a footie shirt on with that written across the back.

>> No.8798504

Also the hairdresser doesn't insult for reading Ulysses, it's for pretending to be an expert on Ulysses and assuming she hasn't read it.

>> No.8798506

I like that comic

>> No.8798887

Oh my god, no. He's fucking defending interaction on the internet being better than personal communication. I'm all for progress, but that point is bullshit.

>> No.8798893

The examples of actual communication are shit:
Keeping your college network sort of working
Doing work
Cyber bullying

No real talking to someone at all.

>> No.8798945

>dune references

>> No.8799249

My dude, if it weren't for 4chan I wouldn't talk to anyone at all.

>> No.8799286

You are part of the problem.

>> No.8799307

>No real talking to someone at all.

These are the sort of drones that don't realize what real talking even is

>> No.8799309

how do meme vids like this one end up on here?

are you all rediditors? dont lie please

>> No.8799694
File: 64 KB, 600x884, 253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citing Platonic dialogues as evidence of Socrates' opinion.
>Referring to important figures only to prove them wrong instead of doing away all together with ad verecundiam.

>> No.8799996

>quote great thinkers from history
>but have them say it in a silly voice to show how stupid they were
thank good for these brilliant trutv faggots to set the record straight

>> No.8800032


>Adam Ruins Everything

seriously, why is this guy allowed to have show?

>> No.8800063

Socrates was right tho.

>> No.8800073

Anyone remember that funny video of a guy in a library talking for really long when someone asks him a question?

it was posted here before and it was funny

>> No.8800077
File: 55 KB, 567x562, autism impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if this faggot pseud had ever actually read anything instead of cherrypicking lines from a "quotes about books" google search, he would at least be vaguely enough aware of the "Socratic problem" of parsing Socrates' actual ideas from the words ascribed to him by Plato, that maybe he would have had the decency to not quote "Socrates."

>> No.8800081

underrated post

>> No.8800085
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1474358971197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when books were invented

had to unembed the video

>> No.8800088

Television is the second worst thing after the internet

>> No.8800091

That's like Ancient Greek philosophy 101 bro.

>> No.8800098
File: 73 KB, 579x698, Meon28thBirthday2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it, but i want someone to call everyone in this thread (including themselves) a psued before i post it.

>> No.8800101

Socrates was right. It took literal millennia for us to realize what he was trying to teach us.

>> No.8800103

I already have it and you are singularly a pseud.

>> No.8800106

does no one remember it?

>> No.8800112


>> No.8800122

That's what I mean, everyone already knows it. It's understood that when you quote Socrates you are really quoting Plato quoting Socrates, but explaining that in the context of a TV show would be a waste of time and it's pretty autistic to make a fuss about.

>> No.8800127

>you are really quoting Plato quoting Socrates
The point is no you are not.

>> No.8800130

uhh what

>> No.8800134

Books are the third worst thing.

>> No.8800150


>> No.8800151

thought the video was stupid, but the replies here are much worse

>> No.8800156

Nigga you know what I mean.

>> No.8800215

Yeah but the irony is pretty crucial. They took a quote from an author, an author very much dedicated to the written word, saying that the written word is degenerate. It's like when Theroux or Kant tells you to think for yourself.

>> No.8800910


>> No.8800953

prolly 100%.
even picking it up is a pleb test

>> No.8800968

This is a subtle and funny bait.

>> No.8800988

At first I was worried about modernity, but then I watched this two minute youtube video of some millennial dudes in a coffee shop telling me that I was wrong, and now I have been shown the error of my ways

>> No.8801059

He's an actor you retard.

>> No.8801310

Except he is exactly right.

People complain about the culture of today when every inch of their lives are ravelled in that culture, as evidenced by the people in this thread who have thrown ad hominem attacks via a post on an image-forum.

The fact is, the people who call for a return to the past have no concept of the past, their entire lives are wrapped in modernity.

Go ahead and refute my point.

>> No.8801516


>> No.8801534

Implying you can escape culture.

Manifestations of culture is all we are or will ever be.

>> No.8801558

tfw im the guy cyber bullying a child

>> No.8801569

You must be 18 or older to post here, lil yuro fella.

>> No.8801610
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>tfw no qt irish hairdresser to eviscerate me and talk about exegeses of ulysses with

>> No.8801636

> everyone already knows it. It's understood

This seems so obvious to most of us that it is almost inconceivable to think otherwise. But there are plenty of people (I'd bet on the guys in the video being among them) who do not know this distinction. I've met people who asked me if I "read Socrates" before moving to Plato.

>when you quote Socrates you are really quoting Plato quoting Socrates
There is no simple answer to the Socratic problem, and any answer reached for Plato's early texts will not hold true for his later ones.

>> No.8801654

dude thats all of us
to be fair as children we were cyberbullying adults

>> No.8801657

its probably a huehuehue or a pajeet

>> No.8801731

nice digits, heh, boob

>> No.8801842

i have better odds of gettin dubs

>> No.8801864

>not wanting to just kick it as a medieval peasant or get by as a moonshine bootlegger

>> No.8802128
File: 53 KB, 357x262, 1474213366650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just got it