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File: 195 KB, 462x554, slavoj ur a white male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8791281 No.8791281 [Reply] [Original]

Name some overprivileged authors and thinkers.

>> No.8791289

Do you think Zizek tries to look like Aristotle on purpose

>> No.8791300
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>Great if you're an ivory tower intellectual whose skin color, beliefs, and sexuality matches the majority

Does this idiot need reminding Communists are always the first to go

>> No.8791313

This "ur a white male so shut up" shit has to stop. Are these dunces that dense that they can't see this makes people into enemies? From the get-go you're telling them they're a not a conversational partner, but should become a listener ( tumblr's "sit the fuck down, shitlord" )... How else can you behave but hostile then?

>> No.8791328
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Why do Americans have the false stereotype that all slavic people are "vodka-fueled"? Why does he accuse Zizek of having a drug problem based on no evidence besides a nervous tick?

>> No.8791349

It's called liberal racism and they're the very worst for it. They perpetuate the 'savages in need' stereotype.

>> No.8791358

the left will always cannibalise itself :^)

>> No.8791372

Its ok to be racist as long it's not against them.

>> No.8791377

Being a moralfag should actually automatically disqualify you from any arguments.
Not all moralfags are completely worthless but it's not worth sifting through the piles and piles of dogshit for them.

>> No.8791380

Prejudices, racism and ableism.

>> No.8791392
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Hush, they're helping us rebuild. The more overt their racism and bigotry the better.

>> No.8791401

>not privileged
all of them except me T B H

>> No.8791444

>when the contrarian meme cause the left to get memed on by itself

>> No.8791453

>their racism and bigotry
Oh, 'tis rich

>> No.8791455

White isn't the majority. Han Chinese.

>> No.8791584


>> No.8791620

>american govt never provided healthcare for its citizens
>they are taking away my basic rights!!
can this guy make his mind up?

>> No.8791627


>> No.8791631

As if poor people don't drink vodka or do coke (well, hard not soft, but still).

>> No.8791634

Because there weren't enough identity politics threads in the catalogue

>> No.8791639

how brave of you to say that here

>> No.8791644

How so? Their resentment breeds racial cohesion, that's just a fact.
In a non-harmonious multi-ethnic and multicultural society there can only be identity politics, if you leftist don't like it you shouldn't have created it.

>> No.8791648

>multiculturalism is younger than leftism

>> No.8791656


>> No.8791658

Gekke belg

>> No.8791661

That was never implied but it is half truth because cultural relativism was not a thing in the past and the so called multicultural societies of yesteryear was not at all the same as the hellholes of today.

>> No.8791673

>hellholes of today
if you hate it so much build a time machine and go back and work 16h workdays

>> No.8791693

If I had a time machine I'd go back much further than that, I deeply despise industrialized society.

>> No.8791695

how much further?

>> No.8791715

412 BC

>> No.8791749

Depends on many factors. I'm honestly not sure if I have any particularly preference, perhaps in time to read a work before it was lost to history. I'd feel comfortable in any era before the renaissance I think.

>> No.8791755

Enjoy living on a farm and dying to the plague you luddite fuck.

>> No.8791769

What's wrong with living on a farm exactly?

>> No.8791774
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There's no Starbucks or art exhibits around.

>> No.8791860

If you don't like them, anything is fair game.

>> No.8791887

I was also impressed at the simultaneous privelege racism, as well as some shit about his tic. What a horrible human being, I can only hope they fall down an open sewer.

>> No.8791892

>and dying to the plague
But my ancestors survived the plague.

>> No.8791919

Back... to the future!

That's great but Dino-burgers. So 60+M years. I bet those fuckers taste great.

>> No.8791921
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ad hominem: the facebook post.

>> No.8791943

>thinks he can live the good farm life and still have miku and rei
nothing's wrong with that. in fact we would love it if you left our company

>> No.8791961
File: 36 KB, 600x849, 1408314684936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and still have miku and rei
These must be some very obscure literary figures because I've never read anything about them. And why do you speak as if you are not one person but several people?

>> No.8792273

There is more then one basic right.

>> No.8792308

Miku, a worst vocaloid
Rei, a worst jellion

>> No.8792315
File: 173 KB, 1721x2162, 1456352691074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's definitely /marblebustcore/. Schop still takes the cake for most aesthetic philosopher in history though.

>> No.8792320

Hello mr.reddit

>> No.8792461

the beat gen

>> No.8792462
File: 271 KB, 369x524, image3347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should tell him

>what if zizek was aristotle

>> No.8792470

>people on /lit/ now read the word Rei and don't think of a racist Mexican pedo who WANTS AN ARYAN GF

>> No.8792476


The critique of privilege is no longer relevant.

>> No.8792485
File: 54 KB, 625x626, 1461735509427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another /pol/ meme thread on /lit/

>> No.8792491

You mean when white privilege is being aimed at slavs, whose ethnic group name is the root of the word for slave.

>> No.8792501

what the fuck is 'emancipatory politics'

>> No.8792509
File: 143 KB, 566x677, 1459883053053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, this. How many votes did the left's hatred of whites lose them in 2016? I bet they're wishing they'd "toned down the divisive rhetoric and hate speech" before Trump won.

They draw their lines in the sand, I draw mine. It's that simple.

>> No.8792518

Zizek =/= Communist

>> No.8792529

He is a card carrying communist.

>> No.8792532


What is it with leftists and healthcare?
For real... They hail Cuba as a fantastic country for having healthcare... Doesn' tmatter if you live under a tyrannical government or if your country is in shambles, the healthcare does the trick.

Same with Bernie Sandels and his "breadlines are good! that means there's food for everyone!"
I really think leftism is pathological altruism or some shit, because I can't get into this total lack of pragmatism.

>> No.8792537

I think you ought to think about your priorities if health and food are not all that important.

>> No.8792562

but anon

the left won the popular vote

it's only a matter of time now

>> No.8792573

>the left
shut the fuck up, /pol/

socialists and liberals are both leftists and completely despise eachother

>> No.8792578

>implying there was a left in the Presidential race
Even Jill Stein was right of centre.

>> No.8792587

The left are those who want to distribute power and importance as widely/inclusively as possible, while the right are those who want to restrict access to power and political favors. The right is consolidation, the left is anarchy. Both progressive democrats trying to give everybody a voice and Marxists trying to give everybody food are leftists.

>> No.8792597

>while the right are those who want to restrict access to power and political favors
Oh wow I really hope this is some bait.

>> No.8792624


Not to the point where you use it as an excuse to entirely wreck your fucking economy.

The irony of all you world saviours is that you end up killing more people and causing more famines than if you let the market do its job.

>b-b-b-but I saw a homeless person the other day!

>> No.8792630


>the left

Occupy Wall Street and Wall Street. What a leftist combo.
More like useful idiots is what you are.

>> No.8792632

>Not to the point where you use it as an excuse to entirely wreck your fucking economy.

>> No.8792639


>you know what, if I was a dictator, I would have done stuff differently

>> No.8792646

I'm trying to make sense of your rambling, pls do not add even more nonsensical rambling.

>> No.8792654


I don't care enough about "le poor peepulz :(" to fuck up the entire system.
Imperfect yes, but holy fucking shit, what is the alternative? Some tweaks are ok, but not your romantic illusions of a revolution. Or that euro model bullshit that can't sustain itself once the USA leaves Europe to cover its own ass.

>> No.8792670

>once the USA leaves Europe
Ride that tiger hard bro.

>> No.8792677

Why do straight white men pretend to hate straight white men?

>> No.8792679

Toxic masculinity.

>> No.8792702

I'm commie and black who supported Trump before Zizek decide to meme himself back into relevance.

>> No.8792707


>> No.8792710

What are your credit card details?

>> No.8792714


They're normies. They go by whatever is fashionable.

They'd be nazi's in 1930's Germany.

>> No.8792719


No, I mean that the critique of privilege in general is no longer relevant to the political needs of the moment.

>> No.8792726
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>the political needs

>> No.8792739

I'm from /a/, /lit/ isn't even on my fiddle-list.

>> No.8793411
File: 430 KB, 919x537, paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We didn't conquer every country on earth with the sole exception of Siam by going away quietly. This isn't the last gasp of the white male, it's a steadying breath.

>> No.8793678

You wouldn't be able to speak to people you idiot.

>> No.8793683

>hate speech

>> No.8793887

Lol. Posts like this make it seem like 4chan still has a fighting chance.

>> No.8793919

If he has a time machine its not exactly outlandish to assume he has a way of learning their languages.

>> No.8793929



>> No.8794081

>hate speech
>implying people care about twitter

>> No.8794630

Pussy. We can't begrudge them. If we were attractive enough, we'd be doing it too.

>> No.8795180

Identity politics, you utter dolt.

>> No.8795209

>these people
>the left
Fucking Americanization of politics

Somehow you people weren't happy with purging your own left of genuine social concerns for this special snowflake bullshit, you had to export your faux-progressivism to European country's that used to have a genuine left wing.

>> No.8795219

>once the USA leaves Europe to cover its own ass.
As a eurofag, I can't fucking wait.

>> No.8795240


>> No.8795249

But they've also corralled themselves into small areas that don't exactly grow a lot of food.

>> No.8795253

>the left won the illegal vote in states with no voter ID laws like California, Illinois, and New York

>> No.8795256
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>that euro model bullshit that can't sustain itself

>> No.8795262

you're a fucking retard.
zizek doesn't support trump and I don't see how any communist could.
he just said that trump would be so inflammatory that something is more likely to change with him in office. by the looks of it now though trump is tucking his dick between his legs and bending over for the republican elite.

>> No.8795290

Is it?

>> No.8795950

Little secret new friend, if there are two choices and you prefer one to the other - if you aren't too limp dicked - then you support that preference.

He said he would vote for Trump, which was the entire content of my support. Well that and telling other people to also vote for him.

>> No.8796164

>He said he would vote for Trump, which was the entire content of my support. Well that and telling other people to also vote for him.
On the first point, Zizek can't vote. On the second point, Zizek never endorsed Trump and told people to vote for him.

Of course there is a Slovenian in the White House now, so I wouldn't have blamed him for endorsing Trump, but you're making more out of his answer to a hypothetical question.

>> No.8796189
File: 65 KB, 449x600, 449px-Noam_Chomsky%2C_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy, he's ruthless in stringing along his loyal cult about the tenets of McSocialism while only attending highly paid gigs.

>> No.8796205

I've seen him at a bunch of stuff he did for free.

>> No.8796581

>I love this guy,

>Oh, and I know nothing about him or what he says

>> No.8796738

>calling anyone who disagrees with you or questions the 4 legs good 2 legs bad rhetoric a massive bigot worked SO WELL for the Brexit remainers
>hoo boy, better double on down on that strategy for the presidential election

2016 is honestly the first year I've felt physically uncomfortable about the fact I'm a 'lefty'

>> No.8796758
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>Hillary rigged the election with illegals, dead people and 'malfunctioning' voting machines but it still wasn't enough

I'm not saying neoliberalism directly commited suicide per se, more it took an overdose of pills for attention but came to in hospital, by which time it had sustained irreparable liver damage and eventually died in excruciating pain after a month of panicked reflection on their poor life choices

>> No.8796768

as well you should. your time to shine will come again in about thirty years

>after nuclear war with china

>> No.8796788

Hillary literally didn't know how the electoral college worked, towards the end Bill was literally shouting at her about how she's losing the rust belt.

>> No.8796822
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>Are these dunces that dense

In a world without God they had to find a new religion to give meaning to empty lives. They became fanatics.

Nihil novi sub sole.

>> No.8796871

>all these retards who think Trump is anti-establishment
He's playing nice with the establishment right now. Look at his appointments. He's not going to bring change, he's just going to be yet another neocon puppet. His "change" schtick was all for show.

>> No.8796877

>neoliberalism is dead
wew lad, Trump is a neoliberal like the rest of them

>> No.8796882

The point is not whether Trump is an authentic anti-establishment figure. It is the fact he was fiercely opposed by the establishment

>> No.8796887


No he isn't. If anything he's closer to a classic liberal.

He's actually more of a genuine liberal than Hillary is.

>> No.8796895

Do you know what neoliberalism is?

>> No.8796901

>Look at his appointments
That's pretty horrible advice considering If you google the names of his appointments you've got about 50 pages of "the establishment" heavily criticising them.

>> No.8796909

Trump is appointing establishment Republicans and Rothschild bankers. It doesn't matter what the media says, the media is mostly in it for the ad revenue anyway. Trump was false in every way. How else do you think that they even let him run?

>> No.8796922


Trump is an isolationist, not a globalist. Plus he holds very clearly liberal values. He isn't a neoliberal. He is a liberal, though.

>> No.8796925

Oh please, the word's lost any meaning it might once have had. Nowadays it's just shorthand for 'using identity politics as a smokescreen for a globalist economic agenda'

>> No.8796926

The establishment is not a monolith

>> No.8796944


>> No.8798693

>Oh please, the word's lost any meaning it might once have had.

Only if you insist on forcing your arbitrary interpretation on it.