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8783925 No.8783925 [Reply] [Original]

>He only read 10 books the this whole year

>> No.8783945

It doesn't seem as if you have been reading at all mate. Can't even form a sentence.

>> No.8783952

get on my level


>> No.8783959

I'd much rather read and carefully understand 5 books than blow through 50+ books with minimal understanding.

I'd much rather remember the plot, the structure, and the author's style weeks and months after reading than to be a mouthbreather who says, "omg DAE completely forget what happened in the books they read the very next day? xDDD"

>> No.8784044

>Can't even form a sentence
Neither can you, apparently. YOURE MISSING THE FUCKING SUBJECT

>> No.8784052 [SPOILER] 
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He fail for the bait. Yes yes yes yes yes....

>> No.8784162

That's more than almost everyone I know. I'm on 86 and my closest friend is on like 6.

>> No.8784171

I've only read Finnegans Wake, but each page is worth one whole novel

>> No.8784176

I usually only read about 10 a year for pleasure.

4 in June, 4 in July, and then about 2 the rest of the year because college gets in the way.

>> No.8784180 [SPOILER] 
File: 513 KB, 2448x3264, 1480545054833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl reader though.
A woman.
A female with a vagina and two ample breasts who visits this website.

>> No.8784182


Why is this an insult?

>> No.8784185

What is wrong with her eyes and why is there a nail in her lip?

>> No.8784192

Ive read a few books since high school

best one was

Basic Economics- Thomas Sowell

>> No.8784198

How long where you on HRT?
Do you frequent the mtfg in /lgbt/?

>> No.8784201
File: 82 KB, 248x209, Screen Shot 2016-11-30 at 2.36.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. You got us on that one...my 200 IQ anon

>> No.8784205

>What is wrong with her eyes
Nothing they're perfect. I think the black square part is the camera/phone I'm holding.

>why is there a nail in her lip?
No idea but it's disgusting. I was probably going through some sort of alternative phase at the time. If I was me I would rip that thing out before you could say "daddy issues"

>> No.8784207

Close to 100 lad.

>> No.8784214

no its actually a girl

>> No.8784225

how big is your fucking phone, who takes pictures with a goddamn laptop

>> No.8784265

you call that axe wound a vagina?

>> No.8784270

Those things in mtfg think they are girls too.
They even have a literal cock sleeve.

>> No.8784273

Reverse psycho-detectived that image back to a reddit MBTI circlejerk. Gone git.

>> No.8784443


>> No.8784454
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I have read 13 so far, I am new to getting into literature and started a little bit already into 2016.

I planned on reading 20 but there have been a few big hits of depression and life problems that prevented me from going fully assdeep.

I think I still have a chance to top off my 20 book goal, and I am going to definitely be a lot more ambitious for 2017 with my new found enthusiasm since I am almost past a shitty 3-4 year period of my young adult life.

>> No.8784516

>all books are the same size and difficulty

>> No.8784563

its an ipad :)

its more of a vagina than you'll ever see ;)

don't wanna think about that

>> No.8784753

Don't want to think about the literal cock sleeve you have between your legs, that was ironically, made from a desleeved cock?

>> No.8784802

Assuming this is a real post unlike everything else in this thread so far, I just want to say well done, and keep it up. It's tough to get the ball rolling with consistent reading habits, but it's a rewarding process; the most decisive step is simply beginning.

Welcome, good luck, and I hope your personal life eases up (possibly even thanks to some things you learn from books)!

>> No.8784808

I only read two this year

The Recognitions

They took a lot out of me, but still no excuse. I also read a lot of The Atlantic and The New Yorker.

Question: how do you like to choose books to read? Do you go through most or all of a single author's oeuvre before moving on or just jump from title to title in your backlog?

>> No.8784824

I read ~25 novels this year. I had a 4 month relapse where I read nothing and watched animu. Pretty worried it'll happen again desu.

>> No.8784858

Genuinely wondering how many books I've read this year...
>Sharpe's Battle
>Sharpe's Company
>Sharpe's Sword
>Sharpe's Enemy
>Sharpe's Honour
>Sharpe's Regiment
>Book of Negroes
>Left to Die
>A Place Called Armageddon (or something like that, it's about Constantinople)
>The First 500 of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment

I MIGHT have finished Stalingrad: The Infernal Cauldron by Stephen Walsh around the start of the year, but that was more than likely in 2015, so I'm not going to count that one. Um... nope, looks like I've finished 10 books this year as well, I guess. Though I also wrote and published a novel and a novella, so there's that. Not the legitimate kind of publish though, the self-kind of publish, the CreateSpace/Amazon landfill-kind of publish... thinking of maybe trying my hand at short stories and novellas until I can come up with my next big idea. Actually I looked up Wiki, and apparently they consider novels to be 40,000+ words rather than 50,000+ words, so in that case I wrote two novels rather than a novel and a novella, but at BARELY over 40,000 words, I still consider it a novella.

I also read a huge chunk of a Living Dead novel, can't remember a whole lot of it, but I do think it was decently well written, however I couldn't STAND how they kept using the wrong terms for firearm lingo. That shit triggers me to no end. Reading that first Resident Evil novel was such a pain, what with how that bloody woman writer kept using 'clip' and 'mag' interchangeably, not to mention... IT'S A FUCKING HELICOPTER OR A CHOPPER! STOP FUCKING CALLING IT 'COPTER! WHO THE FUCK CALLS A CHOPPER A 'COPTER?! How I survived that novel, I'll never know...

>> No.8784873

Oh yeah, I also read some kind of book about the history of St.John's. There's also a possibility I finished Sharpe's Fury around the start of 2016, but like Stalingrad, I'm not entirely sure so I won't include it. With the addition of the St.John's book though, that makes it a solid 11 books read, 2 of them being completely historical rather than historical fiction. Wow, looks like literally all the books I read in 2016 so far have been either blatant lessons in history, or historical fiction. I'm fucking addicted to shit that's happened before I was shat out onto the Earth.

>> No.8784876

I'm pretty indifferent. If someone's like 'read this' then I will. Otherwise I just go at random through the ol backlog

>> No.8784883

N-now's my chance!

Do you like Camus

>> No.8784893

I've read about 25, although 7 of them were in November.

Should do some stat padding with novellas in December

>> No.8785173
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You all disappoint our lord and savior Sebastian.

>> No.8785240

Well, yeah. My New Year's resolution was to read exclusively all of the great books written by African Americans. I realized about a month in that ten would be a stretch, but I made it work.

Next year I'll start with the greatest works by women. I expect to be done by February.

>> No.8785250

Jokes on you, I only read two and attempted Catcher in the Rye

>> No.8785255

I'm on 20, not counting all the books and essays I read for uni, which would bump it up to about 40 or 50

>> No.8785339

>Sei Shonagon
>Done by February
Good one mate.

>> No.8785348

I have to listen to albums, watch films, work, study...

I envy you if you can read so much

>> No.8785372
File: 887 KB, 4250x2390, 5cLzNau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first year I actually started reading for pleasure . This is what I have read so far.

Dream of a Ridiculous Man
Notes from Underground
An Honest thief
Wedding and Christmas Tree
Of mice and men
The pearl
Catcher in the rye
The Sun Also Rises
Fahrenheit 451
The Metamorphosis
The Old man and the Sea
A Hero of our time

and now I am currently reading Crime and Punishment ( Oliver Ready translation)

>> No.8785377

16 so far

>> No.8785387

I do all of those things on top of musical practice and exercising and I'm past 70 books this year. Get good.

>> No.8786084

>Don Quixote is 950 pages
>The Brothers Karamazov is 950 pages
>Ulysses is 600 pages of grind
>complete works of Plato is 1600 pages

Yeah no shit I only read 10 books

>> No.8786094

>The Brothers Karamazov is 950 pages

What edition is this? Mine was just under 800

>> No.8786098

I have a similar cowlick to you.

>> No.8786107

>Complains that a subject is implicit while eliding his verb

>> No.8786110

t. Mouthbreather

>> No.8786111

Oxford World Press. It's actually over 1000 pages.

>> No.8786181
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Yes yes yes

>> No.8786187

ive spent the past 3 months reading don quixote

>> No.8786204

i've read 49 this year, i'm halfway through one now, and i'll probably read one or two more before the new year once exams are done

>> No.8786215

3 months? it only took me 3 weeks but i was unemployed and friendless living at my parents house
it's also just really good so i read whenevr i got the chance

>> No.8786239

im unemployed and friendless living at my parents house but i only read it when im bored during my classes

i have too much add to read alone unless it's really modern and edgy like house of leaves since house of leaves is basically just like reading one long 4chan shitpost

>> No.8786273


I've read over 10-20 books this year, maybe more but there is always so much more to read that I get bored and hopeless and give up after awhile.

I have hundreds of books that I want to read before I die but the list just keeps fucking growing and my progress is slow.

>> No.8786289


I want to follow this up with saying that here is what I read this year:

No Longer Human
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
The Sorrows of Young Werther
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Shining
The Tunnel
The Stranger
Notes from Underground
Diary of a Man in Despair
Ask the Dust
Almost all of Bukowski's shit (again)
Story of the Eye

I've been simultaneously going through Labryinths by Borges, some Bataille works, Lichtenburg's waste books, Confessions of a Mask, The Aeneid and The book of Despair by Pessoa.

Too many things to read with work and school I wish I was more focused.

>> No.8786295


>i have too much add to read alone unless it's really modern and edgy like house of leaves


>> No.8786367

On 12 so far and 2666 is coming in the mail real soon HYPE

>> No.8786570

>Story of the Eye
Why not Hogg too?

>> No.8786579


>she read 62 so far

>> No.8786581

>reading is his only hobby


>> No.8786584

Your missing the apostrophe in 'youre'.

>> No.8786602

100% agreed

>> No.8786606

post nudes or gtfo

>> No.8786607


you can remember the plot, structure, author's style, etc no matter how much you read, it depends on every person. Although there are people who, in fact, "read" and then don't remember anything, but that also happens even if they only read two books.

>> No.8786654

>I am in great need of attention from a male audience please provide it for me
No one gives a fuck that you are a woman
here is the (you) you desire so much you slut

>> No.8786910

look up mewing

>> No.8787232

Wow you're pretty.

>> No.8787531
File: 385 KB, 800x600, pepe_reading_feels_guy_s_memeoir_by_bushdidnineeleven-d9fsb1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know he struggle anon, we know...

>> No.8787704

I've been though the same kind of stuff. I was reading maybe a book every two months for the first part of this year, but things are better now and the habit has settled in and now I've been going through a book a week. Keep going m8.

>> No.8787990
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counting chapters? lel

>> No.8788120
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>> No.8788142

Nice catamite.

>> No.8788147

Read 3 books this year I believe(Treasure Island, Blood Meridian and American Psycho).

>tfw I was aiming for 15

I did start reading Picture of Dorian Gray and the master and margarita but both those books after a bit into the books I stopped reading for like 2 months and then when I picked them up again, I had trouble remember who was who in the stories and I said fuck it and started on some other book.

Now i'm more than halfway through The Count of Monte Cristo.

So I guess it'll be 4 books this year.


>> No.8788150
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70 so far, should hit 75 or so.

>> No.8788173

>tfw Swede and The Dwarf doesn't exist anywhere in Swedish language

I read all my books in English though but seeing how the original language is Swedish, might as well go for that. But no, none of the internet bookstores have it in Swedish(except in audiobook)

Is it good? Should I get it English?

>> No.8788180

nvm fuck it, no way i'm gonna read a Swedish book in English. That is too retarded, doubt its good enough for that

>> No.8788209

You dropped M&M and finished American Psycho? Do you hate fun?

>> No.8788216

What did you think of the bridge on the drina and no longer human? Deciding between these two for my next read

>> No.8788245

The Dwarf was a great book, much better than Barabbas, which was boring and preachy.

Bridge on the Drina was way better, especially since I have read "depressed japanese man finds/cant find" himself before, and better in Mishima and Kawabata and Oe

>> No.8788247
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didn't read as much as i wanted to but hey who does

>> No.8788259

lel just happened

some times I never remember or want to read so it just happened to be during the time when I was reading M&M

>> No.8788260


Murnane is one of my favourites. I just got a first edition hardback of Inland for my birthday. Havn't read it yet though.

>> No.8788263

How's the Waste Books? They seem really fun and useful

>> No.8788397

You give me a writer's hard on...

>> No.8788403

>he read more than one book this year
Ehh. That's kinda weird for a guy. Are you guys virgins?

>> No.8788426


still a decade off wizard powers tho

>> No.8788478

>Not reading 50 books a year, choosing the best ones and read them again with more depth


>> No.8788570
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>reading only 50 books

>> No.8788860


>> No.8788868
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>> No.8788879

>I read 10 books this entire life

>> No.8788889
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>this entire life

>> No.8788893

i don't know how many books i read this year, probably fifty or so, but I have only completed once since going back to school this fall... how does that even make sense?

>> No.8788897

When you really think about it every book is all apart of the one book known as human existence. With that in mind we've all read nothing this year.

>> No.8788906

>I don't know
You can't even fully commit to lying on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.8789066

I dont know how many books I read this year. Considering that for nine months I read about one book per week, some quicker some slower that puts me at 36. In addition to that I read countless essays, short stories, and literary journal articles that surely can count for over fourteen books. This is what we call thinking, anon.

>> No.8789341

yeah okay jaden smith

>> No.8789352

If we can add random reading up to equal books then I'd have several hundred from my time reading 4chan

>> No.8789446
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>He thinks quantity matters more than quality

>> No.8789534

If this is true... I would like to know what 10 books they have been.

>> No.8790258
File: 53 KB, 1343x1489, IMG_7637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't think that quantity matters more than quality

>> No.8790416

>I read only 5 books this year!
>But I read them REALLLY in-depth!
>And they were SOOOO good

Yeah you spent the whole year drinking or socializing or playing vidya, not reading.

>> No.8790428

"tasting one dish right after another is a sign of a fussy stomach"