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/lit/ - Literature

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8784710 No.8784710 [Reply] [Original]

What's the essential Jewish literature?

>> No.8784720

The Torah

>inb4 it's a 'le epic /pol/ bait' thread

>> No.8784723


>> No.8784732

the bible
the protocols of the learned elders of zion

>> No.8784743
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>reading the written Jew

>> No.8784748

It's not, I think Jews are great.

Are there any good modern works of fiction that deal with the Jewish experience?

>> No.8784752

google it n-rd

>> No.8784758

Portnoy's Complaint is hilarious

>> No.8784781

I think jewesses are pretty great.

>> No.8784787

read about Nazism, there are new books about that every year

>> No.8784791

>I think Jews are great.

Good Goy!

>> No.8784795
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>> No.8784798

the turner diaries desu

>> No.8784801

These weren't predictable responses

>> No.8784804
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>> No.8784806

Curb Your Enthusiasm

>> No.8784812

Saul Bellow and Roth

>> No.8784813

>this this this this this
my parents basically raised me on Seinfeld and wonder now why I don't have any friends

>> No.8784815

>What's the essential Jewish literature?

Mainstream media

>> No.8784878

dont you hate it when your belt touches the urinal. now i gotta get a new belt

>> No.8784901

hits way to close too home

>> No.8784911


>> No.8785145

David Golder

>> No.8785373

Primo Levi

>> No.8785379

Isaac Bashevis Singer

>> No.8785547

The talmood

>> No.8785655

The Chosen - Chaim Potok
My Name Is Asher Lev - Chaim Potok
Night - Wiesel
Call It Sleep - Henry Roth
Khirbet Khizeh - S. Yizhar **Must read**

>> No.8785658

my diary desu

>> No.8786326

You Gentiles
The Jewish Century
The Culture of Critique
Judaism's Strange Gods

>> No.8787581

Jews can't into art tbf

>> No.8788609

The Turner Diaries

>> No.8788618

jews invented art

>> No.8788625

They also invented a religious framework that's enslaved most of the world. They turned Europeans from masters to slaves.

>> No.8788640

You have paraphrased what i've said.

>> No.8788795
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Herzog, by Saul Bellow.

Russian Jew in Chicago and New York post WW2, struggling for meaning while being chained to his past as an immigrant in a new land, while further still being stressed by his status as a father, a lover, a husband, and a man.

Much better than my description could prove. I read it this year and loved it

>> No.8788850

For fiction you could try Sholem Aleichem's stuff. I took a Jewish Lit class my senior year of college for the sole purpose of find a THIQ Jewess to bang, and we read "Tevye the Dairyman"--the basis for Fiddler on the Roof, and I thought it was burdy gud. Even discovered the paper I wrote about it on my computer the other month and it didn't make me cringe so I must have been into it.

Also try Philip Roth.

>> No.8788919
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>> No.8788934

did you bang a jewess

>> No.8788950
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>no mention of Yehuda Amichai

>> No.8788984

Yeah, she wasn't super pretty but she checked the right boxes. Big nose, DSLs, dat ass. Freshman so she was the easiest.

>> No.8788988

Do you mean books written by jews or books about jews and judaism?

>> No.8788994

Dude, of course he means by Jews. So save all your edgelord /pol/ shit.

>> No.8788995

The Tanakh and the Talmud. Possibly the Zohar as well.

>> No.8789000

I own a copy of his works, but I wasn't very into it. I'll probably give it another try though. Sometimes I'm too judgemental on my first exposure to things.

>> No.8789013

>Ctr+F "Spinoza"
>0 Results

Sasuga, /lit/

>> No.8789018

how is asking this any indication of being a /pol/ack? ive been jewish my whole life and wanted clarification before i answered. There are tons of books about the history of judaism like the Tanakh and then jewish authors like Allen Ginsberg and Saul Bellows, not to mention the probably largely fictionalized stories of holocaust "surrvivors" like Eli Wiesel and Anne Frank

>> No.8789056

also any text about the Kabbalah is very interesting from a historical aspect of mystical monotheosm even though there is no Rabbi i know of that openly teaches this form of the Tanakh and Talmud.

Wikipedia has a pretty decent selection of beginner Kabbalic texts if you look up the primary texts section

>> No.8789085


>> No.8789098

>Holocaust "survivors"
>not a /pol/ack


>> No.8789113

Eli Weisel might have survived the holocaust, but most of what he wrote has been simply not true. I think he's the one who said that Night was "real to me" after admitting it didnt happen the same way in the novel.

>> No.8789130

I will admit that i used the quotes around survivor wrong, but it doesn't change the fact Eli Weisel made up his book and has in turn put a lot of holocaust survivor books legitimacy into questiob

>> No.8789346

The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump

>> No.8789386


>> No.8789441

Anne Frank's diary desu

>> No.8789520

Anne Franks diary is a pathetic cash in by her fatherl. I don't understand why so many people suffered through the holocaust with interesting stories and then we have fraudsters telling stories of how jews were made into soap bars and lamp shades. Its like these guys wants people to believe that the holocaust never happened when fringe jews make up the most wild and categorically false information.

>> No.8789526

>jews were made into soap bars and lamp shades.

Is that really in the Diary of Anne Frank? I've never read I just know it was banned because she talks about her labia and shit.

>> No.8789547

Philip Roth's entire oeuvre

Probably Saul Bellow as well, but I read The Actual and it actually did nothing for me.

>> No.8789574

It's this and Bruno Schulz tbqfh

>> No.8789580
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>> No.8789602

not in her diary no, but several jewish holocaust survivors said that happened in the death camps. when they were shown evidence that this didnt happen at all, they recanted

>> No.8789625

fuck bro I was just trying to make a "my diary desu" joke and you had to flip the fuck out...

>> No.8789633
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How has no one listed this? This used to be a bit of a meme when it came out. Poor Joshua Cohen is going to cry when he finds out you guys forgot him.

>> No.8789650
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I really like Isaac Singer.

Picked it up on a whim and expected whiny Jewish hysterics but it really surprised me.

>> No.8790528
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>> No.8790619

>how jews were made into soap
That happened but it was the Croatian Ustase and mostly Serbs that got turned into soap. So not catehorically false.

It upsets me to see people who claim stuff like this as a general holocaust crime then go on to say "and see how many people died in concetration camps around Serbia" to imply Serbs were Nazis or something.

>> No.8790625

>Croatian Ustase and mostly Serbs that got turned into soap.
I mean the Ustase turned Serbs into soap.

>> No.8790801

Croatian nazis had conceration camps where they killed/tortured Serbs Gypsys Jews
I dont know about Serbia

>> No.8790886

Read his first two books and see if you like him

>> No.8790916

yea. saying jews are great is probably considered good to do for a goy.

Sure is a controversial super ironic statement you made there.

>> No.8791019

my man

>> No.8791141

Etgar Keret is one of my favorite writers ever.

>> No.8791256
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unironically Germany Must Perish by Nathan Kaufman

It really helps you out figuring the sore relations of jews and europeans in the beginning of the 20th century and wonder how one mans stupidity could be used so extensively as a medium in the annihilation of his race

>> No.8791451

The Guide for the Perplexed

>> No.8791489

>Anne Franks diary is a pathetic cash in by her fatherl.

Apparently the father actually sued the writer of the book. A Jew jewing a jew jewing goyim

>> No.8792041
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The Talmud is very good as long as you have a Rabbi to guide you through it so that you might not misunderstand some things ;^).