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/lit/ - Literature

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8778857 No.8778857 [Reply] [Original]

how has your worldview changed over time?
what's the evolution of your favorite philosophers/writers/etc?

>> No.8778879

libcuck -> libertarian -> Nietzsche -> republican -> 1488

>> No.8778894


same desu senpai

>> No.8778899

apolitical/liberal -> edgy special snowflake fascist (third way pseudo-anticapitalism) -> marxist

>> No.8778924

Not sure how to answer this, but here is my ideology development:

8-14: Vaguely left-wing

15-16: Intensely patriotic

17-21: Anti-USA, anti-government, anti-colonialism, anti-capitalism, vaguely Socialist

21-23: largely apolitical

24-25 (now): pro-Hitler, pro-racial homogeneity, anti-Islam, culturally Christian

>> No.8778937


>> No.8778943

So you went from compassionate liberal to codger-liberal pining for that glorious mythical past. You regressed because the reality of the world frightens you. Try looking into the real left.

Exact opposite for me.


>> No.8778948


That's an interesting projection

>> No.8778961

>babby that listened to whatever my parents told me, which was whatever fox news and rush limbaugh told them
>rebellious stage of generic reddit liberalism, ironic communism for the memes
>complete disgust with politics as a whole for turning society into a team sport

I genuinely want to find some kind of ideology I can get behind but I haven't found one I don't hate yet.

>> No.8778966

0-10 Ultra-Catholicism > 10-15 traditional Democrat (thanks dad) > 15-23 Neo-Con > 23-25 Objectivist > 25-26 Libertarian > 25-35 apolitical New Hampshire free stater/active liberal christian

>> No.8778977

Raised a moderate Christian conservative, then I went through an Ayn Rand phase in high school and became very atheistic, egoistic and libertarian. Now I'm more skeptical and apathetic when it comes to politics and still an egoist but on a more hedonistic basis. I'm also starting to place a lot more emphasis on empathy and understanding in my worldview in a way that makes 4chan culture seem more and more distasteful to me.

>> No.8779014

I read a shitton as a little kid. When I first started reading it was because I loved bugs and wanted to be able to figure out what the books in my library about bugs were saying instead of just looking at the pictures. I would read every single one, then start checking them out again from the beginning. After that I read Harry Potter but got bored of them then discovered the Redwall series, that was my shit.
I got into actual literature from my brother, who was really into Russian lit but realized it would be a bit dry for a middle schooler, so he introduced me to Hitchhiker's Guide and a few other really basic things. From there I spent the first couple years of high school really into Kurt Vonnegut, I read everything he wrote twice and whatever seemed to be a similar style. The end of high school I read sporadically, mostly just for english classes, but then going through Moby Dick on my own got me really interested in classics because I realized they weren't the boring shit people pretend they are.
So then when I got to uni I started browsing /lit/ and read through most of the widely-discussed Greeks and other classical stuff. Now I go back and forth between classics and other shit I find on /lit/. Just got through The Recognitions and Steppenwolf, both very good, and now I'm in the middle of Don Quixote.
I also just remembered that when I was like 12 and reading entry-level humor stuff from my brother like Douglas Adams he randomly threw in Storm of Steel, kek

>> No.8779019

pretty far lib left > theres no hope burn it all and build it again phase > some days neocon some days nietzsche (not treated bipolar/manic depressive) > I just want to leave the west and become a monk now

>> No.8779030
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Try national socialism. unironically TRY it.

>> No.8779041
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in my teens i was an atheist and probably positivist. i liked genre fiction, and was a giant tolkien nerd.

late teens i found my dream future taken away and suddenly became apathetic and purposeless. felt very depressed for a couple of years, trying things out and ended up dropping out of college (out of a career i wasnt even interested)

as i had nothing better to do, i watched robert c. solomon's existentialism video lessons on recommendation of a friend. that got me to read more philosophy material.

reading these brought me great joy and i started to read more and more.

i became obsessed with learning everything for a while and i got me pretty darn confused and depressed again. so i told schopenhauer and all these depressive old men to fuck off.

my current position is stoic/quietist.
also have been more and more attracted to a leap of faith.

as of politics, never really had an interest. i don't feel like my opinion matters on the grand scale. besides, whatever happens we should just deal with it, anyway.

>> No.8779092

Weak minded. How sincere was this anti-government phase? Vaguely look into anarchism.
Oic. In other words "kill yourselves"
Har har

>> No.8779111


funny that the anarchist is the one hating on other's views and trying to push them toward anarchism..

>> No.8779133

B-but, I love you. This is why I point you into the right direction.

>> No.8779163

Raised fairly religious until I fell out of the church after realizing that I felt most of the people involved with it were totally reprehensible
Did a brief fedoralord phase as a result
Eventually realized that a lot of my thought and ethics was influenced by my religious upbringing even though I had long since decided the modern religious organizations are a bunch of charlatans, still felt very inspired by some of Jesus' teachings and some of the puritan ideas regarding humility and fellowship especially
Not sure what I'd call myself now, probably something close to a Christian Socialist even though I don't really practice anymore, it's probably just the biggest informer of my worldview. Still feeling like every day it's harder not to think that the nihilists are right.
I like Stirner unironically

>> No.8779170


National Socialist -> Nihilist -> Nietzsche -> Platonic -> Hegelian

Currently shifting to Bakunin's views. Just kill me already.

>> No.8779192
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>pre-puberty blissful child, wholesome nintendo vidya, 1980s american television shows where good guys win, a-team school of ethics , lego, cartoons, asterix, playing outside with friends, having fun, reading childrens books, liking camping and innawoods stuff, gary paulsen favourite author, love dinosaurs, writing, drawing, daydreaming
>puberty normie, non-wholesome vidya, tv, internet, napster, kazaa, first encounters with internet porn, wanking, not reading
>hedonist teen normie, vidya, tv, trying to get pussy, more porn, drinking and smoking weed, not reading
>pseudo-hippie, there's got to be more than this, first stages of conscious desire for ideological commitment, progressive leanings, orientalist nonfic, self-help hacks disguised as spirituality, dharma bums, alan watts, silly hybrid of holy posturing and hedonism, trying to get pussy but being pretentious about it, smoking weed and being pretentious about it
>edgy lad, shitloads of nietzsche and nihilist/existential stuff, transgressive fiction, alternating between anarchist and fascist leanings, silly hybrid of elitist posturing and hedonism, getting pussy but being cynical about it, substance abuse and being blasé about it
>resignator, schopenhauer, hedonic treadmill fatigue, pessimism, antinatalism, celibacy, austerity, fasting, eremitism, silly hybrid of ascetic posturing and hedonism
>quietist, refrain from ideological commitments when possible, read for enjoyment and wonder and try not to try and figure things out and form a consistent worldview, pray to Münchhausen, silly hybrid of non-ideology and the ideology of non-ideology, cautiously trying to unlearn the past 20 years and get back into blissful child mode, the gentle labour of post-ironic comfy cognitive consonance

>> No.8779221

I used to be of the view that strong opinions about fundamental questions were quite necessary. You just had to have a stance. As I read more, I realized how inconclusive and pale are the arguments for each position, even the latest of them. Matters tend to be either settled, so there is no argument, or open now and always - perennial questions like "what is right" being of the second group.

Now I lean in certain directions that seem more plausible, more towards a kind of realism than skepticism for example, but not to the extent I'd suffer a papercut for any of them. So I have beliefs, but they're mild and tentative.

>> No.8779242

Edgy teen nihilist atheist with Nazi proclivities -> Full on Communist(member of Communist Youth Party) -> Anarchist -> Center-right deist

Needless to say, I've been eating from the trashcan of ideology for a long time, and I'm done with it.

>> No.8779245

>National Socialist -> Nihilist -> Nietzsche -> Platonic -> Hegelian

so right back where you started from then

>> No.8779269

scientism from birth until 30.

>> No.8779271

Marx -> Hegel -> Kant -> Nietzsche -> Hitler -> Anime

>> No.8779306

15-19: apolitical hipster teen smoking weed
19-20: RON PAUL 08'
21-24: Lived in China and travelled around Asia and India. Chinese people prove liberalism wrong. We are not all equal. Democracy is a failed project. Still feel like a "world citizen". Take a lot of LSD at this time. I suppose I was a globalist ancap who hated SJW politics?
24-28: Move back to USA, feel completely anomic, reverse culture shock. Get into Zen, then occultism, then became a Freemason.
28-30: Get into NRx, moldbug, Nick Land, Deleuze, etc. TRUMP 2016
30+ Discover traditionalism, orthodoxy, Trumpism. I love /pol/ and The Daily Stormer now, come at me bros

>> No.8779317

And this is why drugs are bad, kids. They shrink your IQ and destroy your mind.

>> No.8779326


>> No.8779334

My life has been the constant alternation between my Oblomovism and frantic bursts of trying to overcome that Oblomovism.

So far the Oblomovism is winning.

>> No.8779342

>muh Stirner
Fuck off.

>> No.8779349
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14-16 libertarian-like ideas
16-18 moderate libertarian with socially conservative ideas
18-21 hard right conservative
22-26+ nationalist hard right conservative, eugenics now!

>> No.8779350

stirner is post-egoist flukeboy

>> No.8779352
File: 410 KB, 966x1208, nietzsche2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nWo -> books about animals, especially tigers -> stone cold steve austin -> babbys first atheist/agnostic quotes online -> thoreau/emerson/nature worship -> maddox -> fox news/bill o'reilly -> richard dawkins -> ron paul -> christopher hitchens -> fuck muslims -> neo-cons/centre-right -> schopenhauer/wittgenstein/tolstoy pessimistic/deny the will -> punk rock and sun bathing -> nietzsche -> all over the place explosion ironic nature worship re-ecounter with Being solar plexus i feel it here montaigne humor lightness of feet symbolism elliot rodger shitposting on /lit/ from the lake dam -> nietzsche/thucydides courage in the face of reality SELF-CONTROL CONTROL OVER THINGS REALITY CONTROL COURAGE

>> No.8779360
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>all over the place explosion ironic nature worship re-ecounter with Being solar plexus i feel it here montaigne humor lightness of feet symbolism elliot rodger shitposting on /lit/ from the lake dam

Wew lad.

>> No.8779377

Sorry there was no other way to word it. It's nothing as well thought out as Stirner. I just decided i'm too dumb for a systemic ideology so i arbitrarily decided i would simply pursue my apparent interests from now, unless i don't feel like it.

>> No.8779378

Too ubermesch for me.

>> No.8779388


So..... lead poisoning, or mercury?

>> No.8779395

>culturally Christian
Holy shit thanks anon I just had the biggest kek

>> No.8779400

8-14: Left-wing, fervently Catholic.
15-16: Began at an single-gendered Catholic school. Emphasized reading The Bible and hammering their version of Catholic ideology into their students. Here, I was very Pro-US, self-hating Asian. Anti-Eastern ideology. Extremely hyper-individualist. Read a lot of Palahniuk and Hunter S. Thompson. Liked reading Marx to appear contrarian """edgy and cool""" which contradicts everything I just said, as it is to be 15-16.
17-18: Left-libertarian. Started reading the Beats and Jung. Rapidly became nihilistic due to an incident with my school. Spend some time at a prestigious university. Dropped out.
19-20: Very absurdist. Very Jungian. Nihilistic. Started reading Beckett, Ionesco, Kierkegaard, Neecheese. Spent some time at a Jesuit university. Dropped out.
21-23 (Now): Left-wing with largely Catholic ethics. Big into Joyce and Dostoevsky, general entry-level /lit/ fare. Still consume a lot of absurdist media. I've been unwavering agnostic goon since I was 14. I've come full circle, and 15-18 I kind of left in the dust and I would like to pretend it didn't happen. I largely avoid all arguments and keep my opinion to myself.

>> No.8779433
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>neoliberal globalist
>Murray Bookchin
>Fully automated luxury liberalism
>actually politics is stupid, only art matters although occultism, semi-ironic rituals and LARP-worshipping pagan gods is cool, fuck both the left and right but fuck the right more.

>> No.8779441
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16-18: Extreme Left-Wing Anti-Theist SJW tier. I'm talking Christopher Hitchens podcasts/etc.

18-21: Big shift toward Paleoconservatism (via William F. Buckley jr). Progress further toward normal Conservatism (Burke/etc). Start swinging way right (de Maistre/Evola/etc).

21-23: Discover /lit/ and start mellowing out a bit.

24+: Home in on Schopenhauer/Nietzsche. Still have a lot of right-wing tendencies insofar as I think they're more honest/realistic about the threats of immigrants/refugees/globalism/etc, but part ways with them regarding the reactionary frame of mind. There's no "going back" (whether to Nazi Germany/etc), there is only forwards. I can see why people might prefer the former though, it's easier.

>> No.8779452

1-12 rejection of Catholic upbringing and concept of God, incredibly lazy
12-22 hard swing to the left, most interested in socialism and feminism, begin to develop good work habits for the first time
22- ?? Move to California, witness what liberals look like in their natural environment, no longer feel edgy about left leaning tendencies, begin to shift towards conservatism or some middle ground, further improvements on work ethic

>> No.8779453

classical liberal -> communist -> post-marxist nihilist

>> No.8779515
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(Dawkins, Pullman, Pratchett) Scientistic Socialist -> (Smith, Moore, Hobbes) Patriotic Libertarian -> (Chesterton, Spengler, Evola) Doom-saying Reactionary -> (Aurelius, Augustine, Hegel) Deistic Nationalist

I'm more relaxed about things now, but no more optimistic.

>> No.8779609

I was always strongly opposed to injustices around me, like personally witnessing racism or homophobia at random. That mostly stems from growing up in a region that strongly condones those kinds of values. My parents tried very hard to push them onto me as well. I was fairly outspoken about it in my younger days despite having to deal with a lot of backlash for it, but as I got older, I grew into a more cynical mindset and just gave up.

People are largely the products of how they were raised. Once all that information is wired into the brain, a person can't just flip a switch and become someone totally different, especially when their values are consistently affirmed by a majority of people within their immediate surroundings. What did I accomplish by standing up to anyone? People more often than not will strengthen their biases when those biases are confronted. I think this is called psychological reactance. (i.e. stubborn / spiteful behavior) So in reality, I think I just made their hatred more intense.

Now in my 30s, I've mostly lost any faith in humanity. I try to minimize contact with other people as much as possible, because they'll no doubt say or do something to upset me. I haven't been in a relationship in going on a decade now, and I don't currently have any friends. I don't make any efforts to meet new people because my experiences with them have been too similar. People are hateful, they have sectarian views and they think the solution to all their perceived social and economic issues is to kill masses of other people for completely arbitrary reasons. And this hasn't changed over the three decades I've been on this planet.

>> No.8779818

I find it reprehensible. Strength found by scapegoating on something as arbitrary as ethnicity is false strength. Over-emphasis on militarism, aggression, jingoism, and paranoia also turns me off. Plus I fucking hate /pol/ for shitting all over every other board with their awful bait. /lit/ especially is flooded with "women and blacks CANNOT READ OR WRITE" or "everyone but me is a cuck" bullshit.

>> No.8779822
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>Over-emphasis on militarism, aggression, jingoism, and paranoia also turns me off.


They're all good things, realistically.

>> No.8779823

This is me

>> No.8779827

It's not even a political position really, just a sad little cult worshipping "the nation" or "the race", all tied to some leader figure who'll stab them in the back the second they're no longer useful.

>> No.8779836

National Socialism is not about scapegoating. Surely: at the beginning you have to bully all other races out.

Just read some works. TRY it. Think of it as learning from the enemy.

>> No.8779847
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I got Alex Jones filters. My precious fluids are safe.

>> No.8779850

Realistically no, they are not. They are good things on art deco posters of strongmen building tanks. "Realistically" they're ways of manipulating people for political gain, fostering needless aggression between people with no real conflict, and making a paranoid society I would never want to live in.

Although if there was a natsoc party whose only goal was to gas all frogposters, I could get behind that.

>> No.8779859

t. falls for every single /pol/ meme

>> No.8779869

t. libcuck

>> No.8779872

I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky

>> No.8779875

I remember my wee days as an agnostic, nationalist
American. Now look at me, I'm a Christian socialist. So much has changed since then, so much.

>> No.8779882

I intend to read about it because I intend to read about everything. The closest I've come so far is Ernst Jünger years ago, who hated Nazis anyway.

>> No.8779910
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I used to believe in God. I still do, but I used to too. ;)

>> No.8779970

>/lit/ especially is flooded with "women and blacks CANNOT READ OR WRITE"
if you're going to whine about /pol/ please don't do so when they're right, it's bad for your cause

>> No.8780092
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Born an apolitical atheist in 1973, I remember attending services and sitting through long sermons and brunches afterwards, playing with my toys as silently as could. I attended one Sunday school which I can only recall for the coloring assignments we had handed out concerning Moses. The one page had a door frame where the teacher told us to pointed out that the spots on sides were lambs blood. Have a red crayon. – I remember watching All in the Family with my dad laughing with Archy, and subtly bitching about blacks, Porto Ricans, Jews and meathead, the lib-Polack son-in-law. My mom liked Nixon and bragged that the Kennedy assassination meant nothing to her.

In the early 90s, after reading much of the bible, I began to read more history books and since we were separated from church services and I was naturally a quiet sort, I began to silently question my early dogma. Briefly explored some political thoughts, but remained rather apolitical. I agreed with the sentiment that they were all corrupt and untrustworthy. Started to self-identify as a "gnostic". This was in fact an agnostic-theist phase, or the spiritualist side of the fence. I sputtered along trying to get my life and career going.

Didn't vote in 2000, but soon started to hate the Supreme Court's choice for president. By 2004 I identified as *progressive liberal* but this lasted for about four years. I dropped the pretense of a god, heaven and immortal soul, and immediately felt the existential crisis lift off my shoulders, I felt free. Obama comes along and though I may have voted for him, I knew he wasn't even going to be progressive. By this time I thought of myself as a democratic-socialist, but in 2011 I gave anarchism another thought and though I still found it Quixotic, it actually blossomed in my mind as beautifully possible. I may have taken a long time to get there, but my journey has been a thoughtful, measured and solid one.

>> No.8780290

basically, starting from 13

existential dread
fuck em both

havent touched politics yet

>> No.8780398

Marxist -> Liberal -> Social Democrat -> Trotskyist -> Apoist

>> No.8780409

a christian socialist is the best possible woldview if you cast out Apostle Paul along with his hateful teachings.

>> No.8780435

libertarian->liberal->fascist->traditionalist->Marxist->Christian anarchist

>> No.8780448

To each according to his needs, am I right?

>> No.8780530

It literally changes everyday. Somedays I think Im a nihilist and other ones I think there might be an objective transcendent morality. Fuck if I know, existence is too incomprehensible

>> No.8780544

Lutheran -> agnostic -> atheist -> agnostic

Does this mean I'll soon turn back to religion?

>> No.8780572

agnostic is a good state, anon
embrace authentic spirituality

>> No.8780590

What side of the fence are you on? Are you shopping around for a faith or are you sure the likelihood is too remote for any of it?

Pure agnosticism is a fence you sit on for about a day.

>> No.8780600

Just remember Pascal's wager and you'll be fine.

>> No.8780602

>agnostic is a good state, anon
Agnostic-theism causes painful existentialism. People crack up or scurry off to just any cult. Or jump the fence.
>embrace authentic spirituality
This is you encouraging him to scurry back to some theism.
What currently holds your attention, anon?

>> No.8780608

>seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling
I think big questions should leave people confused and worried.

>What currently holds your attention, anon?that is a vague question, beauty i guess

>> No.8780631

Captain Kierk, it seems. How quaint.
No, holding onto the ancient fantasies of spiritualism doesn't grow character or make you more enlightened. It troubles you with the unnecessary.

Like determinism. Who the hell cares if all actions are fated? There's room for both acceptance in some forms and plenty of wiggle room for free action. The chances of the existence of god(s), an immortal soul and an afterlife for it, are very very slim. Should there be something of the sort, it doesn't matter. A-la Epicurus.

>> No.8780638


>> No.8780664

I dabbled with a lot of thing in my short life, at times even holding to contradictory beliefs in my short time. Marxist, thelemist, nietzschean, absurdism, stoicism. I still hold some beliefs from these as true, if even if they're not coherent.
Now find myself again drifting towards Derrida while at the same time feeling the lack of foundations in ethics, why I do what I do, why I'm not doing otherwise...

I'm probably going to end up as a mad christian

>> No.8780694

10-18: between consciously apolitical and typical liberal, agnostic.
Feel no particular interest in getting politically involved because I follow a somewhat nihilist worldview. Typical edgy contrarian
More interested in art, science (astronomy), literature, music, history

18-21:Still mostly interested in above fields plus architecture (my professional field)
Start reading Guy Debord, Situationists, Baudrillard.
My taste for technology inspired aesthetics starts
Jump between agnosticism and gnosticism

21-22: Start browsing /lit/. Start getting into philosophy and politics proper. Still a somewhat apolitical liberal, any reading in politics is mainly detached from personal views.

22: Studied a year in Paris. Get more time to read. Start getting into economics. Read intros to Keynes. Discover Austrian Economics. Read Schumpeter and love him. Read Marx consistently (I knew my marxism since teen years thanks to my parents, but only read Marx consistently now). Turn into Libertarian.
My time in Paris is a real wake-up call to contemporary progressive (neo)liberalism, threat of alienation, atomization.
The abject failure of Syriza destroys any remaining left/socialist delusions.
Fully accept my right-wing tendencies

23-24: Read Spengler. Find Nick Land and Moldbug. Accept democracy as a sociopolitical cycle doomed to collapse.
Turn into a Fatalist and at the same time an right-accelerationist/futurist
Declinephile and technophile
Still an agnostic

>> No.8780718


From 12-16 I was an unabashed Marxist communist, but I was forced to confront the failure of central planning and human nature

I became a libertarian until I was about 20.

Then I read Niezsche, Kierkegaard, Evola, and some modern thinkers like Haidt and Durkheim, which is when I was absolutely throttled and forced to concede the necessity of religion and by extension social restriction and cohesion in an ideally racially but absolutely culturally homogeneous society as a function of social capital and harmony.

Now I tell people I'm a Christian when I'm really something of a "cultural Christian." I actively advocate for America to return to Christian homogeneity throughout society and other values like monogamy and sexual restriction -- without advocating for state intervention, rather just trying to restore the culture to a time in which taboos and clear social virtues existed.

I don't know. I never expected to turn into such a curmudgeonly old bastard at such a young age (22).

Also the culture war is pretty much lost and I've become a doomsday "democracy will fail" asshole

I didn't choose to become this

>> No.8780759

0-12: apolitical atheist
12-14: edgy reddit atheist and mainstream liberal
14-16: contrarian, le enlightened skeptic, and hard-rightist
16-21: read Nietzsche and the modernists and become intensely aware of the issues with contemporary society, mainly the way global capitalism and technology make people unhappy and anxious. Realization that ideology isn't necessarily bad and that humans are animals driven by animal instincts, therefore struggle and war are the only ways to keep society from stagnating. Antipathy to postmodernism and the thought that, now that liberals and postmodern thinkers have destroyed our society, we have a responsibility to begin it anew.

>> No.8780762

You do choose to be like this.
Reactionary counterrevolutionaries are so unrealistic.

>> No.8780774

Libertartian (17-19) I even interned at my very conservative congressman's office. Also the time I started on 4chan. Orwell and Huxley probably had the largest effect. I bought Road to Serfdom and actually read it like a pseud. At 18 I had an existential panic brought on by smoking synthetic marijuana. This made me get back into athletics and stop hanging out with my stoner friends too much.

Imperialist (19) I was simultaneously a Libertarian. This period ended when I tried reading Atlas Shrugged (I had read The Fountainhead in high school and liked it).

Anarchist (19-22) McCarthy was the biggest influence, Blood Meridian was the best book I had read. Had another episode at 21 after moving out of parents house for college. I dropped out about 2 weeks into transferring as a junior. I realized I hated what I was doing and that I needed to start honing myself instead of relying on my natural talents. During this time I tried to grow a lot but stopped reading.

STEM Sperg (23-24) Read History of Western Philosophy and re enrolled in college. Started reading some good books and some good non-fiction, lots of economics and political philosophy that I missed my first pass through college.

Democratic Socialist (24 - present) Socialism is the future of humanity. No challenge cannot be met without bureaucratic precision. I read great books weekly. Average about 100 pages per day as a student. Favorite book is 100 Years of Solitude. Re learning Spanish to read Garcia Marquez and Borges in the original language.

>> No.8780776

The issue is that the mythical black-and-white conservative 1950s America /pol/ types yearn for never actually existed, and the inevitable result of that was modern liberalism. This is an era of the Internet after all, the elites can't project their fantasies onto the television set and expect everyone to follow anymore.

>> No.8780814


Seconding this (in as many words), plus two years.

In terms of politics, a center-left (by American standards) political orientation of the teens and college years has given way to a vaguely center-right orientation, with certain socially liberal caveats which are typical of libertarians and the like. This slow burn towards a slightly more right-wing view is reflected in my historical voting patterns.

I also used to describe myself as agnostic during the above younger period, but this gave way to simple full-on fedora tipping during the mid-twenties, when I realized that the appellation invites a superfluous and unnecessary conversation. Further, atheism is the simplest and most literally accurate appelation/ism. At no point since about age fourteen have I seriously entertained the possibility of the existence of god, except as a historical/intellectual exercise. And I've satisfied myself that if one does exist and is anything along the lines of what is historically described, then the only genuinely moral course with respect to such a creature is to reject it, /even and especially/ in the case that it is capricious enough to damn you only because you reject it. In other words, the only genuinely moral choice is the impossible choice of defiance with perfect knowledge that defiance earns you damnnation. In the Christian treatment of things, at any rate.

As also commonly happens, a sincerely held absence of religion/conviction in irreligion, has lately led toward a sincerely held nihilism, which is rife with problems. Pushing things a step further, this conclusion entails a general contradiction/hypocrisy with the above various value systems, of which I am aware. Furthermore, since biological immortality seems to be distinct possibility in the future, and since some seem to threaten to be able to avail themselves of this possibility, while everyone else to date has not been so lucky, and has been irredeemably lost to nothingness, it seems to me in the interest of general fairness (again, holding a hypocritical value in view of the above, which I am unable to shake) that everyone must be prevented from ever enjoying arbitrary life extension/escape into genuinely new modes of being, etc. And since humans will always tinker as long as they are around in anything like the way that we understand ourselves, the threat to advance science again toward this excecrable possibility will always exist. "Equilibrium" is not possible.

The conclusion of all this is now an /anti-scientism/, is my conception that the species must be extinguished, on general principles. Pay especial attention that this conclusion is not based in any environmental considerations, but instead simply in the conception that no human being should ever be allowed to escape death while a single human who ever lived has failed to do so. The fact that one person has died means exactly that no one must be "saved".

>> No.8780819

Good work! Truly, socialism is the future.

>> No.8780833

rice looks exceptionally dry

potato looks starchy

shrimp looks too tough

fish is perhaps the only acceptable-looking food on the plate.

>> No.8780835

0-11 fox news republican lukewarm catholic(although i started doubting at about 8)
12- completely apolitical besides thinking weed sounded cool(I was in a major car accident at this time and don't remember too much of this year of my life)
13-14 edgy reddit atheist, started smoking weed at this time and skating
15-16 stopped smoking weed, got into /pol/, became traditionalist Catholic, also Hitler-worshipping and 1488 stuff
16.25-16.75 start doubting Catholicism, search for other faiths, mostly in protestantism but have a brief (about a week long) /fringe/ phase which I regret. Started smoking weed again, although only 1-3 times a month.
16.75-17 time of extreme doubt, but I stopped smoking weed. Want to be Christian, can't make myself have faith continually. During this time I would regularly wake up agnostic, go through the day confused, confess Faith in Christ at night and try to bargain with God asking for this to be the final time, to help me remain christian forevermore, then wake up an agnostic again. Tried to force myself to read during this time but never finished anything philosophical.
17-present Confused, but enjoy reading now and learning. I read a lot of plato(various dialogues, Symposium, Republic), read some books from /lit/ recommended reading, and am starting to get morals in check. I find myself getting closer and closer to Christian morality but I can't force myself to believe in Christianity because Catholics are obviously not biblical, but most good protestant denominations are YEC, and I can't force myself to believe that this one religion out of everything else got it right, that so many great philosophers are in hell, so many great people are in hell, and they have no chance of getting out. I feel like I want to drift away from politics but I am getting more liberal in a compassionate sense, I don't like LGBT stuff, I think it is morally wrong, I don't like free love, I don't like a lot of the culturally (for lack of a better word) degenerate stuff that the left promotes, but find socialism more appealing. Right now I am still confused, but I feel somewhat better than I did as a /pol/ack, less angry, less pessimistic. Still, I am very confused, I don't know quite what is right and I kind of want to be Christian again.

>> No.8780847

It's a fucking baked potato, of course it's starchy

>> No.8780852

I should note that in my 16.75-17 phase I dove into wizchan-tier woman hate and was very antisocial. I quit my job and saved the money to use to eat and buy books and other small luxuries over time. I still have most of the money from that job and haven't gotten another one since, just living frugally off of my own self-made neetbux. I am still a KHV.

>> No.8780880

as a captain D's employee, watch what you fukkin say about my POE

>> No.8780892

>how has your worldview changed over time?
In high school I was a right-leaning moderate with virtually no critical thinking ability. I quickly became more left-leaning in my late teens/early 20s, eventually identifying as anarchist by about 23ish. I soon saw issues with that philosophy that I could find no satisfying answer for but wasn't sure where to go. Now (at 27), I suppose I would most closely idetify with communitarianism.

>what's the evolution of your favorite philosophers/writers/etc?
A thorough answer to this would be way too long wind-winded. Suffice it to say Vonnegut was my favorite writer when I was younger, now my favorites are many and wide-ranging in eras, styles, nationalities, etc. I didn't get into philosophy until I was about 20, and I'm 27 now. Berkeley and Hume are probably my favorites, but I'm still not really too well-read in this area.

>> No.8780904

Very good. I am glad to say that you're heading in the right direction. Keep it up.

>> No.8780939

compassion and empathy are the greatest virtues, and any god worth his tithes will feel the same

love people anon

>> No.8780942


>bureaucratic precision

Can we dispel this fiction that socialists know that they're talking about?

>> No.8780950
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How has your worldview changed over time?
>apolitical atheistic child
>edge towards communism because I liked the Russian story in Call of Duty
>read Animal farm in middle school
>woah bruh what if?
>apolitical but now my family goes to church a bit
>get super edgy but in an ironic way because it makes people laugh and otherwise I feel like everyone hates me
>watch Neon Genesis Evanjellion
>woah bruh maybe I should jus be myself?
>hey what's /lit/?
>start with the Greeks
>read some other books here
>overall feel the best I've felt in my life
Nowadays I'm pretty don't tread on me.

>> No.8780959

nice anon

>> No.8780965

>19-20: RON PAUL 08'
How are you 30+ if you were 19-20 in 2008?

>> No.8781223
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You remind me a lot of myself.
5 - Decided church wasn't for me
10 - 14 reddit atheism. Socially and culturally liberal, but right tendencies. Dawkins, had a copy of atlas shrugged i didnt read. Hitchens, samuel harris, interest in nietzsche but not the mind yet to grasp it
15 - 17 largely apolitical, generic schoolboy literature like orwell, bradbury, huxley, leaning further right. Milquetoast interests in philosophy. Started doing drugs, stopped doing drugs. Weed isnt good for you. Mild curiosity about psychedelics still but I've taken somewhere around 30 hits of acid and it's fair to say I get it.
18 - sam hyde. Begin tetosterone. Begin lifting and honing the body. Begin reading McCarthy, Nietzsche, Marcus aurelius, Camus, and others i have but have not yet read. Racial realism, right socially/fiscally, voted trump, you have to work within the mechinations of the system. All this idealism, but about what? I don't see revolutionaries in the hearts of my compatriots with their marxism and social justice and anger. I try to find happiness in these books and fucking girls and figuring out where i can go right from where i have gone wrong. I tend to keep it to myself generally, but i do think what we concern ourselves with now will either have no effect or an ultimate effect on the generations to come.

>> No.8781236
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>he doesn't understand the dialectic
Maybe you should read some Hegel.

>> No.8781944

so you just play videogames?

>> No.8781961

you're right on track, but please know that if all goes well, you'll cringe at where you are now in a few years
that's not to say you aren't reading good stuff; it's good, age-appropriate--I don't mean that in a patronizing way, though I realize this is an extremely patronizing post.
make sure to talk to people you disagree with

>> No.8781995

Nihilism, then I started to dislike how nihilism is written.

>> No.8782069

No one goes back. NO ONE!
What happened?

>> No.8782139

Apolitical -> Marxist -> Soft Leftist -> Apolitical

>> No.8782222

maybe he found out about the metaphysical assuptions needed to keep up the idea of Tradition

>> No.8782240
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Bearing in mind I'm 18, I've gone from being pretty left to a disillusioned conservative like most teenagers (hopefully) become after their edgy years

>> No.8782244

you're 18
you're still an edgy teen

>> No.8782250

Neo-nazi -->Neo-nazi -->Neo-nazi -->Neo-nazi -->Neo-nazi -->Commie-->Neo-nazi

>> No.8782288

Similar for me. Except I skipped out the soft leftist phase

>> No.8782291

Started off liberal but realized they were wrong about everything, so now I'm pretty much a Nazi

>> No.8782299

I was raised in an irreligious household. My mother was the openminded sort of woman who describes herself as "spiritual, not religious" and my father wanted to be a Christian but was too intelligent to swallow the everyday dogma yet too technically minded to pursue a more meaningful relationship with the Almighty. We went to services on Christmas Eve and Easter to please my grandmother but I never read the Bible until high school. I was raised instead on the Greek mythology and the Arthurian romances and the latter particularly I think had a profound effect on me for even at the most bleakly pessimistic I never truly lost belief that there was some abstract good that was worth serving.

I was basically atheistic and until about the age of 14 or 15. I broadly accepted my parents center-left politics; I remember staying up late with my mother to follow the 2004 presidential election and like many young people I found Barack Obama's 2008 campaign hugely inspiring. It was in the aftermath and his failure to follow through on campaign promises, particularly to close Guantanamo Bay, that I was shaken from my acceptance of Democratic party politics.

>> No.8782307



What happened?

>> No.8782310

Actually "internet tuff guy" is not a Nazi.

>> No.8782316

I considered myself a left-anarchist, and history and humanities teachers at school basically encouraged leftist politics; I lived in a community that was homogenously left of center and cultivated a sort of wishful-thinking social liberalism that left a lot of room for moral outrage, especially at the government, yet demanded no real action. Ever hormonal and rebellious, I rejected my teachers' politics and branded myself a libertarian and an epistemilogical positivist for the rest of my teenage years. In 2012 I voted for Gary Johnson though by then I didn't really believe in it any more.

Around that time I gained a first inkling of political power, as treasurer of the student government at university with a budget in the millions, and I am ashamed to say that my material desires betrayed me immediately and I basically threw ideology out the window to become a corrupt politician. I approved money for what I liked, worked to shut down events promoting cultural minorities and diversity, and overspent to throw parties for us and our friends. I drifted into hedonism and moral nihilism as well, using greater quantities of drugs, abusing my position and personality to have sex with other members of the student government, and leveraging my relationships with faculty for academic favors.

>> No.8782330
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liberal --> varg vikernes drone --> "apolitical" (liberal) --> anarchist --> short plato phase --> anarchist --> short marx phase --> anarchist

With practice and time I have learned more and more how to think for myself.

>> No.8782353

my world view is the same as it has been since I developed a world view at age 16. I have writen in the New Adult genre and have a small anthology published since 2012.

my only world view i will have until I die drives me to such pits of anger and hatred for life that I have to ignore, not drugs or self harm or therapies have ever helped. My world view is simple.


that is my political and human rights stance but I can't go saying that in the street ya know?

>> No.8782370


>> No.8782374

defining mark of a pleb: defining their worldview in terms of simple labels and the philosophies of other people. they are always followers

>> No.8782377

communist hippie, immense respect for karl marx and specially trotsky (i also got really fed up with atheist sub-literature like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Carl Sagan)

14 years old and i notice some flaws in the communist ideas and all commies on my circle didn't cared about these paradoxes

fucking desolated because communism won't work, but still a leftist

then with 18 years old i decided to read about the "other side", i didn't knew what the right wing was all about and when i've found out i've become a rightist
today i'm floating on far right on the point that /pol/ is probably to my left

>> No.8782386

so most went from left to right or even more retarded "alt right" or as it its known neo-fascists.
Good to see the ideology of the system is working on you sheep. Cucks

>> No.8782391

10-13: racist, nationalist, strong faith in god, not reading much besides Harry Potter.

13-16: starting to doubt god, thinks he exists but evil or indifferent, find comfort from social alienation and abusive parents in Tolkien

16-18: atheist and anti-theist, lefty, existential crisis begans, reading some fantasy and sci fi

18-21: loosing all faith in the political system, realizing how deep in the shit humanity is and now in constant anxiety from annihilation by nuclear holocaust or decapitation by muslim boysoldiers (prefers the first), just want peace and love desu, starting to read philosophy and some novels usually discussed in /lit/

21: shifting ceaselessly from solipsism/being suicidal to believing life can be good and I need to do my best to make myself better and improve my life but anyway we're all gonna suffer and die soon so what's the point

>> No.8782403

wouldn't the campaign have started two years before the election?

>> No.8782405

you'll be edgy for a few more yet

>> No.8782474

0-12: apolitical with simple patriotism-nationalism + "we are all brothers" attitude ("muslim")
13-14: kemalism + "peace throughout world/we are all brothers" attitude (""muslim""/deist with morals)
14: socialism (deist with morals)
14-15: anarchocommunism/platformism (deist with morals)
15: anarchism (on theory, in daily politics liberalism -libertarianism for you americans-) (irreligious with liberal morals)
15/16-17/18: individualism struck. the political ideal kept being anarchy, but i became more and more supportive of minarchy and libertarianism, not just as an alternative to anarchy but as ideoligies in themselves (irreligious with liberal morals / amoral irreligious)
17/18-~: full blown voluntary egoism (amoral irreligious silently wishing he regained his faith (or any faith) )

>> No.8782476
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--> 0-7 what daddy and momma told me
--> 7-10 what the news told me (finnish state media has rules on progressing multiculturalism in Finland), so hip leftism, anti-whiteness and anti-racism. I remember wishing that I was black so I could show everyone that blacks are oppressed.
--> 10-13 lol nazism is cool XDD and weed Xddd
--> 13-16 change school, depressed and apathic af, thinking about suicide and watching a lot of good movies (Mizoguchi, Tarr, Bresson) which gets me into art
--> 16-18 studying physics, chemistry and logic, while in my freetime I read philosophy and enjoy art (also making future masterpieces, such the millennial epic My Diary). I see that every single being and the ideas created on them are equal on their levels, and are good as they are. I give my respects to every political institution that doesn't oppose me and try to discuss with those who do, whilst I've come to prefer localist and environmentalist policies over overtly economic and globalist policies, for they erode cultures and countris/states which I highly value at the moment

>> No.8782490
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>then became a Freemason.

Do you want to talk about this?

>> No.8782515

Underappreciated as fuck

>> No.8782530


14 years old. Wanna be millionaire. Create clothes brand and online store
15 years old. Wanna change the world and be billionaire.
16 years old. Fuck the posers, I wanna change the world, help people become geniuses and I don't wanna money.

>> No.8782550


>> No.8782551
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>all of these plebs who want to kill Western civilization with their hyper-paternalist policies instead of becoming le enlightened CLASSICAL liberal fedora men

>> No.8782559

0-10: unaware, paid no attention
11-15: unwilling Catholic liberal
16-20: atheist, waning on communist
20-21: Existential crises
21-24: Nietzschean
25-26: Anarchism Environmentalism coupled with NRx

>> No.8782604

Haven't read enough yet, I feel so outpaced by people for some reason, even though I'm still younger than most of you here so I probably shouldn't feel too bad.

My views are all over the place, but I will say that my influences were:

That one kid from school who talked about Plato and god bless him desu -> edgy UTube atheism -> le conspiracy crowd, finding out there are smart sounding people who actually disagree on things -> neo-con and ISIS stuff -> too much memeing with people from the alt-right

I'm trying to find small lessons in unknown books too, search up semantography for one hell of a fun social theory and I'm also reading about new religious movements.

I want to get my lessons from a mostly unknown source, I can learn the /lit/ curriculum of the Greeks and my diary anytime, but I don't want to be bound to a list.

>> No.8782639
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I really don't remember. I played a lot of vidya and listened to music. Apolitical. Moderate "christian values".
Read Camus and entry level /lit/. Cynical, very depressed and edgy. Mha existential dread. All around apathy. Some /r9k/-tier lapses. Very full of myself.
Stoicism. Kind of similar to the last line of >>8779192 . Quite apolitical. Don't really hold strong beliefs. I just spend time on hobbies I like and keep myself sane with exercise and meditation.

>> No.8782660

I was always a Catholic, but my views change as I grow in understanding of the faith, largely through Thomism. I used to accept many liberal axioms including the idea that everyone chooses his own goods to pursue, but I'm now completely rejecting anything that comes from Protestantism, in all aspects, philosophy, theology, politics. I used to like Kierkegaard very much, but MacIntyre has essentially opened my eyes to the fact that there exists a complete logical incompatibility of Catholicism and most modern schools of thought.

>> No.8782731


Commie -> Libcuck -> Plato -> NRx (Kinda)

>> No.8782737

Has anyone else had a constant end goal but different preferred means?

I've always been an environmentalist but I started out as more of an anarchist/libertarian that shifted to a more authoritarian collectivist position. Has anyone else done something similar.

>> No.8782872
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Finnish fisherman and writer Pentti Linkola might be in your boat
Here he btfo's the smiley-face green party of Finland in 1985


"The illusionless situation analysis might show that the real ends of the green movement are idle get-togethers, endless wise-ass meetings and smarmy writing in the Suomi-paper. A green must before anything have a swell, neat, fun time. A demonstration is taken part in if the route length is reasonable and the weather allows it. The speech at the marketplace is listened to if it contains playfulness and humour. And then wallow to the afterparty and open up the red wine bottles.

>> No.8782959

>the smiley-face green party
Do you mean smug hippies? I am American so that is what I am rebelling against. I really can't stand those people because they are hypocrites like Jill Stein. They have profited a lot from the systems that increase global poverty and exacerbate ecological catastrophe but they shame other people for it instead of building better systems.

>> No.8782960

Knowledge... that cuts.. like a blade...... deep........ wit that sears the very mind....... know me, kid, .... and know i was created by very god to argue with you.... and win......... to show you the elysian fields of euphoric splendor......

>> No.8783021

some of these posts can be summed up as individual image timelines of each anon literally wearing different hats

>> No.8783038
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Some hats say a lot about a person.

>> No.8783053


From birth until around 11: whatever I was told, usually some insipid mildly socialist liberal fantasy world where everyone gets along.

11-16: libertardian positivist

17-21: Hoppesian libertarian

22-present: anti-political schizophrenic mystic

>> No.8783058

Yeah, I think the problem in most green movements is their humanism. Humanism as it is, elevates the human from its natural place among others and directly causes the consumerist distaste for things untouched by man.
What we need is the systematic and disciplined breakdown of the modern society to the point where humans as mass are easily controllable, no longer a threat to their surroundings and they understand their position.

>> No.8783064
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The way you treat your body tell alot about the person too.

>> No.8783127

0-16: I was basically a generic American conservative, since my parents were.
16-20: Edgy atheist and full-on lefty gay phase.
20-22: Went to an extremely left wing college and became disillusioned with the left. Largely apolitical and a wishy washy agnostic
22-24: Interested in Christianity. Discovered virtue ethics, MacIntyre, and theology and became an illiberal traditionalist Catholic.

>> No.8783144

MacIntyre is the best Catholic thinker of the last century.
His philosophy is the key to resolving the crisis in the Church which became obvious to all a few months ago.

>> No.8783170
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Christian (when I was a child)
Atheist Progressive (until high school, Bush presidency zeitgeist)
Nihilist who looked down on political interest (in high school and throughout most of college)
Nihilist with passive neoreactionary sentiments

Currently hoping to return to Christianity

>> No.8783217


>> No.8783218

Up to 14 - Tolkien, was a ChristCuck
15 - early 16 - fedora atheist, GRRM
mid 16 - 17 atheist, Lovecraft
18 - present -> atheist with high respect towards the culture of my ancestors (slavic), Socrates, Tolstoy.

>> No.8783227


Hoping your at least a west slav?

>> No.8783230

It's the only way m8

>> No.8783236

I'm Croatian.

>> No.8783239

Augumn is a cuck

>> No.8783252

Morana is best girl.

>> No.8783286

>with high respect towards the culture of my ancestors (slavic)
Pick one.

>> No.8783291

>There's no "going back"
It's possible with the internet. Political discourse is increasingly dominated by maniacs, and people are beginning to hate each other at an astonishing rate

>> No.8783312

christfag -> edgy nu-atheist -> moralfag gommunist -> marxist-leninist -> maoist -> apolitical -> defeated by nihilism -> would like to be nietzschean -> failure of a being -> ironic platonist -> unironic platonist

>> No.8783332

I do not worship the gods of my ancestors, but I do nurture their legacy and respect it. I don't see how that makes me any less of an atheist.

>> No.8783405

How can you respect your ancestors while turning your back on their Lord and Savior?

>> No.8783411

0-18: cradle Catholic, Republican because my parents were
18-25: philosophical, liberal-minded Catholic, got too liberal for the Democrats and voted Green
25-present: Old Right Catholic, possible theocrat, Chesterton was right about everything

>> No.8783453

Literally fucking what.
What part of that ideology was attractive to you?

>> No.8783463

>their Lord and Saviour
You mean the self-imposed religion that destroyed a large portion of my culture and divided our folk?

>> No.8783484

>You mean the self-imposed religion that destroyed a large portion of my culture and divided our folk?
Ne seri.

Your ancestors aren't the people you claim to have no connection with because Christianity destroyed it and whose culture is lost almost completely, it's the people in the past 1000 who you do have a connection with.

>> No.8783549

>Your ancestors aren't the people you claim to have no connection with because Christianity destroyed it and whose culture is lost almost completely, it's the people in the past 1000 who you do have a connection with.

A small fragment of their culture survived, and the old ways are still practised, though the number of the people practising it is diminishing day after day.

>> No.8783564

hi anon. i've graded your essay, and while it shows a lot of ability you failed to answer the question. the question was:

'how has your worldview changed over time?
what's the evolution of your favorite philosophers/writers/etc?'

for that reason: D-

>> No.8783574

>and the old ways are still practised
you can't still practise something without continuation

people are LARPing vague historical things. neopaganism is disgusting

>> No.8783609

There's just about nothing which is practiced as far as pre Christian pagan rites go. In fact, we barely know the names of the old gods, most which is known is known only because it survived in children stories of Ivana Brlic Mazuranic.
I know you are a larping cretin, I'm writing for others. Croatian people have, compared to other nations, very, very little knowledge of what and how we believed before Christianity. Few rites may have survived and disappeared during the urbanisation and all of these have carried a Christian meaning for centuries.
It's comparatively worse for a Croat. Catholicism is in our culture, before the 20th century all encompassing, in all cultural areas. A German can at least have knowledge of what pagans did, we have about 3 pages of it in total.

>> No.8783619

I think most of my life I was living with really low self-esteem and general anxiety. I never had the attention span or the motivation to do anything. I hated school and couldn't concentrate. I was empty-headed and mildly nervous. Never had a critical thought during these years.

At 18 I started reading a lot... started on basic lit..the brontes, russians, nabakov, etc.

then i hit some modernism and took a kind of interpretevist view on the world, telling people there was no objective reality (which I now think is total bullshit).

Got into Chomsky and started spouting that. Same with Nietzsche – which was pretty cool for a while...my girlfriend and I had an open relationship and it went really well.

I guess I'm a bit liberal, but skeptical of SJWs, believe in government regulation, believe that governments should set laws and use practises to help people improve their health (I was fat as a kind and couldn't seem to lose weight).

Generally, I don't judge people for alternative opinions. I'm careful to make predictions or harm totally firm views on things, because most predictions people make about the future are usually wrong.

>> No.8783671
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I could really go for some fish with rice right now.

Will philosophy help me get some?

>> No.8784759


What kind of fish and what kind of rice, senpai?

>> No.8786018 [DELETED] 
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> sub-13
Highly religious, adhering to custom and finding beauty in the world

> 13-15
Rebellious militant atheist, sometimes sollipsist (although I had never heard of the term at the time), anti-GOP

Agnostic, played too many video games to carry about the world but somewhat liberal

Embraced the ascetic and aesthetic /fit/ lifestyle, introduced officially to nihilism when my college expectation were shattered, also introduced to right-wing politics

Idealist, absurdist, had 2 existential crisese in which I dropped out of college. Skeptical alt-right nerd

Deep ecology

Still a virgin, but if I read enough books I'll get laid, right?

>> No.8786030

maybe the worst case of cherry picking in the history of the world

>> No.8786055
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>Rebellious militant atheist
>Goes back to being agnostic
>has multiple existential crises
You were never atheist. Your crises are symptoms of your agnostic-theism. Your yearning to believe in something again like you did when you were young. Like a lot of people, it's left a big scar on your psyche.

"Alt-right" is just neo-fascism btw. Can you just grow out of this reactionary spook loving creature someday? Read some Stirner already. It'll [put some hair on your chest

>> No.8786155
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13-14 -> relatively conservative

15-18 -> communist / anarchist

19-21 -> stopped thinking about these sorts of questions, I became upset that ethical questions were seemingly unanswerable, started going to uni for a math degree. Probably closest to libertarian in my everyday reasoning.

22-23 -> Some bizarre amalgamation of analytic philosophies, dismissing many philosophical questions as meaningless. I would also say day-to-day I am somewhat of an egoist (but not really subscribing to anyone) , and that we (I) exist and can do whatever we (I) want. I.e. There are no 'shoulds', only 'coulds'.

>> No.8786194


That food looks like shit but I am in bed and I am starving fuck

>> No.8786197

As a child I was open to everything.

I existed in a state without prejudice because I had nothing to base preferences on.

For a long time I insisted I didn't care about politics, but followed it intently.

I've come to the conclusion that removing Britain, my home, from the EU is the best choice for safeguarding our sovereignty.

I don't know when or why I started caring about that - probably around the time I felt it was being threatened by the undemocratic encroachment of the EU upon our license to operate freely - combined with the other EU chairs blatant disdain for us - some of the stuff Sarkozy said ages ago made it quite clear he does not regard us kindly, Angela Merkel and Rumpy Pumpy clearly just saw us as a poorly behaved cash cow.

Also Sarcozy violated our borders by encouraging migrants to jump on boats and go to Britain instead of turning them away at the French border, actually, a lot of things that man said pissed me right off.

Also I fucking hate teenagers who hang around in residential areas hassling people.

I was always up the park off in the woods or mucking about on some abandoned building, not half-heartedly trying to mug every cunt wot comes up the street until the police chase you off, knowing they can't do shit because you're kids.

One of these days I'm going to take a bicycle chain to the little cuntrags.

>> No.8786241

it is simple
it is complicated
it is simply complicated
>(Trump wins)
>I don't know any more ... Is agrarian warlordism is looking like an opinion now?

I actually think any stable system will work just fine, largely assuming the core is treated as a sound social contract.
The size of the group is the largest factor, as different setups inherently favor certain group sizes. Also resource base and tech are other significant factors. As is culture but I think new culture can grow to meet new demands.

These things largely intersect with ownerships of the means of production, which has some overlap with Marx stuff but is much boarder as production of low energy intangibles like happiness is an outcome treated much like food or cars.

Thus I look largely at the full set economic policies, of which often doesn't line up with any group as no one seems to make a complete package plan. Single issue voting should be an extreme, not a norm. But I suspect this issue is just that our group is too big for it's current rule set.

So we need to adjust the rules or shrink the group. Like I said simply complicated.

On a extended note our group sizes now are so massive I wounder if there is any reasonable rule set that can full support it, granted an extreme dictatorship could force the group to align, but that's typically seen as unacceptable.

>> No.8786247

arent you too old to still be keeping up with the 4chan memes?

>> No.8786253

plato -> nietzsche -> kant -> schopenhauer

>> No.8786254

compassion can potentially end up being dangerous. awareness a wisdom are the greatest virtues imo

>> No.8786281

It's true; some sorts take kindness as a sign of weakness.

We must give, but sparingly to those who are not known to be trustworthy.

Generosity should only be indulged with those who's interests are ascertained convergent with your own, lest you encourage weeds.

>> No.8786391
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>I remember wishing that I was black so I could show everyone that blacks are oppressed.

>> No.8786438
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0-24 commie feminist good goy
25+ 1488-friendly anarcho primitivist stirnerposter

Bought some land, built myself a nice shack, trying to get the permits for a mineshaft to go full dwarf fortress but local authorities keep spooking me.

>> No.8786717

edgy Neo-Nazi -> National Socialist, Germanophile -> Fascist, Nationalist proper(a.i. embracing my own EE Orthodox cultural heritage) -> Eurasianist, blanket Authoritarianist(don't care about a specific aesthetics or propaganda)

>> No.8786757

12: social libertarian
13:moderate liberal
15: weird intensely american patriotic. Flirting with conservatism
17:flirted with facism and far right stuff
18:realized im not white

I guess i like socialism a little bit though. Or classical conservatism. I like the idea of society being an organic whole with participation from all members to assure its survival. I cant decide if i believe inequality is inherently necessary though.

>> No.8786878

As a kid I wasn't religious, but I did believe in god just out of the impression that so many people are happy due to god and basically "it would be sad if god didn't exist".
As an early teen I was really apolitical, but with liberal values so I considered myself leftist for some reason? Teens are retarded. Hated teens then, still hate them today. Never considered myself one. (Though obviously that is somewhat part of being a teen I guess. But I feel like I kinda skipped some of my teenager phase by sorta distancing myself from how most teenagers usually behave. Maybe that's why I am such a manchild now, lel.)
At this time I became atheist without a specific reason - I suppose due to lack of religious exposure. I did not consider the consequences of atheism yet. Due to latin, ancient-greek and philosophy class I came in contact with the classic philosophers.
Listened to punk music mostly, but just because I liked the sound.
When I read Jack London at age 14 to 16 I kinda rushed through the edgy enlightened atheist phase and arrived early at the existentialist "God is dead and that is actually a bad thing" point of view. I was never the rebelic type. (Even the punk music I listened to was more of the self-aware "punk is kinda dead and doesn't work anyway" type.)
When I started studying literature and philosophy, I came in contact with Nietzsche and felt my views confirmed by him. Started writing existentialist poetry. My best friend and I lived in a three room apartment, he studied theology. We had some interesting discussions, and a lot of my friends now are theologists. It lead me to appretiate religion even more, but I am still very much atheist. Religion to me is the unreachable ideal, and I sometimes get into arguments with atheist friends who think religion is nothing but evil old guys telling fairytales to gullible grandmas.
Accompanied by some flirts with agnosticism, I transcend into not only metaphysical and moral nihilism, but also ontological one: mereological nihilism, reductionism. I find Stirner fun, see a lot of what i think present in his writing. (I understand that I should approach it the other way, look for interesting writing and think about that, rather than looking for something I already think. I am an arrogant prick like that.)
Dunno where I will go from here. Been a while since I had a real shift in my thinking. I'm mostly depressed due to some stuff that happened a while ago, but that is less about how I observe the world and more about I observe myself.
Politically I am still liberal, but mostly don't care.
Politics are too much of a circus, despite the new right bringing some new activity to the table. But while the rights are demagogues, the left spent too much time antagonizing them rather than adressing the fears of the people that support the right. So everyone talks past each other.

>> No.8786907

what's your plan with the underground stuff?

>> No.8786919

>uses the internet

>> No.8786920

<16 Soc Dem
17-18 edge anarchist
19-22 socialist /libertarian socialist
Started reading philosophy, Camus Nietzsche, Epicurus, Zen Buddhism
23 post left anarchist
Schopenhauer, Taoism, Zizek
24 lib socialist/ market socialist

All the while knowing that these political philosophies are Utopian, but that doesn't mean they're not worth working for. I believe in slow change to socialism through workers and people not through a state.

It seems a lot if people have made major right / left flips? Especially people with far end of the spectrum views at one point often seem to flip to the other side and become more centrist, fascist to Soc Dem, communist to conservative. What up with that?

>> No.8786928

>eats capitalist beans

hypocrite :DDDD

>> No.8786974

Pragmatic liberal

>> No.8786998

All this hostility and tension between race and ideology, and you blame it all on paranoia? Saying there is no 'real' conflict? Come on, you're kidding yourself. Eventually, the boiling point will be met, and when that happens, might will make right.

>> No.8787379

Gift economist > left wing libtard > apolitical dank memer

>> No.8787682

no, you can be a wellspring of life, and there is no nobler prerogative
love and love and love and love

>> No.8787749

those who think kindness a weakness haven't tried it

>> No.8787963

>all these tl;dr posts

Kek, lmao at these Anons who think anyone really cares

>> No.8787968

>stone cold steve austin


>> No.8788141

fastest way to sum up 50% of people posting here including me

>> No.8788199

rather 1/3
for me it was
(0-13) moderate muslim -> (13-14) libtard -> (15-17 slowly taking the redpill) authoritarianism with emphasis on tribe-like bonding; hitler, radical islam -> (17-present, confusion, pessimism) fuck all this shit, modernity, bureaucratism, just fuck my shit up please; warhammer 40k type government

>> No.8788282

>warhammer 40k type government

It is time to go my friend
The noose will travel you to the muslim heaven

>> No.8788303

0-15 Don't really have much of a position on anything.

16-18 le edgy atheist/anti-theist. "Hitchen is our time's greatest thinker"

19-21 I read analytic philosophy. Agnostic about god, pragmatic about knowledge. Meditate. Occasionally take shrooms. Life is good.

22 Read Nietzsche, Freud, Jung. Get into mythology and religious iconography. Believe in prophetic dreams and destiny and shit. Listen to polychromatic music. Hear voices.

Can someone pls help me?

>> No.8788339
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0-18: didnt know memes
18-21: memes

>> No.8788555

you people disgust me, I was something else everyday... but now when I'm 19, I've turned into spiritual being.

>> No.8788605


During my childhood I was a fucking and thought I was smarter than my peers. I read shit fantasy like the wheel of time.

During my teens I was really optimistic about the world and culture. Thought everything would just fix itself someday. During those times I read all sorts of scifi books from cyber punk to the foundation.

Now that I grow older I see more of my fathers cynicism in me than I care to admit. These days my worldview is pretty bleak. Not in a edgy teen "everything sucks" way but more like apathy.
Nowadays I dont even read any books. I read short novels on the internet like the stuff on scp wiki.

>> No.8788745

I was a fucking too.

>> No.8788772


Please leave this board.

>> No.8788813


Fucking douche*

>> No.8788835

It´s ok
Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days.

>> No.8788890

Just say you only watch Kubrick and namedrop generic female celebrities and say "they interest me", quote Deleuze, and you'll fake your way into the backdoor entrance of the bell curve cuties for a little while at least.

>> No.8788912

I think it has. Some days ago I was walking to my college when I realized that in the past six years, I haven't change a bit. Not a single bit. That left me sad man...

Its always interesting to see how your favourite author style changes across his work. Its also fascinating to find the influence of an author in another one.

>> No.8789257

ah, you retort with fear-mongering prognostication, empty clichés and dated slogans. how terribly you've been manipulated. people always believe lies that confirm their existing biases...sad

>> No.8790074
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/pol/ is a goddamned cancer which has really ruined this site. The least that shithead Moot could have done was delete that fucking board before he left.

>huurr war and racism iz guud
See pic related. It's you, suckers, in the very near future.

>> No.8790086
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centrist -> social democrat -> anarcho-syndicalist -> anarcho-communist -> anarcho-syndicalist -> mutualist -> market libertarian socialist

>> No.8790090
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I read Doctrine of Fascism when I was 13/14 and never once have I faltered or been forced to re-examine my values.

>> No.8790093
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>Waah, why isn't /lit/ my Lefty/pol/ hugbox anymore ;_;

>> No.8790094

Without pol we wouldn't have our shiny new president.

>> No.8790096

I had periods of really harsh swings from Marxist to Dandy Randy thoughts all through my youth. I kind of settled in the position of vague egoism and nominally lefty anarchism by the time I left college, but was really left with a broad fascination in why people are, regardless of belief, such complete bastards to one another.
I also grew disinterested in 'facts', so to speak, not because I think they're irrelevant, but because peoples' use of them as some sort of brute cudgel on the pundits' level sands off the edges and leaves little room for nuance or investigation.

Lately I've tried to put politics aside and am looking for a way to put my mind at ease. I've always been an oversympathetic person, in the very worst ways. Other peoples' problems intoxicate and distract me as much as my own, to the point that their valid origins get washed out and ignored. I would really like to change that. The various quirks of perception that plague me have added to the day-to-day problem of a confused mind, as well.

I've found some solace in Jiddu Krishnamurti, but not enough to still racing thoughts. Any recommendations?
Also I run my mouth/fingers a lot. Tips on that, although not really relevant to the topic, would be appreciated.

>> No.8790099

??-14: classical liberal
14-16: neoliberal labourism
16-21: social liberal, demsoc, environmentalism
21-23: green socialism
23-??: green socialism, left nationalism

>> No.8790102
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>huurr war and racism iz guud
>implying they're bad

Heh, you got a lot to learn kid.

>> No.8790103
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I used to be into Ayn Rand and George Orwell and weird dadaism shit like Naked Lunch and Andy Kaufman

Now I'm a racist shitlord who reads Camp of the Saints and the Turner Diaries.

I realized that I'll never have my libertarian utopia with open borders because non whites overwhelmingly vote left. I don't want to be racist but it's the only way. Why did it have to be this way?

>> No.8790323
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Some nerd pretending to be Mozzarella Man decided your political views. Truly he "Drake" of his times.

>> No.8790541

I think that Doctrine of Fascism, the Wealth of Nations and Communist Manifesto should be mandatory reading at any school

>> No.8790847

we are in very similar situations rn friendo, I dunno if that helps. put on some Mongolian throat singing and fly away

>> No.8791298

>0-99: le special snowflake traditionalist post-Stirner marxist hegelian christian anarchist Marx Evola Ebola

Seriously, shut the fuck up you narcissist cumstains. No one gives a shit about your confused ideologies.

>> No.8791305

>Now I'm a racist
Get a grip and become racialist.

>> No.8791319
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>scapegoating on something as arbitrary as ethnicity is false strength
It's not a scapegoat if it's a real threat that's currently fighting you. Realising that Jews have strong racial cohesion and is using that against the Western world is a strength because if you do not know your enemy you cannot fight him.