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/lit/ - Literature

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8772781 No.8772781 [Reply] [Original]

Write a pseudo-intellectual sentence.

Then write an intellectual one.

>> No.8772805

I am the ubermensch

I am an ubermensch

>> No.8772808
File: 49 KB, 502x373, 1471132878879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do that.

I can't do that either.

>> No.8772816

Today OP was not a faggot.

Today OP was a faggot.

>> No.8772819

Write a pseudo-intellectual sentence.

>> No.8772835

James Joyce is good

James Joyce is bad

>> No.8772846



>> No.8772850

Hard mode: the rest of us have to determine which is which

>> No.8772852

A pseudo-intellectual sentence.

An intellectual one.

>> No.8772853

James Joyce was good

James Joyce is good

>> No.8772857

Spring is the who gone during for everyone

Ritz bits on my tits

>> No.8772863
File: 48 KB, 960x496, 15055838_1822882127927463_4913513849472717765_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pseudo-intellectual sentence

An intellectual sentence

>> No.8772873

The Dialectical transfiguration of the elliptical conjecture model trends to sporadically didactically disarray towards the n quotient when the proverbial furlong is furloughed the matrices juxtapose a dual quasi semi pseudo relevant debriefing to the "quantum observer" in the omni dimensional phase space, consisting of ahistorical anecdotal anecdotal anecdotes post-haste-post-modern-post-modernism derives to delve deeply deeper into the essential past the membrane of membranic membranitude betwixt the very depths of Spinozas supreme substance itself, and if Hegel were with me, I can speak for ourself, when we would say, he would likely agree

>> No.8772904

t. Leddit

>> No.8773025

God is dead.

God is dead?

>> No.8773038

I-I can't do it, Anon~!!!!

>> No.8773042

Race is a social construct.

Race is real.

>> No.8773048

That's just saying which one is /pol/ and which one is a different board on /pol/

>> No.8773070

Race is real.

Race is a spook.

>> No.8773076

Only one enemeny remained.

Two if you countid God

>> No.8773083

I know nothing

I know one thing: that I know nothing

>> No.8773259

"Yes," he said, tearing his chin up and summoning from the depths of his breast the lining, a jade paste up and with a roar he hawked the mucous to his teeth and he tapped it flat and sent it yonder against the mist in the air and it landed on a sagebrush.

Ye. He spat.

>> No.8773267


The plural of grape juice is grape Jeece.

A perfect Universe would be one without any matter in it. NONE of this should exist... Yet it does. A creator must exist.

>> No.8773328

Languages evolve over time so it's pointless to correct the misuse of words.

Critics make appalling dinner guests.

>> No.8773354

He's a putting the seed into her bossom
He put dick in pussy

>> No.8773402

>Critics make appalling dinner guests.

The supper you made was most exquisitely exquisite I do declare indeed

Shit that shitty shit on shit you made was shitty shit on shitty shit shitting shit onto a shit of shit with shit shitted onto shitty shit shitted on shitty shit you shitted on shitty shit

>> No.8774169

Pseud: Plato is overrated.

The Genuine Article: There is not a question that has been asked by any philosopher that doesn't have it's roots in Plato.

Pseud: Science has replaced philosophy.

The Superman: Science derives natural law from objective observation, but is incapable of indicating how knowledge obtained should be used within the subjective human domain.

Pseud: Abstinence is for losers.

Genius: Abstinence is for any man who wishes to reach his full potential.

Pseud: There are more than two genders.

Intellectual: There are two genders.

>> No.8774177

"Write a pseudo-intellectual sentence, then write an intellectual one."


>> No.8774190

Pseudo-intellectual: The neo-Marxianization of post-epicolepic[1][2] quantal field theory as method to literature of the non-definitional space, given here, is truly prevaricating of the numinous appellational distinctivity that has resulted in the contemporary political landscape of the East.

Intellectual: The neo-Marxianization of post-epicolepic[1][2] quantal field theory as method to literature of the non-definitional space, given here, is truly prevaricating of the numinous appellational distinctivity that has resulted in the contemporary political landscape of the East.

>> No.8774206


>Pseud: Plato is overrated.

people actually say this?

>> No.8774229
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The difference between envy and jealousy, is that envy is a two person situation, and jealousy is a three person situation.

Wow this is actually pretty hard.

>> No.8774231


All Murakami books are the same, read any two and you're done.

Murakami books are stylistically similar, but the thematic explorations are distinct and varied, thus they must all be read to fully understand Murakami's genius.

>> No.8774255

Only a pseud would call Murakami a genius.

>> No.8774274

"Morality is just a social construct."

"Not how the world is, is the mystical, but that it is."

>> No.8774286

Unfortunately, they say it all the time.

>> No.8774290

he contributed nothing to philosophy, pseud. Stop jerking off dead Greek men.

>> No.8774311

Maybe because unfortunately, people overrate Plato all the time.

>> No.8774331

Murakami has good works and faded versions of those thinly disguised with other titles and characters' names. But Murakami has good works, nonetheless. Even great ones.
Like this short story, Landscape with Flatiron.


>> No.8774374

You contributed nothing to philosophy.

A.N. Whitehead, William Barret, Micheal Surgue, myself, and many others (including the majority of philosophers) would disagree with you.

Impossible, you pseud.

>> No.8775287

easy, the first one is pseudo lol

>> No.8775330

There are an infinite number genders that exists in our universe

Gender is a spook

>> No.8775331

Only one enemy remained

Two if you count God

>> No.8775366

Neoconceptual textual marxism in Seinfeld

>> No.8775375

Pseudointellectual statement

>> No.8775388

I may not know what you're talking about.

I definitely do not know what you're talking about.

>> No.8775439

this sounds like straight mewithoutyou lyrics

>> No.8775449

However, Ex nihilo nihil fit – change, on the other trotter, is only ever effected by doing something. I try to maintain an open mind on the impact of bidirectional digital media on our culture and society, but sometimes, slumped on the Tube, staring blankly at some ad urging me to text “PANTS” to a campaign aimed at ameliorating the working conditions in Bangladeshi sweatshops I sort of despair.

>> No.8775455

Holy.....I want more.....

>> No.8775513

To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.

Sex Is Real And It Affects The Future

>> No.8775551

The search for truth lies at the heart of all human endeavor.

All human endeavor is driven mainly by the human need to construct a sensible relationship between the self and the external world.

Now, which is which?

>> No.8775555

Knausgard is the most important living author.

Houellebecq is the most important living author.

>> No.8775562

Quads confirm.

>> No.8775571
File: 113 KB, 673x673, Peter O'Toole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good

>> No.8775889


>> No.8775927
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 1480304595003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All human endeavor is driven mainly by the human need to construct a sensible relationship between the self and the external world


>> No.8776013

Come back when you know the difference between it's and its, untermensch

>> No.8776029

>Praises Plato
>7 year old understanding of grammar
Yeah, you're definitely an intellectual, hotshot

>> No.8776058 [DELETED] 

Both are psued. Humans are driven by sex and sex accessories.

>> No.8776145


>> No.8776154

this desu

>> No.8776156

I'm a nihilist.

I'm nothing, but that's fine.

>> No.8776221

>In the depths of her darkest voids I found what I had lost so long ago, that something that made it all worth it.

>Six inches inside and she won't stop laughing about the penguin.

>> No.8776259

On the chance this message gets out before they do: I regret nothing, I'd do it again, and I hope they eat every last one of you.


My children cry out for the blood and flesh of those who set themselves against me. My folly bringing the rapture with my death as the catalyst.

>> No.8776368

>Karl Ove Knausgård is a Norwegian author, known for six autobiographical novels
lmao, how narcissistic can you get?

>> No.8776645

Nice, you found the typo. Congratulations on being an intellectual giant, you bourgeois faggot.

>> No.8776669


>> No.8776696

How many layers of autism are you on though?

>> No.8777211

holy...i want more

>> No.8777226

I have friends.
I have no friends.

>> No.8777232

The heaventree of stars, hung with humid nightblue fruit.
festering nigger diarrhea

>> No.8777253

Oh, I get it. Autism is /lit/ speak for knowing what you're talking about.

>> No.8777260

Neither of those are sentences and you didn't write either of them.

>> No.8777264

I have to go pee.

I have to peepeepoopoo.

>> No.8777273


>> No.8777348

4chan's literature forums are a meeting ground of the most refined minds and the ideological backgrounds each brings to the table, where discourse is the common tongue and broader, stronger ideas are the collective aim.

It's not.

>> No.8777405

t. Pseudo-intellectual

>> No.8777475

Race is real.

Race is a social construct.

>t. basic understanding of sociology and economics

>> No.8778013

James Joyce is good
James Joyce is dead

>> No.8778016

How does economics factor into it

>> No.8778017

It's hard to disagree with that
It's hard to argue with the facts

>> No.8778021

The implication of your request being that there even exists such as thing as a pseudo- or non- pseudo intellectual statement is, in my opinion, a false duality.

Dogs got hairs everywheres

>> No.8778049

Gregor Samsa didn't actually turn into a bug.

Gregor Samsa turned into a bug.