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/lit/ - Literature

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8774321 No.8774321 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's in your mind

>> No.8774433

I exist in a balance between wishing I was never born and wishing I will never die.

>> No.8774499

nothing is in my mind, wbu?

>> No.8774521

Never, ever trust a person of the female sex. They are unable to keep it in their pants.

>> No.8775912

Art thee a real villain?
Well technically, eh nah
Has't thee ev'r hath caught a valorous guy
Liketh a real sup'rh'ro?
Shaketh headeth
Has't thee ev'r hath tried a disguise?
Nah nah
Good now, I can seeth yond I shall has't to teachest thee
How to beest villains!
Epic saxo solo

We art numb'r one
We art numb'r one

Anon hark closely
H're's a dram lesson in dissemble'ry
This is going down in hist'ry
If 't be true thee wanna beest a villain numb'r one
Thee has't to chaseth a sup'rh'ro on the runneth

Just followeth mine own moves, and sneaketh 'round
Beest careful not to maketh a soundeth

We art numb'r one
We art numb'r one
We art numb'r one

Ha ha ha
Anon behold at this meshes, yond i just hath found
At which hour i sayeth wend, beest eft to throweth
Fie, alloweth's tryeth something else

Anon gaze and learneth, h're's the dealeth
That gent'll slipeth and slideth on this banana peeleth
Ha ha ha

We art numb'r one
Villain Numb'r One!

We art numb'r one
We art numb'r one
We art numb'r one
We art numb'r one
Ho ho!
Distemperate Town

>> No.8775924

I want 4chan to die so I can be freeeeeee

>> No.8775929

What is the deal, with airplane food?

>> No.8775945

I can't ever tell if /lit/ is socialist or anarchist, or if it really dislikes Ayn Rand or not.

>> No.8775946

It's cold, and it's winter, there's a place where someone lives, hidden behind trees, in a field.
There's lights in the windows, there are no tracks leading to this place. There are no one at home.
It's empty.

>> No.8775954 [DELETED] 
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Fuck Reddit. Trying to push propaganda and Controll people as though they where sheep. Those over cocky daft cunts.

>> No.8775986

I've done the Adorno part of the essay and the Baudrillard part is mostly done so I just need to do the primary source which is only 40 pages of mostly skimmable and the central book itself which is 100 pages of mostly skimmable and then fuck I have to read Anxiety of Influence too I forgot but still not much farther to go seems real easy too bad it took me 9 days of masturbating to get this far and I only have a few days left

Are deadlines some kind of mystical fringe where no matter how much absolute time there is, it will always end up being down to the wire, unpleasant, and rushed? It's like I unconsciously find this equilibrium with the time I have, so that I always waste 90% of it browsing 4chan and watching Let's Plays I don't even care about on Youtube because I'm lonely

>> No.8775992


>> No.8776011

I would like live in the Unaited States, cconvert me in jew, marry with a jew and learn hebrew.

>> No.8776016

I start essays the day they're due (if due at 11.55pm) or the day before if not and always somehow get good marks. Got 4 essays for friday to end this semester and I haven't started any yet. Get on my level m8

>> No.8776023

I know I promised to write a paper for a friend. The extra money is always needed. The amphetamines are helping, but it'd be so easy just to hang myself from the balcony. No more papers or comedowns or anything else then.

>> No.8776031

It has an eldritch shine and the appearance of the essence of friendly spiders pillowing it; I am curious as to the nature of the entropy the swirling office equipment, in particular the electric staplers, appear in, to possess this degree of missionary faculties in that hurricane over on the alternate-reality screen

>> No.8776045


Sultry humiliation and illuminating conviction; surely that is the appetite they bait

>> No.8776066 [DELETED] 

>Implying this would ever work

>> No.8776084


There's that meme word again.

>> No.8777084

texting this girl about writing makes me feel like a human i feel social i feel like im not a reclusive hermit i feel like people notice my existence she is very pretty i hope she likes me she writes well and she is very cute as well as very reclusive and introverted which means she must be pure and this music im listening to reminds me of middle school even though i didnt listen to this music in middle school and even though middle school was hell for me i still miss the perpetual carefree tone and mood and i miss having my future being a far away fantasy instead of being right at my front door

>> No.8777098

Why do I feel do attracted to 15 year old qts? :(

>> No.8777102

why the, comma splice?

>> No.8777110

I'm a real shitty person and I don't deserve to have anything good ever happening to me.

>> No.8777112

I think I fell in love with someone I threatened to kill two years earlier. Timing and beauty really doesn't care for human emotions.

>> No.8777120

Why, not?

>> No.8777125

Fuck man, dead rising 1 is fucking amazing

>> No.8777132

I have daddy issues oh well

>> No.8777269

i can't break up with this girl because i'm desperately in love with her best friend, and i know i won't be seeing her as much if i do it. :<

>> No.8777380

I don't get enough sleep. Thank God for amphetamine.

>> No.8777394

if a girl is not interested in me but we have so many roots and connections, is she still a friend? i speak friendly but she speaks inhuman to me

>> No.8777401

my stomach hurts all the time. or frequently, anyway. nothing particularly severe, more like a constant mild discomfort. i wonder if it has anything to do with my increased intake of alcohol and caffeine.

>> No.8777404

I wish I was able to make things as moving as the people who made zootopia

all this literature shit just seems like its for losers. even the most famous literary people are pretty sad, their books are boring, and the only people who enjoy their books are losers. I don't believe in it anyway.. I wish I could stop faking wake up and actually live life

>> No.8777417 [DELETED] 

Nothing makes sense. I'm holding a phone in my hands with a cracked screen, typing out this post with both thumbs and nothing makes fucking sense. How do I know the phone's real? How do I know it's there? How do I trust my senses? What's stopping reality from making sense at any given time? Why? Why do I know what "why" means? How? Why?

How do I know what these words mean? How do you know? How do I know you're real? How?

also i really wanna fuck this one girl but not enough to do anything about it

>> No.8777424

what's in your mind

Hahahahaha, I really outdid myself with that one. Woo.

>> No.8777428

>Nothing makes sense. I'm holding a phone in my hands with a cracked screen, typing out this post with both thumbs and nothing makes fucking sense. How do I know the phone's real? How do I know it's there? How do I trust my senses? What's stopping reality from making sense at any given time? Why? Why do I know what "why" means? How? Why?
>How do I know what these words mean? How do you know? How do I know you're real? How?
Desu, descartes already solved this like 400 years ago, pick up a fucking book pleb

>> No.8777438

It pisses me off how all biographies of artists have to question their sexuality.

Why can't Kafka or Schubert just be accepted as straight? I *highly* doubt Jackson Pollock had any "ambiguous sexual urges."

Dumb biographers.

>> No.8777439

All words are memes.

>> No.8777442

why are you on this board

>> No.8777461

force of habit. I really tried hard to like literature and sometimes I even succeed

>> No.8777466

It's because plebs love sex and plebs ca't appreciate books without knowing who wrote them

What I'm saying is biographies are for plebs engaging in ego worship and social jockeying

Trust me I'm Harold Bloom

>> No.8777474
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This is an awful post, but I don't expect anything better so I'm not disappointed.

>> No.8777517

kys, my man

>> No.8777571

Is there a good reason that I feel like shit all the time? Should I seek professional help?

>> No.8777953

I am alone with my friend for the first time in a while.
-Hey, can I talk to you?
-Of course
-Have you noticed anything off about me lately?
-Well I suppose you do seem a little colder lately. What do you mean?
-I'm not sure. I feel like I've become extremely disconnected.
-Disconnected from what?
-People, my friends, family, my life, ...everything, and it's hard to hold on--to look people in the face and pretend I'm still here.
-You think something's wrong with you?
-No, well... not entirely. I'm sure everyone has some sort of feeling they can't explain, but nobody really knows what's wrong with them.

>> No.8777987


>> No.8778007
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it seems to hold that for any individual to have a significant amount of inner-peace, opportunity to concern oneself with nothing other than the frivolous day-to-day necessities (as they can be disregarded) is required

one may remember upon such contemplation the old adage, "ignorance is bliss"

Ignorance is bliss until prompted by curiosity, which without willful ignorance, will lead to concern in individuals who are a part of a given community in which the foundations of culture (aesthetic, economic, and political)

Concern with the issues relevant to the community will subsequently lead to curiosity, if not desire for resolution from the individual

Any given individual, absent of willful ignorance and in search of further information will be gain access (if informational resources are no thing) to incalculable complexity in the larger base culture

given this gargantuan complexity, then individual will be paralyzed, or otherwise, willfully ignorant

pacification of action

pacification of mind

>> No.8778018

I still can't forget the screams.

>> No.8778022

I only really feel happy when I'm pursuing artistic endeavors and I come up with something "good"

It feels like every other minute is wasted

And really it's all garbage, so I'm just pissing my life away in general

>> No.8778042
File: 259 KB, 768x432, a-clockwork-orange-a-clockwork-orange-14752407-965-577-what-did-you-think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me off this ride

>> No.8778085

The more pretentious I am, the better writer I am.

>> No.8778089

i'm not writing anything worthwhile and i think i've become an alcoholic

>> No.8778090

The only thing I want right now is the girl I love so much who's also my best friend who knows I love her but too busy for a relationship because of academia and also mentally unstable and still traumatized by her abusive ex-boyfriend and suicide attempt to strangle me in bed like she told me she did to him uncontrollably when she was asleep

>> No.8778098

Jewfag here, Hebrew is just okay and you'll need to cut your dick and Jews are evil don't do it

>> No.8778294

*sings along Guile's Theme*

>> No.8778759

I need to pee, but I'm too lazy to stand up.

I wish could give back everything I take.

>> No.8778940

Why do I keep coming here.

>> No.8779675

Don't date a woman under 25.

>> No.8779682

Cliff is only alive because suicide is too much effort. The life philosophy is that minimum effort should be permanent, no exceptions, no retractions. If he lays down on the couch it is only because standing has become tiresome, if he moves it is only because hunger is too annoying, if he breathes its only because he cannot control his lungs for long, and even more because, again, it takes too much effort.
Cliff wonders why he isn’t dead yet. He’s had plenty chances before. Couldda snuck into his mother’s room and chug her pills, could’ve dove into train tracks at rush hour, couldda fucked with a cop til he shot him. Could’ve leaped from his apartment window tumble down break neck then back then chest then hip, and nose caved in bone passing cutting slicing deep into the brain. He knows that’s physically impossible but it provides a nice image. The nose bridge is cartilage but in Cliff’s mind its arrowpoint shaped and sharp and it lodges like a puzzle piece into his neurons, crashing them like the fucking Iceberg that did that old tired boat in, the Titanic, with all the children screaming, the women holding them tight as men jump overboard.

>> No.8779689

Bad kids
All my friends are bad kids
Product of no dad kids
Ain't no college grad kids
Living out on the skids
Kids like you and me

>> No.8779694 [DELETED] 

new roommate is wack, need to find a new place in the middle of winter, fuck my life

also, when fags say they "don't care about money" that's a good indicator they still live with their mom, money lets u live with dignity, don't fall for the "it's cool to be poor" spook

>> No.8779765

I'm tired of people who type in all lower-case as if it is their own personal aesthetic.

I'm also tired of people who are snobs about usage of emoticons or acronyms.

I'm tired of people coming here and writing about their mundane shit lives in flowery prose.

Thinking about it more deeply, I'm more tired of people romanticizing things negative things and feelings. Stop being a sad cunt, be a sick cunt.

I would rather read an earnest story about a guy who fights orcs and goblins than any self-aware, trope-subverting, fourth-wall breaking pseudo-intellectual horsehockey out there.

>> No.8779876

Fuck, I'm tired. I hope I don't fuck up weightlifting today. I wish I was able to sleep on the bus like some people.

>> No.8779886

Baby what is love…
God, that song is catchy.

>> No.8780186

man... im fuckin lonely...
IT'S RAINING MEN!!! Wait im not gay why do i sing along? Oh right, great song.

>> No.8780302

i can't control my emotions when it comes to a specific person or two and it drives me mad. the presence, or non-presence of any person shouldn't make me sad or happy, but it does and it's mostly sadness

>> No.8781164

You're not perfect and I don't appreciate you as much as you appreciate me, but goddamn, you make me feel good.

>> No.8781319

I'm successful at injecting a good bit of humor and satire into nearly every piece that I write academically (usually speeches/presentations to essays and editorials).

However, I'm completely unfunny when it comes to my personal writing.

>> No.8781428

I hate reading long books but all my works are incredibly long. should I cut?

>> No.8781463

How did the convo proceed?

>> No.8781470

Well… that was a nice bit of anarchy, with the nsfw thread and all. Death by hemlock, what a way to go.

>> No.8781479

I thought the mods would delet before I got to finish.

>> No.8781480

The ol' crying clown. I'm happiest when I'm liable to make light of things while alone.

>> No.8781490

I want to write genre fiction but hate reading it. Will I do fine by reading "the good stuff" like Steinbeck but still writing my normal shtick?

>> No.8781492

We even got past the first chapter of the Manifesto.

>> No.8781569

I'm 26 too.

>> No.8781619


>> No.8781674
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why are the hare people in redwall such incompetent rude greedy brainless Longeared Nincompoops.

>> No.8781685

Fuck(Male symbol)You

>> No.8781693

I feel the same a lot of the time. Then I have to spend twenty minutes meditating on the fact that I will die some day, so either I can let that fact panic me into action, or I can have a calmmoment and realize that either way it doesn't matter, and Im only here for the experience.

>> No.8781696

I wish I read more

>> No.8781704 [DELETED] 

whats it called when you enjoy meeting and talking to people but as long as theyre strangers and the moment an emotional commitment is built you want to cut things off? asking for me

>> No.8781719

The music will not be spoken

>> No.8782617
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I sure hope my hard drive doesn't fail.

I tried reading this book on beginner programming but i just wasted some more time on the internet like always.

I could be playing vidya but I forgot my mouse

Time for food soon.

Maybe I should go to ikea today

I need to pass my driving test and get a job soon.

>> No.8782655
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5 hours and the first sentence eludes me yet. Fuck.

>> No.8782674

I think I left my travel bag full of weed in the Uber.

>> No.8782687
File: 822 KB, 600x366, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading and watching countless hours of Adult Children of Alcoholics, it's evident that this is the answer I've been searching through countless books for, why I am the way I am. From my self-esteem to my issues with intimacy and trust.

Now I don't know where I go from here

>> No.8782693
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>my back is killing me baby
>i don't have any comfortable chairs

It's weird how you start missing every little thing once it's out of reach.

>> No.8782724

I could kill them if I had the courage. All it takes is lit charcoal in an airtight mason jar. As the flame lost it's oxygen, more and more carbon monoxide would be produced from the incomplete combustion. After that, it's just a matter of fitting a tube to the lid and having them breathe from it as they sleep.

>> No.8782736

I would respect the opinion of a Zootopia porn fanfic writer more than that of the average /lit/ poster. Like 0.1% of this board actually writes.

>> No.8782756

There are starving shrews in Mossflower who would have DIED for a bowl of that deeper-than-ever strawberry cordial artichoke crumble.

>> No.8783165

People are just using an isolated tragedy to appear like they care, while they don't even blink an eye at the actual problems of the (third) world.

>> No.8783179
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I just want to read and learn music all day fuck work this sucks anus when can i go home

>> No.8783479

>lf both what the stranger [in the Sophist] and Socrates say is true, the genos of the sophist must be distinguished from the sophistic phantasma of the true philosopher. The artless phantasma of the philosopher must be separated from the phantasmata of the sophist, for with his art the sophist is going to look like the sophistic phantasma of the philosopher.

What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.8783532

I want to die right now.

>> No.8783562

The difference between the Socratic and the Sophist. It's not complicated anon.

>> No.8783586

If a need ever presents itself, what would be the symbol of mankind?

>> No.8783593

Am i going to try to steal one last cigarette tonight befre beginning in The Tibetan Book of the Dead?

I'll try, but might begin before, or just a little hour nap?

>> No.8783751

The penis.

>> No.8784493
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An instrument tells you two things about yourself in a butter knife world as if it wasn't bad enough already that I don't even drive yet this isn't how it was supposed to be there was something in the depths there that decided my fate and never really showed me a thing or two whenever I needed it but I'm not complaining I love this stuff despair is what happens in a world where two plus two equals four and doesn't benefit anybody, and whether or not greek yogurt is good who will ever know its made by turks anyway. one sucj dilemma is just that being is was never did I shout that loud again on a stormy night out at sea with my deceased friend watching the burning lights of morocco jet out from the darkness and devour my mind.

>> No.8784542

i'm fucking dead on monday, niggazzz

i'm motherfucking, dead, muh niggarzz

>> No.8784704

I know brother, I know.

>> No.8784715
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If a child out of the womb is a baby and the one inside is a fetus. Which one must I deletus?

>> No.8784778

i'm in quite the pickle.
There is this absolutely adorable young woman who goes to college with me. we both love books of the same genre, share religious views, and have nice /lit/ discussions every so often. Just this past week i was waiting for my class to start, passing the time reading Blood Meridian. She walked over and sat down across from me and started reading pride and prejudice. I couldn't help but notice her adorable little giggles as she read through a particularly witty section. I couldn't help but feel a tug at my heart.

I would love to spend more time with her, but there is a bit of a divide between us when it comes to politics. I noticed on her facebook page that she was very proud to have voted for Hillary, and very very upset that she lost to Trump. I voted for Trump, and feel wonderful ever since he won the election. At this moment, she remains unaware of my political affiliations. Is it even worth trying to foster a deeper relationship with her, or will this only lead to intense arguments and strained relationships?

>> No.8784810

>getting cucked by politics
She'll forget about Hilldawg in a couple of weeks anyways, just bee urself.

>> No.8784826

If you love her, politics won't mean a thing.
Go for it.
In the words of old Marx: you have nothing to lose but your chains, and a world to win.

>> No.8784831

anal then dump desu

>> No.8784886 [DELETED] 

I feel kinda embarrassed for thinking HST was the politically apathetic type like RAW, relieved that I never actually did anything to expose my plebitude in public.

>> No.8784924

I will follow my angel into hell if she leads me there.

>> No.8784934

My life feels stagnant right now, and it's driving me up the wall.

>> No.8784981

how does it feel to be loved?

>> No.8785083

If I want to be a good writer, what should I focus on first?
Should I start with the Greeks and read more literature, or should I start writing so I can hone my own skills? I know both are important, but which should I tackle first?

>> No.8785100

start by reading the classics, but not the greeks

>> No.8785121
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>> No.8785128

. . .

. . .

>> No.8785174

shrews arent hares though

i want the hares to leave but i have no mercy for the shrews

>> No.8785201

You should focus on fucking writing.

>> No.8785212

Satanist pedophiles run the country and there's nothing I can do about it.

>> No.8785224

At least you're not Brazil.

>> No.8785247

I kind of want to masturbate. But more than anything I want to enter sweepstakes for small prizes of things I just don't feel like paying money for. I have the money, I'd just rather hold onto it.

Imagine if I won a $500 gift card. I could buy a few months worth of groceries with that and just save the money I would've spent on groceries. If I took out five hundred worth of singles my dog could lay on it.

By no means am I a frugal person. I'm the kind of guy who spends thirty bucks on some sort of garbage knick knack because it has Batman on it. I'll display it for a while, and the rare times I've got friends passing through they'll comment on it. It's not worth the price for a ten minute conversation, but I don't really regret it either.

Really, regret is stupid in the concept of buying things. I can sell it or re-gift it. If I'm lucky, it's still in the return policy. If not, ah well. I've got an empty house, it could do with more stuff.

>> No.8785266

I'm never going to be able to write anything because I'm never going to do anything

>> No.8785271

at the end of the day, we all end up in a box. everybody. either a lifeless body, or a 100 pounds of ash, in a box. essentially. the world, the universe, in constant motion, in order to continue the constant flow of energy, this means constant creation constant destruction in seconds, not sitting still, if you restill, you allow yourself to become instruments of chronozen, which darks the bridge between ignorance and enlightment. ignore those around you who cant comprehend, just yourself, of yourself and do not show compassion to those who can't comprehend.

>> No.8785370


that meme is over a month old get with the program

>> No.8785487

there's some man's rights pua fag at my work who's always hitting on these innocent virginal new hires and he thinks he's the man, but he plays video games and reads reddit and imgur, i feel like the tension between us is building, he has stem degrees but my geek mojo is stronger, i donno man it's getting weird

>> No.8785511

My marriage is failing it only survives because I am to proud for a divorce. Birth control isn't perfect and eventually I may bring a child into the world and if I do my wife is sure to traumatise them. I don't want to start over again. We have lovely plans but horrible days one after another.

>> No.8785515
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I write but what I write isn't what I envision. I feel like i have talent but I know it's mediocrity shrouded in bias. I don't know if my writing is my attempt to create art or my desire to make a quick buck to escape the life of a wageslave or a mix of both. I'm tired of solidarity but every time I interact with the outside of my shell be it through forced conversation or social media I remember that the shell I've created isn't there to keep me alone but to keep away the shallow and vapid "teen culture" of today. I recognize that the previous statement makes me sound like an Internet Atheist with a superiority complex that hates "my generation". I don't really know why I'm continuing to type this out by this point I hardly care and I'm considering just deleting everything I've typed and go on about my day. I should seriously review the basic rules of English; I've completely forgotten what differentiates a verd, adjective, adverd and the one that starts with an "S" (though I may have dreamed that one up).

Also , I barely understand punctuation and capitalization.

>> No.8785628

I'm going to kill myself SO HARD.

>> No.8785693 [DELETED] 

i'm thinking about switch to android, love macOS for it's unixy goodness, but the iphone just seems to be getting wack, the pixel looks fuckin sick especially with the daydream headset, apple doesn't even have a vr/ar product yet...damn, which brand of pocket super computer should i use as my phone, i just can't decide...ahh, yeah, what a time to be alive to be honest

>> No.8785701

people are fucking stupid. if they just calmed the fuck down for a second to see how the rhetorical world isn't the world they'd realize the world isn't so bad but they'd rather run to more rhetoric via reactionary political movements / TED talks / pseudo-inspirational bullshit like oprah/ellen / philosophy or literature / social justice or social justice reactionary movements.

>> No.8785715
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Today I changed my major from English minor in phil. to Finance minor in math.

My gen ed honeymoon is over, and I had to choose. As much as I love English and philosophy, I don't have rich parents or any sort of connections, so if I can't find a job come graduation I'd be SOL.

I guess I'm gonna try to find work in marketing or something because the idea of working for a bank makes me want to puke in my mouth.

Also I might as well go full nihilist and become a raging alcoholic and philanderer to fill the chasm of emptiness where my dreams were supposed to go.

>> No.8785717
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I'm so fucking sick of being schizophrenic.

I hate having episodes. I hate the auditory and visual hallucinations. I hate delusions peddling paranoia and driving me into insanity. I hate living in constant fear of losing my medication and going completely insane even though I'm fully insured and have a large backup supply. Its absurdly frustrating.

Why can't I just have a normal neurotypical brain? Life would be on easy mode then. No more months in the psych ward, strict pill schedules, spending 99.9% of the time in my room either meditating, downloading books to read, or being driven mad by the sight of a car lingering outside or a group of teenagers walking past my house. Its fucked.

There are times where my delusions have gotten so bad that I've disguised myself in black clothing at night and followed walkers or joggers from behind the treeline in order to keep tabs on them, to be sure they aren't spying on me. That isn't normal, yet in the heat of the moment I can hardly stop myself. It seems so real.

In other news, I'm trying to write a surrealist novel inside the mind of a schizophrenic person based off my own experiences. I write about 15 pages per day, delete 14.5, rewrite 10, get angry, calm down, then delete 7 of the 10 new pages and edit what's left. Its a mess. At this rate I might have something worth publishing by the end of next year with how long this fucking thing is shaping up to be. I'm my own worst critic, I judge myself against the classics instead of consoling myself through the knowledge that I'm miles ahead of the YA bullshit that sells today.

>> No.8785728
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Mitochondrylonian Captivity Era

distributed populations' convergent perception-reaction virtualization cataloged with stable environment redundancy for bio-Hegelian individual-collective synthesis resolution in single hominid system image

>> No.8785735

Keep at it buddy. I bet that having a constructive hobby to pour your attention into is at least somewhat helpful for your disorder

>> No.8785742

Thanks, and it is. Distraction through focus and meditation helps keep me anchored in rational thought and reality. Its when I'm doing nothing or laying in bed at night that things start to overwhelm me.

And, who knows, maybe I'll make it and in 100 years they'll remember me as the tortured artist who wrote classics. I'm only in my early 20's and I've been developing in leaps and bounds as a writer lately.

>> No.8785746
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>I write but what I write isn't what I envision.
That's a good thing. It ain't gonna write itself, babe. If you feel like you're failing then look at what you're doing and see where it is that you go wrong. Don't take it so personally and throw the towel, going along with your art is what makes it worth it, even if it sometimes means you'll find friction.

>I don't know if my writing is my attempt to create art or my desire to make a quick buck to escape the life of a wageslave or a mix of both.
Why couldn't it be both? If you feel some type of work is degrading or unfair then it's natural you'd look for an alternative. And why shouldn't you get paid for it? Do you think art isn't worth it? The suffering artist meme needs to die, all it leads to is art becoming either obscurantist or worthless because no one supports it through money, which is the main way our society has of determining material worth.

>the shell I've created isn't there to keep me alone but to keep away the shallow and vapid "teen culture" of today.
What's the difference? Why do you expect general culture to not be general? Why don't you try to look for what makes people unique and not the same?

>> No.8785765
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Now this guy looks like he could shine.

>> No.8786014 [DELETED] 

bro sometimes i get paranoid as fuck, i donno bro, i don't think i'm insane tho, actually if u let the insane paranoia dissect the shit u reading u find neat shit, i did do a lot of acid as a kid tho

>> No.8786036 [DELETED] 

i think i have the same thing, never been diagnosed tho, and can keep the insane paranoia to myself, but the other day i fucked up talking to my mom on the phone and said i thought someone was listening in...but it's like i hear weird shit and i do some contracting for a entity that has some defense related products, and i was reading a book aboiut the nsa trying to do counter intelligence against foreign nationals doing corporate espianage and an incident with this company was specifically named in chapter and it triggered the shit out me, i'm paranoid as fuck to be honest famalam, but i know it can't be real or i wouldn't let them packet sniff my shitposts seeing as 4chan shit is all unencrypted, it's weird , not that i do anything illegal anyways, all they gonna find is weird porn, and a lot of torrented audiobooks and textbook pdfs, but still

>> No.8786049

honestly just want to die. the only things keeping me alive are my parents and fear of missing out on some crazy technological advances that might happen in my lifetime if i stick it out another 10 years.

>> No.8786053
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Sometimes I wonder if the possibility of anything is worse than the possibility of nothing

>> No.8786054

let's try to start a company just to fuck with capitalists and shit, even if we can't beat them and take their market, at least we can make them waste resources battling with us, could be fun, and besides there's nothing else to do, let's go bro

>> No.8786062

what did u have in mind?

>> No.8786070

classroom experience built in vr, market it to charter schools in rural areas so kids don't have to commute 2 hours, and we can get sjw investor types by making it so no one in the class can see each others race n shit, so there will be no bias etc. i donno with the charter school peeps trump just selected there gonna big federal bucks going into private pockets soon, and since we're all pretentious dickheads who read to much we probably know some shit or at least have some opinions about education n shit

>> No.8786083

dude, i have to do this right now, oh god i have two weeks left on this freelance gig, them i'm going the fuck in on this shit, i don't give a fuck

>> No.8786145

i've dabbled in unity3d and have nothing better to do rn, so i could help i guess

>> No.8786199

The fundamental theorum of vector calculus teeter totters around partial derivatives to arrive at fof fof fof fof integrate then derivate repeat then undo into each side in order to find the arbitrary functionofy fofy fofy fofy next year you will prove it

>> No.8786220

I'm thinking I'll never be competent or disciplined enough to achieve what I want to.

Also, I am sick of my government acting as social engineers. These people need to be hung. Bring back the gallows! Parties need to be dismantled. And everything needs to rise again from the bottom up rather than be dictated from the top down.

>> No.8786359

I need to fucking stop procrastinating on what I want to achieve.
Broke nofap challenge on the 32nd day.
Gotdamn broad Im dealing with is giving me blue balls. Pretty face & a fat ass. By the gods, I will claim her.
Still miss my ex from a few years back.
Old habits die hard like a motherfcuker.
I need to finish reading some books. Damn, am I slacking.
You will pass this test.

>> No.8787394

I feel like I've made the right decision
finally something that I didn't completely fuck up

>> No.8787474

I don't think I'll ever be able to connect and have a meaningful relationship with a girl. I'm dead inside.

>> No.8787909

Fucking phone thieves! I want to strangle them with their own intestines!

In the future, instead of merely being able to lock the device or block the ESN, I want to be able to remotely set it on fire.

What are these threads anyway? Is this /lit/'s diary, desutbh?

>> No.8788025

i only do things to stop myself from getting bored, there's no ability to achieve any other outcome

>> No.8788210

just kill my already senpaitachi

>> No.8788266

I like writing genre fiction but hate reading it. Will I do okay by reading "the good stuff" like Steinbeck but still writing my normal genre?

>> No.8788370
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It's so fun to watch anti religion people suffering as they have every thing in life except faith.

>> No.8788373

so now what?

>> No.8788386

Nothing.that's what in my mind.

>> No.8789131

>Settling for Steinbeck
Oh dear. You don't have to like genre fiction, whatever you want to write is fine.

>> No.8789194

Diocletian can go fuck himself, I don't know why but he can. my legs hurt from running and my abs hurt from crunching but it is required to be perfect. I'm caught in a state of not wanting to live but also too curious to leave this world, this feeling may pass for better or for worse in coming years as I am still in the early stages of adulthood. And is it so wrong to be perverted?

>> No.8789499

time for more Zzzquil.

>> No.8789755
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I hesitate to call what I experienced last night "ego death", for it is a term that I am not partial with. Rather, I like to think about it as an occlusion of the Self, wherein you forget that you exist in the Physical World; you may have a body, but you understand that that body is not yours, and it is simply a vessel for the ever-existing animating lifeforce. As I repeated the mantra, I could feel my subtle body shifting into a vibrational form that allowed me to see into the Spirit World more than I've been able to for a long time. I again heard the voice of the Iroquois shaman chastising me for allowing "my people" to destroy the "Sacred Mother" and a Shadow Being at the edge of my vision peering into the very essence of my existence and asking vehemently, in a voice akin to a scrambled radio signal: "DO YOU KNOW?" over and over. I then fell into the black pit of dreamless sleep, only to awake unrested and sweating.

It wasn't a spectacular trip in the sense of visuals but I think it allowed me to grasp a somewhat deeper understanding of how the Spirit World is interfaced with the Physical World.

>> No.8789917

>tfw every post I make on reddit gets 7+ downvotes and hidden

At least 4chan allows me free speech.

>> No.8789927
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I was at an event tonight, and I got along well with an older woman. On a whim, I asked her to dinner at a nearby restaurant.

It was a complete disaster. We got on well enough at first, but I was totally unable to pin myself down and commit to anything, even to being friends, and I also made what was probably a big mistake in bringing up my religious objections to close relationships. She probably wasn't even looking for that, but it definitely seems to have weirded her out. I ended the night feeling like a total idiot, and not being anything like the smooth motherfucker I pretend I am.

But the kicker is that she said at the end of it she'd had a good time, in spite of all my faggotry. She gave me her number and invited me to call her later. I guess it wasn't all bad. But holy shit, I can't get over what a disaster my behavior was.

>> No.8789930

Nice, double singles.
But ya, I agree with you

>> No.8789942

what kind of posts are you making on there to receive downvotes and hides?

>> No.8789943

I'm not wearing the clothes I think I would look best in. Like, if I had another hat or something

>> No.8789947

xenophobic misogynistic bigot detected

>> No.8789971

The comfiest bedtime reading is Bossuet's Universal History

>> No.8789980


>> No.8789984

which is why you should never go to reddit, anon

>> No.8789986

I was on SASS once and I saw someone who had been a former moderator on SomethingAwful (or was quoting one)

He said that every single post that was even mildly republican or conservative, even in the remotest possible way, had piles of reports. That it was almost a normal phenomenon on the forum for left/liberal posters to report conservatives/republicans, incredibly mild everyday ones, just because they were Republican. I mean like literally reporting people for saying "I'm Republican but I rarely vote Democrat" in threads titled "What party do you vote for?"

EVERY FUCKING ONE had piles of reports

4chan is almost certainly exactly the same way. So is Reddit. Just remember that a steady % portion of the masses would liquidate you simply for disagreeing with them if they could, and they're pathetic enough that they'll try to beg an authority figure to do it for them.

>> No.8789993

So would you say that 4chan being an image board, as opposed to a message board, is helpful in this regard?

>> No.8790009

Holy shit, i forgot the day turned Friday at midnight so all new releases for this week are up on Apple Music, siiiick brah, deadmau5 is kinda wack, but i'ma still listen to this new shit while shitposting/writingcode

>> No.8790035

I know that feel. I know if I was reacquainted with my high-school-crush-turned-gf-turned-ex while she was magically turned back into her 15 year old self, I'd still feel the exact same way now as I did then, years ago. I aged but my taste in girls hasn't. Fuck

>> No.8790052

confirmed virgin

>> No.8790060

lol i'm 16, u?

>> No.8790237

I don't even know anymore its like everything is circles, and sometimes I look at the world as if it's only physical interactions and all our ideas are justifications for physical phenomenon, but that all seems silly, but it's instructive like when that science-tv-guy talks about how we're all tiny dots and we're all going to die so it doesn't matter, so we're all going in circles, in orbit, and in our lives, and even perhaps there's a re-circulation of genetic forms which play the same or similar roles and round and round it goes.