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/lit/ - Literature

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8767875 No.8767875 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible that some day the book market won't revolve around teen girls and young women?

>> No.8767887
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>> No.8767958

Women make up the vast majority of readers and authors in the world now. Almost every humanities major is dominated by women, almost every new author being published is female, and almost every book is targeted at a feminine audience.

The question you should be asking is this: why are men turning their backs on college and academia in general? What are the root social causes of this problem?

>> No.8767999

>almost every humanities major is dominated by women
Not history :^)

>> No.8768009

IIRC women are taking an increasing majority of degrees in general, but not STEM degrees. Those are still dominated by men.

The more people get degrees, the more important it is to control by quality of school. How many people are getting degrees from well-regarded schools? A random, third-tier state school degree probably isn't worth very much.

>> No.8768088

What matters is what they do with that degree.

How many of those women are going to go further with their education, get some graduate degrees, and actually go into academia? Very few will, most will get whatever degree, try and fail to get into med school, and then struggle to find a white collar job because they were stupid and didn't pick an actually useful undergrad for white collar work.

While the education system is getting further and further oriented towards the success of women, that doesn't mean they all are going to make it into academia. Most would never survive graduate school, they just don't have the mental capacity to comprehend what they're studying. Sure they may have had top grades in high school because they were organized and were great at studying, but when it comes down to it, you need to be actually intelligent to make it far in academia, despite the rampancy of illogical leftism in academia (which is mostly perpetuated in by undergrad students, not the actual professors themselves). The average university student just isn't smart enough, they don't understand how to think on their own, and formulate their own ideas (and be able to prove them). You ask any teacher, the ones with the best grades are NEVER the smartest, they are just the ones that are the best at staying organized and regurgitating ideas, not actual critical and lateral thinking, as well as any original though. This is why most grad students are pretty quiet, not the loudmouthed brash students who don't know when to hold their tongue. The actual intelligent ones know when to shut up.

Interestingly enough, those who are most likely to drop out or underachieve in high school and at undergraduate levels are the smartest (IQ of 130+), because high school is all about regurgitation, no original thought at a high level, as that really isn't allowed until you hit grad school. This is why you don't see women in STEM or grad school, since men are more likely to be of a higher (and lower) intelligence than women, who are more likely to be of average intelligence.

>> No.8768099

They are all ultrahardcore liberals in history though

>> No.8768103
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Don't worry OP we are already seeing a big shift in the market

>> No.8768131


>posts picture of a fantasy novel about a male protagonist where the female author abbreviated her first and middle names in a deliberate attempt to appeal to young boys

>> No.8768401

>why are men turning their backs on college and academia in general
because degrees are becomeing increasingly worthless (yes even some STEM degrees) and you get out with a 60k debt. Basically you're in the same position as you were after high school only 3-4 years older, with poor or no work experience and much poorer. Most employees would rather you spend that time slumming it as an intern so they can file it under "work experience"

>> No.8768438

Not trying to sound alex jonesy but critical thinking isn't taught on purpose because everybody having that ability would collapse society. Current society completely depends on people doing what they're told, once you give people the ability to think that it doesn't make sense and almost everything in society is arbitrary, it falls apart.

>> No.8768442

At least it doesn't try to appeal to autistic NEET guys

>> No.8768446

this is my first day on /lit/ and already what feels like thread No10 of "why is shit literature popular"

are you people incapable of ignoring books you dislike and focusing on what remains?

>> No.8768452 [DELETED] 

We need threads about plebbit, what women read, etc to constitute our idealized self-image. We have no actual authentic relationship to literature, just opposition to whatever 'muh ebul normies and sexually active people' do and read.

>> No.8768476


>Posted from my iPhone

Intelligence is a simple measurement of the rate at which we learn.

I'm not going to explain why this refutes much of your post because, if you're not a complete imbecile, you'll comprehend it immediately.

The gender role issue is distinct, but not entirely separate. It's fucking complicated.

>> No.8769636

not me
get Men to start reading again. Have sons and make them read books

>> No.8769641 [DELETED] 
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I will kill myself if I get girls. Their simply inferior

>> No.8769643

When we break out of capitalism and into socialism

>> No.8769652

Because women like to read. Do you get out much?

>> No.8769660


>> No.8769668 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8769682

all the answers to this post ignore that men are the minority of fictions readers (genre and literary)

why do men choose to not read fiction? what do men do to encourage or discourage other men from reading fiction?
(and don't say why would they read -book you deem too girly and dumb- bc obviously there's much more to choose from)

>> No.8769687

lots do
lots are smart enough not to

>> No.8769688

The mainstream book market is that, but there's tons of stuff that's not that that comes out every year. What does it really matter if the mainstream book market is that? Just don't read it. Read something else.

>> No.8769689 [DELETED] 
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It's because the white man is oppressed

>> No.8769719
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>saw fantastic beasts
>hated it
>magic scenes were pretty cool
>reminded me that harry potter was pretty cool
>want to re-read

What do you think /lit/, is it too autist to re-read Harry Potter?

>> No.8769724

no, reread it if you want to
it's nice to feel joy

>> No.8769793


>> No.8769794

>why do men choose to not read fiction? what do men do to encourage or discourage other men from reading fiction?
They play video games instead.

>> No.8769806

Yet another /lit/ thread where the women are put on trial for having the audacity to "go to college" and "read books".

>> No.8769810

Considering they make both books and I universities worse, it's not underserved.

>> No.8769811 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8769816

Women going to college for psychology degrees and reading romance novels is not only a waste of time, it's a waste of society's resources.

Women should be bearing children and tending the home.

In fact, the education of women is downright dyscivic, since as we have seen over the last 100 years education causes them to stop having children.

>> No.8769823

I dont know about that. When I went to school college were often better students outside and inside the classroom. Many had really decent things to say and didn't spend time getting triggered or butthurt, and these were POLS classes. There will always be one, but I dont think they gained any traction even from other women. There were a lot of know-it-all dudes who would spar relentlessly with professors and sabotage any interesting discussion.

But I went to a mediocre downstate state school that's only famous for being the inspiration for Animal House. An ultra competitive B1G school or, god help you, liberal arts college will probably lend a different experience.

>> No.8769824 [DELETED] 

Women have destroyed the West and white future

giving them the vote was the biggest mistake in the history of mankind

>> No.8769825

But women are the ones too stupid to vote?

>> No.8769827

>reading romance novels is not only a waste of time, it's a waste of society's resources.
A fucking men

escapism is poison to a person, and romantic escapism is the worst form. Porn, Romance novels, etc. Literally destroying society

>> No.8769829

>t's a waste of society's resources.
>escapism is poison to a person
t. people who use 4chan

>> No.8769830
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So do you

>> No.8769953

do it, don't be a cynical asshole forever.
But yeah, fantastic beasts sucked

>> No.8770004

You get out if 4chan what you put into it
I get no escapism from here

>> No.8770009

I did both. I don't think that video games are the only reason.

>> No.8770110


That depends, are we going to teach our sons to read good books and demand good lit or watch football and play vidya?

>> No.8771582

I always wonder if it really is escapism.
Why would I want to escape to a place where everybody is trying to find ways to insult me?