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8767779 No.8767779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it yet?

>> No.8767803

I hope he makes it mandatory reading in schools

>> No.8768634

Why would I care about what a orange clown with butthole lips has to say?

>> No.8768638

He's literally going to save the white race, fucking SJW retard.

Go built the wall

>> No.8768642

Who cares? It's not worth saving.

>> No.8768646

He didn't even write it.

>Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”

>“I put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

>> No.8768649

I am worth saving. My white children and their futures are worth saving.

Western civilization has fallen far enough. It's time to make it great again

>> No.8768652
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>He's literally going to save the white race

Please be satire.

>> No.8768657

To me, if you voted for this person you've already proven without a shadow of a doubt that you're beyond saving and the only hope for your kids is that they're taken away from you. But I assume that Child Protective Services will being doing that when they see the state of your trailer.

>> No.8768663


hello CTR

How's the Pizza Parlor doing?

>> No.8768704
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Is /lit/ not safe and special enough for you today, /pol/anon?

>> No.8768705
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Get used to saying President Trump, faggot

>> No.8768760


>> No.8768781

Or what? Is he going to tweet angrily at me?
He's a clown, you're a moron, and the US deserves you both.

>> No.8768784

We aren't born equal, enough with the leftist nonsense.

I am most likely born inherently superior to you, depending on your face, sex, and sexuality

>> No.8768788

I meant race, not face.

>> No.8768840

>CTR gets BTFO of /pol/
>try to find refuge in /lit/
>/pol/ chases them down and just keeps BTFOing them


>> No.8768852

We won't stop until there's white-only Western nations again

>> No.8768864
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>just bee the best bee you can bee and keep on beeing

>> No.8768884

Can we please ban /pol/ bait threads?

Congrats, your guy won. He'll implement bad policy for two years, deal with a democratic house and senate for the next two, then four years from now will be voted out of office.

Then you'll realize his policies further entrenched the power of the economic upper class and wealthy families like mine will laugh at you idiots all the way to the bank.

>> No.8768895

>wealthy family
>isn't a republican

really makes you think

>> No.8768907

>Donald Trump

Ignoring how many wealtjy families are Democrats, wot m8?

>> No.8768934


The simple fact that he was elected in the first place is all the proof that I need that I never have to listen to any of you faggots ever again, because now enough people understand that you, and those like you, do not know or understand what you are talking about. You are just as easily and correctly dismissed - for now at least, and blessedly - as CNN, say, or any other individual - take your pick.

The thoroughgoing cynicism of your post makes it sound as though you really do deserve to be lumped in ideologically with the execrable set who were exactly what was rejected a fortnight ago, this time around anyway. Only a wealthy democrat could have such sincere, cutting-it-both-ways contempt for real America.

>> No.8769112

see: Florida

the only good thing about Trump being president is that he'll do nothing about climate change/conservation and Florida will soon be under water.

>> No.8769157

You've been in /pol/ too long if you think this post makes any sense at all. You're not expressing anything, simply fulminating.

>> No.8769241

Both of your kinds are responsible for the shitty situation everyone is in. You racist dimbulbs need to be put in the stocks and have your food and water thrown at you from passers by.

>> No.8769244

God I hope your dumb ass doesn't propogate, we need fewer idiots in our gene pool.

>> No.8769254

Kinds of irionic that you just proved yourself inferior with that screw up anon. Nothing about any of those things you mentioned makes anyone, anywhere inferior or superior to anyone else. What makes you those things is what you do, so what are you doing to make yourself superior anon?

>> No.8769268
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Bite me

>> No.8769281

You people are not nearly ready for the level of disrespect Drumpf is about to get.

Tears on deck.

>> No.8769465

I don't know if this person is a man or a woman.

Please, help?

>> No.8769485

It's a man, retarded cuck. a REAL man unlike numale leftists

>> No.8769514

>“I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

Why do people say shit THIS retarded

>> No.8769534

>What's this? An anon disagrees with me?!?!
>Heh heh I sure showed them.
You must be proud of yourself anon.

>> No.8769571
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Cry harder.

>> No.8769600

>fucking leftist SJW's are so butthurt
>someone makes a joke about trump being a bonafide slumlord
>autistic screeching from right wingers worldwide

>> No.8769616

Because he'll be the president.

>> No.8769676
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What is fear-mongering for 500, Alex?

>> No.8769677

>trumptards still believe this