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8765056 No.8765056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share life advice

>> No.8765060

Read books.

>> No.8765068

Just do it.

>> No.8765071
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Women should remain virgins until marriage
Women shouldn't have the right to vote
Women shouldn't be able to choose their own spouse
Women should stay in the home and take care of her children and husband
Women shouldn't participate in politics or art
Female sexuality is disgusting

>> No.8765096

Never rawdog it with some girl you just picked up from the bar.

>> No.8765097

Awareness of the self and mind unclouded by the fear or desire

>> No.8765110

>implying anyone on /lit/ ever managed to, or would ever manage to pick a girl at the bar.

>> No.8765115

okay fuck here we go

-no one actually knows who you are so you can act any way you want with strangers.

-work is work not fun.

- always wear underwear. even if you hate them and only because one day you might rip your pants or fucking get in an ambulance and have your fucking pants cut off you in front of strangers. fuck I learned this the hard way after 25 years of going commando.

- the customer isn't always right

- aim low miss high

- trying is the first step towards failure

>> No.8765117

Excuse me? When have we become r9k or /g/

>> No.8765119

All things rise and fall away

>> No.8765133

Not being able to pick random girls at the bar doesn't mean you can't have a gf or that you hate women.

>> No.8765139

I've done that plenty of times.

>> No.8765140

>-no one actually knows who you are so you can act any way you want with strangers.

holy shit, this is true.

>> No.8765144

Getting gf is significantly harder than picking up drunk sluts from a bar.

>> No.8765150

I think he ment that what you posted is more true for other boards than /lit/.

>> No.8765151

Don't fuck your friends. It will ruin your friendship.

>> No.8765152

everything dies

>> No.8765156


>> No.8765158

stop being resentful, money is fucking great, now go get some

>> No.8765184
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It seems that /lit/ has degenerated into /b/ lately.

Here's actual advice:

>choose your life partners as if you are your child choosing a mother / dad

You'll be interested in good genes, but not hotness. You'll want a person who is caring, stable, solves problems instead of being one and that will help you become a better person instead of making you weaker.

>the first time you meet someone, treat them the BEST way you can. Then, just treat them like they'll treat you

You'll be efficient. You won't keep the nice people away from you meanwhile you won't waste your life being generous with ungrateful people.

>remember life is short and there are 8 billion people in the world

Don't waste your time with bad people. There is someone looking for a good person just like you are right now. Wasting time with the bad crowd will just rob that person and yourself of precious and scarce company.

>stop blaming capitalism

Learn new languages, learn a new trade or just learn something that society needs ALL THE TIME. If you think capitalism is bad because things don't appear magically and think you can't live life if people are not forced to provide to you, become a thief. At least you'll be living the dream.

>don't come to 4chan for the sake of wasting time

Come to the boards with a purpose and an eye on the way out. Want the source of an image? Go to Request, get the source and LEAVE. Want to ask about a book or a writing tip? Go to /lit/, ask your question and LEAVE.

When you're old, you'll miss the spectacular now that you're living in this exact moment.

>> No.8765185
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> Listen to people.

> Allow them to enter awkward territory in a conversation, that's probably where some very interesting stuff is.

> Contribute your own experiences, observations and aspirations to the conversation.

> Don't leak other people's secrets. It's a dick move and should you should only do it to actual dicks otherwise you are the dick. Also people will not trust you if you leak things.

> And most important. Trust the people you talk with. If you don't want something to come back and haunt you, don't tell it to people who you suspect will tell others.

>> No.8765216

don't fall in love. never fall in love. she will leave you anyway. and you will never recover or be able to forget her. it's not worth it.

>> No.8765220

it's not that bad, i'm already over it

>> No.8765223


>> No.8765231

You're saying that as if you can actually have a real friendship with someone you're attracted to.

>> No.8765235

how does friendzone works

>> No.8765238


>> No.8765243

Not a friendship.

>> No.8765247

It worked out for us before we got piss drunk at her place.

>> No.8765255

what is it then?

>> No.8765256

Don't forget to drink your ovaltine.

>> No.8765258
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/lit/ is a board about exploring the mysteries of life through language, not defeatism. If you are planning to shoot a school, please stay in your containment board.

>> No.8765264

Love is gay

All women turn into your mother after like two years

Fuck teenagers while you can, then get rich so you can keep fucking them

>> No.8765269

That "friendship" would eventually lead to that or unhappiness either way.

A desperate fool chasing a girl that exploits him.

>> No.8765270

your right im sorry. its just that... u guys are my only friends.

>> No.8765272

>two years
What is it with two years anyway? Why is that precisely the point where my relationships have failed?

>> No.8765289

i've never been able to maintain interest in a girl for two years...i just can't keep it up, plus girls always get paranoid that i'm going to cheat on them, it's like whenever i get anywhere with a girl they start getting paranoid like every chick i talk to wants to fuck my brains out...give me a break, i mean i look decent, but i'm not a fucking sex god or something, come off it...probably end up marrying someone who's more of a friend than a lover, which is ok i guess.

>> No.8765291

>All women turn into your mother after like two years
thats fucking perfect. i've never really had a mom

>> No.8765315

>probably end up marrying someone who's more of a friend than a lover, which is ok i guess.
It's not just okay, it's honestly what anyone should aim for. The person you marry should have become your best friend through the relationship at that point.

>> No.8765321

that's the problem, the hot chicks that make my dick hard don't keep me interested long enough to become "best friends" or whatever

>> No.8765322

instead of asking a girl out if it seems to hard or you're way to pussy or what ever. like if you're in highschool or some shit. ask a friend of the girl that you like if she likes anyone? just be like ohhhh I dunno I was just wondering. then that friend will tell the chick you like opening the front door for you and she will most likely come approach you if she's down. I would usually just ask like 15 girls at a time in highschool and just try and chop them all

>> No.8765326

You have to be at least 18 years old to use 4chan, kid.

>> No.8765329

Are you even in high school yet?

>> No.8765336

it's not the fun part of having a mom

watch Louis CK's comedy bits before he got divorced and you'll get some idea of it

this is marriage:

for the love of god understand what you're getting into

imagine right now someone held up a piece of dog shit to your face, really poignantly imagine a piece of smelly shit in your face. now think about the involuntary facial expression you're making as a response to that. that's what every woman's face transforms into, permanently, in their mid-late twenties. they become permanently annoyed, irritable, cunty, naggy fucking cunts who hate you.

>> No.8765351

yeah, i can already sense that from girls...i think that's the other reasons my relationships don't go far, women always think they can start arguing with me in one of those mom-fight kind of things, but i'm just never ready for that so once we have one of those i just don't get over it, i mean i get over it, but i also start pulling away, like too seen to nag with bullshit, we're not even close to getting married and u starting already? fuckit, im out, u got bomb pussy, but i'll wack it if i have to idgaf

>> No.8765353

Is life too long or too short?

It's just right.

>> No.8765355

All of this basically imho desu senpai

>> No.8765357

he's a trained actor but he still couldn't bring himself to look at the audience when he said "i really love her", clearly that marriage was over already

>> No.8765359
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>implying you can have a platonic relationship with women

>> No.8765363

i have platonic relationships with a couple chicks, doesn't mean i don't think about hammering their puss if they wear something hot, but it's not like im some friendzone dummy waiting for a moment of vulnerability to exploit, their friends we don't flirt or touch each other when we hang out, plus it's less gay than hanging out with a bunch of dudes

>> No.8765365

I'm looking to widen my English vocabulary, preferably from a free online periodical. Looking for something challenging, but not comprised entirely of technical jargon. Any recommendations? So far I've found the Economist.

>> No.8765372

what the FUCK are you talking about?

>> No.8765377

u SAID u can't be friends with women but i pointed out that u don't have to be a friendzoned creepyman just cuz a chick is hot

>> No.8765385

p sure they converge, boyo

>> No.8765388

look left and right before crossing the street, people are idiots.

>> No.8765389

bony fuck I'm pudding my land

>> No.8765397

Don't joke about dead children to your aunt who had a child who died.

Srsly did this.

>> No.8765402

I've broken 6 condoms and probably only ever used condoms like 30 times. that's a shit ratio. wear 2.

>> No.8765430

If you're not attracted to them, it's perfectly possible. Just like how you can be friends with dudes. You're not attracted to them.

If you're attracted to them, that's a fucking mess waiting to happen.

If you're a horny teenage idiot then yeah probably don't hang out with girls until you mellow out.

>> No.8765451

wear a bag on your head as well in case hers falls off

>> No.8765477

you should want a mediocre or ugly wife with good personality. ugly girls have character and intelligence, more important genes you want for your future children. also, if you're attractive they'll never leave you.
ugly does NOT mean fat. don't go for land whales, this is a sign of greed and lack of self-respect.

if you have semi ugly children and you raise them well, they wont have everything handed to them in life the way attractive children would, and they'll grow to be better people

>> No.8765481

what you say is edgy but reasonable. what colour pill did you take?

>> No.8765491

What you really want is a girl that was ugly as a teen but grew into her good looks. All the benefits of what you said plus you're not stuck plugging an ugly chick for the rest of your life.

And only insecure faggots worry about girls leaving them.

>> No.8765501


You REALLY don't want an ugly chick who was hot in high school. Craziest bitches out there. They still think they're hot in their head, and they are never letting go of that notion.

>> No.8765514

I'd argue that. If a girl grows into her looks in college she'll become a massive slut, I've seen it happen too many times to count.
I believe you should aim for the middle-of-the-road girls who weren't attractive enough in their youth to become spoiled, but aren't so grotesque that they have never felt intimacy

>> No.8765522


>> No.8765532
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Been searching for wisdom for 35 years. Most of it is new-age bullshit, or statements that are more catchy than sensible. Effortpost incoming.

Commitment and endurance can move mountains. If you commit to something often, even if it's for a few minutes a day, it will add up to something immense. Half-ass everything, and you will get nothing great from it.

An object in motion stays in motion. An object at rest stays at rest.

The results you get from life are directly proportionate to how much effort you put into life.

It's never as bad as you think it is.

Depression feeds on the past, anxiety feeds on the future.

Take great care of yourself and your body. Exercise and eat a good diet. I don't give a fuck what your excuse is. Unless you're in a coma, you have no reasonable excuse not to exercise. When you get older, you don't want to feel like you're a prisoner in your own body.

Don't trust people who talk shit about others behind their backs, and don't talk shit about people behind their backs.

The less you say, the more value your words have.

I think this is the most important one I've learned:
The world owes you nothing.

>> No.8765547

>buy 2 physical alarms and put them on other sides of the room.

>get a kurig and a costco membership

>use the pomodoro method when you really need to get to work but don't want to

>figure out your style and buy 10 variants of that outfit

>learn to tie a tie

>learn how to lift, even if you don't keep it up

>watch the wire so you don't need to watch television anymore

>learn to cook chicken and pasta

>learn to work on cars, but buy a car that won't need work

>fake it till you make it

>befriend everyone you meet

>go out of your way to be polite and kind to other people

>> No.8765551

you sound like a fag. but fake it till you make it is perfect. always do this.

>> No.8765557

Whatever you tell yourself most is probably a lie

>> No.8765560

Legit good advice

>> No.8765561
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kill yourself. There's no point incurring further disutiity and there's no huge revelation on its way

>> No.8765569

better learn to tie that tie in a half-Windsor tho.

>> No.8765571

Don't bother with occultism. There's probably something there but it's not worth the effort.

Don't talk shit about your wife/girlfriend behind your back. Literally nothing good will come out of it, and I don't know whether it actually makes you pathetic but it's a good indicator.

A single term in the wartime military is worth a shot if you're up for it but don't make it a career.

Do whatever you must to stay healthy. You could spend decades trapped in a broken body otherwise.

Be realistic about how smart you are when making future career plans. Practically no one will give you a straight answer on this.

Don't expect to be worth a shit, generally, until you're well into your 30s. Midlife crises mostly consist of men realizing they burnt themselves out in their 20s when they could've been building things that started to pay off big when they hit middle age.

>> No.8765579

Nice. I'll add.

>Learn to become a morning person
>learn to understand things you disagree with without feeling hatred towards those who believe it
>say "yes" to every opportunity if the alternative is sitting around doing nothing, even if you don't think you'll like it
>don't be a pothead
>respect EVERYONE.
>learn to argue/debate/discuss controversial ideas while retaining love for the person youre arguing with
>a bad job with good coworkers is better than a good job with bad coworkers
>put a $20 in your glove compartment
>all action and no plans is better than all plans and no action.
>be comfortable with solitude without having some lonely aesthetic slant to it.
>emotionally-balanced average-looking non-white girls are the best people to befriend
>Have a dream and pursue it, even if it's crazy nonsense, even if it's small and dismissible

>> No.8765580

you only live once. live it up as hard as you can no matter what. always try and have the best times. you only get one. so if ur in Vegas and the wife is home and some slewdem galdem come up on you, best be on that Yolo ooooooOOOOOOooooooOOOO

>> No.8765585

This is pure delusion. You're just in the friendzone/subconsciously orbiting. If you honestly believe a platonic relationship with a female can ever hope to match the camaraderie you have with real mates, serious discussion, or anything in general, you're just stupid or have never had real friends. Ultimately women cannot reach this same level of true friendship with other males due to biological/psychological restrictions. I am talking about an actual good (best) friend, not acquaintances.

>> No.8765587

>emotionally-balanced average-looking non-white girls are the best people to befriend
Fuck, this is so true. IDK what it is with white girls, they're all nutty as hell nowadays.

>> No.8765590

What are these biological restrictions? What are your sources?

>> No.8765600

All of my closest friends are females, almost all for about a decade.
difference between me and you is i'm not a dumbshit teenager.

>> No.8765604

what is: childbirth and motherhood.
If you don't understand any of the psychology behind this please leave pleb.

>> No.8765606

He's talking out of his ass, of course. Several of my great friends are girls. You just have to have some semblance of self-control.

>> No.8765607

You didn't really refute anything? You just said some unrelated biological processes.

Check this out: Menstruation and puberty.

>> No.8765608
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t. nu-male cuck

>> No.8765612

You didn't really bring up any points? You just asked a question and asked for sources.

>> No.8765614

Keep a dairy. Make it personal by exploring your past, and thinking of your future. It's one of the healthiest things you can do, and it's a lot more productive than sperging out on facebook or twitter.

>> No.8765618
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Stop taking life advice from a literature board full of autists

>> No.8765622

Try to become as self-aware as possible.

>> No.8765623

- make every day a fucking blast for your kids. in what ever way they like. just make sure they love every day.

>> No.8765624

Keep your """"redpills"""" to the cancer boards please

>> No.8765661

leave the house every once in a while bucko

>> No.8765671
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Self-Awareness is the first step to success.

>> No.8765691

>learn to understand things you disagree with without feeling hatred towards those who believe it

If you are capable of doing this, you are better than 99.9% of other humans on the planet.

>> No.8765706

Never associate with people who are really into Tarantino movies

Find a good 24 hour diner near you

Learn to enjoy your coffee black

>> No.8765759

>It's never as bad as you think it is.
>Depression feeds on the past, anxiety feeds on the future.


>> No.8765766

solid advice, desu

>> No.8765839

if this is unironic, please dont ever wear two condoms. The friction between the two will tear them both. try bigger condoms if yours keep breaking.

>> No.8765954

I'm just trying to help anons.

Am I a faggot for having a costco membership?

>> No.8765969
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go to sleep(varies by your timezone)

>> No.8765980

Take a break from the screens once in a while.

I broke my phone and ordered a replacement screen. It took 2 months for me to get it (China), and I went without a phone for that time. After fixing it, and realizing I only got 15 text messages in that time, and only missed a handful of phonecalls I realised I really don't need to carry this thing around with my all the time. I leave it at home 99% of the time now, and I leave it on silent. You'll be surprised just how conditioned you've been to react to all the alerts and vibrations...

>> No.8766011

>-work is work not fun.

Work is where you spend 50 hours a week doing the same damn things over and over. Work doesn't have to be fun but it certainly has to be tolerable.

>> No.8766015

the economist is for dumb people who think they're smart

>> No.8766017

I would rather have seen some shit and learned from it than not seen some shit at all.

>> No.8766024

That's actually kinda poetic

>> No.8766029

It's almost like that sentiment has been expressed before and better and is actually just a cliche.

like something about loved and lost and neither victory nor defeat

>> No.8766035
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Don't bother yourself with things that are beyond your control

Don't spend your time thinking about what other people are thinking about.

Don't value anyone else above yourself.

Only worry about the wellbeing of other people if it ultimately brings your more joy than it costs you.

Don't love anyone more than they deserve based exclusively on their actions toward you.

Don't think about future events whose outcome is uncertain and/or beyond your control.

>> No.8766049

>You just have to have some semblance of self-control.
But the fact that this qualifier must be added is indicative that friendship with a woman isn't purely platonic, but rather one where sexual attraction must constantly be repressed.

>> No.8766084

Ok here we go:

>Take vitamin D3 (research it)
>Learn about nutrition and start working out
>Get a tan once in a while, don't over do it tho. It will make you look and feel better
>Don't ever do things for the sake of being statistically superior to the rest of the population, it's pointless.
>make a schedule and stick to it
>dress like a normal person, the weirder you look the more you will alienate yourself
>keep the drama and bad emotions out of your life no matter what
>if you can, date 20-22year old girls for the rest of your life, older women are just not worth your time
>your 'taste' means absolutely nothing, don't take pride in it
>save some money for a possible abortion/bribe/bail
>try everything you can responsibly (drugs, sex, etc)
>don't be sarcastic or ironic ever
>don't compare yourself to other people, there's always someone better out there
>research anxiety and depression

>> No.8766141

So I was drinking last night, reading some threads and wikis and I came across a thought that stood out to me. I don't remember if it was a philosopher, social theorist or an anon, it was likely the former or the latter. Basically it read like "he thought unhappy people was caused by misconceptions about the world/despair is a result of poorly formed opinions about the world"
I forgot to bookmark it but it's killing me that I have no idea what I read..
I was going to make a thread but this thread seems to be somewhat relevant, this is the only place that
might have a clue. I don't expect a response though.. maybe it was only a dream.

>> No.8766155

That sounds so normal though.

A rather dull life to live.

>> No.8766156
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Try to let the things that are unfair in life teach you.

>> No.8766170

35 years of wisdom condensed into ten trite, not quite right aphorisms

then again, this thread isn't about being right or being good, it's about being well adjusted

healthy outlook/10

>> No.8766176

Ollie higher.

Never eat pasta on a first date.

Never, ever make fun of fat people who are exercising. That's like the third worst kind of karma.

>> No.8766187

I would rather die than give up wearing my ridiculous flamingo shoes and dating crazy older women. Variety is the spice of life- enjoy your buttered pasta existence

>> No.8766188

don't get hit

>> No.8766190

You can't have serious friendships with girls is bullshit. If you want to rant and get something out of your mind, then intelligent women listen more carefully. They mostly don't understand but for some reason they don't think black and white with complicated stuff. Plus hanging out with attractive girls is fun rather than some guys who always want to do something and won't stfu. If you do things, guys are the way to go but just chilling somewhere with a compatible girl is fun.

You don't get something concrete out of your female friends but for taking a break from thinking about things and just relaxing is better with them.

>> No.8766193

lmao, what a fag

>> No.8766194

Rate my advice /lit/

Don't date a girl you have to work with. When the relationship inevitably fails it will be really painful and awkward for both of you.

This might sound edgy but fuck what people think. Most people are selfish assholes. Why should you care what a selfish asshole thinks?

If a girl breaks up with you, don't try to "win her back", or "change her mind." She had her chance, fuck her. Move on.

>> No.8766196

what is this faggy thread, this has zero to do with literature

>> No.8766197

/b/ tier garbage, this board is pure shit

>> No.8766203

if you think you always 'have' to do things you will never know whether what you are doing is worth it or you are wasting time in the name of productivity.

and i can see the resentment in your post because you didn't even reply with an actual opinion

>> No.8766206

Try to identify who it is that is asking the question. who are you? is the only question there is. dont give up, and dont discount the journey itself, which may be the whole point. the richer the journey, the greater the reward.

>> No.8766209

oh, sorry. ready "the perennial philosophy" by huxley, and read Sufi works, ramana maharshi, Ram dass, and the stories of the baal shem tov.

>> No.8766214
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I think the true ideological blockage you have within your proposed hypothetical situation is this. How is it that you are a person as such, that can continue to maintain a job, while also loving a wuman? It reminds me of an old story that a friend told me that his friend told me and so on and so on. It goes like this. This man was employed at a big corporation and he made lots of money and was very good at his job. But soon he became obsessed with his bosses secretary. They fell in love and got married and so on and so on, soon after the man was fired for negligently providing a client with the ethical information that perpetuated the non sale of his companies products.

>> No.8766229

my opinion is you're a fag

>> No.8766232

good day closet faggot

>> No.8766239

lmao, u mad? :)

>> No.8766245

>calling work work makes your bran think it's boring and tedious
>why not call it homefun or fun to facilitate more positive feeling towards doing the one thing that'll actually help you accel in life
Just a thought, also:

Before you say it, think

Expand your vocabulary in order to articulate emotions, ideas, and rationale more effectively.

Learn a new language. This is tossed around a good amount, with vague or superficial reasons, but knowing a second language fluently influences your thought process, which in turn may open more cognitive doors.

If you're with a woman and you suspect anything other than unconditional love, leave.
Give and take relationships are very detrimental for personal growth.

Don't procrastinate.

Reflect on your past failures and accept that maybe some residual traits could use some tweaking.

I have some more if this is received warmly

>> No.8766249

shut up loser

>> No.8766253
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>Give and take relationships are very detrimental for personal growth.


>> No.8766254

Fite me irl

>> No.8766259

can't atm, too busy fucking your gf :)

>> No.8766263

Yea I see the disconnect.
Look at it like this:
A man and woman play back and fourth to satisfy egos (for the most part) and to (sonetimes) validate a relationship.

If you feel you need to validate a relationship it probably isn't worthwhile.