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8764942 No.8764942 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished my 1000 pages long novel that will never be published. I still have to edit it but damn, for a year, what a piece of work.

Now onto the next one.

>> No.8764956

Congrats, you deserve to feel good. Youve accomplished more than 80% of people here.

>> No.8764962

Why will it never be published? You've put too much effort into this, you can't just let it go now. Don't let your dreams be dreams!

>> No.8764971

thanks a lot anon

i mean, maybe in a future but i doubt it. At the time being im a no name so no serious editorial would publish something so extensive from me.

I should write a short novel but it seems im unable to do so.

At least this time is not a saga.

>> No.8764999

>1000 pages long novel
>In just a year
How many words was that worth and how many times did you replace your keyboard?

>> No.8765055
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over 465000 words, through i expect to reduce the text quite a bit when editing it

nice trips
old keyboard and im a slow typer somewhat, so it did not need replacing

>> No.8765077
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>over 465000 words
Oh dear lord.
The average publishable work does not even exceed over 120,000.
G-goodluck, man. You will need it.

>> No.8765136

share a small excerpt plz?

>> No.8765159

damn, i guess i better give up on that for the time being
i dont really mind, i love writing novels anyways

i would but its in spanish

>> No.8765169


Gratz, reminds me of my dad.

Dad honestly doesn't care for fiction very much, but once he just felt he had a novel in him, and he had to get it out. So over an 18-month process, he researched, drafted, wrote, edited, gave to close associates (mom and maybe one other) for read-through/proofing, and then finally formally submitted to various houses, none of whom bit. But he got it out. The floppies which contained the manuscript have long since acquired I/O errors of course, but there is at least one (maybe 2-3) copies of the all-important hard copy.

>> No.8765175

whats the general story plot

>> No.8765180
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Yeah, i might be the same. In my case i am not a very good writer, but i have tons of ideas for novels and i really need to get them out of my head or i might start daydreaming my entire life.

>> No.8765181

>i would but its in spanish

I will google translate it, super curious,

why no capitalize your i's

>> No.8765188
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Bullied girl with panic attacks goes to village in middle of nowhere for treatment. She starts seeing the ghost of a guy who was killed in there that asks her to find out what happened to his lost little sister. Horror, drama, mistery and a thousand plot twists ensue.

Something like that.

>> No.8765200

okay, pick a number from 1 to 1054

Keep in mind is not edited.

>why no capitalize your i's

dunno, should i?

>> No.8765234

Did you really need close to half a million words to tell a story like that?

>> No.8765254
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Well, it seems i did

Also obviously thats a synopsis that i made as short and simple as possible, i could expand it a lot.

>> No.8765324

which kind of spanish?

>> No.8765332

neutral spanish i guess
non tio cojones nor latino

>> No.8765333

>>8765324 Sorry, meant this for>>8765159

>> No.8765335

>1000 pages long novel
Uh oh
>in spanish
Oh ok you're in the clear
Thank Bolano

>> No.8765338

I see. I'm curious about it too and the one who originally asked seems to have left, so should I just say a number? 729

>> No.8765342



>> No.8765347


Gotta do both of these plz :p

>> No.8765348

okay, im off to dinner now and when im back ill post those pages

please dont expect anything great, im a mediocre to bad writer and im not saying this to be humble, its how it is (however i notice im improving)

>> No.8765436
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Pero la vi ser alejada por mis lazos, las enredaderas, y tras aquello la Puerta se cerró. Yo entre al chalet, agradeciendo la reconfortante oleada de calor de su interior, dejando ese bolso contra una de las sillas. Al instante me paralicé. No era que hubiera nada particular, a excepción del televisor apagado. Pero percibía que algo había cambiado.
Del pequeño cuarto que se abría entre la habitación de Mikhail y Matt y la que yo compartía con Kari me llegaba un rumor mermado. Kari misma asomó de ese pasillo, habiéndome escuchado venir, y me hizo una seña. Estaba alarmada.
Supe que era el momento. Me quité los guantes, avanzando junto a ella, en dirección a aquel sitio.
-Papá todavía no volvió. Lis, ¿de verdad crees que...?
Le sonreí.
-No te preocupes. Todo se resolverá.
El resto ya estaba en aquel espacio. Mikhail, con las manos en los bolsillos, se hallaba apoyado cerca del marco de la puerta, juzgando con su mirada. Wilhelm estaba encogido, contra uno de los sillones. Matt se volvió al vernos entrar, evidentemente preocupado. Y Johan, del otro lado del escritorio, por primera vez como un empresario, hizo una sonrisa torva cuando poso sus ojos en mí.
-Vaya. Es Lissie.
No perdí el tiempo, y ocupé la silla frente a él. Tampoco hablé, examinándolo. Johan era mas fuerte que yo, eso lo sabía, en especial porque yo siempre era, y sería, una completa cobarde. Pero tenía una debilidad. Y habilidades, habilidades no me faltaban. Solo tenía que intentar, por una vez, superarlo para bien.
Mi silencio y el de los demás parecieron incomodarlo un ápice.
-Me llamaron con tanta urgencia, pero si que se tomaron su tiempo en aparecer. ¿Esperaban a Leslie?- preguntó por sobre mi cabeza, a Mikhail, a Kari. Ninguno le respondió.- Debe ser todo un asunto como para que tengas que venir a decírmelo personalmente. ¿Tal vez te preocupa Norbert?
-No. Norbert está bien.
Lo vi levantar una de sus espesas cejas, con lentitud. Parecía satisfecho de mi conclusión.
-Y por qué no lo estaría.
-Johan, quiero preguntarte algo.
Johan Weigler apoyó su mejilla sobre uno de sus puños. Todo el aire en la habitación pareció enfriarse.
No cesé de mirarlo a los ojos.
-¿Querrías jugar una partida de ajedrez contra mí?
Mi primera victoria fue la pequeña sorpresa en su semblante, al irme. Casi al instante se recompuso. Lanzó una carcajada, y me señaló.
-¡Que broma, Lasli! ¿Me haces venirme hasta aquí porque estás aburrida? Saben, soy un hombre ocupado. Así que...

>> No.8765458

This is true enlightenment. This is true literature. Writing without the intent of publishing. This means you've written something worth while.

>> No.8765478

Google Translate:

But I saw her being carried away by my bonds, the vines, and after that the Door closed. I enter the villa, grateful for the comforting heat of its interior, leaving that bag against one of the chairs. I was instantly paralyzed. It was not that there was anything particular, except the TV turned off. But he sensed that something had changed.
From the small room that opened between Mikhail's room and Matt's and the one I shared with Kari I got a rumor. Kari herself came out of that hall, having heard me come, and beckoned to me. She was alarmed.
I knew it was time. I took off my gloves, advancing beside her, toward that place.
"Papa has not returned yet. Lis, do you really think ...?
I smiled at him.
-Do not worry. Everything will be solved.
The rest was already in that space. Mikhail, his hands in his pockets, was leaning close to the door frame, judging with his eyes. Wilhelm was cowering against one of the chairs. Matt turned to see us in, evidently concerned. And Johan, on the other side of the desk, for the first time as an entrepreneur, made a crooked smile as he laid his eyes on me.
-Well. It's Lissie.
I did not waste time, and I took the chair in front of him. Nor did I speak, examining it. Johan was stronger than I was, I knew that, especially since I was always, and would be, a complete coward. But he had a weakness. And skills, skills were not lacking. I just had to try, for once, to get over it for good.
My silence and the others seemed to bother him a little.
"They called me so urgently, but they took their time to show up. They were waiting for Leslie? "He asked over my head, Mikhail, Kari. No one answered. "It must be quite a matter for you to come and tell me personally." Maybe you worry about Norbert?
-Do not. Norbert is fine.
I saw him raise one of his thick eyebrows, slowly. He seemed satisfied with my conclusion.
"And why would not I be?"
"Johan, I want to ask you something.
Johan Weigler laid his cheek against one of his fists. All the air in the room seemed to cool.
-Tell me.
I did not stop looking him in the eye.
"Would you like to play a game of chess against me?"
My first victory was the small surprise on his face as I left. Almost immediately he recovered. He laughed and pointed.
"What a joke, Lasli!" Do you make me come here because you're bored? You know, I'm a busy man. So...

>> No.8765486
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>sorry for the lateness, the text keeps changing when i cut it i dont know why

Mikhail Eder murió esa misma noche, la noche en la que Kain Antar despertó de su largo sueño. Murió cerca de las cuatro de la mañana, entre las tumbas del claro que existía cruzando la Playa de las Piedras, allí donde la brecha de la que el autor había hablado se había iniciado desde un principio.
La policía Visganesa encontró su cuerpo, tumbado contra una de las lápidas, la profunda herida de su pecho borboteando sangre y el rostro apagado, torcido el cuello hacia abajo, el cabello despeinado cubriéndole los lentes mal puestos, descolocados por el impacto que lo había arrojado, el arma que había llevado tirada ya sin balas, a pocos metros del cadáver. Los forenses tuvieron que asumir que había mucho que no comprendían sobre esa muerte. Yo, por mi parte, tuve para mi el relato de Kari.
Quiero admitir que, hasta mucho después, jamás comprendí a Mikhail. La justicia que había en su mirada, su fervor imparcial para hacer el bien, su modo de decir la verdad, todas esas eran cosas con las que no congeniaba. Recuerdo que una vez el me agradeció, llamándome la luz del pueblo, pero yo creo que si alguien represento alguna vez a la luz dentro de San Naerit, ese tuvo que ser él, él, que desde hacía tanto tiempo lucho contra las sombras que lo velaban.
Sin embargo, solo me queda suponer. Me queda suponer que esa noche, en la que como saetas nosotros partimos en busca de Kain, Mikhail tomó asiento a horadadas frente a su rehén, siempre sin dejar de apuntarle, sabiendo que tendría que esperar. Que Helen continuó en su sitio, con las manos en los bolsillos, sosteniéndole la mirada, y entonces –Kari nos contó, entre su llanto- el dijo.
-Kari, busca en alrededor. Tal vez haya algo que sea importante aquí.
Y le tendió la linterna. Kari, de seguro incomoda por la noche y por todo lo que había ocurrido, no quiso de cualquier modo negarse.
Y Mikhail Eder quedó mirando a la mujer a la que había apresado, sereno como un ave de presa. Un poco de sangre goteaba de la frente y boca de Helen Degare pero, ¿Qué pensaba él, viéndola? ¿En que habría estado pensando esa noche?
Supe luego muchas cosas sobre Mikhail, sobre su infancia, cosas que jamás hubiera imaginado. A los cuatro años, sus padres lo habían abandonado. Había vagado las calles de la ciudad a solas, pidiendo comida, haciendo lo necesario para sobrevivir, hasta que los miembros del orfanato lo encontraron y le brindaron acogida, para que viviera con ellos y hallara una nueva familia. Con eso, comprendí bien porque el había sido tan desconfiado de los lazos de sangre que crearon tanta inútil confianza e ilusión entre los Weigler. Mikhail no había tenido a nadie.

>> No.8765518
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>465000 words
>lots of plot twists
sounds like a trilogy to me. if you can break it up into books of 100k, 150-180k, and 180-200k you might find someone to bite. having all 3 volumes completed would be a big plus because they wouldn't have to wait for you to complete any, they could just roll out 1 a year.

>> No.8765523

you planning on uploading it at anypoint?

>> No.8765575
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it actually could be divided in three books, through it would be weird since the two first would have 400 pages and the last one only 200

and besides, i didnt want to make a trilogy out of this story

i just wont publish it i guess

oh yeah, might be, but its in spanish

>> No.8765683


let someone younger than you know you are a book writer so they can publish your shit after you die

>> No.8765895

i guess, but i dont really see the point
ill try to publish it in my life time maybe, if i feel like it, but what happens after im dead doesnt concern me too much