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8764475 No.8764475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't exclusively read fiction

>> No.8764484

I'm usually a nonfiction reader but sometimes I'll read a few chapters of the Bible if I need something to laugh at.

>> No.8764485

>he doesn't read long expository pieces by journalists
You need to Initiate with Ida Tarbell.

>> No.8764490

Stop making me cringe you lousy turd.

>> No.8764493

beat me up, kill me, humiliate me.

>> No.8764572
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>> No.8764605

>He doesn't primarily read nonfiction

It should be a 5:1 ration of nonfiction to fiction and poetry. This will enrich your worldview, and also force you to be selective with your fiction.

>> No.8764609

>expecting to hit anything after winding up a punch like that

take some boxing classes u decadent fairy, u punch like a pleb

>> No.8764613
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>he doesn't read history

>> No.8764618
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This is pretty embarrassing

>> No.8764652

Borrowing your shitsow of a thread to request that image of a sweaty neckbeard in an anon mask with accompanying text describing how illusive and imp-like he is with his posts, and how he's making everyone mad etc. it ends with 'Please respond'.

I'm asking here because it was in one of these threads I saw it in last time.

>> No.8764660


The older I get, the less interesting long-form prose fiction is. It has a place in the imagination, but its importance relative to non-fiction, or even to the more speculative philosophy, which handily bridges the two meta-genres, diminishes over time. I would go as far as to slightly privilege poetry and similar "shorter" non-factual forms of literary expression over prose fiction, exactly in large part because of their brevity (which greatly aids reproduction in any storytelling tradition, as long as you have the nut of what you're trying to say, then you can embellish it as you please), but also because of their more extensive history in the history of literature.

>> No.8764670
File: 328 KB, 1214x584, man_of_irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go my man.

>> No.8764686

exclusively read nonfiction, exclusively write fiction

>> No.8764695
File: 319 KB, 1202x1600, O_OscarDelPozo_Mishima_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you brother

>> No.8764698

i've been looking for some good non-fiction to read, and not some queer essay collection by a "journalist" or some shit, but like history by history professors for history professors type shit...Rise And Fall of American Growth looks ok i guess, might go with that

>> No.8764709

Exclusively reading fiction? What are you, A GIRL?

>> No.8764718

check out the iliad

>> No.8764719

already read it holmes i'm looking for obscure shit

>> No.8764725

>notes from underground.jpg

>> No.8764746
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>> No.8764750

is that the bee aye who shot warhol?

>> No.8764834

Okay, grandpa

>> No.8765249
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>> No.8765259

>Exclusively reading fiction? What are you, A GIRL?

reee, etc.