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/lit/ - Literature

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8759693 No.8759693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't a woman written a masterpiece yet?

>> No.8759698

Is this an attempt at a koan? Like you haven't read one so it isn't real?

>> No.8759700

>I have never read my immortal

>> No.8759701

No motivation to. They can receive love, resources and validation simply by existing

>> No.8759702

does she have a penis?

>> No.8759707

Are there any?

Hardly a masterpiece.

>> No.8759714

Flannery O'Connor is the greatest short story writer of the last century, so.

Would also argue To the Lighthouse is pretty gud

>> No.8759725 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8759734

>Why hasn't a woman written a masterpiece yet?

their inferior

>> No.8759739

Please stop trolling. You think these books are comparable to Ulysses?

>> No.8759743


Is Ulysses the only masterpiece? Is the thread meant to be "why hasn't a woman written Ulysses"?

>> No.8759750

No there are a few others, all written by men.

>> No.8759759

this desu, just a plain simple fact, not any burger whining. The world is how it is.

>> No.8759760

It might already be out there, but no one will notice.

>> No.8759767

Jane Eyre?
Pride and Prejudice?
Wuthering Heights?

>> No.8759773
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Get real.

>> No.8759784

>morale-less prose wankfest, perhaps save for "life is an advebture"
I legit thought Joyce was a women until I lurked here.

>> No.8759787

I'm not arguing about the quality of the books. But they are considered classics.

Also, Middlemarch.

>> No.8759791

Did I ask for undergraduate tripe or for masterpieces?

>> No.8759793

Anon there is a reason why we have
Chess Championship and Women's Chess Championship.
So on and so forth with every aspect of competitions and life.

All the libcucks get pissed about women not being able to compete so we have to create all these fake leagues where women can compete with eachother at their own level.
Women were made from a rib.

>> No.8759798

Having a vagina excuse you of ever working hard and try to be the best at something

>> No.8759800

>I thought a man named James was a woman

>> No.8759809

"Only the books I consider to be masterpieces are masterpieces."

Spoken like a true pleb.

>> No.8759814

Harry Potter is a masterpiece. Congrats, a woman has written a masterpiece.

You can leave this thread now, idiot.

>> No.8759816

The very fact you had to put "a man named" there feeds into his point.

Jamie/Seamie is a v common nongendered name in Ireland, plus Ashleigh's like a boy's name!!!!!

>> No.8759817


Tell me why To the Lighthouse or The Waves isn't a masterpiece, then. For reasons other than ironic? misogyny

>> No.8759818

Middlemarch is better than Ulysses, objectively.
The Waves is better than Ulysses, in my opinion

>> No.8759819

I actually thought this too.
I think my brain just got the wires crossed with Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.8759822

You need to go back

>> No.8759823

Dude, honestly, suck my dick. The novels I listed are largely considered classics by the world community and are taught at universities all around the world.

Also, did I mention you can suck my dick?

>> No.8759826

To where you're from?

>> No.8759829

>can't name a masterpiece written by a woman
>s-suck my dick univeristies cover these books!

>> No.8759830
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>> No.8759834

>can't name a masterpiece written by a woman
I did. I mentioned like 4 novels and could've gone on.

>> No.8759841
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women are too busy enjoying themselves then marrying some man who love to please them

>> No.8759843

You mentioned 4 mediocre "classics" that undergraduates drool over.

>> No.8759850

Can't even spell right. Do you even English language, bro?

>> No.8759851

>that undergraduates drool over
I think you're confusing like with study. They're regularly assigned texts in academic settings.

>> No.8759852

>You mentioned 4 mediocre "classics" that undergraduates drool over
>unlike ULYSSES
hearty fuk'n kek

>> No.8759854

Well, Ume-sensei wrote Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.8759859

Fuck off I studied English in collage

>> No.8759861

Who says they're mediocre? You?

In that case, I think I should mention that I don't two shits about your opinion.

They count as classics, deal with it, cuck.

>> No.8759863

Can someone with a grad degree in trolling explain to me the effectiveness of these threads?

>> No.8759864
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>> No.8759866

You fuck off. I liked Martin Luther's ass crack after John Calvin blew me.

See how easy this is?

>> No.8759872


>> No.8759875

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8759877

To Kill a Mockingbird is a "classic" with hardly any literary merit, like the books you listed.

Stop posting anytime honey, you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8759883
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but only staceys manage to pull it off

>> No.8759884

Flannery O'Connor is as another anon said, the greatest short story writer in the last century. If anyone thinks Dubliners is a masterpiece, well, then a woman has written one as it's better than Dubliners.

The only good thing about ironic women hate threads is that Flannery O'Connor is slowly becoming very popular here. Thank you, based women haters.

>> No.8759886

Oh, shit, I forgot: are you now the arbiter of what has literary merit? Did the Flying Spaghetti Monster appoint you as such and I just didn't get the memo?

You're the one who's embarrasing yourself, kiddo.

>> No.8759894
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Wow this really made me think. Maybe I am too dumb to understand the subtle brilliance of Harry Potter, after all my malformed male brain could never grasp the genius of womyn writers.

>> No.8759902

We're not talking about Harry Potter.

Try again, sweetie. Even a broken clock is eventually right twice a day.

>> No.8759906



>> No.8759909

What's the source ? Random graphics are useless without a proper source. Also lmaoing at 'general intelligence'

>> No.8759914

Masterpiece by what metric?

Harry Potter is the most sold book series of all time, and it's written by a woman.

Don't tell me having a net worth of 1 billion dollars doesn't mean anything.

>> No.8759922

Harper Lee is no more talented than JK Rowling, as >>8759914 points out she is significantly worse by his metric.

>> No.8759930

>Don't tell me having a net worth of 1 billion dollars doesn't mean anything.

It doesn't. It just means she started a successful franchise

Harry Potter is decent but that isn't a metric of masterpiece. Otherwise schoppys mum would still be famous

>> No.8759939

>It just means she started a successful franchise
>It just means

Yeah, lets see you do it. You make it sound like creating a billion dollar franchise requires zero artistic or literary merit.

>> No.8759947 [DELETED] 
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because when women try to be independent, males always try to make them miserable

>> No.8759948


Please tell me where in what I wrote that I said anyone could do it or that it was easy? I merely stated the fact that she created a billion dollar franchise.

illiterate trash

>> No.8759952

The Waves

>> No.8759959

>posting in a bait thread

Oh you guys!

>> No.8759960

>>Don't tell me having a net worth of 1 billion dollars doesn't mean anything.
>She made a billion dollars

>> No.8760029


Only an uncultured swine would claim that no woman has ever written a masterpiece. Read more, then come back.

>> No.8760044
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Me and Pepe disagrees!

>> No.8760091

Harry Potter... a masterpiece? I hope you die slow and in agony.
The guy who created Minecraft is worth a billion. Is Minecraft a masterpiece?
Harry Potter is one of the worst books ever written. This is not opinion, either. Objectively, this is truth.

What the fuck does money have to do with anything? Many authors died in poverty, you stupid fuck.

Why are you even on this board?

>> No.8760097
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>This is not opinion, either. Objectively, this is truth.

>> No.8760104

bet your a woman who thinks with her feels fact is women are inferior. disagree, and you disagree with objective reality but that's what contienental leftist cultural marxist talmudic satanic frankist lizardian communist computer-God globalist Judaic socialist liberals ACTUALLY think.

>> No.8760105

Nice meme, mate. Come back when you have anything worthwhile to contribute at all. In the meantime, you should seriously think about killing yourself.

>> No.8760111

This is obviously bait, but women are genuinely inferior when it comes to producing masterful works of art.
Or was it all because "they were held down for like, so long, dude"

>> No.8760115

It wasn't bait, I agree. Women have never been 'held down', they've been held in accordance with their nature in the home where they belong. They shouldn't be included in art but stay in the kitchen and take care of their man

>> No.8760116

Of course dude, that's why the Russians never made any good literature, centuries of poverty and oppressive serfdom

>> No.8760120

Yeah not at all
She's mediocre

>> No.8760125
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sup memelord
maybe you should read what you are quoting

>> No.8760127

>ketch rig

>> No.8760136

Yes, this was my point.

I know, I replied to all of you fucks discussing Harry Potter and the Pile Of Shit to open up the discussion. There was no memeing

>> No.8760147

Not many people have written "objective" masterpieces.

But there are quite great female writers out there. Dickinson is good (inb4 meme) H.D. is one of my favourite poets, and I cant help but admire the cartographic mastery of Bishop.

>> No.8760154
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Pepe says 'no'

>> No.8760162

I love the frog from the bottom of my squalid heard, but this is not his place to be.

>> No.8760168

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

>> No.8760199
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nice one

>> No.8760208
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Written by her husband

Pepe confirms

>> No.8760237

Mansfield Park
Yes, is on par with Ulysses.

>> No.8760238
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Yuru Yuri is written by a woman tho

>> No.8760250

>Is Minecraft a masterpiece?

>> No.8760255
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This Pepe is not amused by your roastwhore opinion

>> No.8760268


Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Hence Rousseau said, "Les femmes, en général, n’aiment aucun art, ne se connoissent à aucun et n’ont aucun génie" (Lettre à d’Alembert, note xx.).

Nothing different can be expected of women if it is borne in mind that the most eminent of the whole sex have never accomplished anything in the fine arts that is really great, genuine, and original, or given to the world any kind of work of permanent value.

And Huarte, in his book which has been famous for three hundred years, Examen de ingenios para las scienzias, contends that women do not possess the higher capacities. Individual and partial exceptions do not alter the matter; women are and remain, taken altogether, the most thorough and incurable philistines; and because of the extremely absurd arrangement which allows them to share the position and title of their husbands they are a constant stimulus to his ignoble ambitions. And further, it is because they are philistines that modern society, to which they give the tone and where they have sway, has become corrupted. As regards their position, one should be guided by Napoleon’s maxim, Les femmes n’ont pas de rang; and regarding them in other things, Chamfort says very truly: Elles sont faites pour commercer avec nos faiblesses avec notre folie, mais non avec notre raison. Il existe entre elles et les hommes des sympathies d’épiderme et très-peu de sympathies d’esprit d’âme et de caractère. They are the sexus sequior, the second sex in every respect.

>> No.8760269

Yeah yeah, but it isn't.

>> No.8760285

>Jamie/Seamie is a common non gendered name

Where the fuck might I ask are you from in Ireland spouting that horseshit

>> No.8760286

This would prove that women are incapable of crafting a masterpiece, if anything.

>> No.8760292

are you actually this dense?

>> No.8760296

A white knights armour shouldn't be this blinding

>> No.8760303

I respect Guin Saga as a solid piece of literature.

>> No.8760327

and this opinion is why we have to put up with bullshit lesbo writers instead of paying attention to heteros that probably write miles more relatable stuff to most readers.

>> No.8760335

Sasha gray been there done that.

>> No.8760336

>angry Irish roleplayer appears
Come on now. Jamie isn't even specific to Ireland.

>> No.8760467

We're in /lit/ bruh, I think you might have missclicked.

Found the salty protestant. Don't worry, you'll have your moment of divine grace one day.

>> No.8760474

>"This is obviously bait"
>gos on to to bait obviously

>> No.8760484

It wasn't bait. Prove me wrong if you believe otherwise.

>> No.8760498

I understand that you pretending to hate women is funny but can you stop fucking the corpse of /lit/?
The board's been rotting for a while so your cock is probably smothered in weird necro-born stds. it's not healthy.

>> No.8760519

'genuinely' is just as fedora tippy a word as 'objectively', and so your post was just a nicer flavor of edgy, 'enlightened,' le-ebin-redditor bait. it's also subtler bait than the memelord you were replying too, but that's why you replied to it, to make your bait seem more bite-able through comparison.

>> No.8760547

>Who is J.K Rowling?

>> No.8760575

The song is pretty good

>> No.8760582

Woolf is good but not better than Joyce

>> No.8760590

>dumb frogposter

>> No.8760603

Oh yes, you're so enlightened. Genuinely is most definitely a "meme" word now. An anonymous virgin on the internet confirmed it. If you use it, you're automatically wear a fedora, don't you know?

Fucking kill yourself, you insufferable cunt.

>> No.8760607

>Woolf is good


>> No.8760639

Am I suposed to be laughing at her?
>try row across the pacific
>instead of trying my luck against adverse weather conditions I do the sensible thing and call for rescue
Seems like a level-headed course of action, I mean her idea was completely bogus from the get go but she had enough sense to call it off when she had to

>> No.8760647

Shocking lack of Le Guin in here. Sci-fi wouldn't be what it is now without her.

>> No.8761754
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Forgetting someone?

>> No.8761758


Women don't pursue goals, they are goals themselves.

>> No.8761770

Woolf is so middle-brow.

>> No.8761779

more like masterpiss innit

>> No.8761781

He wrote some shitty, shitty letter that bookend a great novel, but otherwise no.
lol, there is maybe three writer that are high brow then.

>> No.8761785



>> No.8761790

Middlemarch is awful,

>> No.8761795

Academia is a joke.

>> No.8761800

>lol, there is maybe three writer that are high brow then.
Her own definition of middle-brow perfectly describes her work. I don't think I've ever seen a better case of projection.

>> No.8761801
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>> No.8761827

No, but dickens is.