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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 265 KB, 1289x891, asdfasfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8756341 No.8756341 [Reply] [Original]

What did de Botton mean by this?

>> No.8756375

he means that white guys don't have the right to fuck multiple women

>> No.8756388
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Because it just doesn't work, period.

>> No.8756391

more like de bottom innit lads

>> No.8756394

It means blacks have low standards are easily entertained

>> No.8756407

Didn't he advocate infidelity or polyamory before?

>> No.8756413

No, I think the most he did was propose the desire towards infidelity is normal and its not the end of the world is acted on

>> No.8756468
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>What did de Botton mean by this?
He means that Polyamory only works when you don't really give a shit about any of your partners

>> No.8756477

>normal and its not the end of the world is acted on
it is the end of a relationship

>> No.8756487

Not if no one finds out :^)

>> No.8756496

false flag? His arguments about polyamory started out ok but turn into weak sauce about spanking and pirate outfits

>> No.8756548

Even people obsessed with shitty hobbies like lawnmower spotting consider Infinite Jest and Infinite Jest readers boring.

>> No.8756561

I really suspect that whatever East Asian country the visual part was outsourced to had a hand in this.

>> No.8756673


Actually it was more about the black woman not being able to deal with the realities of polyamory as much as the man. The white guy was just fine

>> No.8756682


>> No.8757630

>>What did de Botton mean by this?
>He means that Polyamory only works when you don't really give a shit about any of your partners

And it's true

>> No.8757648

Pretty much this senpai.
Polyamory is for hedonists who wish to fulfill their own needs and mask it in this phone sense of "open-minded love."
It's all bullshit.

>> No.8757862

As a hedonist I assumed "open-minded love" meant fulfilling my own wants, not needs, you don't need love.

>> No.8757883

For a lot of people it isn't, especially if it's a lone incident after 15 years of marriage or something like that.

>> No.8757888

When can we have a board dedicated to lawnmowers?
>John Deere is for normies
>Cub Cadet is the overhyped meme brand

>> No.8757889

>inb4 you have to deal with a child who can only see the world in a dichotomy of cucks and alphas

>> No.8757901

Where do you think all of those missing teen posters outside of Sam's Club come from?

>> No.8757936

>He means that Polyamory only works when you don't really give a shit about any of your partners

Thats not really true, ask the mormons.

Imagine if you were a true Alpha Dawg™ and you could provide for 2 hot bodacious intellectual great mummy women, who were great friends; you are telling me you couldnt all live together, have children with both, watch football on sunday while they go shopping for shoes, let them uck each other when you didnt feel like it, etc.?

>> No.8757943
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Takbir, this is a wise man, truly bigamy is the best way forward

>> No.8757945

That's polygyny and that works.

>> No.8757953

it works okay if you're too retarded to see the other forces at work.

>> No.8757954

im in an open relationship
its fine
its fun even
tips dont be a fucking insecure cuck

>> No.8757956

It sounded like he's burned from a failed polyamorous relationship then falsely concludes nobody can do it. By far the worst video of his I've seen.

>> No.8757970
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>im in an open relationship
>tips don't be a (...) cuck

>> No.8757972

>literal cucks

>> No.8757979

>caring about the end of a relationship
You'll grow out of it kid

>> No.8757980

really tho
its pretty fun

>> No.8757981

>tells you not to be a cuck while being a cuck
proof that cuckposters are really just projecting.

>> No.8757996

>these guys have sex with more than one woman
>I have sex with none
>I'll call him a cuck that'll show him

>> No.8758001

not being able to divorce your emotions makes you a cuck
stay pleb my friend

>> No.8758008
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I'm sorry, but if you're okay with your woman sleeping with other men your brain is literally defective.

Polygyny is another matter, that is just what G-d intended.

>> No.8758011

Women are incapable of friendship, especially when competing for the attention of a single male.

>> No.8758012

divorcing yourself from your emotions is literally what makes you able to be a cuck.
lmao cuck.

>> No.8758014
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>these posts

>> No.8758020

Threatened by my sexual liberation
cant wait to fuck your girlfriends too m8's
its gonna be lit

>> No.8758026


>> No.8758029

7/10 bait

You got me this far

>> No.8758030
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shut up you racist western imperialist pigdog

>> No.8758035

>getting cucked
>sexual liberation

>> No.8758038

He's samefagging I'm pretty sure he's being serious lmao.

>> No.8758042

>Still have an apatite for others while in a relationship
>peruse it
>Get called a cuck
wew lads
Dont lie to me and pretend you dont want to fuck other girls than youre gf
so why submit to that?

>> No.8758061

I do but i don't want her to. Every guy in an open relationship is a cuck in self-denial congrats on being half a man.

>> No.8758064
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I'm saying that is fine, western devil, but allowing your women to sleep with other men, does in fact mean that your brain is defective and infected by the american homosexual virus.

>> No.8758065

You're a cuck if you allow her to do the same.

A real man fucks many women but has the women be monogamous to him.

>> No.8758068

A real sub-human you mean. A real man doesn't disgrace the mother of his children

>> No.8758075

Why would a mother be disgraced by her fellow wives, infidel?

>> No.8758113

lmao alrigt then muhammed

>> No.8758129

Islam is a more manly, noble and suitable religion for Europe than Christianity ever was.

>> No.8758130

Tfw you subscribe to the nihilistic presupposition that humans are too weak to overcome their primal and animalistic instincts, and should not (or can not) strive for loftier goals of a transcendent and lifelong spiritual connection with someone you ca absolutely trust and love unconditionally.

>> No.8758143
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>Arab men and Islam
>not cucked
pick one abdul

>> No.8758180

mega nu-male

>> No.8758201

Then don't get into a relationship to begin with. The minute you assert somebody is your woman then you're a hucking for a cucking

>> No.8758214
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>> No.8758218

>ctrl+f "cuck"
>1 of 17


>> No.8758224

It is in fact perfectly applicable and appropriate in this context.

>> No.8758225
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I just made the thread to point out he had Infinite Meme

>> No.8758290

The bonds of marriage make the underclass stronger. We must remove them, like we've removed religion, nation, and race. Soon we will live in a world where no one could have any possible reason to care about one another, and we can all be safely exploited and disposed of as individuals.

It also has the potential to keep men unfit for reproduction from having meltdowns due to being tied up in sexless pseudo-romantic relationships.

Polyamory is a natural step in underclass dehumanization.

>> No.8758315






>> No.8758320

>/lit/ is still watching school of life videos

I'll be back in a couple years

>> No.8758323

See you in the funny pages

>> No.8758326

I didn't watch this, I don't even know who this is. I just saw "polyamory" and jumped at the opportunity to call people cucks and faggots.

>> No.8758352

how do you get to be enough of a freak to even consider debating whether polyamory is ok

>> No.8758361

internet pornography and general emotional detachment, possibly autism

>> No.8758362


Working mothers pay more tax as well. The weaker the family becomes the stronger the state becomes in its stead.

>> No.8758365

This is really common in youth culture, get ready for another fucked over generation of kids in the future.

>> No.8758433

I like fucking sluts
She likes fucking dudes
whats the issue here?
when did living according to nature become a crime

>> No.8758528

Jesus, get a load of this cuck

>> No.8758570

why is everyone so easily baited and trgigged over cuck shit
We fuck other people
shit is fun
why so mad

>> No.8758621

Polyamorists like to justify polyamory by saying it's our "natural state"
So they're implying that because humans are animals, and animals are polyamorous [citation needed], then it's our natural instinct to be polyamorous.
Yet, to be human is to transcend our natural instincts, to make our choices based on our abstract thinking, our ability to make moral choices, instead of succumbing to our primal instincts which by now should be only buried deep down inside the soul of a rational man.
Polyamorists are then calling themselves inhuman, which is whatever to me, because I already see them as subhumans.

>> No.8758796

What a convenient definition of what it means to be human. Also, how is it immoral or irrational?

>> No.8758814

some anon on /lit/ linked to this gem


>Does Alain de Botton fuck? Of course he doesn’t. What happens is the female of the de Botton species releases her eggs in the water, and the male comes along later and fertilises them

>> No.8758817

You want to fuck other men/women
your partner wants to fuck other men women
2 options
society tell you to hate your partner and to cuck them based on your feelings
or you can not be enslaved by emotion and enjoy patrician sex and love

>> No.8758829
File: 138 KB, 496x433, alain_debotton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit who is this monster kike

>> No.8758839

>Yet, to be human is to transcend our natural instincts
[citation needed]

>> No.8758847

>who is this famous philosopher

Do you need recommendations newfriend?

>> No.8758856


I'm getting more of impression of a self-help con artist

he is literally selling badges to bank on emotionally unstable liberals following the trump election emblazoned with "emotionally intelligent"

>> No.8758865

If you don't need love, you're probably a low-empathy narcissist.

>> No.8758872


a narcissistic with a higher oxytocin baseline and reaction level than you knows love more than you do

>> No.8758908

tell me more about love and ocytocin

>> No.8758932

>I don't need love, but I know all about it.
Who hurt you, anon?

>> No.8759023


I was sexually abused as a child multiple times and after failed attempts at reconciling it with new age techniques and religion I take a psychiatric/chemical stance on these things because thats how things actually work

>> No.8759041

>double the number of wife's sons

>> No.8759045


>> No.8759050


Polygyny works, and has in numerous societies across the world. Everyone gets to have their genes propagated in polygyny.

Polyandry doesn't work, and never has. One or more men in such a relationship would be relegated to the role of eternal cuck, and would probably destroy society out of resentment.

>> No.8759052


That sounds super-healthy and loving, the way you can just go numb whenever the woman you love is getting pounded senseless by other men.

>> No.8759056


>when did living according to nature become a crime

Right around the time where the first proto-societies were formed, several millennia ago.

>> No.8759064


Because it literally destroys society:

>In suppressing intrasexual competition and reducing the size of the pool of unmarried men, normative monogamy reduces crime rates, including rape, murder, assault, robbery and fraud, as well as decreasing personal abuses. By assuaging the competition for younger brides, normative monogamy decreases (i) the spousal age gap, (ii) fertility, and (iii) gender inequality. By shifting male efforts from seeking wives to paternal investment, normative monogamy increases savings, child investment and economic productivity. By increasing the relatedness within households, normative monogamy reduces intra-household conflict, leading to lower rates of child neglect, abuse, accidental death and homicide. These predictions are tested using converging lines of evidence from across the human sciences.


>> No.8759083

society also thinks twilight is literature
society is no authority i will look up too
its nice that you enjoy being a normal fag tho

>> No.8759088
File: 105 KB, 900x603, northern-elephant-seal-males-fighting-tim-fitzharris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know, if we lived according to nature, I could just beat you senseless and take your "sluts" for my own.

>> No.8759091

>I could just beat you senseless
But could you tho?

>> No.8759094

>They think sex=love
damn i remember when i lost my virginity too

>> No.8759096
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Fite me IRL m8

Seriously I'm a pretty big guy. Taller than average, very broad, heavy, deep scary voice. In the old days these kind of features were made for threats and fights. Why do you think human males are bigger than human females? We evolved this way because we were always fighting for mates.

>> No.8759101

>I could just beat you senseless and take your "sluts" for my own.
two outsomes:
we spar and the victor takes the women
we spar and you complain about it not being fair

>> No.8759105
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not him but i live in Nova Scotia
lets throw down pussy

>> No.8759108

also you sound like an fedora

>> No.8759115


Animals don't complain, they just limp off somewhere and lick their wounds. In a state of nature these fights are deadly serious, it's not like a football game. Elephant seals are often grievously injured or even killed in mating battles. The winner amasses a harem of 20 females. We developed monogamy as a cultural tool to avoid this kind of violence, now even low status males have a chance at breeding and are thus happy, quiet, and productive. The other anon cited a study that sums it up better than I can.

>> No.8759120

>postulating natural/unnatural states

>> No.8759123

where do you live my man

>> No.8759127

>he feels a connection with elephant seals
An awful lot of animals do not fight to the death.

>> No.8759137


Grow up I'm not fighting you.


The stability of the female line of dna compared to the male line of dna suggest that humans did. The whole point of the seals thing is that natural !=good. You can call me mean names all you want but in your heart you know I'm right.

>> No.8759140

>but in your heart you know I'm fat.

>he stability of the female line of dna compared to the male line of dna suggest that humans did.
There are so many factors that affect how much mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome DNA change I can't imagine there's any good research.

>> No.8759165

> Islam is a noble religion
fuck off to your desert sandnigger

>> No.8759177

It's the natural progression of industrial society. Workers must become fungible, so adult humans must not pair-bond and, ironically, child-rearing must shift back to communal style.

This is how you can be sure polyamory WILL become normal- it is what the industrial machine needs.

>> No.8759191
File: 34 KB, 825x225, 1464142259609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know any girls irl or go to any female forum or message boards, when they talk about partner count most of them have slept with at least 10+ guys by the time they're 20 (and usually they don't even "count" bj's n shit), so just imagine after college etc

literally all of them are sluts, same as men, the only difference is it's 100x easier for the average woman to get laid than it is for the average man (which explains the bitterness of most men over most women's excessive promiscuity/infidelity)

in general it just means it's incredibly easy to fuck them as long as you're decent looking, but on the flip side it does ruin relationships/monogamy completely

it's mostly bad for the cucks who actually invests time, money & effort to date/marry a girl who had an average of 20-50 cocks in her. that's just sad

>> No.8759199
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Islam was too dogmatic, barbaric and oppressive to ever allow for an enlightenment. That is why its followers are dumb poor sand niggers and christians became colonizers of the world. Clearly it is inferior.

>> No.8759238


>The practice is surmised to have been common since anthropological antiquity. In Neolithic Europe, excavation of the Linear Pottery culture site at Asparn-Schletz, Austria, the remains of numerous slain victims were found. Among them, young adult females and children were clearly under-represented, suggesting that attackers had killed the men but abducted the nubile females.[1]

>Abduction of women is a common practice in warfare among tribal societies, along with cattle raiding. In historical human migrations, the tendency of mobile groups of invading males to abduct indigenous females is reflected in the greater stability of Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups compared to Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups.

>> No.8759244
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>> No.8759251

>the tendency of mobile groups of invading males to abduct indigenous females is reflected in the greater stability of Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups compared to Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups
I'm not sure what they mean here. Like I think they mean, as I guess you do, that it's longevity of the different haplogroups, but that's not how it reads with stability.

I will point out as well that problems with the Y chromosome can cause serious problems with survivability and procreation. So many many variations of the Y chromosome are short lived just because the carriers are infertile.

>> No.8759524

It is natural for men to want to control their women to insure loyalty and legitimacy of offspring.

Polyamory is not natural, but polygyny is.

>> No.8759564


>> No.8759569
File: 45 KB, 472x316, 1478875643197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is not my first language kafir, you better watch your tongue you western son of Satan

>> No.8759585

>Friend zone: the badge

>> No.8759597


>exclusivity is the essence of a meaningful relationship

stay pleb

>> No.8759603

Story behind picture?

>> No.8759608

it looks like american troops abusing prisoners

>> No.8759612

>tfw there are literally children on this board who haven't heard about Abu Ghraib

>> No.8759613

>exclusivity is the essence of a meaningful relationship

It sure is.

>> No.8759616

Underage detected.

>> No.8759624

There's a kind of toxic view of language spreading through wikipedia, and there's an example here.
>implying demands have to be made by a person or agent

>> No.8759679

Why does he have so many WMBF couples in his videos?

>> No.8759683
File: 65 KB, 868x489, 5785a3cb947be_gettyimages_143717348_1bob8u6-1bob8ub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really common in the UK and London in particular.

>> No.8759691

Fuck me... coppercabs a muslim now?

>> No.8759741


sounds like a very frustrating view desu

>> No.8759746
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>sounds like a very frustrating view desu

Why? It all comes down to self-interest. A society where 10% of men get all the pussy and children isn't in my self-interest.

A society where monogamy is cherished, and everyone gets a shot at having a wife and children is in my self-interest.

>> No.8759833 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 620x598, 1480004602582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be bait

>> No.8760272

yeah but we're doing it ironically

>> No.8760342

you some type of socialist, boy?

>> No.8760358

>you some type of socialist, boy?

Absolutely not.

>> No.8760375

When why do you try to apply socialism to sexuality?

>> No.8760452

>When why do you try to apply socialism to sexuality?

What made you think that?

>> No.8761689

>the ownership of pussy is in the hands of the few, pussy must be evenly distributed amongst the people!