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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 221 KB, 787x783, 4563625146_ec5f03de6e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
875511 No.875511 [Reply] [Original]

If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

>> No.875521
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>> No.875523

Whoa, man.

>> No.875527
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>> No.875529
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If you gaze for long into your own butthole, your own butthole gazes also into you.

>> No.875531

This thread is deep.

>> No.875534
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>> No.875536

A quote that few people actually understand and often apply some nonsensical, cryptic meaning to it.

Also, I want to mouth fuck that girl in OP's pic.

>> No.875539

Explain it to me.

>> No.875543
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>> No.875545
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If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

>> No.875549


Holy fuck. Now, that is deep.

>> No.875562


'The abyss' represents those elements humans consider to be unpleasant (mental-wise). Non-individuality, non-identity, etc, basically anything which contradicts the configuration that is conditioned into us from birth.

In an abstract way, the ubermensch symbolizes the abyss... but only a human as opposed to a posthuman would see it as such (i.e an absence of what they perceive as humanity).

I spent a long time 'gazing into the abyss' and have been a student of posthumanist thought for years.

Am I saying I'm an ubermensch? No. I reject humanist theory in regards to the human condition, but as someone who has had that configuration conditioned into me since birth, I may never be able to undo the damage. However self-assessment is the first step.

>> No.875581

If bullshit had a brain, it would quote Nietzsche.

>> No.875586



Typically, the quote is often associated with contemplation of the universe or greater, where one realizes their insignificance on a grand scale of things. In this regard, the quote is referring to nihilism.

>> No.875596

You seem to have a good level of understanding.
Now, tell me something, psycho boy, why do so many people say Nietzsche is bad and stuff?

>> No.875612


On the surface, they associate him with nihilism, and/or misunderstand his quotes because they don't have the knowledge of his writings to put them in context.

On a deeper level, they see nothing beyond the universal humanist conception of the self and the 'human nature' they associate with it. They see anything other as absence, when in reality its just a different way of perceiving the world (another, better way of living).

Thats why in literature you'll often see conformity and collectivism childishly criticized from the humanist point of view, pushing the idea that it is the center and only basis for human existence. They mistake the configuration as universal, or something entirely hardwired into the human psyche.

>> No.875616

And if you don't bother to answer, why do people criticize nihilism so much?

>> No.875618


In addition, it scares them.

Just because we're frightened of something doesn't mean it isn't good for us. Its merely cultivation of the mind.

>> No.875620

Anon, did i say i love you?
Thanks so much.

>> No.875624
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The shit abyss

>> No.875627


Am I doing your homework? They see nihilismas a rejection of everything human, when (at least in the posthumanist sense) it is a rejection of the humanist conception of human nature.

Those who are more sharp just can't cope with the idea of reconditioning themselves to live/perceive any other way, as the way they live/perceive now is the foundation of their whole life in society as we know it today.

>> No.875628



>> No.875640

No, man. You ain't. Relax.
I just like the subject.

>> No.875645


How does this quote relate to insignificance at any level? Do people really think that?

>> No.875669


They do. Well like I said in one of my last posts, they see the humanist idea of human nature as the be all and end all... anything which contradicts or deposes it makes them feel insignificant/uncomfortable.

>> No.875670


Alternatively, contemplating the universe can have the same affect, or contemplating death, etc.

>> No.875690
File: 21 KB, 350x267, 1227553360-Arthasdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is all this bullshit? You try and influence shit, and eventually that shit influences you. That's what this quote is saying.

Stay away from the devil or you'll become one.

>> No.875705
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>> No.875708

Hurm. Recognize from Watchmen.

>> No.875714


>implying your word overrides Nietzche's own writings.

>> No.875716

>implying you aren't a whiny liberal know-it-all faggot

>> No.875718


Shallow conclusion is shallow.

>> No.875721


u mad that Nietzche doesn't agree with you?

>> No.875727 [DELETED] 

No use in arguing with liberals. Might as well leave they wallowing in an orgy of their own filth.

>> No.875726


implying that reading makes you a liberal know-it-all faggot

>> No.875729

No use in arguing with liberals. Might as well leave them wallowing in an orgy of their own filth.

>> No.875735


>> No.875737

lol k

>> No.875739

lol kay

>> No.875740


>> No.875742


I didn't tell Nietzche to write it. You can't really argue a quote's meaning against the quote's author, especially since you obviously haven't bothered to read any of his material (because knowing what you're talking about is for liberal know-it-all faggots, amirite?)

>> No.875743
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>> No.875745

hey alright

>> No.875749

Without reading the thread, here is what i always thought the quote meant:

If you dwell on things unpleasant to observe in the effort to understand them better, they will eventually distort you and you will be twisted by that which you spend so much time around.

Was I close at all?

>> No.875750
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>> No.875752
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>because I totally know how to in-terr-perrt ancient philosophical works

>> No.875754


Yes, very.

>> No.875756
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If you venture into a diseased world, you can expect to come back diseased.

>> No.875759

See, people agree with me.

>> No.875760


>implying that writings from the 1900s are ancient.

>> No.875763

>implying Nietzsche didn't write during the 19th century.

>> No.875764

>implying they aren't

>> No.875765
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>> No.875766

>implying he did

>> No.875769

Yeah, who needs to pay attention to anything more than 20 years old, anyway?

>> No.875771

I didn't know they had computers in mental homes.

>> No.875772

It's much older that 20 years, son.

>> No.875774

>implying that this statement isn't truth

>> No.875777

The 19th century isn't ancient, boy.

>> No.875785

>google define "ancient"
>belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of...
>belonging to times long past
>times long past

>> No.875787

Different person, but it sure as hell isn't modern.

>> No.875789


Oh shii but it was liek... roughly a century and a half ago! Wernt there dinosoars back than?

>> No.875792

Only Americans could believe that 19th century writing counts as obscure ancient texts, when they're easy to understand.

>> No.875793

google define "modern"

"not antiquated or obsolete."

Well, here we are debating it, so it's obviously not aniquated or obsolete.

Your move, Socrates.

>> No.875796

I'm sorry, when was any mention of any of our nationalities made?

>> No.875800

>only Europeans would let their cultures be assraped by American culture

>> No.875805


At least being American would serve as an excuse.

>> No.875807
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>Implying things have to be one thing and one thing only

>> No.875810

So you're saying it's both modern and ancient? Ooh, NOW we're getting deep.

>> No.875811


Its not an ambiguous matter. Your massive butthurt and not being able to dictate the meaning of Nietzche's writing is amusing.

>> No.875813

Not as much as being Australian.

>> No.875814

Modern history begins in the 16th century.

Modernism starts around the end of the 19th century.

>> No.875815

It's ancient but relevant in modern times. People call the pyramids ancient but those things are plastered all over the front of magazines.

>> No.875817

Aw, I'm hurt :(

>> No.875818


Not the same guy.

>> No.875819

>saying i'm butthurt to hide butthurt

>> No.875820

Linked it to the wrong one. It's this one:

>> No.875822

>saying he's butthurt to hide his butthurt to hide your butthurt.

>wait wut?

>> No.875823

Now i'm confused who's who ITT.

>> No.875824


Ah okay.

>> No.875826

It's just a big troll orgy anyway. Best leave now or you'll get some butthurt on you.

>> No.875828

my issue with Nietzsche is that he didn't actually come up with anything original. Perhaps you've heard the quote "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.....[without God]". Nietzsche seems to have just stated bluntly, 'there is no God, therefore everything is vanity'. Which we all knew to begin with, right? But his take on it exemplifies the truth behind the original statement. Even if God is trivial (or any other higher power/meaning/existence), it is a person's, we'll say 'fixation' for lack of a better word...(*ahem* belief), that gives meaning to one's own existence. This is something that many have said since the inception of philosophy, that not even the nihilists could defeat.

>> No.875837

>infinite loop

>> No.875868


That definitely sounds like a question a humanist would care about. The problem isn't that conventional humans need a fixation, so much as our way of thinking identifies 'purpose' and makes it an issue.

Problems without possible solutions aren't problems, they're abstract products of flawed thinking.

>> No.875917

wow...hat's off to you anon. I'm not much of a philosopher, but I can say that I've never felt more at peace with myself and the world when I realized that I would actually die, nothing left, all my works would crumble, my name forgotten.

>> No.875929

death is not the end, my friend.

>> No.875936

It was either Camus or Kant that said (basically) "there is no purpose other than what we assign."

>> No.875937

But how do you know, bro?

>> No.875942

First, would you say you don't know there is an afterlife, or that you know there isn't an afterlife?

>> No.875948

You kinda killed the rhyme with your 'tude, dude.

>> No.875957

I didn't pick up on that, Karawak :3

>> No.875989


Its a very productive way of thinking. Who knows what an unconfused, properly cultivated (i.e conditioned, configured) humanity could accomplish; or should I say, "Posthumanity". It is a much brighter future than the one we're currently facing.

>> No.875994

Turn humans into machines, you mean?

>> No.876002

good! keep the rhyme up, Barry Krup!

>> No.876006


Nope, but that is an option. There is a clear line between cultivating thought processes and mentally configuring someone, and/or trimming them back their capacity to think and express themself in a targeted/contextual fashion.

>> No.876015


>...and trimming back their capacity to think and express themself in a targeted/contextual fashion.*


>> No.876019


Its better to have functional machines capable of acting on their own and thinking, than ones which rely exclusively on conditioning and input.

>> No.876032

heh...and suddenly I get the feeling that at the end of the day out of all the -isms we try, pragmatism will stand alone

>> No.876035

Can I quote you?

>> No.876043

ITT: trolls, high school philosophers, proto-fascists


>> No.876051

not this guy:

>> No.876066


I only referred to one question as being humanist, because it posed a question which the answer to dealt with satisfying the conditions of a conventional human being's existence (i.e purpose or belief).

So, if you actually have something to say, feel free to do so.

>> No.876429

durrrr i philosophy becuz it mysteries of the world hurr