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/lit/ - Literature

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8756941 No.8756941 [Reply] [Original]

thats it lit, im finally switching majors, I cant stand computers anymore. who am i kidding anymore, im not simply a talentless passionless shallow stemfag, i want to create, i am human after all, not a fucking engineer. im going to look like a fool, i fell for the STEM meme, i did it for the money thinking i could handle it, oh little did i know. im doing it.

>> No.8756971


maintain a double major or minor depending on how far you are with course work. leaving that shit to fulfill elective credit requirements will be a huge waste to your resume presentation.

thats assuming you need that after your creative training but it doesnt hurt to have backups.

>> No.8756974

Same story here my friend, switched from CS to philosophy and maths, no regrets.

>> No.8757005

cs was not doing it for you too ?

>> No.8757084

I go to a stem school and feel bad for most of the cs majors. The majority of them only go into it because they hear computing = money and then slowly realize they hate the countless languages and endless hours of coding. I know two, maybe three that actually enjoy it, and the rest are just on autopilot at this point.

I hope you find something you enjoy more op. Sorry you put those years in if it wasn't what you wanted.

>> No.8757459

I hate computer science too but I am on my final year. I feel like I can't just quit now.

>> No.8757497

>two, maybe three that actually enjoy it, and the rest are just on autopilot at this point
People accept that because they consider work as a means to an end and not meant to be fulfilling in itself. They tend to be people who consider the point of life to be having as many enjoyable experiences as possible, and I'd wager not many people here agree.

>> No.8757516

This. it would be such a waste of money for me to quit now and I have literally no other prospects or funds left to do anything else

>> No.8757518

I got into STEM because I had an amazing relationship and I wanted to be able to support it. Now I'm in STEM because I want to help save the world. I admire righteous scientists, businessmen, and politicians the most, but I don't think I enjoy my STEM field. I'm demonstrably an extremely creative composer of music, but if I can do that and be STEM, that'd probably be the best. On the other hand, STEM might destroy me. I don't think I can live happily off of my parents or welfare by making art. I wish we lived in utopia.

>> No.8757527

i am afraid that math may be too much for me. Its obviously more interesting than economy or cs, but it may be too hard for me, as i am lazy retard

>> No.8757530

If they want enjoyable experiences, why would they pursue miserable careers? Work is an experience in itself and usually ends up taking a majority of people's time. I don't understand how people compromise the ways they do.

>> No.8757551

this is what you do go hang around technical colleges in the nursing department and find a girl with a nice ass that gets high grades brainwash her into falling in love with you then you get like $50,000+ a year from her and can do whatever you want

>> No.8757560

You definitely have to love CS to be good at it, but I've definitely talked to a few coders that see it as a creative outlet. My deepest experience with coding is in some UX Design and SEO stuff I've done, but from what I've been told there can be "elegant" code.

In any case, writing doesnt mean you'll be a broke loser either. There's a lot of need for good communicators in business. The ad industry regularly hires creative-focused majors as well. You should be able to make money to live while working on a passion project if you get the right internships and connections from here on out.

Don't pay $100000+ for something you hate.

>> No.8757585

I don't think it's so much that they do things they know will make them miserable, but rather they don't place stock in finding a field that will give them fulfillment so they just look for the least unbearable career. That's not to say they don't find enjoyment in their work, but they have the attitude that if they won the lottery they'd quit the next day.

>> No.8758073

You people are all stupid. You're switching to a wild card major that is almost guaranteed to ensure you work retail until you shoot yourself? Stay where you are and read books/write on your own time instead of learning the way some Marxist hack wants you to.

>> No.8758083

op here, im having second thoughts, i like psychology though im not sure if it would work out for the best, considering how hard it is to get a job in that field, im unsure on what to do, but part of me still thinks it
'd be easier if i stick to fucking computers, if only i had good teachers...

>> No.8758091

I switched from the humanities to CS/Math. The humanities are interesting but filled with all sorts of ideologues and career academics who are only capable of talking in some particular overwrought mode of speech half the time, and in whatever business-jargon is needed to keep the operation afloat the other half. Not that STEM isn't like that sometimes, but pretty much all the STEM lecturers I've had have been amazing and passionate and cultivated a love of learning that goes deeper than "lrn2java" or whatever.

>> No.8758097

so, what is the point of life?

>> No.8758098

I'm majoring in EECS but I take philosophy and other humanities classes for fun/fulfillment and to complete my minors in those areas. I'm only a sophomore, and my main question is: will I grow to hate these subjects more as time goes on? I've always had a passion for physics, philosophy, and literature.

>> No.8758104

Find fulfillment any way you can, because there is no absolute meaning in life. Try to make that quest for fulfillment about something deeper than materialism or wasting your life as a slave, because those are pretty fragile ways to do so.

>> No.8758112


Don't be lazy. Life's a bitch. You have to work hard to get what you want from life. Switching majors is fine, IF you're doing it because you realize that you might be better suited for another line of work, rather than because you think it might be a smoother ride for you.

Know this: the smoother ride will fuck you in the end.

>> No.8758121

so, not this: >>8758112

>> No.8758141

Post music link?

>> No.8758152

Those two posts aren't in conflict necessarily.

>> No.8758322

i ended up doing both cs and lit and am graduating next fall

double major is probably the easiest path - recruiters/companies love it if you're interested in working afterwards anyway - and in my circumstances it gives me the freedom to travel long term and work remotely after graduation

why not just do that

>> No.8758594

Fuck yeah! Only works while you're young though. If I tried this now it'd look creepy.

t. 33 year old

>> No.8758725

Switched from Engineering to history no regrets
Fuck working my ass off in a thankless environment for $80k a year

>> No.8759733


But now you'll be working for 20k/yr in a thankless job flipping burgers

>> No.8759857

>not leeching off welfare

wew lad

>> No.8762089
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Good choice lad. Dodged a bullet.

>> No.8762108
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I'm a cit/programming major and minoring in philosophy. Its only 15 more credit hours for a philosophy major, is there a real point to double majoring? I'm going into my second semester sophomore year (spent my first year at art school lul).

I really enjoy / am satisfied by programming and haven't academically studied philosophy yet (starting next semester).

>> No.8762130


/lit/'s Anti-STEM circle jerk is as bad as the rest of the world's pro-STEM circle jerk.

That being said, I dropped out of my Computer Engineering degree and lived out of my backpack for a year, now I work at Sears for 6 dollars an hour plus commission and live in low-income housing. Working for a bit and then hitting the road for a bit isn't really a sustainable lifestyle, but I have NO REGRETS... yet.

>> No.8762133

Jesus christ this is terrifying

>> No.8762136

don't be a fucking retard anon.

if you have a good dev gig in the bay area you get mad fucking prime pussy if you're semi good looking and not an autist.

most people have to work for a living unless we're paid for by rich parents.

So why not have a fat stem job which will let you score hella pussy and take fat vacations in exotic foreign lands?

if anything that kind of experience would do more for your writing than struggling in some shitty job with your non-stem pleb degree. Or being stuck in the humanities grad school con with no way out.

>> No.8762142

I'm CS and Math here. I like CS when the problems are entertaining and challenging and usually those are research level questions and not humpty dumpty coding a website or an app, EWWW.

>> No.8762144

That's a patrician double major. I sincerely and unironically wish you a good job in NYC or SF and the pussy that comes with a good job, sir.

>> No.8762145

>philosophy major

>> No.8762153

>Computer Engineering

lol i know a guy who dropped out of a computer engineering degree too, plebs think "computers and engineering, like combined? i'll have like, all the jobs!" then they realize it's just a narrow branch of electrical engineering with some low level programming thrown and proceed to search for an excuse to drop out, seems like most the people who do Computer Engineering have no clue what they're even going to be studying other than something to do with computers and engineering.

>> No.8762155

>implying STEM is inherently uncreative
>implying STEM destroys your life
>implying STEM is inherently miserable

>> No.8762159

if anything this thread has been quite anti-anti-stem jerk

>> No.8762161

that's what all the wimps that can't handle coding complex projects say..."oh i like the math parts more..." bullshit i know a lil' bitch trying to dodge writing code when i see it, never hiring any lame "math lovers" to write code, gtfo

>> No.8762166


That's not what it was like at my school. For us CPE and EE took almost all of the same courses and the only difference was a little more programming for the CPE's. Either way, the average starting salary at my school for both majors was around 65,000 per year.

>> No.8762173

(the secret is to be litstem, ever heard of da vinci, you fucking cowards?)

>> No.8762217

i graduated with a degree in computer science about 8 years ago. i am miserable but comfortably middle class.

oh how i wish i was you - i wish i was standing on that precipice again...leave engineering far behind you and embrace the humanities. do it for me, do it for all of us who chose the path of being a robot.

good luck.

>> No.8762221

why don't u just work on ur own projects or be a freelancer or something? u don't have to work on some boring java middleware for some insurance company, or whatever unhappy programmers do that makes them so bitter

>> No.8762225

is this fucking real?

is this an actual advertisement they posted on a website somewhere?

>> No.8762265

STEM is not a meme, it's just you shouldn't go into it unless you actually have an interest. Too many people study engineering or cs because they think it will make them rich or whatever, but what good is having lots of money if earning it makes you miserable? Also, just because you do STEM doesn't make you uncreative or shallow, look at Pynchon, he studied engineering and is one of the best living American writters.

>> No.8762273

also, most ppl who just study stem for the money may be able to get all As in school, but they won't be able to go up against hardcore autistic geeks in the industry, i mean sure u'll get an entry level, but you gotta geek hard to go up

>> No.8764149


>> No.8764176

Same situation here.
The worst thing is Im planning on going for 2 more years (getting a masters degree) after Im done with my bachelor this year. I just cant deal with starting all over again in some field I might actually enjoy, because Im too old, and those fields dont offer any jobs.

>> No.8764187

Young, eighteen year old anon here. Took a semester off, start college this upcoming spring. My passion is in the arts; considering an English degree (not a fan of the careers resulting from it) or attempting a degree in film/directing even though it's competitive and hard. Tempted to just major in a business related field and make the cash, and keep my passions as hobbies. What are your opinions, my wizened /lit/ senpai?

>> No.8764201

>get Stem degree
>Can't get job
>Get some low paying accounting clerk job
>Work part time

Sucks in a lot of ways but still comfy. I got lots of time to read and shit. No kids. Gf pays for half of everything and more sometimes.

Wonder how long I'll last before I kill myself

>> No.8764229

My personal experience is that people are different. Some people need to work hard to get satisfaction out of life and some people need a paycheck and a lawnchair. Either way, life is practiced rather than preached. Any philosophy which ignores that is missing the point.
You found out what you wanted. I think it's horrible how college makes you an indentured servant and yet everyone is told its the only way. Especially when the most plentiful jobs in america are blue collar work with some technical background.

>> No.8764254

Did they even care about or verify the degree for that job?

>> No.8764295

How do peoples even pay for their college? I am stuck in lowest wage job i hate, and i have no money to sustain daily uni, also i am scared to leave this job as market here is really bad. Life is terrible

>> No.8764397

No doing the grunt work for an accountant takes zero knowledge. Just data entry basically

>> No.8764432

Have you considered the military?

>> No.8764561
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>be irish
>be good at every subject that isn't art or music in school (study english, irish, math, french, economics, chemistry, physics)
>read patrician /lit/erature, train in the gym and play basketball in my spare time
>get the highest results in maths, physics and irish (120 students in my year)
>study computer engineering in a good technical university, will have zero student debt when I finish
>currently have the equivalent of a 3.7 GPA
>also fluent in both Irish and French, took the exams in both under the european common framework of languages
>already had an internship in a hedge fund in london last summer, will likely do a masters in computer science and become a quantitative analyst
>will more than likely start on 6 figure compensation (that's in GBP)
>also work as a model during my holidays, it gives me extra cash and it's fun

Fuck, I love myself so much. Hard work pays off.

I'm still really lonely though

>> No.8764586
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>lying on a literature forum

>> No.8764619
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>Source: online survey
>Even with that it never breaks 50%
>Even thinking of implying that there isn't significant overlap between all of these numbers originating from workaholics.

And it's not like someone could legitimately enjoy their work, either.

>> No.8764659
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What are you working towards though?

>> No.8764678

Money and power.

The only things that matter in this world.

>> No.8764694


>> No.8764702

actually that is the least spooky thing ever, but ur too spooked by ur spook obsession to see life clearly

>> No.8764730

spooky man spooked

>> No.8764759

You will always hate life and yourself

>> No.8764776

Unless you have some unimaginable talent, youre better off studyiny what will make you decent money, and then pursuing your interests on the side

>> No.8764783


Im stacking up a lot of debt rn, more than I need to bc I want to live on campus rather than commute

Im too retarded to let the prospect of being in debt for life deter me from having fun these next 4 yrs

>> No.8764799

>still falling for student loans trap

dude in the 2000s ppl didnt know any better but come the cat is out of the bag on that rip off, if u do it to urself don't go crying to the democrats to bail u out, i took loans in the 2000s and paid them off in less than 5 years and ill be damned if i take another loan for anything besides starting a business

>> No.8764948


Same story here, I got within 3 semesters of graduating with my bachelor's in electrical engineering and I just couldn't do it anymore. I totally stopped caring and would just sit in my apartment reading and masturbating all day. Now from my extensive reading my perspective has been sufficiently enlarged to encompass any meme and see beyond it. I've been dememed. I no longer esteem nor fear anything. No idea what to major in, the only reason I'm still in college is because I'm trying to meet hot chicks. But I'm 27 and they're mostly 18 so either too easy or too weird most of the time. But I have nothing else to do so it's whatevs. I have seen the world, I have tested its limits, and the only remaining consideration is the most eligible way in which to walk out of it.

>> No.8764950

Could you explain the value of those things and why they are more important than other things people value (like love, pleasure, family, etc)

>> No.8765146


>> No.8765163

because the more money and power you have the better life you can provide for the family you love, and the less barriers there are to pleasure...stop being an edgy teen and grow up, it's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.8765268

What choice do I have

The field I want to go into (dentistry) is gonna put me into a lot of debt, no avoiding it bc im not rich.

Need loans for uni, for dental school, and to open a practice

Might as well enjoy these last 8 years of my life in which I wont be a debt slave

>> No.8765283

>quest for money and power because they're the only things that matter
>not spooked

>> No.8765293

You're either incredibly delusional or actually mentally retarded. Pick which one and I'll respond accordingly.

>> No.8765300

>thinking anything besides money and power matters

nice spooks bro

>> No.8765310

right because being a betadad who can barely provide for his family despite being a snivelling flunky at his low wage job is a great way to treat the family you claim to love...if u love ur family so much why don't u provide a good life for them u cuck

>> No.8765400

>nice spooks bro
nice spooks bro

>> No.8765490

Seems like a bit of both. This board doesn't really seem like the place for you. Is there a /pol/ for children with mental disabilities? I think you'd feel at home there.

>> No.8765749

In a utopia there would be no art lol

>> No.8766009

Because being into stem is synonymous with being talentless, passionless, and shallow? I can smell your insecurity through my monitor. You're clearly just shitting over the field in some pathetic attempt to nurse your bruised ego and justify your lack of skill or passion to hack it.

P.S., coming up with algorithms and solutions to computer science problems requires a good deal of creative thinking, as there are almost always an infinite number of ways to achieve something across varying degrees of effectiveness.

>> No.8766022

in a utopia there would be no thermodynamic activity

>> No.8766027

Holy shit, I just switched from my Comp Engg degree to Commerce and Arts (majoring in Finance and Philosophy)

Will this happen to me (my GPA is much better than what it was in my previous degree)??

>> No.8766034

Shit son, were pointers just THAT hard for you?

>> No.8766038

If this is all I an expect from life than I want out

>> No.8766054

>implying your kids will give a shit whether you provide them with excess wealth beyond their basic needs.

you're doing it wrong senpai, just have 10 of them and raise them catholic. that way they won't be spooked enough by materialism to be ungrateful shits

>> No.8766146

stemfags getting salty

>> No.8766200

probably the oldest fuck in this thread, but stem particularly CS/math is filled with some fuckin awesome people. it's sad you guys have only been exposed to the shit world that is startup/silcon valley and the "tech journalist" circlejerk.

>> No.8766204

infosec in particular is filled with some fucking cool people. some of the smartest people in the world actually. and they're fun, nice, caring, accepting people. so sad desu.

>> No.8766277

dude wtf man explain why you disagree. people can't read your mind

>> No.8766287

coding can be very enjoyable, but university does not foster interest to it

>> No.8766318
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>Studying Computer Science/Programming/etc
>My fellow students are either overweight neckbeard fedoras or retarded bulldykes

>> No.8766319

>embrace the humanities. do it for me, do it for all of us who chose the path of being a robot
Where does this idea that doing the humanities lets you do a 'creative' job come from? There just aren't that many creative jobs in existence- ignoring the fast food service employee memes, successful humanities graduates generally go on to do administrative work and teaching. Even the 'creative' jobs that do exist (advertising being the prime example) are commonly seen as soulless and not truly creative.

If you really want to be 'creative', you can only do it for free, on your own time. And for that, what you studied is irrelevant.

>> No.8767476

So don't go to uni?

>> No.8767493

>Implying engineer is not human
Learn biology and Fuck you

>> No.8767528
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>>study computer engineering in a good technical university
IT pleb detected. kekek

Enjoy Tralee or Athlone or whatever shithole IT you're going to you brainlet

>fluent in Irish
definitely lying unless you're the guy from Kerry.

>> No.8767565

Where abouts in my post did I say I was studying in Ireland? Fool.

>> No.8767669

I know how you feel, I did CS my freshman year. That was before I realized that everybody in the program was a vapid, empty "computer nerd" looking to squeeze a 90k salary out of their "hobby" when in reality they will never amount to anything other than modern-day factory workers with a massive debt burden.

Doing psychology now

>> No.8767698

Your power structure has been satisfied by surrogate activities. People like you are why we can't, at this time, uprise against the technological society.

>> No.8769326

>im finally switching majors, I cant stand computers anymore. who am i kidding anymore, im not simply a talentless passionless shallow stemfag, i want to create, i am human after all
You can still create. You just need an IDE and a compiler.

>> No.8769524

I feel it. You have to create then... I still make art because I want to kill myself if I don't. I hate STEM getting in the way of this all the time, some of it's interesting, but can you really so master so many things in one lifetime? I hate how much is expected of me. Then having my professors say, "oh you think this is hard? just wait until you get to ____." I've learned valuable things I'll use, sure, but by the time I get out of this shit, my job will be probably automated by robotics and H1B1 immigrants who've been doing it for longer than me. What bothers me the most is that I know, given enough time and space I could become the artist who I've always wanted to be. Of course, this doesn't change anything about this world.

>> No.8769544

If you're dedicated and smart enough and also have the cash to go to a coding bootcamp, it's not impossible, in fact, I've known people in my family that make 100k a year now. I now this will never be a reality for me, because truth be telt, every time I use a computer program I'm not familiar with I want to smash the whole machine. I can't even imagine the horrors of coding.

>> No.8769567

Op I wish I had your balls. Good luck

>> No.8769984


I read history at Cambridge and got the same job as you mate.

>> No.8770025

With a bachelor's in Psychology, you'll most likely be open to the field of social work or human resources. If that sounds like you, go for it. If you're looking for work more oriented towards the actual field of psych, try for a masters or doctorate

>> No.8770116

This thread made me reconsider my decision. I wanted to study computer science next year. Is it really that bad? And How much loans do you guys have to pay back after you're finished?

>> No.8770128

Yes. Yes. Let the intellectualism flow through you.

>> No.8770400

>quantitative analyst
>with a fucking history degree


>> No.8770439

Fuck, I was going to switch from history to CS but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.8770455

so money and power aren't actually the things that matter?

>> No.8770466

he has a hard time understanding this trivalities obviously

>> No.8770475

>fall for the stem meme, start studying math
>I become actually quite good at it but also start loathing everything connected to it
>not man enough to switch to some lit related field
>I'll finish my math masters degree in a few months
>my supervisor asks me if I want to start a phd degree
>the ride never ends

I'll probably even take it, it's still better than finding a job and better paid as well.

>> No.8770503

I switched from math to Cognitive Science. Hoping to make a career in academia working on Generative Grammar and/or Montague Semantics. If that doesn't work out or I become disillusioned I'll probably try and become a CPA or a lawyer and just suck corporate dick for the rest of my life.

>> No.8770522

What's you're area of expertise anon?

>> No.8770530

finite fields mostly, in conjunction with coding theory and cryptography.

>> No.8770541

I left stem when I noticed I was only reading theory and highbrow tech news anymore in order to seem more knowledgable than my peers but without any passion to create. That was cuckish of me I thought one day (staring at yet another mind numbing pdf) so I dropped out with 2 semesters to go despite my good grades.

For the time being I work a mindless job in a factory and using that time to 1) get my health back in order, dropping all addictions, getting fit and 2) testing the waters to see whether I have what it takes to be exceptionally good at the stuff that intrigues me, mainly philosophy which has kept me fascinated for almost three years so far.

Not sure if I can handle scholarly philosophy at the required level though.

>> No.8770548

do NOT get a phd in math. companies won't want to hire you and tenure tracks in academia are near non-existent. get a job in the private sector with your master's degree.

>> No.8770554

indicating your age had absolutely no relevance to your post. asshat

>> No.8770560

Just do what you want, college is higher learning for something that you want to learn about. You DONT have to go to college, why can't people see that? Be a plumber for gods sake, make 70k a year no debt with your own business hours.

I majored in literature, got a job as a screenwriter. It's pretty fun. Wouldn't have done a thing differently

>> No.8770564

I'm >>8764561

I was like that as a depressed recluse too. I prefer this alternative. When I stopped feeling sorry for myself, started lifting weights and forced myself to do things I hate, eventually I started to feel better. Even though the emptiness was still there. After a lot of counseling I've realized that my issues go back to my childhood and my relationship with my parents. (schizophrenic mother, borderline dad) Unfortunately, this could take 5 years of heavy counseling to fix.

This guys gets it. "jus follow your dreams XD" is an idealistic meme that doesn't reflect the real world. You need to know what you are good at, work hard at it, and leverage it to get the most you can get. Follow your skills, not your dreams. Like this guy said, unless you are literally top 5% at your passion, it's not a good career path to follow it. you need to be able to combine natural talent with a relentless work ethic to succeed at anything.

Money and power won't leave you if you manage them right. They are very much under your control.
I'll take these one by one.


Love is people falling in love with how someone else makes them feel. Particularly in the case of women. When it comes down to it, we are still very much animals driven by nothing more than impulse. Women are genetically designed to want a dominant alpha male who can protect them and give them strong babies. So they look for the tallest, strongest, most confident, dominant man they can find. Money and power often replace physical strength and height when it comes to dominance, so ideally you have both. It's just in their nature to be this way. As a result, they aren't loyal in the same way that men are. They will gladly jump ship to a more dominant man if it gives them a better chance of giving birth to better children. They will make up excuses to themselves in their head that there are other reasons but that's the real reason. They are seriously ruthless creatures, and not even in a conscious way. It's innate to them. So it doesn't really make sense to be angry about it.


Too much pleasure make you weak. While you are enjoying yourself, your competition is working. What hard work does is it builds an inner resilience and self-control that nothing else will. You consciously deny yourself of pleasures to make yourself stronger. Personally I've never drank alcohol, tried drugs or pursued women. I masturbate once a week (without porn) as its healthy and prevents prostate cancer.

Asceticism is something I consciously practice. It gives me great power to know that I could indulge in all of these vices, but I have the inner strength and the will-power not to. This builds a self-love and confidence in yourself that almost nobody I've ever met has. It radiates out of every bone in my body. I genuinely believe in myself and I believe I can do anything I set my mind to.

>> No.8770566

I don't really care whether companies want to hire me desu. I can't imagine a job that I can do right now that I also want to do. I worked for a few months as a developer/programmer for an IT company and it was the most boring thing I've ever done. I do enjoy staying at uni and teaching (to a certain degree) though.

It also means more free time as I will never do 8h of maths a day.

>> No.8770582


I'd imagine family is important but I wouldn't really know, I don't have much of a relationship with mine.

My father was very abusive and he terrorized me as a kid. He was brutal towards me, but now that I've seen the world, I realize that he made me strong. I'll never go through anything worse than what I've already went through. As a man in this world, you are worth nothing other than what you bring to the table. Nobody gives a shit about weak men. You shouldn't need to read a book to see that. It's a fact and it's one that's proven everywhere you look. As a depressed kid in school, I was met with nothing but ridicule and abuse.

So please, for the love of god, stop feeling for yourself and start working, now. It's a grim reality and it's a painful one, but the sooner you accept it and stop deluding yourself, the sooner you will live a somewhat fulfilling life.

>> No.8770611

doesnt seem like youve worked in the industry desu. i work at a triple a game studio and very little of my time is spent "coming up with algorithms". its not like school: mostly you just check for null or hook up data. its better than food seevice but hardly a realm of deep critical thinking.

>> No.8770706

>He was brutal towards me, but now that I've seen the world, I realize that he made me strong

you're very clearly still somewhat fucked in the head, mate

>> No.8771139

This is why I never went into business or office-dominated fields like CS. disgusting

>> No.8771536

>Money and power often replace physical strength and height when it comes to dominance,

money certainly doesnt replace manliness, you could be a cs neckbeard who earns 100k and still couldnt get women because of their lame social skills. Power lies in the individual first, dont delude yourselves by this false prophet, who is talking about life when he hasnt experienced it himself, hes just repeating what someboy else said. hes clearly afraid of life thats why he has taken this shitty lame ass excuse of ascetism, man embraces life the way it is, not running away and pretending its "harder this way" get out ande xperience, only then you would be worthy of my time.

>> No.8773135

I'm love history and architecture but a history degree will get me nowhere, and I can pursue that on the side. I'm thinking of going into architecture, am I making a mistake?

>> No.8773663

>a history degree will get me nowhere
Nah, that's a silly meme. There are loads of jobs which require a degree, but don't specify what kind. You'd want to get experience while studying though- internships, volunteering, etc.

If you're interested and good enough at architecture though (including the engineering elements), that definitely has a more defined and probably higher-earning career path.

>> No.8773906

It blows my mind that people who want money limit themselves to STEM. 100k a year just isn't very much at all.
The meme started as "if you're getting a degree you may as well get a STEM one", but people forgot and went full memer.

>> No.8773912

That's why you don't go into STEM unless you actually like STEM.

People in it for the money are retarded, UNLESS they're aiming for a fucking load of money (in which case they're a different kind of retard).

>> No.8774075

Because they don't think about these things. They've been *told* STEM is lucrative; they do what their parents did -- they take moderately well-paying jobs and they throw themselves through the grinder.
Literally no one was advocating for choosing the smooth road. Everyone was advocating for choosing the Fun road.
And nearly no one was implying that. It's not inherently miserable -- it's only miserable for many people.
>I need MONEY and POWER!
>that's why I'm a quantitative analyst

>> No.8774516

This is one of the most pathetic posts I've seen on /lit/, but I suppose I should have expected it when I saw the frog picture.

>> No.8774705

this thread was pretty well-timed for me desu, thanks for interesting opinions. gotta spend some time thinking about what was presented here