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8755588 No.8755588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on dealing with inter-political relationships?
My bf is going down the /pol/ route, and while not sticking to any specific ideology, I'm pretty left leaning. Feels pretty miserable desu.

>> No.8755598

You have to transcend petty political divisions.

>> No.8755610

And when they act like /pol/ in public? Embarrassing you?

>> No.8755617

If you care about him, you should deconstruct all his /pol/ arguments and make him see how retarded his ideology is. If you don't, just break up. Bonus points if you date a black man after him to spite him.

>> No.8755623

Or a jew.

>> No.8755636


Why do all women fall for the liberal meme?

>> No.8755640

>to spite him.
That's a really scumbag thing to do, not only it show how much of a resentful person you're, at the same time you're using some other guy as a prop just to get back at your bf. Don't.

>> No.8755641

Why do all disenfranchised working class white male losers fall for the /pol/ meme?

>> No.8755644

It wasn't me who said that. I'd never do that to someone I respected.

>> No.8755645

But lulz though.

>> No.8755648

I hope so.

Grow up.

>> No.8755651

I'd probably be a Fabianist or some other form of democratic socialist. I simply haven't found a particular label that I really like, and am not into identity politics anyway.

>> No.8755655

You'd be fun at parties.

>> No.8755661

Are you? Is that why you're unironically talking about "lulz" on 4chan in 2016, repeating stock phrases like "you'd be fun at parties"?

>> No.8755676

I take party enhancing drugs (PED's) so I have an unfair advantage over you. Unironically expressing outrage at a joke you took literally on 4chan in 2016 sure is autism though.

>> No.8755679

Pol is pretty based. Anyway if you like him just firget about political ideologies, its not worth it to lose someone you connect with just bc difference of opinions on politics

>> No.8755680

What outrage?

>> No.8755686

The moral outrage here:
Don't tell me, you took the word "outrage" literally? Bad news. The autism is terminal.

>> No.8755691

>muh irony

You can't choose the meaning or the impact your words have on other people by affecting an a posteriori comical instance.

>> No.8755695

Why the fuck do people still classify themselves as right, left, this that? Even when i went through my anti authoritarian phase i didnt call myself a Libertarian, and every time someone else called me that it made me cringe

As soon as you tell someone else "i am this political affiliation" they either agree with mostly everything you say or mostly nothing. People do this thing where as soon you tell them you are their political rival, they either dive head first into convincing why they are right and you are wrong, or avoiding talking to you about something you know you wont agree with them on

So OP either never talk to your bf about politics again or break up with him, any attempts to sway your significant other will inevitably widen the divide between you too outside of your political disagreement as well

>> No.8755700
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You're missing the point. You're also too autistic for my tastes. Good day

>> No.8755701

There's more than one person telling you that you're an idiot here.

>> No.8755703

You can't ''deconstruct'' /pol/, pol is ultimetily right. What the fuck?

It's the left who does not have facts nor good vision. /pol/ does.

>> No.8755706

Dump him, I'll be your new boyfriend :^)

>> No.8755707

Top kek to all the low-energy whimpy libcucks in this thread. Life would be so much better for you if you would man up.

>> No.8755709

You have a gem there. A real man. Kys or try to get on higher conciousness like your bf and thus stay with him.

>> No.8755748

Because it suits their interests probably. Getting an honest job, honest pay and life in peace without leftists trying to steal your hard earned property.

>> No.8755761

Well, since monogamy is dead OP, it's not like changing partner for any arbitrary reason is socially unacceptable, so why don't you just leave and find another man?


>> No.8755766

First of all, there are no books like that and you know it. You just wanted a platform for your shitty feelings because you're a leftist fag. That aside, you're a shitty partner and I hope your bf finds someone who can share his view on life, instead of a twisted faggot like you. Kill yourself.

>> No.8755769

>I farted and now my asshole hurts, any books on this?
>My local McDonalds serves undercooked fries, books on this topic?
>My gf only likes to get pounded by niggers and jews, any books to help with this? I'm a /pol/ dude btw guys

I wish mods would delete this fucking garbage.

>> No.8755772


Please delete bait threads, mods, you fat retards

>> No.8755774

>spot the /pol/tard

>> No.8755778

you're naive

Its macho masculinity archetype desperately trying to keep its head above the water. Its mix of subconscious decisions and nicely done political propaganda.

>> No.8755785

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.8755791

if you unironically think /pol/ has good beliefs you are retarded

>> No.8755792

>spot the libtard?
how brainwashed can one be, there is no such thing as ''macho masculinity archetype'' for real people, only for minority of unconcious retards

>> No.8755798

oh yeah? Then how come we're redpilled and you're brainwashed by education?

>> No.8755800

Wanting to preserve the majority of white people in the west is retard belief? top kek

Now go and see those average IQ's of black people and tell me about what is retard

>> No.8755844

>I read a Richard Lynn book and looked at some /pol/ infographics

You're so enlightened, bud.
I would sit here and try to refute every dumb thing I've ever read on /pol/ but it would take way too long so I'll just say this: Regardless of whether you find legitimate information within a post on /pol/, or whether it is one of many baseless deductions on behalf of the poster which you so often witness, the ideology and conclusion of the community at large is an embarrassing attempt at connecting dots built on so many weak correlations. I would wager that few /pol/ users have read much -if any- works of philosophy that didn't already support their confirmation bias, and wager that even less have knowledge of political history outside of the the echo chamber they live within
It's a bunch of people who probably read Atlas Shrugged once and took it to be the word of God

>> No.8755853

Philosophy is liberal brainwashing intended to lower the testosterone of white males

>> No.8755855

>Seriously buying into the archaic left-right dicotomy

Though seriously, if he's actually taking /pol/ at face value he sounds like a moron. At least get him to read some serious "right" literature and not Art of the Deal

>> No.8755873

Oh yes you would, sure. Your post did not have anything real to say. You are just so personally butthurt for /pol/ for some reason. Maybe you have feminized brain or what? You just avoid the truth and the reality. Maybe you are scared?

How many of books that you have enjoyed reading is written by white people? Do you wan't to make all the good things go away?

>> No.8755887


>> No.8755923


People want jobs, not to be a slave to the government.

People don't like big government. The only reason big cities and states like (((California))) are massively liberal is because they are brainwashed by Jews.

Its culture related. Even if (SOME) of the traditional political or economic views are outdated or irrational, its not your retarded idea that its 'a macho masculinity archetype desperately trying to keep its head above water'.

Two of the main "traditional" US political/economic principles are the ideas of liberty and small government. These values are transferred from generation to generation fairly unchanged, unless there is an effort to change them (and the change happens slowly). The difference is that white working class and rural voters aren't brainwashed by liberal Jews and celebrities - and still hold these values.

Its probably why the red states are still pretty heavy "muh liberty" "muh guns" "muh Reagan" Jesus/bible and small government, and California is a liberal shit hole. They still hold these traditional US political values.

Where did this meme start anyways? How do you know what's in someone's best interests? Its only in someone's best interests if they actually hold the same values as you. If they value low taxes and small government more than welfare, high progressive taxes and heavy levels of redistribution then its NOT in their best interests. If they value jobs more than they value additional welfare and government programs, then democrat policies aren't in their best interests either.

>> No.8755967

Many leftists will argue that conservative "liberty" and emphasis on small government is more detrimental to individual freedom than conservatives would like to believe.
You think that by moving the power to small governments it gets closer to the people, but in America where the political and corporate marriage is so extreme, you're only giving conglomerates more power. It is much easier to buy out, lobby, and control smaller forms of government, for example municipal laws. Because the "free market" is no longer free, your political ideas backfire on the ideologies you're using to support them. This very nature of giant corporations creating monopolies is how you end up with a biased media controlled by a handful of interests, or how you end up with such a limited choice in internet service.
The free market and will of the individual no longer exists, there is very little consumer choice, very little room for entrepreneurial pursuits, and eventually little room for freedom.
It's so ironic that you claim to support freedom yet willingly give all the power to the tiniest fraction of the population

>> No.8755977

Also before you make this about social issues, I'm strictly speaking about economic policies, and I'm partially playing devil's advocate here. My point is that the ideology of the right wing is flawed because we are no longer living in the capitalist system we were in the past, it is now nearly synonymous with the government, which effectively is the big baddy they were scared of all along, it just goes by a different name

>> No.8755986

>what are some books on (here are my problems please stroke me)
Fuck off cunt.

>> No.8755993

>If you care about him, you should deconstruct all his /pol/ arguments and make him see how retarded his ideology is.
This but not all at once, only when he brings it up.

>If you don't, just break up.
I'd probably go with this unless you're in love. If he's sperging out in public he's probably not a retard.

>Bonus points if you date a black man after him to spite him.
This is fucking hilarious top banter but evil, so there's a trade off.

>> No.8755996

Well, we are - just not as 'free' as before, and a much larger government.

These people still don't want these things. They don't value all of these shitty socialist policies, which means its not in their best interests.

>> No.8756009

>Pol is pretty based.
ideological cullts are no better than religious cults. If your bf turns /pol/ or SJW cut them off. If they turn commie or libertarian then be wary but don't panic. If they're mainstream conservative or liberal you're all good. If they're apolitical put a ring on it.

>> No.8756011

>how come we're redpilled
>what is a confirmation bias

Everyone who is politically active thinks he is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. What sets you apart? Nothing.

>> No.8756013
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Being a liberal, or at least a modern liberal should be a litmus test for how easily someone is brainwashed by Jews.

>> No.8756026

if they are liberal put them in the trashbin

>> No.8756033
File: 417 KB, 1200x630, 1477942197136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start wearing a veil, get pregnant, quit your job, let him punish you, serve him, submit.

Deep down you know it's what you really want you filthy whore

>> No.8756038

lol bait

There definitely existed a tendency of "liberty" and "small government" which was best shown by Ron Paul and his brand of libertarianism but it never really caught on. Donald Trump just recently won over conservatives on promises of brining back manufacturing jobs by means of LESS liberal trade policies, tariffs and massively increased government expenditure on infrastructure and higher deficits.
The degree to which the US economy is structurally dependent upon government expenditure and welfare programs to allow most commercial ventures to even be profitable at this point is the reason every conservative government in modern history has never decreased state expenditure.

If you want to know your own history read The Contours of American History by William Appleman Williams

>> No.8756039

How do you fail so astronomically at understanding basic terms such as 'apolitical'? Also, saying 'both candidates are dumb' is not an apolitical statement.

>> No.8756048

nuh uh, you're brainwashed and we're woke

>> No.8756051

Yes because MORE service jobs selling MORE stuff to the brainwashed masses is totally a good thing...
Why the fuck would Jews in charge of gigantic businesses ever support left ideology? Oh wait, it's because "liberals" in America aren't anything close to true leftists, and they bought into the neoliberal ruse convincing them their gay rights laws and pot legalization were actually accomplishing any sort of progressive change, and bought into the idea that their neoliberal candidates were free men who would push legitimate social programs, which is laughable. Meanwhile the 1% grows richer playing puppeteer with their hands up the asses of your "choice" of candidates. The corporate growth continues to boom regardless of whether the oval office is red or blue my friend
If you bought into the American political dichotomy, you're just as dumb as the side you think you're fighting against. The real enemy benefits off that manufactured pissing contest you call a political system, you're championing an illusion that died a long time ago.

But of course, you've been brainwashed by those very same Jews to cry "communis! communis!" whenever anyone questions these things

>> No.8756068
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No one disagrees with half of the stuff you just spewed out my friend.

>> No.8756073

>Getting an honest job, honest pay and life in peace without leftists trying to steal your hard earned property.
classcucks i swear. reducing taxes on billionaires won't help the lower classes. Suck porkies dick all you want, he's never going to let you hang out with him.

Also /pol/ is authoritarian as fuck, they want government controlling every aspect of our lives from our personal choices right down to the colour of our skin.

>> No.8756077


Also, even if change (in the way people hope) never actually happens and its just the same thing every time - it doesn't change my point. People vote in their best interests, and their best interests are based on different values. People with FAR-LEFT/'modern liberal'/leftist values are degenerate millennials that are easily brainwashed by Jews/the elite/media/celebrities.

FYI, i'm not a full blown conservative. I side with Trump but I don't actually agree with many of his economic stuff. I agree with high progressive taxes. My favourite economist is actually Piketty - who is extremely far-left.

>> No.8756098

>apolitical is liberal
when you're holding the /pol/ hammer everything looks like a nail. Stop drinking the kool-aid.

(the guy in your picture is right btw)

>> No.8756101

Yea I'm exaggerating it for effect, in reality I believe the whole thing is much more precarious
My point remains though, the "two sides" mentality is inherently flawed

>> No.8756106

>People vote in their best interests, and their best interests are based on different values.
I feel like you are just saying "People vote for what they want to vote for".

>People with FAR-LEFT/'modern liberal'/leftist values are degenerate millennials that are easily brainwashed by Jews/the elite/media/celebrities.
Then why were millenials overwhelmingly in support of Sanders who had a similar economic goal to Trump? (improve the material conditions of the majority of Americans albeit through alternative means to Trump)

>> No.8756107

It was a poorly structured comment. I was responding to one part of his comment with the greentext and pic and the other with the text.

>> No.8756113

Leave him or act like a cunt until he leaves you.

Easy. Don't be a bitch and waste your life over things you control. There's no point in being in a relationship you don't enjoy.

>> No.8756116

Godard made a movie about this, a left-wing radical and a right-wing radical in a relationship.

Anyway who cares, as long as someone is able to have a proper conversation without throwing a shitfit because someone has different beliefs than them, I'm happy to talk to them wherever they are on the political spectrum.

>> No.8756125

>act like a cunt until he leaves you.
Why would you ever do this? Takes a lot more effort than simply saying what you want. Why would you prefer this over simply breaking up?

>> No.8756127

>I feel like you are just saying "People vote for what they want to vote for".

No, you missed the point. Best interests aren't a 'one size fits all'. Bernie supporters (and Hillary supporters) kept saying that the poor whites were voting against their best economic interests whenever new race/class stats came out for voters.

Its not hard to understand.

>> No.8756130

>People with FAR-LEFT/'modern liberal'/leftist values are degenerate millennials that are easily brainwashed by Jews/the elite/media/celebrities.
There is no coherent definition of any of these words that includes modern progressives but excludes /pol/.

>> No.8756131

Peoples perceptions of their interests develop as the situation develops. People may believe corporations are being oppressed by the government from helping them and given more freedom to operate their personal lives will improve however if this doesn't happen their open may change if they're wages decrease and general prices go up.
Ultimately bourgeois democracy is an illusion to create annual theatrics to distract people from what's really going on in their daily lives and legitimize the overall system, it is only allowed to exist to prevent more direct means of action from emerging which could cause real change.
Also Piketty isn't "far-left", his central thesis would have been mainstream opinion in the 1950s and not at all controversial.

>> No.8756213

How is working white class /pol/ you dumb Marxist fuck?