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8755103 No.8755103 [Reply] [Original]

>5th publisher rejected my book


>> No.8755122

Just write something good, its that simple

>> No.8755138
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>> No.8755142

>screenplay got rejected for the 11th time

>> No.8755143

I advice you to ask the last publisher for the reasons that make him reject you so you can evolve.also try to learn about kaizen(continous improvement),it will help you a lot.and never give up.

>> No.8755155

If it's so good release it online, it might become a cult sensation

>> No.8755180


Post excerpts and let us judge. Your writing is probably neither good nor marketable and it needs to be one or both

>> No.8755193

It probably just means your writing doesn't appeal to woman/children/ultra-leftists/nu-males. Don't take it personally.

>> No.8756214

pouring your hearth in it doesn't make it good

>> No.8756281

I poured my heart and soul into my first novel. Spoiler: it was purple as fuck and trying too hard to be meaningful comes across as trite. I edited the fuck out of it and that improved it a lot. I'm getting good feedback, but they're still rejections.

Don't take rejection personally. Let it fuel you. Write another book. Keep writing. Keep practising. Don't put all your hope in a single project.

>> No.8756315

Why are you so upset anon?

Even if your shitty book did get published, no one would read it. Novels by unknown writers that aren't immediately optioned for movies or by a youtuber/celebrity sell a pitiful amount.

Then you'd have achieved your goal and you'd still be poor and unfulfilled.

>> No.8756333
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>> No.8756372


That's some good feedback. I'd be pleased with that.

>> No.8756402

Please tell me what your book is about. And why don't you just self publish? I'll buy the book if it sounds at all interesting and then give you feedback.

>> No.8756408

Something about really good authors getting rejected a hundred times before success

More valuable and beloved long after death, et cetera

>> No.8756438


>> No.8756454

Random chance desu.

>> No.8756462

Sounds like they liked it but it was flawed,interesting tho from their description senpai

>> No.8756467

Use a female pseudonym.

>> No.8756479


>> No.8756499

>5th publisher

Nigga that ain't shit. You need to get rejected a lot more than that. Quit being a bitch and get fucking roasted all over town. Then go make it better and sell that shit senpai.

>> No.8756542

OP here. My novel is about two coal-miners in West Virginia during the civil war period. They find an ammunition dump underground and leave the shaft to inform their head engineer, only to discover a crowd gathered around a man announcing that WV has joined the Union. Angered at the perceived treason, the men blow up the mine, only for one of them to be charged with conspiracy and sentenced to hang. One the day of the hanging however the townspeople are distracted by the floods which have devastated the region. The second miner frees his friend and they steal a riverboat in an attempt to sail south. On their way the men are tricked into consuming psychtropic drugs by a band of mercenary Indians in the process of bartering with Union and Confederate representatives attempting to hire them. The miners suffer biblical visions while watching the indians and the two representatives quarrel around a campfire, and while returning the boat the following morning, having woken shivering and alone in the abandoned camp, they find an Angel on their boat heating some coffee and preparing some corn for them to eat. The men are at first hesitant and skeptical of the angel, and begin to fear it was sent to punish them for blowing up the mine. But after a while they come to adore it and each man secretly attempts to win its favour while gossiping and attempting to undermine the other. The two men eventually fight, causing the boat to take on water and sink. From opposites sides of a swollen river they stare at one another and then part ways. One of the men comes across a skirmish between hired Indians and union soldiers, and descends to the battleground to scavenge for food and trinkets from teh dead bodies. He is arrested by a group of cavalary who believe him to be a turncoat spy who tipped off the Indians, one of them having been one of the two white negotiators at the Indian camp.The other miner walks through the wilderness only to find himself being followed by a group of ghosts begging him to write down letters for them and deliver these letters to their surviving families and friends. The man does just that and sets off once more burdened by a sack full of letters dictated by dead men and women. The ghosts then leave him except for one young female ghost whose tongue has been cut out. Over time he learns to communicate with her via their own sign language and she keeps him company as he suffers starvation and weariness attempting to find some human settlement. One day he is talking to the ghost while shaving and a group of soldiers surround him and arrest him, thinking him insane on account of his letters and his bizarre behavior. They take him into town where he finds himself in a cell with his old friend. Sentenced to death once more and standing beside each other now on the hangmans platform, they are hanged smiling and only after they have died and their last throes have diminished does a local police junior run out and say that the man was n

>> No.8756563

Make the men gay lovers and they'll give you the Pulitzer.

>> No.8756640
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>men blow up the mine
why not the town?
confederacy does not sell well. you would have to publish in the south.
not forced?
>biblical visions
which ones? Why do they know the bible so well?
>find an Angel
Do they know its an angel from get go or is it a case of masquerade
Was not that expansive back then?
>gossiping and attempting to undermine the other.
Why? I have seen this with mind controlling aliens and hot women.
>group of ghosts begging him to write down letters for them and deliver these letters to their surviving families and friends
since when can he see ghosts?
>whose tongue has been cut out. Over time he learns to communicate
In Titus they cut of hands too, truth is as long as you know how to write or even draw you can use your stumps to draw things in dirt or air.
>thinking him insane on account of his letters
Do they note that is all in the same hand writing?
>bizarre behavior.
is he to far gone to cover it?
>man was n
The sheriff is a nigger?

end note: it does not seem like something for me. I would say it needs more supernatural destiny feeling to cover up the contrivances and no religious stuff. it also needs focus and more stuff for the guy who can't see ghosts, he needs his own journey. They had an experience but ultimately its unclear what they learned so what you need is a good marketing blurb to make people give it a chance and a good atmosphere that makes people like they are right there on that journey, finding themselves as well

>> No.8756646

My mom was published a few times, wrote for some magazines and shit back in the day. She got rejected HUNDREDS of times. For years.

At least to day you have the internet to sell your shit or you can self publish. Stop crying bitch, 5 is nothing.

>> No.8756664

Was she a qt art girl in her youth?

>> No.8756677

In high school I asked a well known womanizer how he got laid more often than others. He said it's because he'd try to fuck at least X amount. Even if one out of 50 said yes, he'd still have had more sex than the guy who would only ask like 5 or 6.

You need to try harder. Don't get discouraged. Just keep trying to get "laid".

>> No.8756685

>art girl
Sort of, she's fully on hippy mode now. Living in a camper with her new husband traveling all over, staying a week at a time in a place. called me from new mexico yesterday.
She was pretty "meh" from the pictures I have seen. But my dad was good looking so she pulled him

>> No.8756691

the question you need to ask yourself is "what can the other person gain from publishing me?" if you don't have a good answer you won't get published/get a job/get a gf/get to know the right people/etc.

>> No.8756755

Publish it on Amazon
Pay some one to shill it online

>> No.8756759

And what is the point of this story?

>> No.8756774

>Meet people

In that order. You need to have friends/contacts to be published. Do things, like articles or reviews. Meet people who do the same, poets, sons of Publishers, etc.

>> No.8756777

OP why has it taken you four years to write this book? What was your process, how long did research take, how much did you write per day, what was the total word count before and after editing?

>> No.8756778
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>writing my first book
>having fun doing so
>extremely worried people will call it shit

>> No.8756791

>You need to have friends/contacts to

This is literally #1 reason for my depression.

>> No.8756834

Simply untrue. I am a published author, represented by a reputable agency and had zero contacts/ friends in the industry.

Every single author and publisher/ agent/ associated staff agrees that contacts mean nothing. Publishers publish things that will make them money. They don't give a shit if that comes from a friend of a friend or a fucking tramp. They just do not care.

>> No.8756842

Yeah, well cheer up. It's not true.

You're cured. You're welcome.

>> No.8756852

Why would you lie to me?

>> No.8756872

Exactly. Why would I lie to you?

>> No.8756879


This: >>8756834 is the truth.

>> No.8756885


Agents admit that the vast majority of their talent is found in the slush pile.

>> No.8756913

What exactly is the novel ABOUT, though?

>> No.8757332

inb4 'Reginald realised, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had heard recently had been told to himself, by himself, and at his own expense'

>> No.8757352

Was he attractive?

>> No.8757517

Have you only sent the draft into five publishers? That doesn't seem like a lot to worry about, five rejections are better than zero responses.

>> No.8757522

Agents, not publishers. Big difference. Editors at worthwhile publishers pretty much never pull from slush.

>> No.8757739

Exactly. Agents act as the middle man in that case, right?

>> No.8757750

No matter how great the work is some people will still call it shit.

>> No.8757752



you do realize that Stephen King and J.K. Rowling got rejected a bunch of times before they got published?

it doesn't matter whether it's YA/genre fiction or """"misunderstood literary masterpiece they just don't understand REEEEEEE"""" this is just part of the game

>> No.8757969

Forget about it, junior. Most non-academic/commercial/textbook/meme-title books are printed on average less than 300 copies. Note, that doesn't even mean they are on average printed 300, but that 300 is the top limit that the statisticians who waste time researching this shit put as how pathetically most people don't exceed that. Even if you do get that much printed, that's only like 8-10 cartons that are almost always stored in some warehouse for years, and almost always have some left-over that either get tossed out / donated.

Probably 90-95% of book-stores (which I'm being generous here, considering how many college and barns & noble book-stores there are, and how many small ones have been shut down from the internet) rarely carry around small-name and obscure titles. The remaining just have a relatively wider range but they rarely ever carry any small or unknown publisher.

So, how do you become 'big'? You don't. Unless you're famous, have connections, or know how to market yourself.

No publisher wants to store and keep track of a title (or pay some independent warehouse to do it) and advertise it readers and book-stores and pay money to package it and ship it out and carry out return and repair services if the title doesn't sell. That cost adds up even if it's lying around in some big-warehouse for years.

>> No.8758039


you probably have neither of these things. Your existence isn't based on the earth directly, which is how a soul is inherited.

Your existence is based in pop culture and other forms of insanity.

You don't understand the publishers' agenda and you don't understand life, so you're really holding no cards.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8758044

>And what is the point of this story?
And what is the point of this thread?

>> No.8758482


Publishing is a business, fag. YA novels have an easily-defined audience with enough expendable income to generate sufficient revenue.They're getting published and you're not because the publisher can see the audience.

>> No.8758504

two, if you counted God

>> No.8758517

Please don't be that person. Nobody likes that person.

Life goes on. Learn to try even if it seems futile at first. If anything you'll die and someone will go through your things before sending it to some sort of archive or media outlet, where it may be finally distributed amongst the living.

>> No.8758551

I would like to read that.

>> No.8759196

holy.... i want more....

>> No.8759241

That'll teach you for writing a shitty book you son of a bitch

>> No.8759383

Maybe the world isn't ready for you

>> No.8759424

Doesn't sound bad honestly, but if you as much as change them from Confederate supporters to Union and maybe throw in a few gay undertones the book will get sold pronto.

>> No.8759454

Throw in a lot of gay undertones, desu. Make them extremely gay confederates and it will sell like hotcakes.

>> No.8759467


>> No.8759473

this and learn marketing

>> No.8760226

git gud

>> No.8760254
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Cheer up OP, if trash like this can get published, you'll eventually get there.

>Tony Piccirillo was just a regular teenager whose God-given destiny was much greater than he could have imagined. He wrote a novel based on one of his many strange dreams. The novel sold well, and with money usually comes trouble. Wanting to help the sick, Tony began experimenting with unexplained objects found in people who claimed to be abducted by aliens. These devices grew with skin and organs. A shadow group who separated from the government has also been looking into alien and UFO sightings, so they devised a plan to steal the data on the experiments. A series of events then occur that faces Tony against not only a shadow government, but supernatural creatures (such as a werewolf, a witch, vampires, and demons) that seem to find a place in the real world, which causes Tony’s faith in God to be strengthened and a hero to be born.