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/lit/ - Literature

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8754750 No.8754750 [Reply] [Original]

I'm committing suicide in a few months, so I want to read all the books I heard about but never got around to reading.

Almost done Atlas Shrugged. It's entertaining, and not bad.

Any recommendations? I kinda prefer castaway, wilderness stories. Something with adventure, or survival.

>> No.8754763

Is that you in the picture? Could I use you as a sex object up till you're ready to off yourself?

>> No.8754776

into the wild. its non fiction and kind of pleb but youl be dead in a few months so youl forget you even read it

>> No.8754834

Don't do it. Repent and believe in the Lord and you will have the light of life.

>> No.8754841

If you die, will you stop shitposting?

>> No.8754842

>in a few months
So you're an attention whore who will never do anything.

>> No.8754932

Read some Camus

>> No.8754936

Why not just do it now?

What will the point of reading a few books beforehand be?

>> No.8754939

probably gotta get their affairs in order

>> No.8754942

Id just write some short stories.

>> No.8754971


better leave something worthwhile behind or at least try to.

ive contemplated it before but the idea that i have potential pulled me out of it after a while.

>> No.8754986

>19 year old
LOL wut. When you are dead it's all over. Who cares. And what edge teen has "affairs" that take months to get in order. Please kill yourself too.

>> No.8754992

>committing suicide when there is still more to read
only thing keeping me alive is Bottom's Dream t bh and other /lit/ meme stuff I haven't read yet

>> No.8755279

There is a problem with your logic. When I was your age, I decided to do the same thing. I'm now 36 and still planning to off myself when I run out of great books. There are quite a fucking few great books out there.

>> No.8755283


>> No.8755291

They're fucking with our elections too. Asshole ruskos

Read Myth of Sisyphus motherfucker.

>> No.8755299

>I'm committing suicide in a few months

Don't kid yourself, fag. You aren't actually going to do it. You just made this thread for attention. But if that's what gets you off, who am I to judge?

>> No.8755308

Is that how Trump and Bush got in?

>> No.8755319

just Dump


>> No.8755323
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Moody teenagers kill themselves and talk each other into killing themselves, why is this being portrayed like one of those Satanist cult mania things were?

>> No.8755334

why you do dis?

>> No.8755345

Why do you want to kill yourself? Do you know that you have value?

>> No.8755784

It would be extremely painful

>> No.8755790
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>I'm committing suicide in a few months, so I want to read all the books I heard about but never got around to reading.
>Almost done Atlas Shrugged. It's entertaining, and not bad.

Wow you actually took my advice when I said kys

>> No.8755799

If only you knew how dumb you are.

>> No.8755847

Moby Dick
Book of the New Sun
Magic Mountain
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.8756063

are you friends with the anon that is dying from cancer?

>> No.8756148

It's just another teenagers thing, right, nothing new here. Suicide is just a normal stage of growing up, anyway.

>> No.8756180

The sooner the better. Nice blogpost by the way.

>> No.8756922

Read the Western Canon, then you have my permission to exit stage left into the abyss.

>> No.8757008

the iliad
the odyssey
the bible
the divine comedy
paradise lost
moby dick

>> No.8757019

>Atlas Shrugged
What sinister conspiracy convinced Murricans that this book was
a classic? I don't think other countries are even aware of it. Seems disproportionately huge in the States.

Anyway, for your theme try Lord Jim, Moby Dick, The Odyssey, The Aeneid.

>> No.8757027

>Killing myself in a few months.

If you care about something enough to put it off till an opportune time, you care about something enough to live for it.

>> No.8757128

>why is this being portrayed like one of those Satanist cult mania things were?
It's the daily mail. They're trying to sell papers or get clicks or whatever the fuck.

>> No.8757134


>> No.8757136

Sasha? kek

>> No.8757146

The only time nobody cares about your death is when you are an unpublished 99%er. If you arent terminally ill you should farm that before you die

>> No.8757168
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>tfw no deathpilled cheeki breeki gf

>> No.8757241
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>> No.8757266

>Almost done with Atlas Shrugged
>I'm committing suicide

Makes fucking sense. Don't take Rand, go read something worthwhile, like Nietzsche, or Dostoyevsky (depending on what appeals to you)

>> No.8757323

As someone who has seriously considered suicide before, if death is really what you want then seeking out new knowledge is the worst thing for you. It will only lead to longing for more which in the long run will rekindle your passion for life. It's about as fucking horrible as it sounds.

>> No.8757341

Op would be a wise guy

>> No.8757434

DMT by Strassman

>> No.8757735

I have to ask, why is Atlas shrugged hated so much? It was interesting though some parts where pretty ridiculous. In the end what I took from it was, one should never stop trying to better themselves and help others who want to do the same.

>> No.8758558

Because it makes them feel disappointed and ashamed of themselves, and it implies or more than implies there should be no governmental welfare

>> No.8758610

They are not classics, but Tom Holt's The Walled Orchard and Alexander at the World's End are something to behold. Shame that he doesn't write like that anymore. Even the stuff he wrote as KJ Parker is lacking.

>> No.8758716


marcus aurelius meditations

>> No.8759460

>He's still salty (((Hillary))) lost
If you guys had went with the Jew, you might have won :^)

>> No.8759468 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8759730

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.8759993

>Atlas Shrugged
>not bad

Holy fuck, forget a few months, kys right now.

>> No.8760000

fucking commie. her capitalist ideas are deludedly reductionist reducing man to a dollar sign but the ethics of hard work is valuable. therefore
>not bad

>> No.8760008

>Almost done Atlas Shrugged. It's entertaining, and not bad.
> It's entertaining, and not bad.

you kidding right? that book is gold

no wonder you are killing yourself, you dont understand a damn thing she is saying

>> No.8760016

>what is capitalism and the fear of communism

>> No.8760039
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>calls him a commie for defending a capitalist

>> No.8760050

fuck dig deeper
> reducing man to a dollar sign

Money represents a man's effort and the value society places on those efforts.
Society places more value on doctors than McDonalds workers

therefore a man's value to society is in the wealth that he has

she talks about that and how money is not the root of all evil but trade between men

>> No.8760079
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>Money represents a man's effort and the value society places on those efforts
Sure it does pal

>> No.8760098

Not really, though. And I'm no commie.
If garbage men didn't exist, there would be widespread disease and chaos.
Don't reply saying "anyone could do that" either, because I'd love to see some yuppie wall street scumbag who was raised rich attempt to be a garbage man. They'd probably suicide within a month or less.

>> No.8760295

This is probably normal in Russia, including the flying whale.

>> No.8760300


>> No.8760471

Based marxbro

>> No.8760636

Do not focus on reading books, but on writing them. Your life story will probably serve as valuable literature in the years to come. People write their best stuff while in a state such as your own. If you are committed to killing yourself, at least make sure that your story serves as a warning to others, or that someone doesn't reinterpret your life for you after you're gone. This assures that you have a lasting change on the world, long after you pass. Reading is nice, but you won't be able to use that knowledge when you're dead. So head my words, and go write something marvelous.
We're counting on you, Anon.
Best of luck.

>> No.8760646

the holy bible

>> No.8760665


>> No.8760756

>tfw Trmp changing the zeitgeist means that we're now back to one-layer ironic shitposting

>> No.8760784

>in a few months
If you're procrastinating now, you're not going to do it later.

Which is good. Life is bretty gud 5/5 would live again.

>> No.8761869

idk how about the bible mate

>> No.8761915

Still trusting MSM ayy thought this board was supposed to be high Iq

>> No.8761928

I don't believe you. If you wanted to die, you should have done so instead of posting.

Also, gib sauce faggot

>> No.8762025

I agree with this statement.

But I also recommend reading all holy books known to man. The Bible, Koran, Tipitaka, etc. Maybe you will be "saved".

>> No.8762063
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I've considered suicide before but I know i'm just gonna die anyway. I just decided to live 100% on my own terms, which I recommend one do suicidal or not. I highly recommend Siddhartha by Hesse, Zen Mind: Beginner's Mind by Suzuki, Letters from a Stoic by Seneca for starters. All very easy reads, you can finish all 3 by this time next week.