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/lit/ - Literature

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8750798 No.8750798 [Reply] [Original]

How did he get to be such an illustrious writer? Was it an innate ability that allowed him to write so well? I just can't comprehend how one man can be so-- brilliant?

>> No.8750850

You'll think I'm memeing but it's because of men like Dosto that I believe in the soul. Talent like that is God-given, bro.

>> No.8750906
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>Talent like that is God-given, bro.

>> No.8751058

He didn't actually write any of his work. A former serf of his named Tyronius DeShaunalov Jamalovich wrote almost all of his work, but because he was black, he couldn't get published.

>> No.8751071

He wasn't brilliant, just ahead of his time.

>> No.8751088

>just ahead of his time.

How so?

>> No.8751096

Intellectually he feels like a contemporary to me

>> No.8751100

>Intellectually he feels like a contemporary to me

Do you read much contemporary literature? If anything, he was so influential that contemporary writers are still influenced by him.

>> No.8751107

I read Dostoyevsky

>> No.8751122
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>I read Dostoyevsky

>> No.8751220

he's part of the english curriculum in a lot of high schools

>> No.8751232

But he is Russian

>> No.8751243

in the US*

>> No.8751297

He had issues, highly neurotic, easily addicted, prone to overthink things, but also very curious, insightful and productive during what I guess were periods of mania.
I just finished The Double and was floored. The way he gets into the head of a mentally ill person is insane. Of course, it was based on a lot of research and the final result took a lot of painstaking work, but he also had a way to present his vision in a way that's very convincing intuitively.
Keep in mind that that was one of his first works. Even before he was struck by life-changing events that supposedly roughened him up to become what he recognize him as today.

>> No.8751329

Do you want to know why?
Because the ideas about society he expresses were found to be good for social conditioning.
His point of view was what a particular group of nobility was waiting for. It was what they needed to promote to prepare for revolution.

Dostoyevsky was not a good writer. He was a whining narcissist with no real insight. His work was promoted for political reasons alone.

TL;DR - Reading Dostoyevsky turns you into a retarded faggot left winger. He was an instrument in levering populations into revolution by winding them up and setting their mood.

>> No.8751332

You are lost. Nothing can help you now.

>> No.8751342

He ended the show early, and then he showed some more Animaniacs reruns.

>> No.8751348

Sounds like some pol "redpilled" logic to me. So many internet posters talk about the left the way hitler talked about the Jews. In the us the word liberal is used as an insult now.
My point being is that kill yourself

>> No.8751354
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>TL;DR - Reading Dostoyevsky turns you into a retarded faggot left winger

>> No.8751363


Honestly reading Dosto is one of the reasons why I found myself becoming more Conservative tbqh senpai

>> No.8751365

>He wasn't brilliant, he was just brilliant

>> No.8751447

This is true... my black friend who lives off welfare shared something like this on Facebook AND..... it had like thousands of likes so it must be true

>> No.8751450


You mean the way you ad hominem the fuck out of /pol/ and the word red pilled? I don't agree with that anons assesment of D by the way... but none the less, your side uses WHITE MALE as an insult, and comparable to hitler....

So... lol

>> No.8751452

How so anon? He's all about us left wingers not you stupid dumb racist Nazi kkk coservashits

>> No.8751457

Could you tell me how Dostoyevsky was liberal, and how he appeals to liberals?

>> No.8751458

He wrote big books. Liberals love reading books. REEEEEE

>> No.8751459
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>blames /pol/ for every non-politically correct comment

I wish /pol/ were more famous but uhhhh.... guess what pal, the majority of us don't even know about 4chan, thanks for showing us how small your world is believing that anything right wing/conservative must automatically be some "redpilled liburrhal hate'ng Kay Kay Kay Natzeehs" from /pol/

(Which is funny because half of /pol/ is populated by your kind anyway)

Stereotypical as fuck. What are you even doing on 4chan btw? Gonna change the publics opinion one homosex post at a time?

>> No.8751461

He just does I don't have to justify myself to a conservashit

>> No.8751464
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>> No.8751480

Dostoevsky wrote against communism/socialism in Crime and Punishment and Notes From Underground. If you'd actually have read him you'd probably realize this, but I understand reading is hard when you have to see so many trump memes XD

>> No.8751485

No he didn't. He was a Christian commie.

>> No.8751494

stop replying to bait

>> No.8751498

Shut up whiteboi. Black Order will reign over you cucks

>> No.8751503

Somehow I can tell this post was made by a self-loathing white male.

>> No.8751901

You are an idiot, completely missed a point and know nothing about Dostoyevsky. He despised leftists, and they despise him.

>> No.8751903

Never change /lit/

>> No.8751904

Read "Idiot", idiot.

>> No.8751906

>Dostoevsky wrote against communism/socialism in Notes From Underground.
I'm not sure we've read the same book desu

>> No.8751919

Dosto wasn't the smartest intellectual ever, but he had a good grasp of presentation and prose, plus, he was prolific as fuck (even if not by choice).
So basically, even if another writer were to have a better grasp on "Notes From the Underground"'s main character or "Crime and Punishment"'s, his work would still be better, because he showcases their thoughts really well.

>> No.8752003
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This is why /lit/ will always be an extension of reddit.
I know these were all baits, but...
In C&P Sofya/Sonya is the personification of christian love.
Dosto is the fuckin poster boy for the orthodox church.
I'm not even going to get started in The Brothers Karamazov. I have better things to do.

>> No.8752005
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Siriously. U dont know even little bit of greate talant FMDs

>> No.8752020

>Dostoyevsky as left-winger

Look into his feud with Turgenev, who actually was a left winger. Also Look at Demons.
Dostoyevsky was left-leaning earlier in his life, but he underwent a profound shift later on. This ties in too with his Slavophilic, anti-European orientation in his later years

>> No.8752026


>> No.8752035


His early writings really don't compare to what he wrote later on for the most part. His one early work that I think stands among his best is The Double, and one could argue that its merit owes much to Gogol. What really made him as a writer was his decade of tribulation that began with his arrest and mock-execution and continued in penal servitude. After all of that (and not even right away) he really found his voice and his depth of insight

>> No.8752036
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>> No.8752241

This is what I got the feeling for. Dostoevsky was against atheistic communism, but Christian communism is what he supported.

>> No.8752242
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>TL;DR - Reading Dostoyevsky turns you into a retarded faggot left winger. He was an instrument in levering populations into revolution by winding them up and setting their mood.
>some of the strongest arguments against communism/atheism throughout his novels
>somehow a communist

>> No.8752244


>> No.8752246

Look at that gigantic noggin. What do you think?

>> No.8752260

Please translate

>> No.8752616

I'd raether take a niggahdick then being a jesuit.

>> No.8752649

If one has truly understood Dostoevsky, they would see that his work in now way promotes a liberal agenda, but if anything, rather suggests that politics is futile and worldly and that no political ideology is worth any praise - and that regardless of whether you're an atheist or a theist.

>> No.8753983

>Claims to have truly understood Dosto
>gives the most banal and surface-level analysis of his beliefs possible

>> No.8754040
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I'm convinced he was a serious anti-semite. Come on, you can't blame him. I'm his writing, there's always the occasional reference to them, but in a negative way.

o-okay, s-s-senpai

>> No.8754057

Yeah. I heard Dostoevsky was illiterate and couldn't even write his own name. Truly sick how history has been whitewashed like dis.

>> No.8754066

Those are the characters of the time referring to them in a historically accurate way. It says nothing about his own views on them. But so what if he was?

>> No.8754087
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>> No.8754189

>But so what if he was?

Nothing of it. I'm merely pointing that out, simply as an observation.

>> No.8754225

Literally my diary, desu

>> No.8754443

I thought it was a pretty captivating short story. Was thinking about reading it again soon.

>> No.8754791

fuck off Grognads

>> No.8754808
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He suffered for his art.

>> No.8755077

That he did, that he did.

>> No.8756903


Look at it
I want to tuck it in to bed
Sleep tight duster

>> No.8757579

Dostoevsky was a turning point in my edgy nihilistic meme autistic-communism faze.
Thank you, Feodor.

>> No.8757613
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>> No.8758133


>> No.8759013

shit writer desu