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/lit/ - Literature

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8747637 No.8747637 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8747665

reading comprehension

>> No.8747675

>paper magically puts words in your head better


>> No.8747680
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>> No.8747682

Used books are cheaper than ebooks if you don't like pirating.
If you pirate then ebooks are obviously cheaper.
Everything else is personal preference.
Gay thread I'm gay

>> No.8747684
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>"lol wow 100,000 books let's start reading"
>have to charge ereader up first
>10 hours later it's charged
>wait 5 minutes for it to turn on
>want to pick book
>spend 10 minutes going through menus to pick book
>read book
>have to wait a minute for the next page to load every time
>eyes hurt from reading off a screen
>suddenly, power turns off
>have to recharge it
>accidently drop ereader
>the screen shatters and the ereader breaks apart into a hundred pieces
>mfw this is the future of reading

>> No.8747687

I dislike e-readers because I like buying and reading specific editions of books, e-readers don't seem to offer that.

>> No.8747688

I may be a materialistic person but goddamnit if I love finding rare books,read them, add them to my collection and see it grow...

>> No.8747693

>lol threads on /lit/
welp, I guess we're /v/ now

>> No.8747705

When will you faggots understand that the specificity of things creates a much more intimate value than general usage. Try comparing spotify to an iPod classic. The unlimited choices of spotify explicits worthlessness compared to my sweet few pathways of my ipod classic.

Also you don't have to fucking look at an eletrical screen all the time which - neurologically speaking - matters.

>> No.8747709

E-readers and reading on computers strains the fuck out of my eyes. I'll do it occasionally, but it hurts. Not sure if this is common, I am somewhat photosensitive. Also, paper doesn't have batteries.

Oh, and hi /v/.

>> No.8747715
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>if you don't like pirating.

Whats going on here

>> No.8747722

Contributing to authors I like means a higher chance of them producing more books.

It's in my self-interest

>> No.8747723

I own books that are over 100 years old. If your kindle survives 50 Ill eat those books.

>> No.8747725

Fuck off back to /v/, kiddo. Aren't you late for some epic e-celeb or pedophile JRPG thread?

>> No.8747726

Pirating prevents interest in more publishing.

>> No.8747727

I hate the whole physical vs ebook thing. read books however the fuck you want as long as you read them.

>> No.8747729

Definition of spooked, no author is going out of business because you didn't deposite your ten worth of cents commission to him

>> No.8747732

maybe if you are over 50 and just discovered pirating

>> No.8747733

Pirate the book and send the author money by mail.
This way a 100% of your money will go to the author.
Honestly everyone should use Patreon, cut out the middle man

>> No.8747737

Patroon is a middleman. Don't they take a cut?

>> No.8747738

This, the death of publishing can only open the way to a better brighter world

>> No.8747741

how is that a relevant argument. if you managed to live a hundred years it would be a lot easier to just buy a new tablet.

>> No.8747742


>> No.8747744

Yes but unless you literally track down the author and drop cash in his letter box there's always going to be some middle man

Patreon takes a miniscule fraction compared to publishers

>> No.8747750

True. I like Patreon.

>> No.8747752

no one under the age of 30 in 2016 still thinks that way

>> No.8747758

wow so we discriminate people based on genre now
fucking lit /lit/

>> No.8747773


>> No.8747774

Because Ive spent most of my current life building a library, Im going to spend the rest of my life adding to it and when I die my descendants are going to inherit it. Even if theyre all LOL WHO READS faggots they can at least sell them individually for a very nice amount of money(even if they only get like 5 dollars per book).

You buying a new kindle assumes a lot of things. That in the future electronics will continue to be as cheap and readily available as they are today. That in the future Amazon and their servers will even still be around. That ereaders/epub/mobi wont get replaced with an unforseen new format and go the way of VHS and either be useless or a pain in the ass to even get working.

The only assumption Im making is my library doesnt burn down or get flooded. Physical books are an investment.

>> No.8747782

Not how that meme works


>> No.8747791

>flying to Dublin
>reading on my ereader
>plane makes a sharp turn
>it flies out the window
100,000 books lost forever.

>> No.8747812

I supplement my book habit with a Kindle. I prefer books but I'm not 'above' reading in a different way. I downloaded a shitload of free classics a while back and thought that was just fucking neato.

>> No.8747872


>> No.8747897

What e-reader should I get?
Reading on iPad turned out pretty un/comfy/
Also, free books my niggas? Otherwise I'm not buying a fucking e-reader for 100$.

>> No.8747953

Old books can get you high and make you hallucinate

>> No.8747971

>Waaaa waaa /lit/ spoon feed me everything waaa waaaa

Figure it out yourself fat ass

>> No.8747985

use the phone, it is the same and you have one in your pocket

>> No.8748036

Anything with e-ink
If you prefer normal screen then just use whatever phone/tablet

>> No.8748219

>tfw got banned for 2 weeks one time for saying "sure is /v/ in here"
It got lifted soon after tho

>> No.8748251

>can read horror in the dark as its intended
>physicalfags have to turn lights on like huge pussies

Ereaders:1 Physical:0

>> No.8748268

>reading genre fiction

The average e-cuck reveals his plebbery

>> No.8748290

you might as well gouge your eyes out. Phone/tablet screens are terrible for your eyes.

>> No.8748578

'Only' five bucks a book? I realize the price of a second-hand book can vary a lot depending on what kind of book (academic books, which often get sold second-hand to the next generation of students being forced to buy a bunch of books, for example), but that is very, very optimistic.

Unless it's a first or rare edition of a popular or respected book, or has gone out of print despite being very popular, you would be lucky to get very much at all.

>> No.8748608

Only planes to Dublin would have windows without strong glass, Mr Ladder xxx

>> No.8748611


>> No.8748634

>it is the same
>Reading on iPad turned out pretty un/comfy/
He already knows that you lie.

>> No.8748689

>implying that this argument holds up for dead writers
Yes goy, go buy the physical copy of Infinite Jest like G-d intended! Don't you want to give the author money so that he can continue writing books? You wouldn't steal it, from us-er, him, would you?

>> No.8748940

Fuck off, I just thought it might be a nice place to ask especially in a thread related to this topic.
Yeah, it's the same damn thing as my iPad. Nice bait.
Thank you!
This. My eyesight is actually becoming worse, no meme.

>> No.8748988

Anything backlit is going to be fine. I advise kobo glo (other anons say it's good) or Paperwhite (which I myself have). Newness isn't a huge concern.

Pirating is easy with libgen.io &c., and use calibri to convert anything that's in the wrong format. You won't find everything. Pirating all the major stuff will more than pay for your ebook, though.

Eat up, faggot.

>> No.8749044

There's a flee market near me that sells books for cheap as shit
Got a good encyclopedia of mythology for only 1 euro.
Thicc and with colour pictures.

>> No.8749092

Not magically. Scientifically.

>> No.8749099

Still horseshit

>> No.8749319

implying buying used books helps publishers

>> No.8749324

Kantbot is fucking hilarious

>> No.8749326

Explain. What does format have to do with comprehension?

>> No.8749328

you know ereaders have vastly improved since probably the last time you've ever touched one, right

you know ereaders batteries last for literal months and charge in a matter of hours, right

>> No.8749338


>> No.8749347


I agree. I absolutely love my kindle. I took it with me on my excursion to South America. It also is able to be put in my backpack without adding much weight. The e-ink is just as good as paper and is way better than a lit screen. I only buy hard copies of graphic novels, antique, and rare books. The battery life is also phenomenal.

There's nothing wrong with liking books but it's silly for people on /lit/ to hate ereaders so much.

>> No.8749361

Not to mention that e-readers are so much more fragile as well.

>> No.8749429

What's &c.?

>> No.8749454

ebooks are fucking gay

>> No.8749471

>tfw physical books are the last stand of the muslims and niggers
You will lose.

>> No.8749488

>What's &c.?

A really pretentious way of saying "etc."

>> No.8749498


physical book user detected

>> No.8749533

>all books are used
>all books are cheap
I'm currently looking for a copy of Kierkegaard's doctoral thesis. The only copy of the book itself that I can find online costs about $55 CND on Amazon, for example.

Fuckers have basically monopolized English translations of a LONG DEAD PERSON'S doctoral thesis. The ebook? $60.
Ereaders are nothing like a computer screen.

>> No.8749553

Troll post:
>E-readers use very little power and charge very quickly
>They turn on quickly (about 2 minutes from off, but it would have turned on automatically from charging.)
>Search options and at least my Kindle can sort by progress read and latest read
>Pages load in less than a second, uses no power at all if wifi is off and page isn't turned because
>Very durable, more so if you have a case for it (which will only cost $15)

>> No.8749564

The ebook is free.

>> No.8749569

>Fuckers have basically monopolized English translations of a LONG DEAD PERSON'S doctoral thesis. The ebook? $60.
Yeah but they can charge that much because they know only weird fucks like you will buy that shit.

>> No.8749573

True that.

>> No.8749579

WEW. Seven years of college, and I never picked it up. Sad!

>> No.8749580

What's weird about a currently relevant philosopher's very interesting doctoral thesis? Kierkegaard has gotten very popular in the recent years
Post link.

>> No.8749598

You'll only see it in unedited texts of English academic writing from the early Modern era to around the Victorian era.

When & was still a letter in the English alphabet, one could justify writing crap like 'h&' too.

>> No.8749608

What is a het?

>> No.8749609

How interesting! It makes sense given et cetera, but I never would've thought to use it like that.

>> No.8749623

'et' translates to 'and'

>> No.8749624

took me 1 min to finds scans of the danish text.

>> No.8749629

I am looking for an English translation.

The only English translation that I know of is the Princeton publication.

>> No.8749690

>authors I like
Practically all of mine have been dead for centuries, this is a non-argument.

>> No.8750348

>he reads books written by authors that are still alive

>> No.8750422

This is what will happen:

Books will never cease to exist, but they'll become a bit of a luxury reserved to gifts for other people, or occasions where you just know you will enjoy the book (an author you like, etc.).

Buying used books will become more common, same as going to public libraries.

Kindles will be another, cheaper option. Some will pirate ebooks, some will buy them legitimately.

>> No.8750435
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>> No.8750440

This, what a worrying implication.

>> No.8751200

>not increasing your rate of shitposting by replacing multiple letters with one
Gotta go fast, anon.

>> No.8751213

>somehow go to the ol Heaven after having some fun in the ol Purgatory waiting room
>go to Heaven bookstore
>no DFW anywhere
>qt behind the counter "Yeah, because no one on Earth bought his books, Hell thought there'd be no money in it"
>his attempt at a comeback "I supposedly mortal sin that I'll never commit again" about the lead up to and experience of his suicide is banned by God's chosen literati Harold Bloom because no discernible grace

>> No.8751223

a well-organized bookshelf is a device for thinking

>> No.8751370
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>a supposedly mortal sin that I'll never commit again

>> No.8751410

Going out and buying books is one of the few joys i can experience frequently.

>> No.8751412

Basically they will become like records are

>> No.8751467
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Books survived through the rise of opera plays, radio drama, cinema, and television. Shit has stood strong and unscathed through the test of time.

Some random convenient gadget can never replace the aesthetic appeal brought by books as they filled the gaps in your shelf and age beautifully, filling your room with the enticing scent of papers and ink. I doubt that it is even possible for printed media to be replaced with any sort of digital technology.

Saying that binary codes has the same appeal as something physical just because they have the same content is like saying that you can replace food with pills because they have the same nutrients, or fireworks replaced by lightshows because they have the same light bursts, or sports replaced by digital games because they have the same competitive value.

>> No.8751541

I've been reading books from my phone since 2004 and it never lead to eyestrain. You need to figure sufficient screen brightness and type size, I guess.

>> No.8751548

"There's nothing wrong with McDonalds" cries the unwashed pleb who's never had anything else.

>> No.8751558

>Books survived through the rise of opera plays, radio drama, cinema, and television. Shit has stood strong and unscathed through the test of time.
Those are radically different media. This is the same medium, presented better.
>Some random convenient gadget can never replace the aesthetic appeal brought by scrolls
But you are right; some pseuds will always search for books to fill their shelves. Only some. There's no doubt about it; print is dying.

Everyone sane knows e-ink is more aesthetic than squashed plant.

>> No.8751580

>unwashed pleb who's never had anything else
What? You think I've never read a paper book? I just don't see what's so great about them. I've actually pirated a bunch of books I had on my bookshelf because I couldn't be arsed to carry them around with me.

>> No.8751582
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By it's barebone definition, literature is nothing more than written stories made complex using various forms of figures of speech. As such, it should have long been defeated by more convenient forms of storytelling.
And yet it didn't.
If ever, more people hated the film while glorying the "deepness" of the book. The influence of books is so engraved to society that people who love reading are stereotyped as bright intellectuals whereas those who love to liesure around netflix are stereotyped as fat blobs

Also, books ARE scrolls. Or more technically, a compilation of it.

People who places practicality and cold logic over meaning and virtue are bound to live in a house with no decor, no window, no joy. Just a "person" who lives an aimless life

>> No.8751583

I used to think the same way, but then I got an ereader and realised how completely wrong I was.

>> No.8751592

And there are different ways of presenting that literature, each with different effects and merits.

>more convenient
What about an opera is more convenient than a book? This is pretty silly, anon.

People who laze on Netflix are not valued any lower than those who laze with YA. Your argument is flawed.

>Also, books ARE scrolls
Nah. Scrolls were just a less convenient way of showing written literature, so they got replaced with the much more compact, portable, user-friendly book.

Pseuds grasp at books because it prickles at their special-snowflake urges. It makes them feel all intellectual.

>> No.8751594

What do you mean?

>> No.8751599

I dunno why but it never clicked how absolutely different (and horrible) reading off a screen was, compared to books. I used to do tonnes of reading on screens -- because Gutenberg + highschooler = more pocket-money spent on vidya.

Then I got an ebook and it blew my mind how much better it was than screens -- how much better than normal books, even.

>> No.8751623
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Indeed, and all of them are held together and judged by the plot that they contain.
A plot that, for some reason, cannot have the same acceptable presentable appeal when converted to more convenient forms of story telling.
I can only wonder why.

Also, I never see anyone get scolded for staying at the library but every child have been scolded for staying at the TV.

Scrolls, books, newspapers, pamphlets and even even letters are just the same stuff designed based on conveniency and efficiency, indeed. But by the end of the day, they all belong under the same category as printed media. I fail to see your point.

Books are the very symbol of a lifestyle of humility and simplicity. However, your nihilistic approach towards society and it's lack of meaning only makes you the pseud one between the two of us.
Please get off your high horse. Just because something is practical does not make it welcoming or even comforting. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as art to start with

>> No.8751631

>Also, I never see anyone get scolded for staying at the library but every child have been scolded for staying at the TV.

>> No.8751632

>cannot have the same acceptable presentable appeal
Yeah, Shakespeare's considered pretty plebby.
>Also, I never see anyone get scolded for staying at the library but every child have been scolded for staying at the TV.
A modern phenomenon, and a result of bias against new(er) media. People used to scold children for reading. Then comics, then TV, then vidya (seriously get with the times gramps), and so on.

I fail to see your point re: printed media.

>books are the very symbol of a lifestyle of humility and simplicity
This is perhaps the opposite of their symbolism. They represent intellectual indulgence, learning, academic submersion. Humility and simplicity are best represented by a wooden bowl and spoon. Probably because of New Ageism.

>Just because something is practical does not make it welcoming or even comforting

Yet e-books are as welcome and comforting as paper books. Moreso, in my opinion.

>> No.8751645
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False. No one hated anyone for reading because, if you can read, then you are among the elite. Furthermore, all books by that time are academic literature that actually makes someone smarter.

Also, again, false. Digital reads are nothing more than convenient forms of reading but saying that it can replace the aesthetic, sentimental, and historical value presented by an actual physical evidence that would remind you of your experience.
Comparing books to e-books in terms of societal and cultural grounds is like comparing fashion to practical but bland attire. Nonsense

>> No.8751654
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My typing is starting to misfire due to exhaustion and wine. See you later once I woke up

>> No.8751733

>South America
What country you went to?

>> No.8751773

That nose....

>> No.8751791

>False. No one hated anyone for reading because, if you can read, then you are among the elite
But you are wrong! People railed against pulp, adventure novels, this kind of thing.

>saying that it can replace the aesthetic, sentimental, and historical value presented by an actual physical evidence that would remind you of your experience.
But you are wrong again assuming I can decipher your gorily mangled sentence! Aesthetics need owe nothing to society or culture, and ebooks are aesthetic. But nonetheless they appeal to culture: they remind of ancient clay and wax tablets. And their screens are divinely clear, with a dust-coloured background. I admit I love the look and feel of my ebook, and I never did the same with books. Not even those that are interesting (I have a 250 year old book which I love to look through, but only because of historical value).

>> No.8753299

Holy shit this guy's right. Don't like the spotify example, but this is why I prefer console gaming to pc, or my general aversion to netflix

>> No.8753397
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Indeed. Meme genres are a blight but they were never cancerous enough to taint the social prestige that comes from being an avid reader.
Meanwhile, no matter the genre, people who cannot stop adoring comic books, anime, film, and tv series are called as nerds, geeks, weeabos, otakus, NEETs, shut-ins, and so on. Even though we all know that they are technically just the same branches of art but in different mediums.

Ebooks are only aesthetic if you are a technogeek. And I'm afraid to say that technogeeks have very little place to stay in an art form that was honed with the fine culture of teas, wine, cakes, and gospels. That's like comparing a forest to a hologram room