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/lit/ - Literature

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875026 No.875026 [Reply] [Original]

¿How is that novel going /lit/ ?

>> No.875040

Got me!

>> No.875043

I'm taking some time off to work on my screenplay/tv show, instead

>> No.875045
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not official until we have the Sagan

>> No.875047

It's going great... Sir.

>> No.875050

Mi libro está completo, pero necesita un poco de edición. ¿Y tu, amigo?

>> No.875057
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see this pic OP? it's how the fuck it's going

>> No.875060
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There is someone that it's actually writing here?

If so, go ahead, tell me about your novel.

>> No.875068

No, Fuck you. Would you mind if hit you as hard as I can instead?

>> No.875069
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>> No.875073

Yeah, i will, sure.
Two posts and still can't ask? C'mon, man. You can steal my plot if you want. Just ask, man.

>> No.875074

I was never writing one.

I am, however, writing several original short stories, and a few erotic novellas.

The premise for one of my non-erotic tales is a man who is getting some coffee.

>> No.875077

Its going well. Right now its a jumbled ball of thoughts in my head, so I'm pulling it out in raw strips of ranting, then processing and organizing those. Building the framework takes time, but it will be worth it!

>> No.875081
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Get the fuck out.

>> No.875083

Sounds dry. You could easily make it erotic.

>> No.875084
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>erotic novellas
Has /lit/ stooped so low? Already?

>> No.875086

Not gonna start a novel until I'm at least 25, most probably 30.

Just count how many good writers produced something worthwhile before 25. I holds on a hand.

>> No.875090

>implying Story of the Eye (an erotic novella) is not one of the greatest works of literature.

>> No.875091
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¿Do you think I care about your ideas?

>> No.875092

It's a collection of vignettes about telemarketing, the saddest job in america. Telemarketing really is horrible: the self-deception, the wasted talent (shit's hard, man), the drug-like high of making a sale only to see a fraction of a percent of the profits. It's awful.

The TV show was about the same thing, but we keep in running into two problems: one, there's nowhere for the characters to talk, and two, it's too fucking sad. There's no escape.

On a general note, e/lit/ists, never, ever get into telemarketing. Every telemarketing company is a den of cons, criminals, and alcoholics who desperatly are trying to get away from each other. There is nothing for you. Any job is better. Get a job at a McDonald's, at least you'll have the satisfaction of feeding people.

>> No.875096

You write it now, then revise it UNTIL you're 25. Then you don't have to live in a gutter/library.

Protip: you will still be poor.

>> No.875097


They probably honed their skills by churning out lots of crap, and coincidentally, with help from experience and constructive criticism from readers, managed to produce something worthwhile by the age of the 25.

I doubt there is a switch in your head that goes off around the age of 25 that will make your writing not crap.

>> No.875098
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Cool story, bro.

>> No.875103


>Sounds dry. You could easily make it erotic

Nah, you don't understand.

A professional editor came on /lit/, read some of my writing, and basically informed me that I shouldn't handle anything more complicated than a couple of paragraphs at a go. That was one of their prompts that they told me I should begin work on.

Naturally, since I'm used to working with editors, I gaily ripped up the thing I sent them, and began to construct stories based on the prompts I was given, one being the Coffee scenario you mentioned.

>> No.875109

thanks, thanks. It's ironic, the shittiness of the job is my ladder out of it.

>> No.875112
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I cry bullshit

>> No.875116
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I didn't say it was shit.

>> No.875119


Just what is bullshit?

>> No.875128
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Pure bullshit. Your story is a load of shit

>> No.875135
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Ok. I believe you. Now let's proceed with the thread.

>> No.875145
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>> No.875146


quote from the editor whom I contacted:

>There it is. Currently you are not a very good writer, but you can improve immensely with only a small amount of work. Don't rewrite this from the ground up - abandon it. I hope I have explained why in my comments.

Shall I go on? Shall I post the archived copy of the thread where it went down?

>> No.875152

its going ok im researching by sitting out in large crowds and writing down things that grab my attention

>> No.875158
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I call your bluff and raise you
the zeddy wheel

>> No.875167
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Go on... Post it.

>> No.875170
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>> No.875189

Seriously, you guys think I just made up a cool story about editors who appear on /lit/? You guys.


That's not the first editor on /lit/ that I met, by the way. There was one, a college professor or something of the sort, I forget at the moment, who also read my stuff.

He basically didn't even read past the first page and dismissed it as complete and utter shit, which I already knew before he told me. So he wasn't much of a help. This person, though, came along and actually did his job, and I was glad that they saw it to the finish. I believe they also prevented me from sinking myself into a quagmire in which I would have languished for untold months, not getting anything done.

>> No.875192
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Oh wow. I didn't expect you to come.

>> No.875204

I remember this thread...I was the one that posted the snarky remark about John Galassi.

Did that editor ever give you his/her qualifications?

>> No.875207
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well shit, that guy was offering the real deal and just about nobody even replied.

goddamnit, take the zeddy wheel motherfucker. ENJOY YOUR GODDAMNED RIDE

>> No.875215


That'll teach you to doubt me.

Guy was legit as hell. From the way he edited my prose, I have the feeling it's his dayjob or at least incorporated into it somehow.

>> No.875219



>> No.875225
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In other things... Tell me more about your novel /lit/

>> No.875228


>Guy was legit as hell. From the way he edited my prose

Not the question asked. I asked if he gave you his qualifications. It does make a difference if the editor mainly focuses on X (let's say fantasy) while you're writing Y(let's say erotica).

Anyone can edit (as easily as one can give an opinion), but if they don't mesh well with what you're going for then all you're getting is line edits (helpful sometimes).

>> No.875230


True. But anyways, that post wasn't directed at you.

>> No.875250

Post your shit Arcueid, even if its bad. I'm in the mood for some editing and it's kind of a personal competitiveness in me to see if I can find your writing as shitty as actually editors, no offense.

I just want to see if I'm on par with the other editors.

>> No.875255

Shit i can't find any brazilian anon-editor, fuck.

>> No.875263
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Shit just got real, Arcueid. It's time to us to see your work and qualify it.

>> No.875264

Best seller.

>> No.875267


I would, but the sheer size of my shit would overwhelm this thread and everyone would get mad at me, obviously.

You're talking to a guy who successfully completed National Novel Writing Month without breaking a sweat, 4 times. I am excellent at vomiting large amounts of words out onto a page.

Corralling them into proper conveyances of thought and imagery, however, seems to elude me somewhat.

>> No.875270

> Anyone can edit (as easily as one can give an opinion).

Editing is not only about looking for the faults in a piece, it's also recognizing where the piece is going (the strong points in plot, structure etc.).

If you're just looking to rip someone up, congratulations, you're a critic not an editor. Also why would he post when he had this experience already.

> He [an "editor"] basically didn't even read past the first page and dismissed it as complete and utter shit, which I already knew before he told me. So he wasn't much of a help.

Well we'll see.

>> No.875288


Write a paragraph, 10 sentences of something. Or just do an excerpt, I didn't say you had to post the whole fucking story. I know context is important, but I'm mainly asking to see how good your prose is, not if you have good plot ideas or not.

You got me. But like I said to Arcueid I'm not really looking for his story, just his writing ability in the sense of his readability.

>> No.875295
File: 34 KB, 630x269, tyler16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice. ¿You finished?

>> No.875321


No, actually. That story I sent him was so huge, that the first /lit/ editor I sent it to didn't even finish the first chapter. He was all like, FUCK THIS, and bailed. Who can blame him?

Anyway, even if you let me post it here, I deleted the story after that editor told me to annihilate the horror I had wrought. Sooooo, yeah. You should ask him, maybe he might have a copy.

>> No.875326


>Write a paragraph, 10 sentences of something.

I am way too high to do that right now, and I don't have any alcohol nearby to juice up the writing gears.

>Or just do an excerpt, I didn't say you had to post the whole fucking story

Like I was telling that other dude, I tossed the story out after the guy told me it's not even worth saving.