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File: 58 KB, 552x550, Makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8748842 No.8748842 [Reply] [Original]

Are self help books actually useful? If not what philosophy and/or fiction should I read to improve myself?

>> No.8748878

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.8748879

No. Start with the Greeks

>> No.8748886


hume then kant first.

>> No.8748889

This. Start with the Memorable Sayings of Socrates.

PS: I think she's prettier *before* the makeover.

>> No.8748925

I feel really bad for women

>> No.8748979
File: 286 KB, 1413x968, Feelsgiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way cuter on the right. I want to dick her so hard and then go to her parents for Thanksgiving. She'll furtively rub the inside of my leg under the table, and I'll call her parents "sir" and "mam".

>> No.8748989



>> No.8748998


Sorry, mistyped. I meant left. Left = absolute qt.

>> No.8749002

Its too late, you've made your choice

>> No.8749005

please stop starting threads with this picture, the lower lid eyeliner on the right looks horrible and so half the replies every time you do it are
>I think she looks cuter on the left

>> No.8749011

Kind of an opposite question to OP's
Are there any books that justify and encourage escapism?

>> No.8749013

She looks like a regular person before the makeup and a doll afterwards. Being more attracted to the before pic means you prefer reality to social standards.

>> No.8749015
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1444341299331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8749017
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 633e534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She make-upped away her adorable dimples.

>> No.8749031

Studying philosophy and reflecting on your current condition until an adequate road to self-improvement specifically tailored by and for you is probably the best course of action.
If you are lazy, just browse through the self-help section of your local library and read what interests you. An anon from another thread said that self-help is very dependant on timing, and he's absolutely right.

>implying that it was not intentional

>> No.8749040

yea OP
first you have to know yourself, like socrates said.
I'd recommend the psychology of self esteem by nathaniel branden. 6 pillars too.
then you could start reading alice miller the drama of the gifted child to connect with your inner self, your true self.

Also, stay away from anything like Eckhart Tolle or those gurus that say that you need to lose your ego and meditate and all those new wave things. That's bad advice and leads to even more depression and doubt

>> No.8749051

She's also smiling in "before", which helps...

>> No.8749149

i feel bad for anyone trapped in the illusion of society and its expectations

>> No.8749244

this is an objective fact. She goes from cute girl next door to disgusting club slut.

>> No.8749256

She's still cute on the left

>> No.8749263

t. ugly people who have cucked them selves into being attracted to women that they think are obtainable

>> No.8749284

Well, if true, that seems like a good idea though.

>> No.8749572


>> No.8749643
File: 102 KB, 746x717, 1476628716260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be ugly guy
>if you hit on good looking girls you're delusional, 'lower your standards', and so on
>if you hit on average, not so good looking girls you're a creep that it's only interested because they seem more attainable

>> No.8749649

maybe nicomachean ethics

>> No.8749667

Same here anon stay strong

>> No.8749749

>Eckhart Tolle

H-He helped me a few years ago...

>> No.8749800

Left literally looks more comfy.

>> No.8749848

Meh, it's the same girl. It's just a progression of waking up with bedhead to coming back out of the bathroom while you hit the snooze alarm. Her style will change over time. Oh yeah, she used up all the hot water.

Thanks for suggesting those authors, I will look into them.

>> No.8750118

i want to cuddle her on the left and bang her brains out on the right.

>> No.8750135

Nu-males diagnosed

>> No.8750151

Stop glorifying this old hag.

>> No.8750160

how is that nu-male in any way? are you a homosexual?

>> No.8750209

>old hag
Definition of nu-male.

Real men go after young girls.

>> No.8750224

Cuter without makeup

>> No.8750240

you'd pass on someone attractive just because "real men go after young girls"? pretty sure you're homosexual m8.

>> No.8750252

1 thats a spook

2 she is like 20, maybe 25

>> No.8750257

Old hags aren't attractive.
Anything over 16 is old hag.

>> No.8750268
File: 871 KB, 2425x1661, 1479694094756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8750269

That's an old hag.

>> No.8750581

the chick on the right looks more obtainable tho, she looks like the type of walking detritus I would find in my 20s at some niggermusic club and drunkenly fuck her + her skank friends at a hotel with tha lads

chick on the left isn't unobtainable but since she doesn't wear her agenda via three inches of "i suck dick" paint, it's marginally more difficult to gauge what is her deal without further investigation and actually talking to her/seeing her IRL

>> No.8750612

this desu, my girlfriend's hair looks like the one on the left when she doesn't straighten it. It took me like a month to convince her it was better unstraightened. Thank fuck she doesn't wear too much make up.

>> No.8750631

Is there anything worse than when they think they need to straighten their hair? Straight hair is literal garbage, wavy and curly is masterrace

>> No.8750657

thought it was the "evil stepmom from the 90s" eyebrows

>> No.8750687

Yeah, I don't know why some girls think it's necessary. Maybe some media influenced perception of beauty. There are occasions when the messier less put together hair isn't appropriate, like formal stuff, but most of the time I think it looks way better.

>> No.8750931

She already had plenty of eyeliner on in the left picture or her eyes are naturally rimmed in black

>> No.8751074

Eyelashlet detected