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/lit/ - Literature

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8746690 No.8746690 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw rejected for publication again

>> No.8746721
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>TFW you have enough self-awareness and analytical ability to critique your own work and know whether its good or not before submitting.

>> No.8746745

>tfw this is a burden
>tfw none of my work is worthy of publication according to my high standards
>tfw 50 Shades of Grey gets a fucking film adaptation

I don't even know anymore. I've been rejected dozens of times now, should I pander more? Throw in some vampire BDSM to capture the middle aged sexually frustrated housewife demographic?

>> No.8746756
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Keep trying. Even great writers were rejected many times before being published. It just takes one person to see the value in your work.

Don't compromise your work. One thing you should never forfeit is your integrity. Keep trying.

>> No.8746762

Nice post!

>> No.8746766
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1101, IsleofSkyeWallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I will keep trying. I'll even go back to working on my latest attempt right now. You really encouraged me here, thanks.

>> No.8746835

wtf I love Scotland now.

>> No.8746856
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How many times has it been now? Can you give us a little taste of what you're trying to get published?

>> No.8746890
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Thank you.

You're very welcome. Its all just a matter of time and patience. I look forward to reading your book. Good luck, and nice dubs.

>> No.8746895

They're probably doing you a favor. Sit on your desk again and try harder. You wouldn't want to go have mediocre stuff out there and be remembered by it. Do you?

>> No.8746923

I only submit high quality works (such is their number).

Quite a lot, but I am extremely prolific, often submitting once a week. Would a poem suffice?

I have been published before in several academic fields and literary journals and my work is extremely gifted and literary. Why do you think you are in a position to be giving me advice?

>> No.8746927
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>Would a poem suffice?
Yes. I want to hear a poem.

>> No.8746928

So, you only came here to whine? I thought it was for advice. Pardon my mistake

>> No.8746938

You all understand how publishing works right? You could write the best novel in the world, but if it's genre isn't hot right now then no publisher will pick it up.

>> No.8746939

Here's one of my best works.

Sometimes something like a second
washes the base of this street.
The father and his two assistants
are given permission to go.
One of them, a woman, asks, “Why
did we come here in the first place,
to this citadel of dampness?”

Some days are worse than others,
even if we can’t believe in them.
But that was never a concern of mine,
reasoned the patient.

Sing, scroll, or never be blasted by us
into marmoreal meaning, or the fist for it.
Kudos to the prince who journeyed here
to negotiate our release, if you can believe it.

You’re right. The ballads are retreating
back into the atmosphere.
They won’t be coming round again.
Make your peace.

>> No.8746948

What inspire you to write this, John?

>> No.8746957

I didn't know 89 year olds posted on 4chan. Nice one, gramps

>> No.8746993
File: 291 KB, 750x366, 1472920952745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a short story out to a decently prestigious magazine
>tfw normal response time is three months, but a small amount of submissions may take longer
>tfw it's been four months
>tfw don't know if they're seriously considering the story or if they just haven't gotten to it yet

>> No.8747027

Thanks, taking this for my own poem.

>> No.8747034
File: 371 KB, 500x375, To blame the world is to blame god, who is blameless. To blame other people is to blame those who have no duty to me. To blame myself is to admit a defeat that will destroy me..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw have been seriously been attempting for the past year and a half to get my work published, sending short stories to literary magazines and even a novel-length manuscript to different publishing companies
>tfw no responses at all, not even rejection letters

This is honestly the worst.

I feel like shit. At least they reject other people, is my shit so bad to not even warrant that?

>> No.8747038

Perhaps if you didn't waste all that time on /v/ and /r9k/ things would be different, anon.

>> No.8747107

If you're unpublished most publishing houses won't consider your work if you send it to them directly. You need to try shopping your work to a literary agent. They usually don't take short stories let alone collections and don't even think about a poetry collection from an unknown writer. You're best bet is to try to shop a novel. Good luck.

>> No.8747148
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>citadel of dampness
>marmoreal meaning
>the ballads are retreating into the atmosphere

Is it called 2deep4u the poem?
It's not absolutely terrible, but I would reject you based on the word marmoreal alone.

>> No.8747151
File: 19 KB, 480x270, uli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8747164

Who the fuck keeps posting this picture of Uli

>> No.8747248


Publishing companies? Not literary agents? Agents usually respond, even if it's template rejections.

Keep writing and keep going. Use the rejection as fuel and don't take it personally. If you do, you might be tempted to give up. Keep honing your craft.

>> No.8748173

>Not literary agents?

Do non-scam LA's even have open submissions? I thought it was a case of "We'll call you" where they find talent through lit journals and such.

>> No.8748193


Sure they do. I trawled the internet and found loads of LAs seeking unsolicited submissions. I'm still getting rejections but these days they include a bit of feedback, which is always welcome. It means I'm on the right track at least.