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/lit/ - Literature

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8740384 No.8740384 [Reply] [Original]

>try to read an old book
>characters say mean things about fags

>> No.8740803

Really? Which ones. I've experienced little homophobia in classic works and the veiled allusions are usually ambiguous

>> No.8740811

Not that old, I guess there was a pretty small window where a writer might talk openly and negatively about homos.

I'm reading The Big Sleep currently.

>> No.8740846

Fuck off

>> No.8740853

I read that but can't remember any casual homophobia in it but given the context: tough, macho, amoral, edgy atmosphere, I can imagine it being there. It's a pretty poor novel imo. Very rough plot and mediocre stylist.

>> No.8740880

There's some casual homo-hate in some Hemingway works. I particularly remember him referring to a bullfighter as a "maricón" in Death in the Afternoon.

>> No.8740886

How many boxers, welders, bullfighters and construction workers are in this novel?
Did any of them go to school?

>> No.8740888

>I read that but can't remember any casual homophobia in it
Marlowe gives a gay guy the porn distributor guy quite a lot of shit for his sexuality, and not just because of his involvement in criminal activity. Though the delivery of it is a lot more subtle that what a modern reader usually faces, considering it was written in the 40s.

>> No.8740890
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Sorry :(

>> No.8740902

when reading a book, don't forget to take into account the historical context of the time which it was written you frakking pseud
>muh moral relativism except when I'm offended

>> No.8740917

I'm not making any judgement on the book or the author over it, just saying it feels bad man.

>> No.8740935

>tfw gay and love when homos get fucking roasted in old books and shit
check this out

>> No.8740950

Vid no longer available

>> No.8740963

oops posted the wrong one

>> No.8740971

>there is a woman inside us all

/lit/ on suicide watch

>> No.8740997 [DELETED] 

>try to post this degeneraacy on a board frequented with people who've taken the redpill

You aren't free from being told you're a degenerate shit-loving sodomite who is contributing to the fall of White Western civilization.

You are suffering from a mental illness which is tied to pedophilia.
You should be purged

>> No.8741005

Please, homosexuality is the logical conclusion of the redpill

>> No.8741025
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>try to read an old book
>characters talk about selling black people
>characters talk about Muslims and moors being inferior to people of "pure Christina stock"
>characters talk about women belonging in the kitchen and all the ways there are inferior to men

>> No.8741109

I always chuckle a little whenever I see blatant racism, sexism or homophobia in old books. I don't really approve of it or agree with it, but it's interesting to see.

I'm glad we haven't reached the stage yet where we're censoring old books.

>> No.8741141

>I don't really approve of it or agree with it

>> No.8741174

homophobia is such a nonsense term.

>> No.8741184

What would you rather it be called?

>> No.8741187

It's a marxist attempt to frame a natural human response as pathological.

>> No.8741202

>characters talk about Muslims and moors being inferior to people of "pure Christina stock"

> implying this isn't as true as it ever gets

>> No.8741205

Ok, it still needs a name.

>> No.8741208

conspiracy theories are kino

>> No.8741215

I wouldn't say that a fear or phobia is an accurate description for the specific kind of feeling people who dont like gays experience.
I don't think we should be popularising words that describe a specific dislike to a group in the first place, it's all nonsense victimhood culture ideologie.

>> No.8741216

Fact: Only Basques and Catalans are truly white, rest of the iberian peninsula is crypto moors and jews

>> No.8741232

Dante? I guess?

>> No.8741719

i found an old copy of "the leisure of an egyptian official" by lord edward cecil in a junk sale box recently.
it's fucking hilarious. every egyptian mentioned in the book is lazy, corrupt or stupid, or all three

>> No.8741814

Classic fiction is not your "safe space", fairy. If you've got a problem with it, go read some present-day PC coddling books and ignore the reality of the world.

>> No.8741857

i've read the big sleep recently, just try to work past it, the whole porno dealer book guy is not that big of a deal in the context of the whole book.

you might find humor in the fact that the friendship between marlowe and lennox in the long goodbye has been the subject of a few homoromantic fanfics though

>> No.8741866

good grief, you're completely lacking in any sense of humour
are you american?

>> No.8741875

>try to read an old book
>it's all flowery homoshit and degeneracy
>girls call me smart
>let me fuck them in the ass
serves you right for skipping to the 20th C

>> No.8741882

Homophobia is the fear of recognizing homosexuality in yourself

>> No.8741888

No, it's just really tedious seeing people reading things from decades ago and expecting them to conform to ideas that are common now, but were regarded as criminal or radical back then. You see this shit all the time on goodreads and youtube.

>> No.8741900

Homophobia is simply the fear of homosexuality.

>> No.8741906

>reading crime novels at all

>> No.8741916
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Back to your beloved Greeks and 19th century Russians, pseud.

>> No.8741925

I'm reading The Idiot atm, but I still wouldn't consider that old, especially considering that Shakespeare is still one of the most widely read authors ever.

>> No.8741936

green sweater guy is a qt

>> No.8741952

What is some essential homophobia-core?

I want to see an angry writer/philosopher fucking destroy degenerate faggots.

>> No.8741957

Hatred =/= fear you fucking slave moralist

>> No.8741960

>it's fucking hilarious. every egyptian mentioned in the book is lazy, corrupt or stupid, or all three
It's hilarious because it's true

>> No.8741967

>he doesn't think that women are inferior to men
It's literally an undeniable fact. Women can make babies and are good at raising children, and that's it.

>> No.8741978

Go away /pol/ stop tricking these poor people.

>> No.8742474

Simenon's stuff is pretty good, but the film adaptations of American noir are much better.

>> No.8742507

>implying anyone actually reads it
They just put it on their shelves and brag about it to other normies.

>> No.8742547

maricon can mean both fag or coward, so maybe that.

>> No.8742638

I know someone who's very passionate about Shakespeare and recommended King Richard II to me (which I read and enjoyed). Hamlet was assigned reading in my 12th grade literature class as well as my first college literature class. People definitely read Shakespeare.