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File: 82 KB, 480x717, IMG_20161117_115212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8733106 No.8733106 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my Zizek video cravings have been satisfied in the past few days

I love watching videos of him talking about how I'm so much smarter than those other people. He's so right!

>> No.8733114

I have unironically listened to hundreds if not thousands of hours of him speaking, I've probably heard him speak more than anyone else in my life even more than close family members

>> No.8733172

post the link, bitch.

>> No.8733177


This is one of the best posts I have read all year.

>> No.8733226
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>tfw some fucking shitskin shill keeps interrupting my zizek

>> No.8733285


This confrontational style has ruined all UK interviewers so much

>> No.8733287 [DELETED] 

Nigga only has like 10 minutes for the segment, Zizek would turn it into 3 hours if you let him run wild

>> No.8733323

Are all British interviewers like this?
For fuck's sake, he can't even get two words in to defend himself without being cut off.

>> No.8733329 [DELETED] 

Loving his pants on this one desu

>> No.8733330

In my experience, British culture is very confrontational in general. People are more likely to shove you or get in your face in the UK than they are in America.

>> No.8733332

Zizek is unironically one of the most /fa/ intellectuals today

>> No.8733350

Mehdi Hassan is a typical inbred muslim.

>> No.8733358


>> No.8733359

>British Accent

>"You're speaking from a view of white privelage"

I fucking hate minorities. I wish Trump said the stuff the liberals say he said, we wouldn't have to listen to their bullshit.

>> No.8733375 [DELETED] 

Both clowns, like all leftists

>> No.8733394 [DELETED] 

Zizek is perma cucked, he should had left the studio after that sand nigger started talking about "white-privilege"
How the fuck is Trump "scum"? Is he evil for wanting the law to be respected?
America needs to be fucking nuked

>> No.8733397
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I think you need to leave, thank you

>> No.8733399

Laws are a spook.

>> No.8733410

>trump is at least a human

Lel that's probably the best compliment trump will ever get from a gommie

>> No.8733412 [DELETED] 

This isnt your safe space

>> No.8733420 [DELETED] 

Spooks can be useful to have a peaceful society
In the eastern world they have different spooks and women get burned with acid

>> No.8733421

>he says with no sense of irony

>> No.8733424

I know this feeling all too well. I am a Zizek addict and it is annoying because his yearly appearance periods mostly communicate the same few new things mixed with the classic jokes and points. Luckily, youtube has an increase speed function now.

Are there any other intellectuals this entertaining to listen to? Most continentals only have some poorly filmed clips from EGS in which they just drown everyone in jargon in a thick accent and only communicating a few interesting points surrounded by filler or unsatisfactory "artistic" vague ideas. For example, the notions of image and representation are fundamental to the tradition and yet philosophers manage to bw completely boring and just vaguely reference a few movies (not even as well as Zizek does) and move on without saying much.

And I'm saying all of this as a continental who unironically worships Deleuze and Guattari (I'm not against Lacan or Hegel, just ambivalent).

>> No.8733426 [DELETED] 

>he says ">he says with no sense of irony" with no sense of irony
Also, did you just assume my gender?

>> No.8733430
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>> No.8733462

How's that rubber taste?

>> No.8733469 [DELETED] 

How does that muslim cock feel in your arse?

>> No.8733474

>and so on and so on

>> No.8733477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8733479

With no laws we can just kill the Museums, Cucktians and Jewmales

>> No.8733483

Wew lad

>> No.8733491 [DELETED] 

With laws if they kill us they go to prison and we can kill them in self defense

>> No.8733495

With no laws, they don't kill us, and upstanding, gun owning, atheist, white, American males can save civilization as usual you bootlicking cuck

>> No.8733508 [DELETED] 

>without laws they dont kill us
Yeah broo people are peaceful is da system which makes them evil bro im an anarchist bro no borders no religion bro do you blaze bro?

>> No.8733509

People aren't peaceful. Without laws, we kill them first.

>> No.8733512 [DELETED] 

We can just make another law that allows us to kill them without going to jail
We already live in a law world, theres no point in going backwards

>> No.8733513
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>> No.8733529 [DELETED] 

Do you realize that everything would go full caos without laws right?
Im fine with caos as long as it isnt my house or my loved ones the one that is burning

>> No.8733570
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>loved ones

>> No.8733573

Looks like you think that spelling is a spook ahaha

>> No.8733575

I really want to stab that paki in the neck.

>> No.8733583

Blame Paxman

>> No.8733585 [DELETED] 

I wonder how can Zizek even agree to precipitate in the circus that is tv news. Shame on him.

>> No.8733587 [DELETED] 

They are my property, fuck off

>> No.8733588

I wonder how can Zizek even agree to participate in the circus that is tv news. Shame on him.

>> No.8733589

>Also, did you just assume my gender?
Neck yourself

>> No.8733591 [DELETED] 

>what is capital
The ideology glasses dont grow the trees ya know

>> No.8733596 [DELETED] 

What side of history are you on?

>> No.8733621

So that people will shit post about him on an anime image board

>> No.8733637


He needs to keep up his media image in order to stay popular and make money. When you make a living doing talks and interviews, you're bound to get a few bad experiences.

>> No.8733648

Ugh this fucking interviewer is annoyning as fuck, I'm here to listen to Slavoj Zizek, not some nobody smary journalist

>> No.8733756

Muslims are so fucking self righteous and entitled jfc

>> No.8733799

I see this shit in the US too, since when did journalists and interviewers start acting like they know as much as, if not more than, their guest? Challenging guests is one thing to get them to argue their points, but telling them they're wrong, that they don't know what they're talking about, or just talking over them so that they don't say anything is retarded. Why even invite someone on if that's what your plan is?

>> No.8733814


I'm pretty sure the interviewer didn't really know who Zizek was or how he discussed things and the producers just got Zizek on the show because they hear he's a Trump supporter and could cause a fun argument.

That's the main purpose of these shows. Do you think people genuinely want to hear an enlightening exchange of ideas? People just want to see if they can get the "other guy" BTFOed, which didn't really work here because it just came across like this poor guest kept getting interrupted and didn't get a change to explain his ideas. But there probably are people who watched it and said "haha take that silly communist man, white priviledged shit!"

>> No.8733833

I don't doubt for a second that hew knows who Zizek is
he's just got a chip on his shoulder because he's a Muslim

>> No.8733846

>People just want to see if they can get the "other guy" BTFOed, which didn't really work here because it just came across like this poor guest kept getting interrupted and didn't get a change to explain his ideas. But there probably are people who watched it and said "haha take that silly communist man, white priviledged shit!"

I kind of knew that, it's just fucking annoying that this is our media model, and that even intelligent people like Zizek are being shouted down when they get on TV. I don't know if Fox News started this, but they are certainly a visible culprit when it comes to inviting "opposing viewpoints" so that the interviewers can just btfo them. Fox at least tends to invite the worst caricatures of liberals who often are actually retarded, although they do this because they want that to happen, they don't want someone who is actually knowledgeable and skilled at argument. It's just bullshit when Al Jazeera and other outlets are doing this to people like Zizek, who know how to debate and are at least somewhat well-informed.

>> No.8733908

This is pissing me off so much. I usually don't agree with Zizek, but it's still enjoyable to hear ideas from people like him. All the interviewer was doing was putting words in Zizek's mouth.

There's absolutely nothing to learn from this interview because of that faggot. Shame, because I really wanted him more to expound on "redrawing the political map" and other things he mentioned.

>> No.8733916

Why am I a bit skeptical that I'll like what he has to say?

>> No.8733968

Anyone else find worryingly perverse to see Zizek talking about his anti-establishment stance on the most powerful pro-establishment medium, which is tv news?

>> No.8733993

No because thats retarded

>> No.8733997

how so?

>> No.8733999

Hourly reminder that Muslim SJWs are the worst SJWs

>> No.8734024

Because the reason its the choice of the "establishment" is because its the more efficient means of conveying your narrative to the public.
Not to mention there is no so called establishment, the term is an abstraction par excellance

>> No.8734079

Why are people from the ME so insufferable to discuss anything with. They are the pinnacle of sophism.

>> No.8734091

Raymond Geuss' lectures on Nietzsche and Marx are interesting to listen to as well as easy to comprehend

>> No.8734104


>> No.8734153

at what speed do you listen to zizek?

>> No.8734184
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The Slovenian will be spared when things get...ropey.

>> No.8734212
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>get to 2:53
Alright, I can't watch this any more. Fucking UK faggot.

>> No.8734216

>Constant Nazi rhetoric

I couldn't watch more than two minutes.

>> No.8734220

Nice dubtrips and true words.
Where do these heathens get off on claiming to know anything about Justice?

>> No.8734225

>Where do these heathens get off on claiming to know anything about Justice?
Qur'an said something about it so their word is fact :^)

>> No.8734231

Is he implying that all white people are the same?

>> No.8734235

Yeah but it's okay because you can't be racist against Whites.

>> No.8734241

They think they're some kind of superheroes facing great adversity for being muslim but with a basic western education.

Books (of the non-fiction type) only serve to record dialectic. Books such as that have no value. Unless you want to claim that it is indeed supposed to be fiction, in which case it must be denounced for corrupting humans with false morals.

>> No.8734247

Are you autistic?

>> No.8734251

I want to fucking strangle that pseud interviewer

I don't care if you agree with Zizek, not everyone's a Marxist psychoanalyst but give the guy some goddamn breathing room for fucks sake

>> No.8734255

My fucking Gott, this guy's arrogance.
>but you are wrong because MUH SUFFERING
>yeah but how about muslim women, HUH?
*sarcastic smirk*
>you can't talk about that because YOU CAN'T KNOW THEY GO THROUGH *looks away at his papers*

>> No.8734267


>> No.8734282

Sadly, this is how many people think a debate is, not a dialogue of exposition and development of any given issue, but proving your 'opponent' wrong, like two children playing checkers or whatever.

>> No.8734308

Zizek himself has said that philosophers don't debate

>> No.8734320
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I'm lost for words

>> No.8734327
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Wow, what a wise guy

>> No.8734438

link to vid?

>> No.8734463


>> No.8734498

It's called a full house.

>> No.8734514

>interviewer accuses Zizek of talking from a position of privilege
>literal public-school and oxford establishment man (did PPE as well) with cushy interviewing job tells man who comes from a region ravaged by ethnic tensions, who worked as a dissident under his government (often finding difficulty gaining employment because of his refusal to toe the party line), who was forced into non-voluntary service in his country's military, that he is """"""""PRIVILEGED""""""""

PPE-fags need to be strung the fuck up. There are people on this site who defend oxford as some kind of intellectual bastion when it produces literal mouth-breathers like this

I'm not claiming Zizzy is a darfur war orphan, but does the interviewer seriously think that his life his been more difficult that Slavoj's

This makes me angrier than literally anything else. I'm fucking pacing with anger. People who talk about privilege literally never have any conception of who is actually better off and who isn't. Not that it's relevant in a debate either way.

>> No.8734527

>getting this mad
>over a youtube video

>> No.8734533
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See the second paragraph of this cap. It's literally pure ideology working its ways to disavow and get ad-hominem'd any attempt to see things from outside the established order of liberal moral righteouness

>> No.8734538

>getting this mad
>over a youtube video that highlights the cancer that has infected the modern left and will eventually lead to a right wing hegemony
P okay thing to get mad about in my books if you're not a /pol/fag senpai

>> No.8734613

that anon deserves to be mad

I wish Zizek would lecture that faggot interviewer on the hardships he's faced in Slovenia

>> No.8734624

So now Murrica has elected a literal meme president and the alt-right has been co-opted by the establishment, how long until /pol/ gets mad and turns to radical socialism?

Or has it already happened?

>> No.8734625

It would just be playing his game. Your personal oppression olympics shouldn't matter to political analysis

>> No.8734630

Wait until we're into Trump's presidency and he does nothing but follow the same old Neo-Con agenda and lining his own pockets

>> No.8734636

At that point it might honest-to-God be time for revolution.

At the very least some of the people who deserve to get shot SHOULD get shot.

>> No.8734650

I'm not even particularly anti-immigrant (though it's shameful that the belt of rich arab countries existing far nearer the conflict have neglected to provide any support for refugees, both on the part of the refugees having to travel ridiculous dangerous distances and on the part of the western countries having real difficulty managing the sheer amount of people felling the war), but that last paragraph is spot-on.

Another perfect example of the established dominant ideology ruthlessly appropriating the left wing is brought up by Zizek himself: all of the critique of male chauvinism is designed to create men who reflect the ideology of a genteel (androgynous) noble class, and is specifically aimed at working class members. You know the scenario of dirty workers "harassing" the poor middle class women,by showing a lack of knowledge of the social codes of the dominant class (everything sexual must be written and put in contract, there are rare appropriate times when it is okay to pay someone a compliment etc.)

>> No.8734657

>implying my post didn't acknowledge this
>"Not that it's relevant in a debate either way."

>> No.8734686

I love me some zizek, but i could not finish this. That interviewer made me physically sick

>> No.8734696

I doubt /pol/ will ever be taken over by socialists, but I can see them swinging back toward libertarianism, which was what dominated the board years ago. Well them and the neo nazis, it was sort of a power struggle but I remain convinced the neo nazis were a much smaller clique trying to slide the board with spam. At any rate I don't think the current crop of reactionaries will stick around for all of Trump's presidency.

>> No.8734733

No the dialectic can only continue. The Libertarians have either been shown to be impotent and ineffectual symbolized in the Rand and Ron Paul family or else they sold out their own ideals to jump on the Trump wagon.
Can't dig yourself out of a hole, can only go deeper

>> No.8734796

Thanks anon! Reminds me of Rick Roderick's lectures, but Roderick's were a decent intro, yet perfect for someone familiar with the history of philosophy.

1.25, but I go to 2 when he makes an argument or joke I already know (which is quite often, but I don't mind, I've often entertained both my /lit/ and non-/lit/ friends with his jokes and ideas).

>> No.8734811

*Imperfect I meant to say, he had some shortcomings when it came to Spinoza, Heidegger, Sartre and others

>> No.8734824
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libertarianism will never be taken seriously again due to it's relation to anarcho-capitalism and the memes that have spawned

>> No.8734914

That screencap is excellent, I'm a Bernout, and I made this exact argument to the open borders, "no human being is illegal!" people. Bernie said he wanted to make the US "more like Denmark", but how is that idea of social democracy remotely possible if you can keep importing an endless supply of people who are very poor, unskilled, and willing to work for lower wages? Particularly when many people don't speak the language in post-industrial or information economies. Denmark itself has a very strict immigration policy.

Furthermore, the "cultural clash" that these policies create erodes traditional norms and customs, both formal and informal, which often present formidable barriers to capitalism and the extraction of profit. Right now, left-wing social politics, especially when it comes to immigration, are very advantageous for big corporations and financial institutions; there's a reason the Libertarian Party in the US, the party of the Koch brothers, is even more pro-mass immigration than the Democrats.

>it's shameful that the belt of rich arab countries existing far nearer the conflict have neglected to provide any support for refugees, both on the part of the refugees having to travel ridiculous dangerous distances and on the part of the western countries having real difficulty managing the sheer amount of people felling the war

This is one of the things that has really bothered me about the whole refugee crisis too, and Zizek also has pointed this out, it's disgraceful that the Gulf states have taken in practically zero refugees, especially when the journey would be far less hazardous and the cultural differences and practices would be easier to accommodate. Meanwhile the EU and UN don't criticize the Gulf states at all for failing to do anything when those countries are about as involved in the Syrian Civil War and the situation in Libya as the European countries are. Instead, these countries often accuse the EU of Islamophobia and xenophobia in failing to do more and not accommodating the refugees better.

Agreed on your second paragraph as well.

>> No.8734916

The alt-right is just a libertarian "pull in the case of emergency" event. Big government got too big and they had to be less idealistic or face extinction.

>> No.8735260
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>[white privilege]...dat's not imporhtent


>> No.8735341

How could a goat even possibly be posting here?

>> No.8735344

as much as I love Zizek, Mehdi made some good points. In order to mobilize and restructure the left to the extent that Zizek would like, we may have to endure 4-8 years of normalization of descriminatory rhetoric and potentially legislation. He will not be able to repeal Obamacare outright (they will require 60 senate votes to do that, right now republicans only hold 54), but he will be able to defund the program to practical nullity which will adversely affect millions of poor unless there are direct transitional measures put in place. He will elect a conservative swing supreme court judge that could be instrumental in deciding descrimination-based humanitarian cases over his term in office. Bad things very well could happen, and maybe it will result in a new Left that will be less pro-establishment, but some serious shit might happen in order to pave that road

>> No.8735424

Is he that russian guy who got BTFO by Alex Jones?

>> No.8735500


The only way any of that happens is if the Democrats let it happen though. They still have enough votes in the senate to kill any bill they don't like.

And this is the depressing fucking thing. The left likes to talk about themselves like they're the smart people. They're the ones who knows how things work. Congress controls funding. The Senate confirms justices. He's not going to be able to do any of the things you said, unless the Democrats let him.

I mean, it's either that or you accept that the Democratic party has all the balls of a parthanogenic lizard and all the backbone of a jellyfish and cannot offer meaningful opposition to a candidate they're happy to call the next Hitler.

And if it is the latter, then how is what Zizek said not true? If the left can't bring itself to muster real opposition to their new Hitler, then smashing and restructuring it into something that can, whatever the short term pain must be the vital task.

>> No.8735507


Once you hear enough British people for the charm of their accent to wear off, you realize that they're mostly the same dumb cunts anyone else in the Anglosphere just with an extra dose of nasty and smug.

>> No.8735511

They still have enough votes in the senate to kill any bill they don't like.
No they don't. It only takes 51 senate votes to pass a bill.

>> No.8735517

first line supposed to have meme arrows

>> No.8735521


Takes a 3/5th majority to override a filibuster.

>> No.8735524

you need to brush up on your legislation knowledge bruh. 60 votes to repeal, only 51 votes to pass. repubs have 54

>> No.8735549

The largest issue is that secondary schools don't teach students debate technique or civics anymore. Society at large is unable to recognize poor/biased debating.

>> No.8735578
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>> No.8735597

it's a Muslim thing, not a British thing

>> No.8735694

A couple problems with that.

First, the Dems won't filibuster every single action by the administration. The government would just cease to function. Let's say two more SCOTUS Justices retire, and we're down to 6 judges because the Democrats filibuster every nominee. Or that they filibuster spending bills, and we have more government shutdowns. It's an insanely risky political gambit, as there's a strong likelihood you will be blamed for it.

Furthermore, there are 25 Democrat Senate seats for the 2018 midterms, as opposed to 8 Republicans seats, and most of the Republican seats are fairly secure. Some of the Democrat seats, like Indiana and Montana, are very vulnerable. The composition of the House doesn't look like it will be changing any time soon, Republicans are up by about 50 seats. This is a problem, because for the past decade, Democrat turnout has been down during midterm years, and if the voters who elected Trump get the feeling that the Democrats are obstructing his policies, they will turn up in droves for the midterms.

I really doubt that either house will get to 2/3 Republican majority, there's just too much gerrymandering for that to happen, but if it gets close, you might see some Democrats vote with the Republicans (like we used to see more often).

And don't forget, you only need 60% to invoke cloture in the Senate.

>> No.8735951


Dems are in bootlicking overdrive already, "We will give him a chance," "We will work with with him," "Let us see what he does with power," and so on. They will not be able to get the erection up to stand and filibuster for 72 hours or whatever it is.

>> No.8735961

And all their minority allies are now bitching at them for not pledging to shut down Trump due to racism.

The Democratic Party is in a perfect trap. It needs both working-class whites and minorities, but their competing paradigms are ripping it apart. The party is basically neutered for the foreseeable future.

If there is to be a Left in the United States, it won't be expressed by the Democrats. They're doomed.

>> No.8736079

I can't get enough of uncle Zizzy's endearing splutter and gesticulations.


>> No.8736101
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It's on Al-Jazeera, the Qatari mouthpiece. What do you expect from the people who fund ISIL?

>> No.8736159

>It's an insanely risky political gambit, as there's a strong likelihood you will be blamed for it.
Not Murrican, but isn't that exactly what the Republicans have been doing for years?

>> No.8736168

Yes. It's what the republicans are infamous for doing.

>> No.8736491

>hurr I'm an orthodox marxist, I don't care about le idpol
>let's bourgeoisie idpol cucks boss him around
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8736508

How come some fucking russian propaganda RT can do decent interviews with zizek but these progressive retards can't fucking shut up for a minute?

>> No.8736536

I couldn't have put it better.

>> No.8736540

this is horrible

>> No.8736545



here's a decent take on the same topic

>> No.8737141
