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8731711 No.8731711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

should i read mein kampf to prepare for living in trumps america?

>> No.8731738

No, because Hitler and Trump have absolutely nothing in common. Anyone who says Trump is some fasci-nazi guy is just fucking dumb.

>> No.8731745

Fucking dumb and/or a Social Justice Warrior.

Go be stupid somewhere else, OP, but yes, you should read Mein Kampf. I think everyone should read Mein Kampf, because it would give us a better insight into the deranged mind of one of the worst individuals to ever walk the Earth. I don't know when I'll be able to get a copy, but I do intend to read it someday myself. If Stalin wrote a book, I'd want to read that one as well.

>> No.8731789

Hitler wasn't deranged. He hated the Jews for backstabbing the German people who were off fighting in world war 1 while the Jews were busy causing the German revolution of 1918, which is what lead to the antisemitic views of nazi Germany.

>> No.8731846

Citations needed big guy

>> No.8731872

Have you seen shit where people say "Looks like i'm a slave now" or "I've never feared for my life as I do now"
It's some of the he dumbest shit i've ever seen

>> No.8731882

My understanding was that Jews were simply scapegoats and the whole situation was to create a sense of pride for Germany

>> No.8731900

>Hitler wasn't deranged

Are you being facetious?
He was insane. The whole idea of his Aryan race was wrong and no matter how many Jews or Gypsies or gays he killed, his mission wouldn't have been accomplished.

>> No.8731922

It's actually somewhere in between the two. Jews were blamed for a lot of things but only because they have a history of fucking nonsemites in the ass. Semites have been doing this since Carthage was founded.

>> No.8731929

>The whole idea of *his* Aryan race was wrong

It's important to remember that Hitler's conception of the aryan race was wrong, but Indo-Europeans are indeed superior to every other group of humans ever. Full stop. No argument.

>> No.8731938

kek what about the slavic

>> No.8731945

Slavs are pretty low on the totem pole, but I still consider them my brethren even though I'm complete WASP.

>> No.8731951

at work today some (secular) muslim guy was going on a trumpphobia induced rant about white people and everyonre is like "yeah right on" meanwhile im like did he forget theres a person in the room or what? everyone else was indian, arab, black and italian, but i was sitting in the back...is there any other race that someone can go on a rant about in the workplace and not be summarily dismissed? welcome to trumps america, i guess im going to have to listen to whitebashing for the next 4 years

>> No.8731957

Why didn't the Italian(s) say anything? Italians are descended from some of the greatest and most heroic whites of all time.

>> No.8731966

in america italians arent that white

>> No.8731970

That's shitty. I wish that both Italians and non-Italians would acknowledge their whiteness.

>> No.8731990

I haven't read it, but I've listened to some of his speeches and I intend to read it because it seems like a book people should generally read to get a sense of a particularly paranoid style of politics, as well as to compare its arguments to the arguments of other writers, thinkers, and people generally generally are viewed in a more favorable light. It might make you dislike those writers more (this is what happened for me in a few cases), or it might make you more sympathetic to Hitler. Also, I'd want to read the Stalin book too, he was probably even more paranoid than Hitler.

>> No.8731998

>*who are generally

>> No.8731999

I agree that it's somewhat paranoid, but it also demonstrated the humanitarian tendencies that can come about within fascist thinking.

>> No.8732019


That was a popular theory at the time.

T b h it's pretty much all jewish propaganda to imply that whoever stands against them is mentally unbalanced.

>> No.8732022

Comparisons of any leader to Hitler gets tired very fast. You can do it for basically everyone in some way or another. You could probably do it for Washington or Lincoln if you wanted.

That said I do feel like he skirts the boundaries of how Plato / Aristotle define a tyrant. He hasn't gone over the edge yet, though, so we'll see how he handles the office.

>> No.8732042


spot on

>> No.8732047
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bretty much dis

>> No.8732058

I love how everyone always includes gyspies homosexuals and retards and then just completely ignores the 3.5 million russian pows that he sent to the gas chambers

>> No.8732077
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No, wait for them to publish a Trump tweet collection.

There is more literary value in these than in all of his ghostwritten dogshit combined.

>> No.8732079

They brought it upon themselves considering that they are foreign combatants. I personally believe soldiers deserve more honorable deaths than that of scum but thems the breaks

>> No.8732092

It's fucking inconceivable that the person who sent these tweets is the actual fucking president

>> No.8732097
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>> No.8732099

In a couple decades the election will consist of a two-hour rap battle
Sickest flow leads the nation

>> No.8732100

>They brought it upon themselves considering that they are foreign combatants.
Most of them were conscripted

>I personally believe soldiers deserve more honorable deaths than that of scum but thems the breaks
Hitler would not have agreed with you about this and the Germans did not subject british and american pows to systematic extermination the way that they did with the russians.

>> No.8732116
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I would happily purchase a coffee table book filled with Trump tweets from between 2008 and 2016 tastefully arranged with a final cover that shows him getting elected president.

He's the next Tao Lin.

>> No.8732125

>they cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!

Such brutal fatalism. Is Donald Trump the most pessimistic philosopher despite his MAGA rhetoric?

>> No.8732152

Read the actual books that Trump wrote instead.

>> No.8732185

One narcissistic manchild is not the same as another.

>> No.8732196

but they have to do with business not dangerous politics

>> No.8732239

Kek lost my shit at the shark week one

>> No.8732253

Wrong, he wrote books on politics, read Crippled America. Also, Art of the deal shows how his daily routine,

>> No.8732307

Mein kampf is as boring and stupid as every other shitty manifest.

>> No.8732315

barney frank with nipple protruding fucked me up i was like lolllll

>> No.8732340

I agree, I think that tweet was his magnum opus. But we have at least 4 years of presidential tweets from him and of course his post-presidential tweets will be amazing too.

>> No.8732349

Holy shit I thought these were fake, especially because of the swearing and unironically using the word haters. Trump is more meme than man.

>> No.8732353

not really
a lot of prominent jews had their hands in all sorts of nasty places, especially in the German Revolution where Jewish communists killed millions of Germans.

granted this was only a small section of an already small Jewish population, so the backlash against "common" Jews was extreme.

>> No.8732366

Why the fuck are you responding. If you have never read the book how the fuck can you know anything about it?

>> No.8732367
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>tfw an actual meme is President of the United States


>> No.8732370

He has been president elect for over a week now and you're just now realizing he is a fucking walking, talking meme?

I sometimes call him a meme elemental, and it's not an unfair description.

>> No.8732378

Anon that picture is pure alpha and I am not even fucking kidding.

He speaks his fucking mind, and you cucks can get triggered all you fucking want.

>> No.8732380

I don't care much about presidential politics. Before the election I knew Trump as that asshole from The Apprentice.

>> No.8732385

I don't have a problem with someone speaking their mind if their mind isn't full of incredibly fucking stupid shit.

>> No.8732388

based af

>> No.8732389

At least one of his sons literally, unironically posts on /pol/ as well. His current favored DHS secretary is basically one step away from crying white genocide.

This is going to be a wild fucking four years. Maybe even eight.

>> No.8732394

>eight years of a Donald Trump presidency
>the plausibility of that begins to set in
Fuck, how did we come to this?

>> No.8732402

Ignoring the working class for the past 35 or so years until they were willing to cut off their noses to spite the face of neoliberal globalism.

>> No.8732408
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Here's the crazier thing: Based on presidential election results, unless he super fucks up, the Republicans will have even STRONGER control in congress after midterms.

Hillary was such a fucking mistake. Webb or Bernie would not have lost the white working class in Michigan, Wisconsin AND FUCKING PENNSYLVANIA HOLY SHIT HOW DID SHE FUCK UP SO HARD.

>> No.8732412

But Donald Trump is literally the embodiment of neoliberalism. He doesn't represent the working class, he's a greedy capitalist who has repeatedly screwed over working class people to get ahead.

>> No.8732414

He didn't write any books you stupid cunt

>> No.8732418

God, Hillary ruined everything. The DNC destroyed itself over her by screwing over Bernie, and now we all have to suffer the consequences. I fucking hate American politics.

>> No.8732420
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Poor little babby.

>Thinking the world is over because your candidate of choice lost.

>> No.8732434

It's like when FDR appointed Kennedy's dad to fix the American financial system. Sometimes you need a safecracker to design a better safe. But there's an equally good chance that he designs a safe that only he knows how to crack.

>> No.8732440

le facebook frog

>> No.8732466

I'm a total pseud but my take on American politics in the last 6 years is that the old monolithic entities of the cold war are truly dead. We live in a time with a large power vacuum, in this presidential election there was very low enthusiasm for the "populist" candidate. There is great opportunity for small well organized groups or individuals to make large inroads in current politics.

>> No.8732493

Fuck of Redditor.

>> No.8732496


>> No.8732503

>he thinks anyone will ever vote for anything but whichever side of the red/blue circus they decided to drink the ideology koolaid of

top laff

>> No.8732610

>tfw Jews were fighting as well
You seem deranged. Hurler was like any poorfag socialist

He was like Bernie. It just so happens that Jewish people were very successful in Germany.

>> No.8732630

>in this presidential election there was very low enthusiasm for the "populist" candidate.

get a clue, donald trump was the populist candidate and people love him

>> No.8732636

I'm saying he was the populist candidate and he got less votes than Mitt "milquetoast" Romney.

>> No.8732637

If anything, Trump is a natcap. And any capitalist knows that killing six gorillion jews is bad for your net worth.

>> No.8732642

did you not just see the election last fucking week in which democratic unionists voted for trump and traditional republicans voted for hillary? there is a huge tectonic shift happening in america politics but even "smart" people can't seem to get it, maybe you should apply for a job at the new york times, you definitely have the requisite lack of insight

>> No.8732650

dude, trump's destruction of hillary clinton was an election day asswhooping never seen in our generation, don't believe the democrats when they try to tell you it was a close victory lol it was total destruction, he fucking flipped pennsylvania to the republicans for crying out load lol

>> No.8732657

Did you get dropped on your head as a child? Trump got less votes than Romney and Clinton got less votes than Obama. That is a fact. I'm not talking about specific states, I'm talking about nationwide voting.

I would be curious to see what the turnout was in individual states compared to 4 years ago.

>> No.8732663

>he got less votes than Mitt "milquetoast" Romney
not true, by the way

trump surpassed him by a slim margin (fewer than 1 million) but surpassed him nonetheless

>> No.8732664
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>> No.8732668

Fuck OFF

>> No.8732675

Read a biography of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher instead.

>> No.8732687

You're right. I saw something last week that had the Republicans down 500k voters since 2012 and the Democrats down 4.2 million. I couldn't find it so it was probably swept away.

Reality: Dems up 100k, Republicans up 2 million. I wouldn't call that a major surge for a populist though.

>> No.8732687,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is this on /lit/?

Anti-Semites need to be killed, pronto. Come to Brooklyn and meet real writers and publishing people and we'll kill each of you, very painfully, and send your corpses back to your mommies and daddies. Heng dikh oyf a tsikershtrikl vestu hobn a zisn toyt, motherfuckers. You can't fucking read, you stupid goyim! What are you doing on /lit/?