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8730358 No.8730358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a Christian I promise, I believe in morality and the teachings of Christ! Everyone who isn't me is wrong and I'm the only one who's right!

>Believes in the death penalty and other things Christ would be against

When will this contrarian charlatan be seen as the pseudo-intellectual he is?

Are there any actual Christian public intellectuals out there? A modern day Tolstoy or Dostoevsky perhaps?

>> No.8730426

>in the death penalty and other things Christ would be against
>believes in eternal hell for masturbating


>> No.8730480

what a charlatron

>> No.8730590

>death penalty and other things Christ would be against


>> No.8730597
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>> No.8730631

>>Believes in the death penalty
both augustine and aquinas support the death penalty
just saying

>> No.8730647

Is that Christ? No.

>> No.8730656

this "Christ" you talk about practically doesn't exist, almost nothing is known about him
the architects of the church are everything, atleast for virtually all christians

>> No.8730662
File: 3.43 MB, 2400x3000, Scalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claimed to be a Catholic
>pro-death penalty

>> No.8730666

>Christ didn't exist meme

You think it matters if he existed or not, dummy?

What's it like seeing all of life from a Positivist perspective?


>> No.8730670

Christianity is totally unable to defend Christianity. Having your churches and holidays is fine and all, but if you followed Christ's word to the letter then you'd be living in socialist hellholes overrun by jihadists and degenerates.

Sometimes you have to do very un-Christian things to preserve a Christian society.

>> No.8730674

>falling for the Jesus was a socialist meme
If anything He's more of an authoritarian centrist.

>> No.8730675


Peter Hitchens maintains certain (in my opinion ridiculous) views simply because no one has had the strength to publicly combat him and win in a joust of words. His vehement criminal stance on drug use, for example, can be turn asunder especially by conservative thinkers- but the people that he debates on the subject are moronic celebrities who majored in Drama. He's of the belief that all humans are a consequence of choice and that these consequences must occur- if you have sex and get pregnant, you must raise the child. If you take an illegal drug, you must deal with the consequences yourself or with the help of a state prison system to punish you for taking the narcotic. Yet in the same breath, he will defend a universal health-care system and state that it is the duty of every British person to help out fellow British people when they are injured or ill and that this is a public duty.

Naturally, if he believes that every person must suffer consequences for the actions they take, then his stance on universal health can be argued as directly contradictory to his other sentiments. He's just memeing at this point.

>> No.8730676

that's not what I at all said. I hate people like you that are desperate to feel superior but don't actually know anything

the catholic church doesn't condemn the death penalty as such, just most of its applications in modern society. see aquinas

>> No.8730680

>You have to go entirely out of your beliefs in order to continue your beliefs

Nice stupidity, moron!

You can still follow Christ's general teachings of non-violence whilst developing the world past violence via economic incentivization like bringing Capitalism to poorer countries!

>> No.8730691


>papists really believe this

>> No.8730692

He's an idiot who has literally used Thomas Aquinas' arguments in debates! He's not up to date in any way on anything and I've noticed in the past several years he's started shilling Keynesian economics!

You can almost tell when he has read something new since he starts parroting the opinion instantly. He's the epitome of a pseudo-intellectual who reads a book and repeats its tenants without any analysis.

>> No.8730696

Jesus was not opposed to his own death penalty and never called for the abrogation of lawful killing according to Jewish laws, he's a 1st century apocalyptic Rabbi who constantly warns about hell and impending doom, not a 1960s political activist.

>> No.8730697

Well then let's put aside the economic argument. A society, to survive, needs to have the will to properly punish its wicked and defend its people against invaders.
It's kind of like how liberalism is unable to defend liberalism. You can't have your society of equality between the genders, free speech, and homosexual rights while at the same time not fighting against things like ramping Islamification. Those values can exist, but to preserve them you need to be willing to act against them.

>> No.8730699

>May the death penalty, an unworthy punishment still used in some countries, be abolished throughout the world.
John Paul II, prayer at the Papal Mass at Regina Coeli Prison in Rome, July 9, 2000

This was the Pope Scalia loved, too, not Francis.

>> No.8730700


You believe in knowledge? There is no knowledge, only belief! Moron!

>> No.8730704

>It's kind of like how liberalism is unable to defend liberalism

Provide an example that isn't an SJW, thanks!

>> No.8730715

I'm actually an atheist.
it's commonly known among religious scholars that you can't extract anything like a coherent ideology of jesus from the gospel

>Christ's general teachings of non-violence
Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:34
john 2-15 Making a whip of cords, he drove all of them out of the temple, both the sheep and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

private opinion of the pope, not doctrine. as I said, this is in opposition to actual uses of the death penalty, not the death penalty as such

nice meme

>> No.8730716

>"You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye."

38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.
30 Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.
31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

>> No.8730720

>what is papal infallibility

Either way, Scalia was full of shit. There's no difference between being opposed "on principle" and being opposed to uses of the death penalty.

>> No.8730722


>he thinks I agree with literally every verse in the bible

Moron, don't realise it's about interpretation!

>> No.8730724



>> No.8730725

He's an Anglican, an English Protestant, and English Protestants traditionally believe in the death penalty

>> No.8730728

>He's an Anglican, an English Protestant, and English Protestants traditionally believe in the death penalty

Ah, now it makes sense.

>> No.8730730


>Keynesian economics!

Which is foolish for exactly what reason?

>> No.8730734

I never said it was foolish, only that it is obvious that he has never studied all the things he preaches for any extended period of time and that a lot of what he talks about he has quite clearly learned recently.

>> No.8730735

look up what papal infallibility actually is, that's what I meant by "private opinion". random things the pope says aren't necessarily true, though they can contribute to something being judged as more likely to be infallible.
for example the same pope spoke out against abortion, but not as doctrine, so in collaboration with the anti-abortion tradtion that goes back to the church fathers, the chuch concludes that it is is "probably infallible"

more like
bible criticism/10
don't care either way

not sure if you're trolling or mentally confused, or maybe don't speak english or something

>> No.8730736

>Matthew 10:34

in the original greek "μάχαιραν" is "short sword, knife", similiar roots mean "fight" "challenge" and was a common metaphor for justice or contest because it was the kind of swords worn by judges and police

>it's commonly known among religious scholars that you can't extract anything like a coherent ideology of jesus from the gospel

you don't know what you're talking about, go find a lutheran or orthodox theologist and shut up

>> No.8730738


>probably infallible

Fucking amazing.

>> No.8730742

>etymological fallacy
>muh theology
yeah sure buddy

>> No.8730743

>not a 1960s political activist

Out of everything to come out of modern college-marxist rhetoric, this blatantly deceptive interpretation of Christ angers me possibly the most.

>> No.8730752

that jesus didn't smoke dope is what makes you mad?

>> No.8730755


>> No.8730756


>etymological fallacy

>> No.8730761

i forgot about sell your cloak and buy a sword aswell
I'm sure that's an allegory
point is that the new testament is not consistent

>> No.8730762


>> No.8730764


They outnumber the intellectuals of any other faith, including gay faiths such as atheism.

>> No.8730775

If there was no death penalty then Jesus (and all the saints) would have never been martyred. Check mate athesit.

>> No.8731024


>> No.8731034

Or in reality, he just isn't infallible, because no one is.

>> No.8731038

>He wasn't against the death penalty he would have just said "you shouldn't kill people lmao"

Nice mental gymnastics you got going

>> No.8731063

>snuff cult
>against death penalty

>> No.8731237

>Yet in the same breath, he will defend a universal health-care system and state that it is the duty of every British person to help out fellow British people when they are injured or ill and that this is a public duty
It's almost like... drug addiction and casual sex are choices.... whereas physical illness isn't.... woah...

>> No.8731241

>be American "Christian" conservative

>fuck the poor

>> No.8731245
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>> No.8731256

>reads a book and repeats its tenants

>> No.8731305


>> No.8731310

And on the other hand, you can do un-christian things to have a free society.

Diseases are just God's punishments.

>> No.8731316


That's certainly what many leftists think. As a conservative I don't say "fuck the poor", I say "fuck the forced redistribution of wealth". It is immoral to steal peoples money. I think there are better ways to help the poor than with government force. Before the welfare state there was the mutual-aid society, and it worked and I would like to go back to that.