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/lit/ - Literature

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8720267 No.8720267 [Reply] [Original]

gimme some recs. basically looking for cathartic stuff. or just hey-here-are-some-reasons-to-live in novel form.

youre all probably just gonna tell me to kill myself anyway but i thought i'd give it a shot.


>> No.8720272
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Ego and his Own cures depression.

>> No.8720286

>do whatever you want bro it always works for me xP
How the fuck am I supposed to know what I want to do?

>> No.8720293

You already know you don't want to read the fucking book and understand what Stirner was actually all about, so that's a start.

>> No.8720298

figure it out asshole, do you want everyone to do it for you?

>> No.8720301

that's not me(OP)

i'll look into it but I was hoping for fiction

>> No.8720312

>Hmm thanks for the solid rec that will fix your shit, but I'm looking for some comfy, mostly escapist fictitious shit that will alleviate my depression for a few weeks at most until I forget about it and go back to jacking off to anime.

Meh, I tried.

>> No.8720326

>this pissy over not being praised for a recommendation that i don't really think is suitable for me right now

anyone else?

>> No.8720344
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You are not this body. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Read this.

>> No.8720397

the myth of sisyphus helped me once, hope that you are going to be ok op

>> No.8720412

i'm just gonna have to actually read this

i've read the argument and couldn't...latch on to it but thanks.

hmm i actually have it checked out, too

>> No.8720428

It won't be escapism at all, but reading Mrs. Dalloway really helped me

>> No.8720434

yeah I think that it might just be what you are looking for :) cheers

>> No.8720436

ah fuck you I don't want praise I was trying to help you, but just kill yourself.
Protip: you can't because you don't have the balls, and the rest of your existence will be miserable.

>> No.8720441
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i read that this year, great book. I wasn't feeling how I am now though so it's probably worth a quick look through again

>he appears to have an abnormal amount of issues even for 4chan

>> No.8720447
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>Implying not being depressed isn't the real disease

>> No.8720463

whatever you fuck I'm just trying to help you but you're too fucking shitty to be helped so enjoy your misery.
Also you fucking suck.

>> No.8720474

Its called E X E R C I S E you retarded fucking underage

>> No.8720482

im 21

this is the lit board and im asking for books

thanks though i should exercise more. i'll plan for this week. it doesn't feel like it helps(running anyway, havent been doing any strength training) but im probably thinking too short term

>> No.8720492
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>> No.8720494

The heights of despair

Something happened

>> No.8720497

Fahrenheit 451 helped to bring me out of a depression and made me want to live

>> No.8720504

You dont have depression. You have low t and lack of drive due to no exercise. No, running won't do fuck all. Lift heavy weights its best for this kind of thing

>> No.8720516

i am out of high school as an american so i've read it

loved it.

didn't expect this at all

the heller seems interesting, never heard of it. thanks

i dont have depression? oh, ill tell my therapist that, thanks!

i'm sure my t is fine for the female i am.

either way i said i'll do it. i meant working out, not just running. getting too cold anyway.

>> No.8720526
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When I'm feeling bad and can't sleep, I read about warships on wikipedia.

The only thing that helps depression in my experience is exercise, housework, clean food, and staying busy. If a book could solve depression nobody would be depressed. Drug companies and self-help gurus would be out of business in no time.

>> No.8720544

The Myth of Sisyphus isn't for "real" depression, though. It's more of a solution to a state of mind where you can't find any purpose.

>> No.8720554
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Honestly, any existentialist author will make you think about your perspective on life. One of my personal favourites, pic related. But pretty much most others will do.

>> No.8720556
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not lit but pic related
Also Cioran

good luck anon :^)

>> No.8720577

i see

i love kierkegaard~

forgot about this. think i'm gonna pick it up right now

i dunno i was thinking i don't have a "philosophy issue" because they're more mental/circumstantial problems, but that doesn't mean i don't also have underlying issues with the way i think about life.

so ill try to start figuring that side out then.

>> No.8720616
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By the time I was your age I had already been in the mental hospital twice, but my mood and general life outlook has improved significantly since I started exercising regularly and eating proper food. Plus, as you get older you will feel happier due to maturity and "figuring things out." You will most likely be fine if you take care of yourself.

21 years old is still quite young but at the same time you're judged by the exacting standards of adulthood, not adolescence. It's an awkward time.

>> No.8720684

The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac

>> No.8720691

Marcus Aurelius.
Trust me.

>> No.8720700
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whatever you do, you want

it's that simple

>> No.8720711

That is complete nonsense. That's obviously not what people when they say "have to" and this is just willful misunderstanding.

>> No.8720720

Finnegans Wake. Not memeing

>> No.8720728
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Try The Bell Jar.

SPOILER: It talks about someone slowly slipping into a deep depression. It's somewhat of an auto-biography. The author killed herself the very same year that the book was released.

It's not a "happy" book, but it might make you understand a few things about yourself, and maybe even accept something that you may be willfully blind to.

>> No.8720743

i aint ready for riverrun boy


thanks for the thoughtful comments.

>> No.8720749

Fuck that platitudinarian

anyways stoicism isn't very efficient for many people because they interpret it wrong and become stuck up robots

>> No.8720752

Just do drugs

It's what all of us "happy" people are doing

Then once you quit you realize that depression is actually the default "happy" state

>> No.8720758

You dont need catharsis to fight depression.
A change of habits will help more. Your life isn't fiction

>> No.8720767
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shit youre right

>> No.8720796

pretty funny

I would recommend serious science fiction I guess. When I'm down I watch Tarkovsky movies.
Oh maybe Fight Club. Is that book hated on lit? Anyways a nihilistic atmosphere that would help me.

>> No.8720976

that's because people lie to themselves about their obligations. they want the illusion of necessity.

>> No.8721024

Tolstoy's A Confession

>> No.8721054

>i dont have depression? oh, ill tell my therapist that, thanks!


I rarely quote shit but under separate context this applies perfect to you

I bet you don't work out, don't eat well, stay up at night on your phone, and then complain to your therapist about how depressed you are, and then he listens attentively and prescribes you meds

>> No.8721056

I found the ending to be cathartic after the protagonist dealt with depression.

>> No.8721058

Yeah I get that, but I wish I would want to do something else than reading, sleeping and shitposting.
I wish I wanted to improve and get a job.
How can I archive "wanting"?
I dont want to want the things I want but it seems like actually dont want to not want them.
If I think I want to change but dont actually do anything about it that means I dont actually want to, right?
Which greek guy talks about this? Which book?
I think I want to read it.

>> No.8721065


Damn... really makes you think.

Was /lit/ always full of these pseuds that think they're smart for reading philosophy?

>> No.8721068

To the Lighthouse... y'know if you don't mind being bored a little.

>> No.8721075

Nothing helps with depression
Or you learn to """"live"""" with it or you kill yourself

>> No.8721086
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The Count of Monte Cristo has a few things in it that are applicable to depression (or, at least, they were applicable to my depression).

It's a good book in its own right, so if it doesn't help at least you've read an excellent story.

I recommend the Robin Buss translation.

>> No.8721087

Strange, has lit always been full with edgy teenagers?

>> No.8721097

Holy shit I fucking hate this new generation style of therapy, the narcissistic era of egoism alongside the assurance that your feelings are special and can hold no wrong is simply a recipe for disaster, combined with a generation of shitty parenting that fail to establish morals and leave a wandering and drifting mind, most people are not intelligent enough to get around this and fall back on mopey and whiny nihilism, this is an epidemic of epic proportions, everyone is claiming to be "depressed" and very few are actually struck by it

>> No.8721104

you don't know me at all. i understand those things have a hand in it, but that's not all my issues are made up of right now. but yeah, you can pretend that there's no possibility of there being more to it than whatever you imagine for a literal anonymous person you know nothing about.
i'm not on meds either. i'm just starting to take steps to deal and get better.

>> No.8721117

To a certain extent I agree, but who are you to tell her she's one of the edgelords putting on "depression" to be cool? Besides, most of those people live on planet Tumblr and shit, not /lit/

>> No.8721151
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>her she's one of the edgelords putting on "depression" to be cool?
Twenty-one year olds have no reason to be depressed unless they are bipolar, schizophrenic, or so forth.. Now nobody except OP can be honest with themselves about this, but it's a frightening thought we're getting to the point where people even romanticize the thought of these diseases. You must be very unobservant if you believe 4chan doesn't suffer from the same romanticizing as tumblr, when every other post is whining about how depressed they are. If a twenty year old with no mental conditions is whining about depression, any upstanding therapist would tell them to fuck off with the whiny shit and work out and develop a schedule with goals- this isn't depression, just an aimless mind that is a result of bad parenting.

>you don't know me at all.
Epic! This is the key phrase that indicates there is in fact nothing wrong with you and that you're just a self pitying idiot that doesn't even want to improve. I'd be willing to bet you're not very attractive either, and that this fact is simply unimaginable and utterly crushing when all the beauties on social media are getting all the boys. This generation is shit, I pray gen Z doesn't borrow these shitty millennial traits.

>> No.8721162
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>> No.8721169
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hello, utterly fucking depressed bookfag here also. i completely hate my life

let's talk about books tho



also epictetus

this also is true

most *good* books will take your mind out of your head for a while. shit books only confirm your worst suspicions

fwiw john gardner had an insane test for this. he told student writers to imagine as their reader somebody about to kill themselves and who picks up their book just in case. if that students' writing could basically convince that person not to kill themselves for at least that day they've done something right. dark stuff and everybody shit on him but it makes sense and honestly who gives a fuck. makes you think tho

i forget which book of his it's in but i have them here somewhere

good luck anons

>> No.8721174

you may be reading over this too much. i can only think of SJWs as people who put their feelings as priority and they are hardly the standard for a generation. regarding the "depression" epidemic, I think it's just the psychiatric industry over-diagnosing in order to make some buck. same deal for adhd

>> No.8721178

it really depends on why you're sad. If you're not sure some deep introspection should come before reading anything. Burying yourself in textbooks about psychology of depression and neuroscience would probably help. Fiction and art in general is fairly horrible at reaffirming purpose in life, it usually wallows in the opposite if anything.

>> No.8721180

op does denying my points make you feel better and more justified in being such a whiny little narcissist?

>> No.8721233
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i'm sad because i'm feel like i'm trapped in a really unfortunate situation that i can't realistically do anything about for years, and no matter when i do stop pretending/come clean, it'll do major damage to my relationships with pretty much everyone i've known(more than an acquaintance, anyway) in my life so far.

then there's generally being a failure/piece of shit/waste, and baggage from other things.

i'm not looking for purpose in life(but like i said earlier maybe i need to think that over...it just doesn't seem like that's my problem), i'm a retard for using that picture in the OP. i just want to not be depressed so i don't feel like i should kill myself all the time, and i wanted some books to help in some way.

i do like reading about psych stuff, guess ill try to find something relevant

>> No.8721240
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>> No.8721253

>How can I archive "wanting"?
Truth is that you're not gonna get an answer to these questions because it's different for everyone. For me it was lying to myself and making myself believe that I wanted whatever it was that I had in mind. This is the kind of stuff that you're gonna have to find out by yourself.

>> No.8721258

I think purpose in life is what you need. Whenever I was without purpose, I typically ended up feeling like shit. With purpose however, I find it gives motivation to keep going and improves the sense of self worth as well as the overall sense of improved quality of life. I don't know what your situation is, but purpose could at least help feel better in the short run. Better than resorting to booze anyways, which admittedly I have before, and kind of still do.

For years I've wanted to write a book involving surviving in the zombie apocalypse. I've written and published one. It's got some pretty blaring issues, but I fucking well did it, and it made me feel amazing even though shit was going terribly for me at the time, and hasn't improved all that much. Still, I find writing is at least getting me past this shitty point in my life, and soon, eventually, it will improve. Writing might even be a direct source to that improvement if I could write something worth reading, but the important thing is I also have other things going on as well so it's not like I'm banking completely on becoming a full time writer. It's just something I'm hoping to accomplish. Make some money while doing something I absolutely love.

>> No.8721259
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>How can I archive "wanting"?
You don't

>> No.8721331

How can you live a lie and be fine with it?
Sorry but I think I dont buy it

>> No.8721479

wtf i hate lifting and eating healthy now

>> No.8721796

This style of logic was literally me 3 years ago. As much as I hated it, turns out I had major depression. Get help instead of giving it to others kek

>> No.8721896

OP, please be my depressed, clingy gf.

t. 18 year old male

>> No.8721911

i always wanted a depressed clingy gf but when i had the chance it turns out its actually a lot of work and not worth it, depression is a form of narcissism

>> No.8721914

>actually a lot of work and not worth it, depression is a form of narcissism
Please elaborate

What was it like? Doesn't it feel good to have someone cling onto you? I'm not a virgin, but I've never had a gf...

>> No.8721929

>I'm not a virgin, but I've never had a gf...

same. well, i just like to do my own thing, i don't want another person like fused onto me, where i have to cater to their every emotion...i just like to be alone, to work, to read, to troll, to whatever...like do you really want someone texting you all the time? i also passed up a fucking hot ass chick last year because she was one of those "im bored so let me text you while i stand in line" types, and i'm like "nope" so i guess she found some guy who likes getting random pointless texts at all hours, who knows

>> No.8721938


Leave my anime porn out of this!

>> No.8721939


Read "The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen. Changed the way I think. Still depressed, but it helps to be able to see your own issues played out in a story.

>> No.8721950

Ah, I see. I dress well and look like a 7/10, but I'm pretty arrogant looking because I don't talk desu feelsbadman

>> No.8721973

yeah i get a decent amount of interest from women, i look ok and i can hold a decent conversation (although only about high culture, i don't watch tv or movies), but at this point i'm just looking for someone who will be good at raising kids. i guess my horny young man days passed me by already, i don't know, just not in any rush to get a gf, and i can't even really be bothered to chase after pussy, like if a chic wants to fuck i'll hit it but i'm not going out of my way

>> No.8721985

>"The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen

Absolute trash.

>> No.8722042

How old are you, anon? Hobbies?

You seem pretty content with your life, desu. Teach me your ways.

>> No.8722060

i learned to stop worrying and embrace capitalism, wasting your life going against the grain of your civilization and history is just a way to blow your life and not accomplish anything, you have to try to ride high on the peak of the wave of your time, not drown yourself trying to hold down the tide

>> No.8722063

thanks for answer the questions

>> No.8722270

Exercising is a meme. A spook. It won't make any difference if you're already healthy. Ideally, you should visit a therapist, or try tp change your perspective yourself. Alternatively, just read Schopenhauer, 'On Wisdom of Life'. It's got answers to all your questions

>> No.8722366

you need to exercise your mind and/or body in some way.
do things.
maybe read some hopeful poetry but you don't need a book.

>> No.8722371

>falling this bad for the work out meme
>analyzing others so you can avoid analyzing yourself
your dfw pic is the cherry on top of your sad cake, please kill yourself.

>> No.8722377
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the working out literally is one of the only things that consistently helps. at least anecdotally.

>> No.8722388

working out helps in the same way that doing shit helps. i work out myself but people who worship working out as some holy grail against every bad thing tend to be boring cancerous millenial weirdos.

>> No.8722392

Fuck literature, read some Epicure.

>> No.8722393
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well bad things cumulatively could be considered stress. and when I lift it's mainly to relieve stress. so I guess you could make that argument.

but aside from receiving a temporary endorphin high you end up looking better, being generally more healthy, and like you said you're at least doing something and that's better than doing jack shit.

i agree some people are neurotic and obsessive about being fit and can act a bit cultish. but the same could be said for many different hobbyists and professionals about the wide variety of things they are passionate about.

>> No.8722394

>excersising is a meme if youre already healthy
Well, if youre already healthy it means youre already exersising consistently, which means it isnt a meme, you dipwit

>> No.8722449

Harold Bloom said that Emerson, specifically Self-Reliance, helped him cope during a deep depression he had at one point of his life.

>> No.8722457

>i agree some people are neurotic and obsessive about being fit and can act a bit cultish. but the same could be said for many different hobbyists and professionals about the wide variety of things they are passionate about.

being fit is such a fucking joke "passion". for example you get weirdos like frank yang who add some pseudo-artistic narrative over working out. i get it you want to look good and get laid, people trying to make up for how boring they are by romanticizing working out should be put in a gas chamber.

>> No.8722469


I'll see you at the gym when you're ready to cut those unhealthy sour grapes out of your diet :^)

>> No.8722495

i already said i worked out?
you know one thing you can't work out? your boring weird personality.

>> No.8722498

Kek, didn't expect Frank Yang to be mentioned here on lit.

>> No.8722504

i came across him while reading up on working out. he's a pretty good representation of those who get sucked into the modern fitness wormhole.

>> No.8722541

John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars" taught me that no matter how bleak life becomes, they're is ALWAYS hope.

>> No.8722565

here's your (You)

>> No.8722566

sartre's no exit

>> No.8722567

>they're is ALWAYS hope.
>they're is
>they are is

Dang, you're pretty good at baiting.

>> No.8722784

meingott this is pure

>> No.8722812
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>> No.8722822

How old are you?

>> No.8723100
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Seems like you need to free yourself from what society wants you to want and instead focus on what you actually want.

Reading, sleeping and shitposting are just as good as self-improvement and careerism.

>> No.8723114

>If I think I want to change but dont actually do anything about it that means I dont actually want to, right?
Yes, you like the idea of attaining these things but you don't like the actual praxis which involves effort and drudgery.

You don't want them enough to pursue them, which is practically synonymous with not wanting them, only you torture yourself with the cognitive dissonance of entertaining the idea of wanting them.

>> No.8723119

We'll enter genetic engineering within a few decades and the posthuman era within a century, being oldschool about passing on your genes is highly irrelevant in this day and age.

>> No.8723127
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>in this world

>> No.8723130


>> No.8723133

What do?

>> No.8723162
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Make peace with being a lazy bum I guess.

Accept your inherent character and the configuration of your brain that is outside of your control.

>> No.8723251
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>> No.8723372

this feels familiar

>> No.8723407
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>> No.8723506
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Comfiness is not a crime.

>> No.8724354

If you want to be a psychologist so badly you should have learned more about it. Either you're a pretentious ass or actually don't know the first thing about depression. Probably the former. I'm younger than OP and have had depression (diagnosised by professionals). It's not for attention; it's plagued my life for years and I'm not even comfortable telling my closest friends. I agree that this romanticization trend is disgusting and embarrassing to my generation, but apparently some people are so affected by it (you) they they fail to understand that depression is a very common ailment.

>> No.8724385

>tfw lazy ant
Books for this feel?

>> No.8724397

Nescio - The Freeloader