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/lit/ - Literature

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8721575 No.8721575 [Reply] [Original]


Why do people purposely butcher the names of great Russian authors?

>> No.8721582

For a good solid year I went around saying Mitt Romskj. No one bothered to correct me

>> No.8721585

Seems silly.
Anyone know why?
Guess not...
Everyone cares.

>> No.8721586

All attempts at romanization of Russian/Cyrillic have been unsatisfying.

>> No.8721588


>> No.8721593

Дocтoéвcкий, [dəstɐˈjɛfskʲJj] or don't bother desu

>> No.8721595

It's literally Tolstoj, you retard.

t. Russian citizen

>> No.8721599

>/lit/ doesn't spell Dostoyevsky with the y

this always triggered me, but i never bothered to mention it

>> No.8721600

because the j and the w make a different sound in english. it's better than having idiots walking around saying dostodgooski and tolstodg

>> No.8721601

I am studying Cyrillic to learn Persian-Tajik and that is literally Daastaayevski

>> No.8721607

The double As being the long a vowel like in car.

>> No.8721611

pretty sure you're trolling and that's a finnish word without the umlauts

>> No.8721614



He was actually called Tolstoj, you bydlo.

>> No.8721615
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>> No.8721621

What are you talking about? Й just makes it the diphthong Oy like when you guys say oy vey or the diphthong in oil.

>> No.8721623 [DELETED] 

He's writing it like it is pronounced. The "O" is only pronounced as an "O" if it is a tonic syllable and since the tonic syllable is in the YE in DostoYEskij.

>> No.8721626

No, I am just trying to phonetically spell it out. Daa-staa-yev-ski

>> No.8721632 [DELETED] 

Let me tell you about your language.png

Also, one of you retards really stand out.

The letter Й is soft vowel that exists in certain conditions.

Just leave.

>> No.8721636

That's what I said. You're writing the word as it is pronounced correctly. Also, I don't get the double "a". Are you trying to be funny?

>> No.8721637

Learning IPA would be worthwhile as it will stop you being wrong at times like this. The first o in Дocтoéвcкий is [ə], the a in car is [ɑ].

>> No.8721639
File: 130 KB, 341x326, sunnis_too_pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hearing people bitch about their shitty countries language or names being mispronounced by English speakers is so fun given that the anglozone has adapted to the spat of foreigners so much that you could get every vowel and consonant wrong and we'll still understand you

native english speakers correct foreign words more than english ones not just because of political correctness but also because they've forgotten how to pronounce their own proper nouns and vowels

>> No.8721641

Blame the subhuman Portuguese

>> No.8721645

aboo hoo hoo my culture is becoming obsolete.

>> No.8721647

He's an anglo, you dipshit. He's just trying to be a pretentious twat who thinks he's above the rest of /lit/.

>> No.8721656

No, when I latinize Persian vowels I use double a for long and one a for short. Sorry, just the way I use to remember.

>> No.8721661
File: 20 KB, 1174x218, Sem nome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got butthurt. Pic related, bitch.

>> No.8721665

>makes one of these dumbass threads over differences in romanization
a more worthy thread died for this

>> No.8721668
File: 6 KB, 940x114, Sem nome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but this is Russian we're talking about.

>> No.8721677

Also, after me demolishing you in these posts:


I hope never seeing you bitching around again.

>> No.8721686
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>> No.8721688

Dude, I have been studying this alphabet for two weeks now, I can't believe you have the gall to correct me on a language I'm not even learning.

>> No.8721691

did my shitpost just get protoshitposted?

>> No.8721696
File: 14 KB, 324x451, 1478834421234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Sure you were.

>> No.8721699

good luck, I'm behind seven layers of irony

>> No.8722086

It's Dostojevskij and Tolstoj you plebs, 'y' should be reserved for 'ы'.

>> No.8722132

What about ю?

>> No.8722275

ю = ju

>> No.8722354

>fjodor dostojevski
>leo tolstoi


>> No.8722365

No, you spergmachine. It's Fjodor Dostojevskij and Ljev Tolstoj.

>> No.8722386

>not being a cool kid and calling him Dosto

>> No.8722636

I've been reading crime and punishment and it's making me feel stupid. Is it supposed to be a critique of the ubermensch theory?
In that men retain human limitations as raskolnikov struggles with his fever and emotional hubris, and cannot attain full autonomy of his actions and ideas.

>> No.8723343

Oh yeah mean it's pronounced exactly like the word "you"? With y as a consonant and a long ooo sound? Fuck of, J is the same as Y. Why else would Sarajevo be pronounced as Sarayevo?

>> No.8723432

>not Dostoievski

>> No.8723476

its Dostejewski you idiots like
Do sto yee vski

>> No.8723486

Because it's not Latin script and there are different ways to transliterate it
