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8711062 No.8711062 [Reply] [Original]

What comes after postmodernism? With Trump's victory we're experiencing a huge shift in zeitgeist.

I'm actually excited for the new art and literature we're going to get, postmodernism was getting stale.

>> No.8711066

inb4 new sincerity

>> No.8711075


>> No.8711076

Trump is, in the same vein of Putin, a postmodern politician


>> No.8711083

This shit has been happening as long as humans have existed. Its not new

>> No.8711092

the age of memes is what's next

>> No.8711096

How do you people not understand that modern politics are more postmodern than they've ever been?
Postmodernism is a dominant ideological force in the political landscape and people cant even define it

>> No.8711104

We aren't, go away /pol/.

>> No.8711111

Trump is a peasant, his language is vulgar and primitive, and he is supported by the uneducated and uncultured plebeians. This person and the mentality he creates can only intensify the ongoing degradation of art.

>> No.8711118

Spooky Quads

>> No.8711129
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>> No.8711144

The truth is in the ones

That's quints, fool

>> No.8711164

Have you seen Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis bro?

>> No.8711174

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcy8uLjRHPM [Embed]
People have been saying this kind of shit for a hundred years.

>> No.8711178

*cue burial music*
adam curtis is a hack

>> No.8711186
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i'm honestly so excited trump is here. so fucking glad. and this face fills me with rage

>inb4 you haven't read judith butler
and i don't plan to

>> No.8711188

Since Brexit I've heard the phrase"post-reality politics". How is this age any different when the political class spin and distort facts according to their idologies?

We are living in an age when information comes to us at hyper-fast speeds and reactions come at the same time.

When the markets kick in and react to the realities of Trump and Brexit our economic considerations are going to reject the so-called "post-reality" politics and fall back into neo-liberalism of a different name.

Furthermore it is very difficult to anticipate or predict what will come after post-modernism because future-gazing of this kind isn't an actual prediction of the future but an exaggeration of the present. When we look back to our predictions we merely see only the parts we think we correctly predicted and not the overall theme.

>> No.8711228
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can't degrade that which is already completely degenerate ya dingus

remember that the duchamp urinal is what modern arties *hope* to achieve. piss christ and sharks in formaldehyde is what they come up with

>> No.8711234

Nice full house, fool.

>> No.8711280


supply and demand innit

Great art is still being made

most 'bad/ugly' art excuse for being made is likely bad/ugly 'political' climate, bit of chicken an egg innit mate

>> No.8711290

Some of my meaningless and uninformed thoughts:

1. The country wont collapse in any tangible way
2. "Art" will be as marginalized as it is now
3. Speaking out about anything is dangerous and futile. Well constructed arguments or ideas are now self indulgent.
4. Worse men have run better states
5. Literature is now perhaps the best safeguard from dissappearing into the chaos. Read and write but dont expect to become one of your postmodern heroes. If you have talent, you'll have some audience, just keep in mind that audience will likely just be looking to confirm their worldview using yours.
6. Dont get angry at people for disagreement, you'll just be feeding in to the machine.
7. If you have a problem with the government, then vote or take some action. If this outcome hasn't convinced you of that you're a hopeless dreg happily imbibing in hypocritical misery.

>> No.8711301

So why can the ways of the world not be good and righteous, happy and hopeful for all?

>> No.8711318

pretty much. i liked doctor strange

there's already plenty of great art. not everything has to be a commentary

>> No.8711393

Trump IS postmodenism though.
The man is literally living breathing postmodernism.
If you made Gravity's Rainbow into a human being, it would resemble Donald Trump.

>> No.8711395

lol if you read her you'd just dislike her more

>> No.8711479

if trump is postmodernism then wtf i hate not-postmodernism now

>> No.8711482

good, reading is for fags

>> No.8711488

call me #NewclearSincerity

>> No.8711525

that's pretty good

trumpmodernism also sounds good. he is the lord of memes and our first post-ironic president. i want to live in his hair and wake up and have a cup of folger's coffee while i look out at the world from his forehead every morning. i will push the hairs apart like noble wheat sheaves. then watch barron scooting around a gold-plated penthouse on a scooter and see my stupendous wife turn 50 posing for FHM

these are good things. nobody can be against these things

>> No.8711541

ok melania's his wife i guess. still tho

>> No.8711544

>The Democratic political machine was defeated by a cartoon frog

What a time to be alive

>> No.8711574

How exactly?

>> No.8711582

Normally, i hate Adam Curtis, but he's pretty right on the nail here

>> No.8711759

>we are more postmodern than ever
>we dont know what postmodern means
Do you even look at the BS you write you stupid ignorant cocksucking sack of shit.

>> No.8711787

Well you clearly don't read or understand what you misquote

>> No.8711804

State-sanctioned hero narratives about Trump and anything else being considered degenerate art.

>> No.8711807

and you want an evil witch who dances in strings for the Establishment to run the country? doesn't nuclear war with Russia mean anything to you?

>> No.8711829

>implying Hillary's anti-Russia rhetoric was anything more than a pathetic bid to lure Boomers away from Trump

>> No.8711834
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as if there weren't already state-sponsored hero narratives for clinton


>> No.8711877

>If you have talent, you'll have some audience, just keep in mind that audience will likely just be looking to confirm their worldview using yours.

This feels like really useful advice for any aspiring writer, greater than the context of your post.

>> No.8712008

Adam Curtis is a fucking joke, kill yourself.

>> No.8712010


you know absolutely jack shit about geo-politics and you're a scared little bitch. both trump and hillary can go fuck themselves too.

>> No.8712033

End this meme. He isn't the first populist politician you sheltered libtards

>has le world gone CRAZY???
Is /lit/ the most reddit 4chan board?

>> No.8712719

t. pseud with no grasp on art theory

>> No.8713231

there is no spoon

>> No.8713245
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Just a fancy term for ressentiment culture.
Part of the richness and greatness of Western civilization is that it can tolerate the existence of so many millions of losers and retards [meme referendums, protest votes], while still forging full steam ahead with its goal — the creation of the Overman — without skipping a single beat. The degenerates call this steamroller effect of our culture — the marginalization of all groups not contributing to our culture's goal, and their reduction to clown- and freak-show status by our media — "elitism", "materialism", "globalization", "degeneration", or any number of other nasty names; while between us it is known as simply "power".
The increased level of stress in the modern world is a reflection and direct consequence of the increase in the extent of the order of rank inside our culture. Instead of many little hierarchies, you have a gigantic one, in which everyone feels the weight of many more others on top of him than before. This is globalization: efficiency, progress. Engage with globalization — and either reap the rewards if you are above average, or the extra stress if you are below or don't, by moving to a desert island or Siberia and living like a savage. Claiming that disengaging from globalization is a solution is of course a ruse. They don't even want to limit the extent of their own country's globalization, because when this actually happens they whine about high prices and falling quality of life. At most they try to grab as much as they can of the fruits of globalization while giving back as little as possible. And that's why they are so stressed, because leeching is a far more nervously taxing strategy than simply giving, which is what the above average do, which is why they are above average.
The third option would be stopping globalization altogether but this would require a power far stronger than globalization's, which is to say a culture that's even more globalized than it: aliens, a delusion.

>> No.8713256

Postmodernism has very little to do with popularism.

>> No.8713940

Does a populist need popular support or just a populist message?

>> No.8713991

Agree, Trump is not, what you expect of a true statesmen, but who is in our time? Merkel, Clinton and Obama are even more ridiculous.

>> No.8714100

All that pontification, and no specification. Who are you referring to exactly? Trump's supporters WANT to stop globalization, they are weak. They want the government to fix all of their problems; they are not moving toward the creation of an Ubermensch,

>> No.8714120

nietzsche was the founder of pomo

>> No.8714286

this is fh screenshot this

>> No.8714294

>Merkel, Clinton and Obama are even more ridiculous.
Merkel and Obama are fantastic statesmen.

Hillary's a snake but not a bad stateswoman.

>> No.8714305
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litrully this

>> No.8714375

Fountain both completed art and destroyed it forever. it's a masterpiece of modernism and a practical joke at the same time. Duchamp is God and he's laughing at us.

>> No.8714395


good post. thanks anon.

>> No.8714412


You think 50 million angry white people with AR-15s are just going to go quietly?

>> No.8714420

yep. pretty much nailed it anon

>> No.8714441
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcy8uLjRHPM [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.8714447

the attitude that got him elected the left can't afford to say so disconnected from the situation of the common folk or it will end very badly for all of us.

>> No.8714452
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>Perverting Nietzsche with your globalization idolatry

Try reading him.

>> No.8714454
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>Ruins Germany

>Baits America into Obamacare, whose premiums are already going up 20%-25% as of Jan 2017

>Hillary's a snake but not a bad stateswoman

>> No.8714461


>> No.8714476

>hurr durr politicians say the opposite of what people don't want to hear

wow he went full retard at the end there. I'd like to know more about the Russian propogandist guy though

>> No.8714481

>tfw far cry 2 really was a pretty good game

didn't play PA tho

>> No.8714506


I think it's going to be new sincerity/post irony, but I'm really gunning for magical realism, lads

>> No.8714518

Magic Realism 2032

>> No.8714523

because digits dummy

>> No.8714525

What garbage.

>> No.8714544

Jesus what's the correct way to respond to this then? How can we truly be aware of anything if were always unsure if its true or false?

>> No.8714576

we will see a resurfacing of the victorian novel. cuz i'll be writing a few hundred, as i am the modern day balzac.

>> No.8714583


He was first to speculate the "Postmodern" but I would not associate his ideas with the literary-philsophical movement of Postmodernism

>> No.8714593

>With Trump's victory we're experiencing a huge shift in zeitgeist.
It's just getting more and more postmodern you faggot. There are no brakes on this ride.

I thought we were finally over this shit, but I was wrong.

>> No.8714598


here is a more direct analysis of Trump from Curtis

>> No.8714617

Nietzsche explicitly laments the lack of a unified Western empire to lead the world ('jaws of Asia' passage). The USA provided that.


>> No.8714619

>Ruins Germany

>Baits America into Obamacare, whose premiums are already going up 20%-25% as of Jan 2017
How does this make him a bad statesman

>> No.8714626

In retrospect Trump's victory makes a lot of sense. Reagan, a minor actor, was governor and president and is seen as The political hero by many, if not most, Republicans. Not to mention that Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger were both governors and starred in the movie Predator together (the movie Predator is pretty homo desu).

>> No.8714651

sam harris on president trump


>> No.8714680

Trump is cucked now, everyone will see. Itll be the 90s all over again

>> No.8714765

trump is right now the least cucked man on earth. that's what harris is saying. he is so uncucked anything is possible

>> No.8714779

You'll see.

>> No.8714817

I'll explain further. Want to know what the best revenge plan would be? Actually being a good president (at least according to conservatives). Trump would probably like nothing more than to create a religious following a la Reagan. This is why he's dangerous imo. He and the other republicans have no qualms about selling out the future for seeming like the saviors during their term. And he has no idea how to accomplish that so how does he do it? He hands the reigns to guys like McConnell and Gingrich and tells them to make him look good and seem good to their following. Trump won't care who actually takes care of business as long as the public thinks he holds it, he's cucked in that way. And im not saying that he didnt actually believe what he was screaming this whole campaign, im sure he did. But I think now that he won, he realizes the weight of his legacy which is of utmost importance to the narcissist.

>> No.8714820


>> No.8714822

okay, so

if >>8714680
and >>8714779
are the same anon, then

a) trump is cucked, things will be great
>but he is clearly not cucked
b) trump is not cucked, things will be great
>but this is not what sh is saying

trump is not cucked. this is true. he is so uncucked anything is possible. this is also true. after this everything is conjecture, anything is possible. harris-bot says this. i agree

that's all

but if >>8714651
are *not* the same person,
head asplode, disregard message & burn after reading

>> No.8714826
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Art as we know it is essentially dead, unless some absolutely all-time earth shattering classic hits stores and wows everyone. Book stores are way too commercialized today. 80% of book readers are Tai Lopez dick riders, 19% are people in school, and 0.9999999% will take their talents to other art forms and fail. 0.000000005% are like Morrissey in the sense that if they have the talent to be a GOAT-tier author they would naturally go into music or something that they feel they can reach more people with. Then the last small fraction is us.

Okay i'll do it, i'll be our generation's Dostoevsky if it'll shut you up.

>> No.8714830


this makes sense now
and is also very well said

>> No.8714833

Neo-Neo-Neo Realism

>> No.8714848

This is why he won, because you're disconnected from the peasents and plebians.

>> No.8714850
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>> No.8714869
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>> No.8715565
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>the talent to be a GOAT-tier author

ahahahahahahaha NO.

>> No.8715596

your evaluations are grounded in /pol/ tropes instead of legitimate faults, come on dude

>> No.8715661
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>Nietzsche explicitly laments the lack of a unified Western empire to lead the world ('jaws of Asia' passage). The USA provided that.

The last thing Nietzsche would have wanted was a united Europe in the form of the EU, with its idolatry of Democracy, Equality and Capitalism.

Nietzsche's ideal for a united Europe would be one united around aristocracy with loads of Goethes everywhere.

>> No.8716124

What an odd world where the peasants are billionaire businessmen and the aristocrat is some cunt on a Swiss horse shoe enthusiast message board who can barely afford used books.

>> No.8716178

wrong on literally every point you tried to make here
just kys

>> No.8716262

nazi dubs checked

>> No.8716408

I hope so
Meme irony is getting real fucking annoying

>> No.8716516

It just goes nowhere. Almost 3 hours straight of incoherent ramblings.

>> No.8717730


>> No.8717854

Postmodernism, in the context of literature, has been dead for a very long time. Word games, unreliable narrators, metafiction, characters coming to life, hypertext, gimmicks, etc.

If you mean liberal platitudes dominating popular 'literary fiction', that will increase ten-fold.

>> No.8717887

Nietszchean HyperNazism Redpill to the Max. Reject all traces of slave morality. Want a Whites Only Planet? go for it! no mercy. We have been held down for to long, they have tried to poison us with guilt but no more. No more! Hitler did not go far enough. If anything he was too soft, too careful. but we will go all the way, destroy all feminists communists,anarchists, islamists, homosexualists, jews and transgenderists. its been too long. When they shriek racist! bigot! white prividledge! at our faces in that shrill SJW voices of theirs, increasingly desperate, the self righteousness turning into pathetic animal fear, it shall be no use. The spell has been broken... We will take what we can from them because we can. Because we are strong and they are weak and that is the only Law. For EVROPA! AWAKE MY BROTHERS! AWAKE!

>> No.8717907
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Let's do it my brothers, we shall bring back the glorious spirit of the nordic beserker. We shall Rise and the Cucks shall tremble before our Might! they will tremble, oh so powerlessly, so pathetically, they shall kneel and beg for Mercy... But the Mighty Saxon will merely raise his axe and grumble a single gruff syllable: NO!

>> No.8717926
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Sounds fun #RightWingDeathSquads

>> No.8717970

Arists are soviet's barometer. Politics is now just catching up to them.

>> No.8717979

>people who detract Duchamp are the same ones who put Doctor Strange, a actual CGI fest with a madlib script as art
I liked the movie, but it's mass media with a psychedelic flavor and that's it.

Also, most of the art you like is actually commenting on something, you just didn't study art history enough to know it.

>> No.8717981

nobody gives a shit about books you fucking homo

>> No.8717992

I don't think the president has that much power. If you look at how many secretaries he had to make just to have the RNC supporting him, you will see that Trump is just a trojan horse carrying a bunch of fundamentalists.
Trump as a man wouldn't ban muslims, build walls or criminalize homossexuality; Trump as an idea promises exactly that (at least that is what some people believe), and the people he brought with him may as well do these things.
He served as nothing more than an amplifier to the extremists, if you ask me.

>> No.8718030
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Is that really the case, or do you just not know anything about *contemporary* art?

Because I could name some artists who do more than sign urinals.

>> No.8718038

Yea I dont think this has anything to do with my post but I dont disagree with you. The context of the post has to do with sam harris' recent podcast

>> No.8718072
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why isn't that guy carrying any other ammunition? He just shot his last arrow into the sky
What's he supposed to do now?

>> No.8718076


>> No.8718077

He's commiting suicide

>> No.8718092

Hold up, so you're telling me that this guy went out into the middle of the wilderness carrying exactly enough arrows to fight his way through god knows how many boars to off himself on some hill with the last one?

>> No.8718100

it's being called New Populism, and it's the new movement for the 21st century

>> No.8718131

yes and so he embodies postpostmodernism

>> No.8718188

I like to describe it as Post-Ironic culture.

Irony shaped postmodern thought.
With Trump's shift, we will see a rise of severe authenticity and truth.

>> No.8718198
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>tfw I like Adam Curtis

>> No.8718203

A lot of talented artists get picked up by the private sector as well

ironically its easier than ever to make money as an artist now

its not like in the past where great artists would sit brooding and waiting for commissions that never came so instead they would pain from the heart.

>> No.8718222

Everybody needs to leave Adam Curtis alone. He is doing his best

>> No.8718231

I was thinking this but with different nomenclature: something like a "sinister romanticism". Also, rise is exactly it- don't expect anything fast

>> No.8718236
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Dark Enlightenment

but ideally Bonapartism/Caesarianism

>> No.8718237

he reminds me of me a bit
he's just got too many thoughts so he needs to vomit them all up at once

>> No.8718239

the 70s

>> No.8718246

Man this was a great post. Have you considered writing a book? I bet it would be better than anything Zizek could shit out.

>> No.8718441
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not detracting from duchamp. duchamp is a big deal. i'm not an artie but i can understand this
gets it

doctor strange is not great art. it was ok. i marvelled. that was the arrangement

i didn't study art history but this is part of the problem. not everything needs a fucking degree in art history to understand. some of it is just academic cynicism and industrial product. i agree with this anon

i get that most art is commenting on something but infinite meta is literally commentary on nothing. sometimes the emperor really has no clothes. duchamp is more interesting than his imitators i'm sure but i don't think the urinal is really that interesting anymore. it's a urinal. it's in a museum. ok. loud and clear. does anybody really think in 2016 that anybody cares? we all live in that world now. we get it. we understand. it's all very ironic

i'm skeptical about art. i'm not skeptical about beauty. maybe there are lots of good artists out there. damien hirst idk. it doesn't mean they're all bad. it also doesn't mean that thinking trash art is trash makes you a pleb

just a deplorable no doubt. but modern art can eat the jewel-encrusted dick it handcrafted it for itself

>> No.8718473


>> No.8718480
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>maybe there are lots of good artists out there

You said that all art is "completely degenerate", yet you freely admit that you simply haven't bothered to investigate any living artists. You also keep conflating "modern" and "contemporary".

"Contemporary" means right now in the last 10 or 15 years. "Modern" denotes a certain aesthetic in art that began in the 1860s. At no point did all art become "modern", and at no point did modern art completely replace all other movements.

You're being incredibly dismissive about something that you don't know anything about. It would be like if I trashed all music from 1860 to present because I heard a Beatles song once and didn't like it.

>> No.8718492

all music since 1860 is garbage tho

>> No.8718505

this 2bh

>> No.8718532


for original context. worth reading

ffs anon how much do i need to know. piss christ? emin's sofa? hirst skull? yes i am cherrypicking. is that all the art there is? no. do we all have to look at this horseshit? yes. do we get to call bullshit on it? only on 4chan baby

>at no point did all art become modern
and yet the urinal happens. it is a thing. we reflect. it is there. it is a point of reference. things change. not magically. not overnight. but things change

i hate that i have to be acceptive of everything Because Maybe Art. this is classic pomo smokescreening and i have no patience for it. you don't know everything, therefore you know nothing. it's disingenuous. are you implying this? you tell me. i will believe you

>it would be like if i trashed all music 1860 to present because i heard a Beatles song and didn't like it
but anon this would be a very silly thing to do and you know it

i agree. classical was mysteriously excellent. kind of a mindfuck. 20C has some cool jams and nobody can listen to bach & beethoven all the time. would hillary have twerked if meant that she could win pennsylvania and wisconsin? you'd better believe it

that's pretty off topic tho even for me

>> No.8718538

in fairness twerking probably not so much in wisconsin. florida def tho

>> No.8718553

Only skimmed thread sorry.
In my opinion as a non-american Trump is a result of what I've heard called 'antimodernism' although it that term doesn't really fit..
it seems to be an anticonsumerist movement including the alt right.
nobodytm or sam hyde are my favourite examples of it.
Apart from some of the moralising that goes on here I think I really like a lot of this stuff.

>> No.8719088


>> No.8719190

Trump is unironically a Weltgeist of postmodernity.

>> No.8719199
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>> No.8719236

>i didn't study art history
yeah, we can tell.

should have just stopped posting, because this is honestly the only reasonable thing you've said in any of your posts.

>> No.8719352

An atemporal view of history

>> No.8719390

>so few spooks in his head that he looks like a zika baby

>> No.8719415

We are entering the era of post-truth.

>> No.8719525

This is the culmination of postmodernism, the public sphere is just finally catching up with the arts. Truth is dead.


>> No.8719721
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someone who claims to know about art posts that abominable piece of turd as example of good contemporary art. Move away, pleb!

>> No.8720493
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I don't think I've ever seen such an aggressive idiot on 4chan before. I almost feel bad for you, it must be tough growing up with intellectual disabilities.


I never claimed to know a lot about art I just mentioned some basic facts that any educated person should know. I've never studied art history before either, this is just common cultural knowledge.

>> No.8720529

Look, it's the smart guy who dislikes BOTH candidates, yeah you heard me right, he thinks they're BOTH garbage

>> No.8720592
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>> No.8720593

Yeah, that's totally weird. Like, how could you be able to choose between two bad things? One option simply has to be good, that's a physical law!

>> No.8720621

I know what you mean my friend.
Just today my co-worker asked me what I wanted from the cafeteria but all that was left to choose from was a tuna on rye and a meatball sandwich with no mustard!
I did the logical thing and made snarky remarks at him and when he came back with the tuna on rye I made even more snazzy comments.
I had to eat the tuna but my co-workers were sure to know I disliked both the choices!

>> No.8720627
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Debord would have appreciated this

>> No.8720630
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>this would require a power far stronger than globalization's
The one and only Overman says hi

>> No.8720641

Now you're saying that posting
>both trump and hillary can go fuck themselves too.
(which is the only thing related to the candidates that the anon posted) is equivalent to aggressively making multiple "snarky comments" and not making a choice at all?

>> No.8720642

Trump is the result of post-truthism

>> No.8720648

Her face is terrible. Her body looks nice tho. Would NOT fuck.

>> No.8720649

Telling both candidates to ''go fuck themselves'' is indeed the same as making aggressive remarks and not choosing (I'm assuming you didn't vote)

>> No.8720663
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Is this worth reading?

>> No.8720665

we are living in an age of pre-decomposingism 2bh pham

>> No.8720668

You say that as if Trump wasn't prematurely seeking to relinquish his power to the GOP establishment by offering Kasich complete control over local and foreign policy.

But of course, post-modernism blurs factual statements into a smoke of emotion and simpletons eat it right up and vomit it in the form of vapid, emotional adjectives like "evil witch" lacking any substance or merit whatsoever.

Truly the worst of times.

>> No.8720670

going to need some sources for that claim

>> No.8720679


>> No.8720683

>Reported by the NYT (which sent out a letter today promising to be less biased from now on)
>Leak came from Team Kasich
Yeah okay ''smart'' guy, great source.

>> No.8720687

>my fee fees tell me your source is unreliable!!!!

What did I tell you?

>> No.8720692

Not feeling, you have three biased sources and you swallow them as if they're the truth because it fits your narrative.
You're pathetic, can you admit those are 3 biased sources or do you think they're trustworthy?

>> No.8720698


It's already confirmed by Kasich tho on CNN. The man has no knowledge of anything, and his career as a manager is dubious at best. What do you think it's going to happen?

>> No.8720713

>Telling both candidates to ''go fuck themselves'' is indeed the same as making aggressive remarks
No, it really isn't. You are on 4chan and telling someone to go fuck themselves is a fairly typical way of showing disapproval, not unusual and not particularly strong. Not as much as you make it out to be. (You also ignored the part about _multiple_ comments, which shows how unrelated and exaggerated your analogy is.)
>and not choosing (I'm assuming you didn't vote)
I'm not the anon who told the candidates to go fuck themselves, so I won't speak fot him, but I would have voted if I were American, even though I think both were bad.

>> No.8720717

''Confirmed'' by someone who has a lot to win by spreading this rumour.
If Trump wanted to let his V.P make the decisions he wouldn't openly disagree with Mike Pence all the time.
You're probably part of a group of people who unironically thinks you're smarter than Trump.
You can think that all you want but know that you have nothing in your life showing that can back up that thought.
Trump went aganst his advisors all the time in his campaign, and guess what? He won, it's his winning strategy, he'll keep it up.
If you have evidence to show he wont please show it, just don't come with Salon or Gawker as asource this time

>> No.8720726

It's worse, it's posing as the sensible "middle position" guy and eating the shit sandwich anyway. Just tuned up a decibel or so, for impact and not seeming weak and lacking.

That being said, I'm surprised about the lack of protest BEFORE the election date, given that both options are supposedly so shit. I guess Hillary was okish enough.

>> No.8720751

>''Confirmed'' by someone who has a lot to win by spreading this rumour.
You do realize that confirming this rumor previous to election day would be bad for Kasich, since it paints his OWN PARTY candidate on a bad light, right?

I'm not even going to address the rest of it, it's more emotional and weird-ass assumptions about me that aren't really related to the conversation, I guess in an attempt to get a rile out of me? Boo, you failed.

>> No.8720757

> since it paints his OWN PARTY candidate on a bad light, right?
He didn't even endorse Trump, he doesn't care about his party.
However it does make HIM look good, the winner wanting HIM to rule the country, what an honor for mister Kasich!
You aren't adressing the fact of his undermining Pence and the way he campaigned his entire run?
Typical, now run off, you lost, you stupid ass

>> No.8720772

>He didn't even endorse Trump, he doesn't care about his party.
Yet he still stands to win in a Trump victory, especially given that he played a pivotal role on Ohio being flipped by, you know, not being a shit governor.

There's something retarded on attempting to read people's minds, you know.

Anyway, you'll remember me when everything Trump does falls straight in line with everything Paul Ryan wants. The man flips his positions like a light switch and you STILL use his contradictory statements as support for your statements and then you turn your head and give me shit for using untrustworthy (according to Trump) sources.

Truly a post-truthist man.

>> No.8720782

>There's something retarded on attempting to read people's minds, you know.
Literally what you tried to do (poorly) in your first post. sad!
And now you're trying to predict the future as well!
He just said today he plans on deporting 3 million illegals and the wall is still on, suck on that, loser
And you still dodgd the two things I told you to address!

>> No.8720802
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Anti- trump people just can't catch a break!
You're pathetic btw

>> No.8720860
File: 69 KB, 630x420, trump obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What comes after postmodernism? With Trump's victory we're experiencing a huge shift in zeitgeist.
If anything you're entering the era of pure spectacle. Modernism was the likes of guys like FDR, Kennedy with Reagan you got the first classically scripted actor now with Trump you're getting the reality TV generation politics. We're literally entering hyperreality, seriously everything is getting really surreal, maybe it's all just a dream

>> No.8720878


referring to this? different anon. sorry

that said, it is ironic that you're the one calling me an aggressive idiot, and yet you are the only one resorting to ad hominem here

kind of makes you think

>> No.8720905

Piss off you pretentious dissolute. You have no idea of the garbage that you spout

>> No.8721126

>post-political world

a spooky world

>> No.8721139
File: 158 KB, 800x533, 6a00d8341c613853ef00e551b2f2b08833-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah look at this postmodern art!
it's beautiful and uniqute
it's show the chaos which is importance to store your freedom , it's taoism the dead and life in the same picture !!

>> No.8721349

If anything what we'll see in response to trump is contrarian American liberals writing emotional politically charged wankery, ie John Green. So post-irony :^)
Anything worthwile is apolitical

>> No.8721506
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my response to this is tolstoyan anarchism. quit worrying about the government, what they are doing, what the world is doing, and just live a genuine christian life and do your best to make a positive impact on the planet, while you're here, whilst encouraging others to do the same. people have spent lifetimes trying to change the world, instead of changing the only thing they are certainly in control of, which is themselves. we are in control, the whole point of postmodern government is to simply distract us from realizing this..

>> No.8722434
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>referring to this? different anon. sorry

What? No. Do you not understand how the quote function works on this website? Oh, and by the way, calling someone an idiot is not an "ad hominem", it's name calling.

You fucking idiot.

>> No.8722734

that's the second time you have called me an idiot. "aggressive idiot," "fucking idiot." do you really expect this to change my mind? in the absence of anything else? why would this not only confirm my own intuitions?

we have now reached the end of our journey. good luck anon. you get to have the last word. make it a good one

>> No.8722795
File: 251 KB, 500x483, 1479006245903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you get threads running on this board?

Just shit out two lines of buzzwords, add le epic froge meme and hit submit?

>> No.8722820

>An anon on 4chan calling a billionaire a plebian

Really activates those action potentials.

>> No.8722834

OP here, that was exactly my plan. I didn't expect this many replies though. I didn't bother reading anything but the first few and last few to realize it must've derailed somewhere in the middle. All as planned ofcourse.

>> No.8722835

>medfag being shallow
stop the fucking presses

>> No.8722839

>Dark Enlightenment

No one gives a shit about Moldbug except a tiny minority of Libertarian STEM nerds. Even most of the Alt-Right hates him.

>> No.8722859

>magical realism
magical realism is reality as we know it 2bh.

>> No.8722893


>> No.8724810


>> No.8725208

You seriously can't be implying that Doctor Strange is art, let alone "good art". Jesus fucking christ, do you even have an idea of what art is? Have you read a single book in your life that isn't Harry Potter?

>> No.8725214

I love how every rebutal from Trumptards is always "but muh Clinton".

>> No.8725220


some of the greatest art was made by angry liberals resisting people like Trump

>> No.8725706

New Transcendentalism

>> No.8725753


I agree that rabid leftists are better artists on average but I can't imagine spending a lot of time in the same room as one. Never mind the fact that people with strident opinions about social justice don't always practice it in their personal lives.

>> No.8725781
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Keksissim, of course. The time of Kek is now.

>> No.8725830


>> No.8725841

meta-modernism you dumb fuck

>> No.8726031

Wasted quints

>> No.8726035

Who's to say when everything's muddled through the lens of alcoholism.

Maybe bring it up at group?

>> No.8726042
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That's the same reason why he will save art. As we all know, conservatism (including the establishmentarism of WASPs like obama and hillary(yes obama is a WASP)) is the most decadent form of ideology, and trump is a hammer blow towards conservatism. He's not exactly a patron of the arts, but he will serve his purpose. At the very least, he might be just a terrible fucking president who contributes to major global instability, and art and spirit is found in danger.

>> No.8726048

it's a quote from orgy of the will . com, which is written by a wanted criminal and video game connoisseur who might be dead

>> No.8726784

people on this board who bitch about contemporary art are so ... just ignorant. why do they have a free-pass when the board shit on anyone who is pleb about movies, music and literature . there is more art and artists than ever before in the history of mankind so a lot of it is shit but don't fucking try to limit contemporary art as a super limited "style" , there is a multitude of styles out there. too much good stuff to keep track of even if it was one's job.

>> No.8726956

germany is still the richest country in europe, obamacare helps millions of people who would otherwise die or be paying off debts their whole lives. obama also pulled america out of 2008, pulled out of 2 useless wars, supported climate change, and killed bin laden. Clinton's approval ratings at the end of his term were higher than what he began with, which is something no one else pre ww2 has done