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/lit/ - Literature

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8717963 No.8717963 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw destroyed almost all of your novel today that you've been working on rigorously for years

Let it all burn

>> No.8717966 [DELETED] 

>having an epiphany and not just editing to be to be ironic

>> No.8717990


>> No.8717993

It was bad.

>> No.8717995

Learning to write is a beautiful process.

>> No.8717996

It's as close to suicide as an artist can get without physical harm.

>> No.8718008

the real answer was actually because it was mostly written in a time in my life where I had a certain psyche that I now hold disdain for and the writing is evident of that

>> No.8718011

>not just editing your book to include dramatic irony that conveys your new epiphany

>> No.8718012

>implying that psyche is 100% gone

>> No.8718013

u r a doofus

>> No.8718018

here roll the trolls la la la la

>> No.8718019

I lost years of work to hard drive malfunction; at least you have ashes for a phoenix to rise from, my dude.

>> No.8718023

>wat is the cloud

>> No.8718024

How fresh from reddit are you?

>> No.8718029

no meme pls

>> No.8718035

>not using a typewriter

reddit is that way, YA writer. This is the board for literature

>> No.8718036

It's a meme massacre.

>> No.8718037

>trusting the cloud

>> No.8718042


>> No.8718043

You misunderstand.

I had a very fractured psyche and my writing comes off across as that - it's incoherent in the ideas it is trying to convey and jumps around to the point where it kills momentum

>> No.8718060

What a fag
Maybe it was great and you could had been part of the western canon and rich

>> No.8718064

That still sounds salvageable. What sort of story was it? Or was it just self-indulgent semi-autobiographical musings about your uninteresting life?

>> No.8718113
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I'm a good writer; I know this. I've gotten nothing but praise from all of my mentors and the things I've posted here have also been met positively, which, without sniffing my own ass too much, I think means a little something because you faggots hate everything.

I have a really good idea for a novel. A fucking great one. A dystopian unlike any other I know of.

I don't really know where to start at. How to structure it. I haven't fleshed out any nuances or how I can take a veritable winning idea to magnum opus writing (because I'm too narcissistic to even imagine that I could write anything but award winning masterpieces). I actually hate fiction and novels, they're for whiny fags with exception to like two dystopians. What's more, I can't reread any of my writing because I cringe too much and end up hating it and scrapping it. Meaning that even if I did start, it could take a decade to make it 5 chapters in. The implications start. Would it be worth it? Would only 3 people read it? Publishing? etc. ad nauseam.

>basically I'm a bad writer deluding myself and I'm not smart enough to meticulously contour a cohesive story around a setting and objective

why even live famalam

>> No.8718117

A worthy madness, considering you consider the only good type of fiction to be young adult novels. I suggest you start by reading some books.

>> No.8718129


>implying I don't have a degree that states I've read x amount of quasi-philosophical novel garbage that every intellectual praises

I maintain reading that sort of masturbatory fic is for faggots motivated by their own insecurity of being in-the-know at dinner parties with other faggots

i.e. 90% of /lit/

>> No.8718149

And what if those faggots DO have a higher powerlevel than you and can write better?

Do not fear insecurity, envy, madness. They are primal and beautiful.

>> No.8718152


anti intellect creep

>> No.8719025

But burning your work is the most satisfying part of the process.