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8703119 No.8703119 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile on r/printsf

>Selected: http://i.imgur.com/r688cPe.jpg/
>General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
>Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/

Science Fiction
>Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
>General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/

Previous Thread: >>8688716

>> No.8703137
File: 3.87 MB, 1600x1992, 1464193791065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring out yer charts!

>> No.8703145

You didn't put SFFG in the subject OP

>> No.8703151

Bloody hell anon. This might be the most shit OP we've ever had. >>8703035

>> No.8703152

On the topic of reddit being bad for recs may I recommend Bakker and Stevian's "To kill a god"

>> No.8703158

>Pages read: 21

Actual start of a top rated goodreads review

>> No.8703162
File: 60 KB, 550x366, 1466474397673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a faggot, as usual.

>tfw my backlog is huge as fuck and i still havent read a single book on any /sffg/ chart.
>tfw the months are turning into years and i still havent read any of these.
>tfw i will die before i read everything i want to read in this life.

>> No.8703260

Stop watching tv.

>> No.8703292

>reading joint projects ever

Its always a mess, no exceptions

>> No.8703308


No man. Rec Bakkers work and the book by Stevian

>> No.8703336

But I enjoyed Bakker's work so I guess we have different opinions

>> No.8703347

My ereader now crashes my pc whenever it's plugged in

Thanks ms/kobo you incompetent fucks

>> No.8703356

That's why you get a Kindle.

>> No.8703361

Kindle had the same issue back in august

(But they do have much better customer support)

>> No.8703362
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feed me your hate and displeasure

>> No.8703365


Sounds like a problem that exists between monitor and chair

>> No.8703367

I never had such an issue.

>> No.8703370


>> No.8703375

Stop shilling your fucking book Stevian. Advertising used to be a bannable offense, maybe hiro might think so too seeing as you are taking money out of his pocket.

>> No.8703380


Im not steve but i did just yesterday buy the book and I have never read anything like it, its just amazing
Its on amazon btw

>> No.8703384

Any books with stupidly high power levels? Like straight-up anime-style throwing planets at each other and shit?

>> No.8703567

The Lensman series.

>> No.8703645

What are some good fantasy or scifi short stories?

>> No.8703852

>the warded man was quite cool
>next book is just shitty muslim garbage so far

>> No.8704032

The two Witcher short story collections are good. Better than the larger series too.
Sandkings by GRRM gets recommended every time someone asks about short stories.

>> No.8704040

Where do I post the first chapter of my fantasy book to raise interest?

>> No.8704042


>shilling so blatantly

Either release it all or dont at all

>> No.8704044

>resort to stale reddit meme edition

>> No.8704045

I'm a little bitch, anon.

>> No.8704047

>interesting fights, skilled weapon masters and interesting characters
Chronicles of Amber tbqhwyf.

>> No.8704224

>broken empire trilogy
i heard thats some of the worst edgelord fantasy out there.

>> No.8704295

It can't be worse than Brent Weeks

>> No.8704312

oh i agree. i HAVE read brent weeks and the night angel trilogy is some of the worst. i was just laughing at how ridiculous it was. at one point i was even wondering if the author wrote it ironically or something.
but some anon told me a while ago that prince of thorns was worse but i dont know how you could possible be worse than brent weeks.

>> No.8704342
File: 346 KB, 957x1600, 01_rgk_haydenofancientopar_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here ever read Farmer's Opar books? Are they any good?

>> No.8704350

i dont even watch tv. its mostly 4chan and school.

>> No.8704621

Literally no one will care.

>> No.8704716

To your agent.

>> No.8704899

seen a setting that connects flavors to elements?

I figure
>Spicy: fire
>Minty: ice
>Sour: water
>Salty: earth
>Bitter: darkness
>Sweet: light
>Fizzy: electricity
>Metallic: metal
>Umami: ???
>Fatty: ???

>> No.8704931

Umami: Wood
Fatty: Ice again

>> No.8704982

why? If we're throwing in wood, why not make sweet wood since sugar is only created by plants. what does fat have to do with ice

>> No.8705026
File: 2.48 MB, 520x292, nanana intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recs for dungeon crawls?

>> No.8705077

in this case your only options are light novels and webcomics inspired by DnD, neither of which are considered literature.

Personally, I recommend Order of the Stick which is fairly witty and really some top tier metafiction. In all honesty though most of the dungeon crawling is confined to the beginning.

Also, while it's not based on RPGs, I really recommend Girl Genius. It's a long-running steampunk series that actually won the hugo award for best webcomic several years in a row. A huge portion of the comic takes place in the dungeons of creepy romanian castles full of traps, monsters, AI, ancient evils, cursed wellsprings and so many mad scientists it's actually considered a psychopathological epidemic

>> No.8705082

It's like you've never even read any pulp. Jack Vance's corpus especially is brimming with dungeon crawls.

>> No.8705090

I often forget that pulp other than lovecraft still exists.

honestly, he's got quite a bit of dungeon crawling

>> No.8705125

Wood and umami because barrels (storage for meat), hunting, cooking fires, salmon and mahogany, etc. Ice and fatty because blubber, essential diet for extreme cold environments, etc.

>> No.8705175

Alright /sffg/ what should i read next?
>Grace of Kings
>2010: Odyssey Two
>Lord of the Rings
>The Book of the New Sun
I know what you're thinking. "You havent read book of the new sun yet? What kind of faggot are you?"
but should i read gene wolfe now or should i work my way through other /sffg/ fiction before i get into the book of the new sun?

im also open to other recommendations.

>> No.8705188

2001 sequels are trash. So is 2001.

>> No.8705193
File: 23 KB, 385x385, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it aint so

>> No.8705340

Snow Crash was what got me back into sci-fi/reading fiction in general. really fun read with some interesting ideas on how people thought the future could've ended up.

>> No.8705348

I'm a huge fan of Robert Jordans Wheel of Time but have not read anything else by him. Is his Conan books any good? And what about his other novels?

>> No.8705412

Same, but nowadays I feel like Neuromancer is the better of the two, since they're always compared to each other.

>> No.8705449

Any good fiction out there with angels and demons and whatnot that basically draw from the bible as a sort of mythology

>> No.8705483

Hey people;

I am not a native english speaker, but im trying to improve, and i tought a good way would be reading easy and fun scifi-f books.

I like Tolkien, Lewis, PkD and recently i read Ender's game (all translated, cuz i was lazy) and had a lot of fun, what should be some good entry level books for me to practice?


>> No.8705493

Good Omens

>> No.8705496

Anything that's a bit more serious sounding? It's labeled as a comedic novel. Nothing wrong with that, just not what I was hoping for

>> No.8705497

Thought they were massively boring and repetitive. Read one of them, maybe.

>> No.8705514

House of Shattered Wings. Haven't read it, but I think that's what you're looking for. De Bodard is total SJW but also totally autistic so it sort of balances out. Also there was that book about the city on a chain over the abyss, and also Neverwhere. Actually, Gaiman's short story Murder Mystery is better than Neverwhere and it's all angels and demon.

>> No.8705516

Jack Campbell's The Lost Fleet is written very simply. You could also try Alan Dean Foster or Star Trek/Star Wars novelizations, or even just middle grade/YA. Bruce Coville's super-fun and he writes for 12-year-olds.

>> No.8705518

Hyperion is a very fun collection of stories that at connected by some vague overarching plot which becomes the focus in the second novel. The second one is also worse than the first and 3rd and 4th are by most seen as awful.
I would recommend it, fun read.
LorR was something I read when I was 14, I don't remember jack shit. I read everything else Tolkien wrote last year and Children of Hurin and Silmarillion were amazing.
Book of the New Sun is hands down the absolute best work in all of sff, without any contest. It's a sublime work of beauty that hits so many notes perfectly it's hard not to remember the awe I felt while reading it every few days.
Both Neuromancer and Snow Crash are garbage.
Both have awful characterisation, horrible prose, Neuromancer being worse, dull plots and the feeling of cringe is something I couldn't shake off. It was as if a fedora was tipped after every page.

>> No.8705519

Thanks, a lot of what I've seen had just been romance or young adult.

>> No.8705624

>The second one is also worse than the first
lol no, the first one isn't even worth reading without the pay off in the second

>> No.8705665

Hey bakkerfags, if mimmara gives birth to her twins, how fucked up will they be because of qirri?

>> No.8705792

Lots in Ted Chiang's book.

>> No.8705799

LotR is a must if you haven't already read it.

Yeah read other stuff before Wolfe.

>> No.8705813

God's Demon by Wayne Barlowe (thought this one was pretty cool. dude's an artist so it had great imagery)
The Book of Joby by Mark J. Ferrari (I didn't like this one all that much)
The Book of All Hours by Hal Duncan (also has a lot of Sumerian mythology stuff. loved this duology, read up on it though as it's not everyone's cup of tea)
Escape from Hell! also by Hal Duncan (short and fun)

>> No.8705826

Think Like a Dinosaur.

>> No.8705966

>running and jumping like that in a super short skirt
>panty doesn't show
>even in odd angles the skirt changes properties to grow longer and cover the crotch

I never understand anime. If you are animating people to move as close as a real person why would you have the clothes act funny to hide their privates? Just have them wear pants or those rubber stockings.

>> No.8705975

I assume so that people burnt out from all the other anime wherein all action shots are taken from just below the crotch will watch it.

>> No.8705977

>as a real person
>implying anyone watches anime to be around real persons

>> No.8705983

>LotR is a must if you haven't already read it.
No it isn't. I read the hobbit and enjoyed it but couldn't get a quarter way into the first lotr book.

The book is shit and isn't a must for fantasy readers. Fuck you and your misinformation but seeing as how you think botns was the best fantasy book ever written I know you are a fucking troll.

Go kys faglord

>> No.8705987

>how to make someone hate reading for fun the post

>> No.8705997

>unable to enjoy one of the most beloved fantasy works of the modern era
>takes it out on everyone else
What books do you enjoy?

>> No.8706005

I'm not the only one anon. Also
Are you a dinoposter in disguise trying to ruse me?

>> No.8706027

Read Fall of Hyperion if you haven't already, but avoid the other sequels unless you're a real masochist.

>> No.8706033

If you are not a shill post a torrent or download.

How can it be an amazing book if I can't pirate it?

>> No.8706045

Whats up with authors saying membet or we instead of dick cock penis etc

>> No.8706062

>I'm not the only one anon.
This is supposed to surprise me or alter my opinion somehow?
>trying to ruse me?
Most likely we just differ as to the meaning of the word modern in this context.

>> No.8706105

What's wrong with the sequels?

>> No.8706155

>implying women with the judging eye can have live births

>> No.8706162

Who is the fag from Australia downloading the Thomas Covenant Audiobook?

>> No.8706169


>> No.8706183

Thomas covenant is great and you know it

>> No.8706189


You must be stupid if you didnt understand what i wrote

>> No.8706233

Shut up and give us your recs Bakkerfag.

>> No.8706295

It is not, and they are leeching from me.

>> No.8706301

>heh imma call him stupid when my post had no discernible cohesion.

>> No.8706333


>couldnt understand a simple sentence
>tries to save face

Why even bother

>> No.8706368

I think you are confused my good chap. You tried to save face as seen in >>8706189

>> No.8706372

I know it's 12 hours late but grace of kings. It's really just straight-up fun, and actually feels good

>> No.8706374

Some Americlap is now trying to get the Host by Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.8706376

>it's another "muh dinoposter" episode

>> No.8706389


They probably spooked when they saw they were being monitored.

>> No.8706406


If you cant look past typos then youre the onr in need of thr lmgtfy

>> No.8706465

Umami = spirit

>> No.8706466

Fatty = OP

>> No.8706512

>no thread title
Fuck you OP

>> No.8706545


This list has so much trash, honestly.

>> No.8706583

I've realised since my ereader broke that I won next to no SFF in physical form. It's all either big L literature or comics

>> No.8706584

Thanks conan poster. Please post your chart.

>> No.8706647

They overthink and over-complicate the original story, and in my opinion worsen the experience. I didn't enjoy them at all. Although to be fair I read them a good year after the original two, perhaps it goes better in quick succession.

>> No.8706651

Any books that have a good balance of being a page turner yet not being too mindless? Basically not shit like >>8703362 but also no Wolfe density.

>> No.8706715

>i'll pretend I read books and dislike then even though I never touched them
>my taste are so superior that I don't have to read a book to know it's trash

>> No.8706722

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8706730

It's true, most books are trash and you don't need to read them to tell.
Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, Heart of a Dog, Elric Saga, Conan, Earthsea, most PKD stuff, Dying Earth, Amber Cronicles. You'll have to be a bit more specific if you have any preferences between these works.

>> No.8706750

PKD is a good example, I guess. But I don't wanna go too pulpy. Heart of a Dog looks cute, I'll give that a try

>> No.8706759

Fafhrd, Elric and Conan are very, very pulpy in a good way. Elric is so edgy it makes for great comedy, but is also often pretty creative. Conan is a bit lackluster and FaGM is probably the best adventure fantasy I've read.

>> No.8706874

Is the Mercy Thompson series any good?

>> No.8706908

>how do I use 4chan?

>> No.8706917
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>It's true, most books are trash and you don't need to read them to tell.

>> No.8706921

I'm also interested in topics like this in fantasy too. Does anyone else have a suggestion

>> No.8706923

>most books are trash and you don't need to read them to tell.
such as Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, Heart of a Dog, Elric Saga, Conan, Earthsea, most PKD stuff, Dying Earth and the Amber Cronicles.
they are all shit

>> No.8706935

What's some fantasy that feels fresh. I don't want something that feels stereotypical or trope filled. I dont want a Tolkien ripoff or anything like that.

>> No.8706945

The Buried Giant

>> No.8706951


>> No.8706989

that list has Wolfe on it you oaf

>> No.8706996

That's what makes it such a subtle bait

>> No.8707018

1 good book doesn't balance out the 99 other shitty ones. In fact he only added it so his chart looks more credible.

>> No.8707042

Fifth Season is about earthquake wizards causing the apocalypse on a stone age planet. Slightly SJWy but still good if you're not easily triggered.

City of Stairs is about the lingering power of dead gods in a city that has been taken over by the former slaves of the god's chosen people.

>> No.8707071

Is the Farseer trilogy any good_ Bought the trilogy for 3 bucks today, curious what you guys think

>> No.8707074

Nope, extreme amounts of padding and "nothing happening".

>> No.8707258

theyre dumb

>> No.8707275

Yes, brilliant character driven story.

>> No.8707299

This may be a dumb question, but does the slender man have a confirmed place in the lovecraft mythos?

>> No.8707320
File: 138 KB, 1624x698, Muh Newist List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I was on lit since 2010. BOTNS was suggested to me years ago before this general became a thing. Go into the archives and look for "list fag", that was my name before I became chart anon.

Pic related. What I used to shill with. People asked for books similar to X and I recommended from what I had listed.

>> No.8707325
File: 491 KB, 350x272, 1351846089540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shilled those books better than me brother. Keep up the good work.

>> No.8707327

Are you ok? What has that to do with the post you're responding to?

>> No.8707334

Don't refer people to "the archives". They shouldn't even exist here.

>> No.8707345

Can't you read?

>1 good book doesn't balance out the 99 other shitty ones. In fact he only added it so his chart looks more credible.
> In fact he only added it so his chart looks more credible.
>only added it so his chart looks more credible.

I read Botns years before this general and liked it, now these fags are saying I am using it for subtle bait. They haven't even read the books on the chart to say with utter conviction that they are trash. That's the funny thing. They say all are trash to seem "hip" and "knowledgeable", but they don't understand that all they are doing is making themselves seem like fools to people that actually read.

At least I read the books I bash. When I say Lotr is trash or grey mouser is trash. I read those books, they just look at the cover, or see others in the thread meme and then "pretend" as if they read the books to say they are trash.

>> No.8707353

I've read several books on it and wouldn't recommend any of them to other people. Since you do I can safely assume you have rock bottom standards and the other books are bad as well (and people whose opinion I trust also say they're bad).

>> No.8707358

Please tell me what books you deem worthy of reading?
If you say infinite jest, conan, grey mouser, or gravity's rainbow please kill yourself.

>> No.8707452

people will ridicule your tastes when you make a chart. but when asked to list their taste they will hesitate because they know their tastes will also be shat upon.

such is lit

>> No.8707458

Does reading actually get easier the more you read?

I can't get myself to read more than a chapter. And the only time I feel like reading is right before I'm about to sleep. It's like if I have too much energy my mind needs to wander a shit ton making reading impossible

>> No.8707467

Yes it does.

>> No.8707535

>Does reading actually get easier the more you read?

>> No.8707537
File: 604 KB, 170x127, 1370717258890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shilling this

>> No.8707577

Anatomical description, likely to break the flow of a scene, especially if it's intended to be romantic.

Vulgar. Would have a similar effect as above in the wrong situations. Applicable in some usages but most authors avoid using vulgar language simply on principle.

Acceptable but inferior to "member" in terms of the elegance of phrasing.

It's really not that complicated.

>> No.8707754

who will stop the sith cats

>> No.8707852


Smart poat. Thank you.

>> No.8707904
File: 394 KB, 584x622, this kills the lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8707984

>implying the goal of the /sffg/ dark cabal is not the destruction of outer /lit/

>> No.8708052

So what does /sffg/ think of the Rivers of London series? I'm currently reading the latest book and it seems to really be coming together thematically.

>> No.8708089
File: 46 KB, 332x499, 51fGDeB1DWL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are the sequels?

>> No.8708091

Way superior.

>> No.8708093

>immediate response

shucks I believe you

>> No.8708371

Henis destroying the English language.

>> No.8709491
File: 1.65 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20161109_174836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys, I bought this book for 8 buckaroos online. Might have sniped it last second from one of you?

I'm thinking about reselling it online, I was looking for an appraisal though. this book sells on amazon like new + from $60 to $120. Obviously, this book is not on the higher end of the spectrum. The shrink wrap is ripped and the corners are damaged from storage. Is it even worth $60? Should I just say fuck it, and crack it open?

>> No.8709583

It's pretty good, but the constant asides get a little irritating, and it's probably too sjw for 4chan

>> No.8709598
File: 30 KB, 387x421, internet_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sensing this isn't really your sort of place.

>> No.8709601

If you can sell it for a ton, then do so and rebuy the paperbacks. They have better covers anyway

>> No.8709652

Does it even matter the fact that it's the first omnibus printed and hard cover? Like, just based on that would it be worth keeping?

>> No.8709672

Shows promise but it constantly ruins the flow when he takes constant asides to bitch about how hard it is being black in London, despite this never effecting the plot in any fashion.

>> No.8709675

I read the night angel trilogy when I was like 10 and loved it. Its almost like most fantasy books are written for literal children, huh?

>> No.8709743

If you want to read it just get one of the recent paperback prints from Fantasy Masterworks, or the very recent SF Masterworks editions. The FM paperbacks are good quality and the spines hold up well.

The cover is pretty bad, I guess it would put off many collectors.

I don't think it is strictly the first omnibus edition either because this exists http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?362657

What is surprising is it looks like 15 years since an omnibus print in hardcover, unless I'm missing something.

>> No.8709754

Having just finished the most recent book, I'm pretty sure that it's going to be relevant in the future of the series, and him being a black member of the Folly is already symbolically relevant to the themes of the series in regards to the changing composition of society and all that shit.

Plus the Faceless Man spouts some racist colonial shit at the end of the last book, and it seems like he's going to be representing the aristocracy in the class war that the series seems to be headed towards.

>> No.8709755

question: which one of these seems like the most interesting power for a radioactive ghoul?

>mutating self and others
>able to duplicate flavored objects (note, another version already exists for colored objects)
>able to fuse light elements and fission heavy ones
>radioactive aura (needs a way not to not kill off every character he meets)

>> No.8709759

Disregard the last part about the first omnibus edition because I'm wrong.

On another matter, what do I read next? Here is my stack.

Roger Zelazy - Lord Of Light
PKD - Maze Of Death
Arthur C Clarke - A Fall of Moondust
Alfred Bester- The Stars My Destination
Theodore Sturgeon - Selected Stories

>> No.8709781

I dropped it before this most recent book, because it felt like nothing was changing from book to book. So I have no idea about anything that happened in that.

>> No.8709782

Personally I'd go with 1 and 4, the middle ones are weirdly specific - how would "duplicating flavoured and coloured objects" work?

Anyway, the basic idea of a radioactive ghoul is an interesting one, not seen that before.

>> No.8709788

Yeah the last one felt like filler, but the most recent one is pretty great. A lot of plot threads from other books get tied up, and the story feels like it's done being introduced and is starting to actually get underway.

>> No.8709808

radioactive mutants are often called ghouls if they're cannibalistic

>> No.8709840

A shame it took 5 books to get this point

>> No.8710274

Prince of Thorns was objectively the worst book I've ever read
periods of absolute incoherence followed by edgy statements like "maybe I shouldn't kill so many of my men"

>> No.8710279
File: 699 KB, 1000x4000, Suggestion Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was up between 12 and 3 this morning doing this.

Will probably clean it up and remove zealots, because I couldn't remember which books were about zealots... someday

What you guys think?

>> No.8710284

if you were trying to outdo your other chart in badness then I think you did well

>> No.8710294


What makes you think that "edgyness" is a valid criticism?

Oh no, a psychopath has no regard for human life, how edgy, what a terrible book, how unrealistic

>> No.8710312

>Morally grey characters: Red Rising
Wait, that book had characters?

>> No.8710317

Lord of Light, it's short and sweet. Then Stars My Destination. Read a Sturgeon in between other activities.

>> No.8710326

This may be your worst one yet. Keep it up!

>> No.8710331
File: 58 KB, 500x467, thinkign about guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting the Goblin King

>> No.8710340
File: 44 KB, 233x240, strangelets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck would an Ice-9 style Strangelet bomb look like in action?

How fast would it convert a planet (earth as an example) and what happens after it converts it? Does it just sit there as a big ball of super hot strange matter?

im dumb

>> No.8710423

Are elf rape and pillage scenes really in bad taste?

>> No.8710426


>> No.8710448

Trying to remember the name of a book that came out recently. The cover is a female demon of sorts and it has to do with gods and a sort of Dante's inferno theme.

>> No.8710449

Underage ban
Also who you trying to ruse? That book is filled with so much GRI your parents would have never given it to you .

>night angel was targeted towards children
Nice meme

>> No.8710460
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>> No.8710464

Was too tired. Fighting sleep. Just wanted to finish. Don't even think I want to clean it up.

>> No.8710468
File: 2.51 MB, 3307x3437, Books I read that were released in the past 5 Years Part 2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See if it's in here.

>> No.8710501

No cigar. Thanks tho.

>> No.8710557

this is great. LUL Gonna try out the shadow of what was lost

>> No.8710639
File: 50 KB, 231x81, 1433172172368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old servant woman thinks Kip wants to take her as a sex slave
My sides
>tfw no mature wetwalls to stuff with cock

>> No.8710644

Your pleb is showing

>> No.8710650
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I see what you did there
Nice meme

>> No.8710837

currently on dust of dreams
holy fuck i dont give a shit about the snake

>> No.8710929

Do you lads know a good online forum with a marketplace for books? Not something from a big website like amazon, good reads, barnes ETC, but a small website forum like geekhack, where the people are actually DEDICATED to what they love.

>> No.8710979
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No, but I would add a warning regarding using Abebooks for anyone considering a purchase.

Abebooks doesn't accept Paypal although they list it on their payment options. What they do is walk you through more a less a fake transaction and then tell you the bookseller will contact you to complete the Paypal transaction. What happens is that the bookseller makes a payment request directly through Paypal, which means the transaction has nothing to do with Abebooks and has no protection. In essence, they are now renting their brand to whoever wants to list books there.

The purchase I recently considered was listed by a bookjacker, which are spiders that scan for listings and then create false listings for that book at higher prices. If the fake listing generates a sale, the theory is that the bookjacker buys out the real listing and has it shipped to you. In reality, the spider may incorrectly scan the original listing or the bookjacker might choose to relist a used item as new, etc.

>> No.8710986
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>implying there's another Goblin King

>> No.8711369

>mfw Sevro never really gets out of Reaper's shadow
>mfw he only got to be Goblin King for like a day

>> No.8711377

The Demon Cycle is fucking garbage, started great enough but holy shit did it slow down with utter shit and pointless shit

>> No.8711572
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You enjoyed the GRI though, right?
Used cunny seducing a man with his wife on death's door is delicious, no?

What I'm mad about is that arlon's first and second times are both by used up vags

>> No.8711621


I'm about to finish the third book, I do love the GRI I have to admit

>> No.8711655

why is there so little good fantasy set during the turn of the century? The only thngs Ive found worth reading with that setting were The Golem And The Jinni and The Night Circus.

>> No.8712076

How does /sffg/ feel about Japanese novels like Spice & Wolf or other fantasy light novels?

>> No.8712151

Enjoyed reading Haruhi but Jap shit is largely worse than Western books when it comes to being bogged down in cliches.

>> No.8712153


Maybe this is due to the fault in translation or me watching the anime adaptation beforehand but I don't feel like a lot of characters have their own personality or jump off the page much in light novels but I still find them enjoyable.

>> No.8712217

>how the not!-muslims broke in their battle brothers after a night of victory
That was fucked up and unwanted though. But I guess GRI is equal shares.

>> No.8712243

Japan lit is the same shit over and over again, with a palette, particle and voice actor change.
They always have the cute animal, the loli who is actually older than she seems, the girl who is actually a guy, the weak guy who has to work hard to gain the respect of others and get stronger, the prodigy, the friend who is always there to support, the guy who has hatred in his heart but eventually comes around.

Even if it started different, it develops into that shit. Same shit, rinse and repeat.

>> No.8712290


>On 5th chapter of The Skull Throne
>It's still some random shitty PoV I don't care about

Are they skippable or do I have to go through that shit?

>> No.8712338

I went through everything. You never know when something comes back later. Or something is explained.

Skipping in books is like reading a book with random pages cut out, it doesn't make sense at the end. It's best you just don't read.

>> No.8712347


I meant more skimming than skipping, I care more about what happens than about some backstory

>> No.8712502

I think Kagerou Daze is interesting but it spreads itself super thin. You could probably write an entire book about a character with uncontrollable low-power memetic mind control, or a book about a shapeshifting being as old as the universe that only wants to find its creator, but they only have a short story for themselves here.

>> No.8712528

my parents were always very laid back about that stuff, although I don't think they knew there was going to be a child-on-child rape scene in the first few pages. That book was honestly just edgy YA, and I enjoyed it as an edgy little kid. Same with everythng by Larry Correia, his books are trash but I was young enough that I could unironically enjoy low-quality fiction.

>> No.8712546

Don't click this if you don't want skull throne spoiled.

>tfw you nail 2 muzzie princesses, your teenage apprentice but die a meaningless death for the sake of plot.

Truly the best character stuck in a garbage series

>> No.8712602

Death dick grip didn't did... at least that I remember.

>> No.8712640

I stopped reading S&W when it started leaning toward a story curve instead of slice-of-life merchant adventures, but I plan to finish. I really enjoyed Kino's Journey, it's so fun.

>> No.8712683

It's almost all trash.

>> No.8712690

>thf i'm 2300 words into my short story and the premise isn't fully set up yet


I think there needs to be a category for non-edgy antiheros. Johannes cabal would do better there and the rest could be cloistered off for the 14-year olds

>> No.8712698
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What's it about?

>> No.8712703

fuck, how did I get thf from tfw

Oracle can see the future, but she somehow misses the part where her parents are murdered in their own house and she escapes to hide at a carnival. While she's too busy being angsty, she doesn't notice that the magician who helped her isn't quite human

>> No.8713289

This the same guy from last thread?
Also guys there is another thread that is filled with literal and I mean LITERAL autistic readers who can't type fantasy in search in the catalog.

We need to full out discussions.

>> No.8713400

I have no idea what most of that means but I fucking hate spiders, they are creepy as fuck, so I will avoid Adebooks.

>> No.8713415

>fuck, how did I get thf from tfw
Because you're an idiot?

>> No.8713873

There are two kinds of commercially-acceptable fantasy:

1. Medieval stasis where people are mysteriously unable to invent guns or the printing press after 10,000 years of having the same exact society. They have a thinly-veiled rehash of War of the Roses, triggered by the king not having a capable male heir for the first time ever.

2. Modern fantasy where a hipster investigates supernatural happenings. It turns out that he has magic power too!

>> No.8713897

Is Riftwar saga worth reading? It's been recommended to me but sounds fairly generic.

>> No.8714074

Dresden started out with magic. What you on?

>> No.8714106
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but i like the first one.

>> No.8714162

This is why Brandon Sanderson feeds his kids Deseret Industries-brand food and China Mieville eats out of dumpsters.

>> No.8714298

Why is there so little non-european fairy tale fantasy? It's pretty much just Tho Orphan's Tales and The Golem And The Jinni

>> No.8714332

>imma meme in another general in hope of recommendations
>I've been in my basement so long that I forgot how to ask someone normally for things
>tfw all I can talk in are memes now

>> No.8714362

>No fantasy, that isn't urban, where tech matches us in the current year

>> No.8714388

God, this general seems so dead these days. what happened?

>> No.8714415

Somebody asked about it last thread and IIRC the response was "It and the Empire series are good but Feist's other stuff gradually becomes lackluster."

Well it's veteran's day today so presumably people are doing stuff with friends/family.

>> No.8714439

but every fucking day for the past week or two

>> No.8714510

In the past six months I've read god knows how many fantasy books, and only a single fucking one has been memorably good.

What's that law about how 90% of everything is shit? I think that number is too low

>> No.8714546


Literally google "90% of everything is shit" and it's the first result.

And it's probably higher in fantasy, I'd say 98%

>> No.8714558

I didn't care enough to google. 98% seems how many are "readable"

>> No.8714565

sorry, I meant the 2% is the readable group

>> No.8714627

Is it bad/wrong to read out loud in your head?

>> No.8714679

No /sffg/ in the thread title

>> No.8714852

I liked "All You Need is Kill" but I was in high school, and I was pretty pleby at the time.

>> No.8714929

>Still no needs about The Core after 10 months


>> No.8715130

I'm terrible at identifying good prose but reading LNs is just fucking difficult. I'm assuming the translations are terrible, but I'm not interested in learning jap when I have a plethora of mediocre fantasy novels to read in English.

>> No.8715154



>> No.8715205

There's also a current trend towards Napoleonic era tech and colonialism (e.g. Powder Mage, Shadow Campaigns, parts of Lightbringer, etc.), but who knows how long that will last.

>> No.8715218

Stop crying like a bitch every time someone insults your little chart.

>> No.8715225

Non-euro fantasy books have been recommended a shitload of times.

>> No.8715239

non-euro fairy tales though?

>> No.8715274

List 'em

>> No.8715282

I didn't bother to read the "fairy tales" part of your post pham, sorry. My bad.

Have you tried Orphan's Tales or The Golem And The Jinni?

>> No.8715288

anon, are you high or something at the moment?

>> No.8715295

Is Sabriel any good?

>> No.8715306

I remember it being pretty good, but I read it when I was like 13 so take that as you will

>> No.8715436

its great YA, I would reccomend it if you don't care about muh intellectual fairy tales like most of the posters in this thread.

>> No.8715503


Yeah it's great

>> No.8715546

Split thread.

>> No.8715598
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>you will NEVER be a librarian, having cool adventures in the giant library with your talking doggo

>> No.8715854
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Anyone got any /sffg/ Read/Expected/Gots?

>> No.8715864

Too formulaic, too basic characters, too long and too rushed at the same time.
Novelty of necromancy wears out by the first half, after that, it becomes a chore.

>> No.8715990

>Clenching your fists so hard the nails draw blood without you even noticing
>Letting out your breath after a long time without noticing you were holding it

Do these things actually happen in real life or are these jokers just putting stupid things in to add suspense or tension to a situation

>> No.8716033

The second one maybe, but the first just seems unrealistic unless a character has retardedly sharp nails

>> No.8716100

>has never been so angry yet you had to hold it in
>has never been so scared yet you had to hold it in

Sooo. You're a basement dweller I take it ?

>> No.8716179


I don't get angry, only when I'm drunk, then I sometimes get pissed off, otherwise I don't remember the last time I was actually angry

I have been so scared, except I was breathing deeply and rapidly instead of holding it in, adrenaline, you know

Not a basement dweller.

>> No.8716193

Clenching your fist so hard you bleed is right there with punching holes in walls for behavior correlated with lifetime basement dwelling.

>> No.8716354

Talking like seeing a snake, or some shit in your yard. You try not to breathe, or move so as not to disturb it.

At least that was me, huge dogs that stare at you, and a wild snake has appeared!!

>> No.8716367
File: 8 KB, 249x238, Smug cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's not true
>I never had to hold in my angry because a 6.6 feet tall chad was talking to my girl
>I clenched my fists to fight, it had nothing to do with me being 5.5feet dyel auschwitz, and chad radiating aesthetic mirins from every pore
>I swear guys

>> No.8716369

Can anyone recommend a good complete fantasy series that tends to focus more on a grand scale of politics and nations etc than wandering protagonist shit?

>> No.8716374


I don't understand, when I noticed some huge stray dog walking towards me on the street I just took off my jacket and rolled it in my arms for something the dog could latch onto if it attacked me, it was more of a calm focus, but maybe I'm just autistic or something

>> No.8716383

Hawkwood's Voyage maybe?

>> No.8716386

Wandering protagonist fantasy is ded, modern fantasy is all about the backstabbing intrigue and trying to be GOT.

>> No.8716525

>Tolkien is successful
Everyone is copying Tolkien, fantasy never existed before this (I swear to you more than one person said this to my face)

>Game of thrones is successful
Everyone is copying GURM, political intrigue was never done before

Daniel Abraham , although his books are shit.

>> No.8716529

What about snakes? Do you even move?

>> No.8716568


Only seen snakes a few times in my life, there's only 2 breeds in my country, 1 poisonous the other not, I'd probably just walk around it but they're more common in the country side (the places where I've seen em).

I mean sure if one was suddenly in my path and I didn't notice and I was about to step on it sure I'd jump back but I really doubt I would start holding my breath when it happened, but that case is more of a surprise rather than that of a fright

>> No.8716642

Political intrigue was done before, but there was a much higher concentration of fetch quest novels fifteen years ago. Look at Sanderson and Bakker. Intrigue and multiple POVs.

>> No.8716805

Sanderson's intrigue isn't very...intriguing. I've only read Stormlight Archives but every little twist and secret plot gets called out in advance in the diary entries at the start of the chapters.

>> No.8716898

Sanderson is a blunt instrument. No shame in that, it's just what he is.

>> No.8716908

the daughter of the empire series

>> No.8717106
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>> No.8717683

So star ship troopers were racist?

>> No.8717699
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>> No.8717764


He may fall short on the prose and the intricacies of a novel but the plots he weaves and the magic that surrounds them are sound for where I'm standing

>> No.8717967

Grace of Kings was shit.

Fuck the anon who suggested it.

>> No.8717984

Reposting my question from the other thread incase this one is more active.

I just read Rendezvous with Rama in one sitting today and really enjoyed it. Should i bother reading the sequels? the reviews dont seem great

>> No.8718050

Actually I'm finding him to be the opposite. His prose is good and the plot is nothing if not intricate. But that's the problem. The story in Stormlight has so much unnecessary detail, and the magic system is thought out to the point where there's no mystery. It's not an exciting part of the books for me

>> No.8718136

They're half-written by somebody completely different and have a entirely different tone than the original novel.

>> No.8718815



>> No.8718833

Is Red Rising any good?
Is it worth reading.

>> No.8719208

The thread isn't finished fag.

You autisticly made a new thread instead of searching fantasy.

Now you are trying to get your thread to stay afloat.

Fuckk off.

>> No.8719251
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Does this thread get triggered by LNs and eroge?

Or is it simply full of EOPs, so noone to discuss Japanese media with?

>> No.8719331
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>> No.8720067

This is the best time to be an urban fantasy author though, especially if your setting is in like the States(usa), places like new york, or cali.

The amount of disbelief the populace uses nowadays is mind boggling. They are for proof of everything.
I said I sneezed up blood, they want pics.
Said I held a girl's hand, they want pics of her feet as proof.

This is the perfect time to have creatures moving around the country. People will think they are someone going to a con with a skillfully made costume.

Real witches can open wiccan churches, and get tax exemptions for practicing real magic.

An actual extradimensional being can open shop, and the cops won't even bat an eye.

All of this is possible if they are in the right areas of course. It's literally impossible to tell the real from the fake.

>> No.8720206

Only very rarely, you'll have better luck on /jp/.

>> No.8720826


Get past part 1

>> No.8721355

>The Core

>A fucking hermaphrodite

This guy must be memeing

>> No.8721402

>meanwhile on r/printsf

printsf is pretty great, it's good that it's fairly small and slow

>> No.8721695

>urban fantasy
when will ppl stop shitposting these threads up?

>> No.8721872

Any new books came out guys?
Grace of Kings was shit, so was Mythago Woods.

>> No.8721981

Sanderson coming out this month.

>> No.8722064


Is it something good? Or one of his children's stories

>> No.8722069
File: 57 KB, 763x101, lolreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /sffg/ shit on Name of the wind?

>> No.8722071


>> No.8722072

An anthology I think.

>> No.8722282

Because it deserves to be shit on

>> No.8722683

>and the feeling of cringe is something I couldn't shake off. It was as if a fedora was tipped after every page.

That's because you're apparently unable to immerse yourself in a universe that doesn't conform to your standards. You're buying a book about life in a dystopian society full of drug and internet addicts, where corporations rule even stronger than they do today and where people are able to live and experience a parallel life in an internet as it was envisioned in the 80s.

This is the setting of the book you chose, you can either accept it and enjoy the ride or constantly wonder at why people talk and act differently than they would in today's real world.
Even though there is some techno-critical spirituality being puked right into your face (along with a good deal of futuristic techno-voodoo shit), it has nothing to do with classic christianity or any kind of western mysticism in general. Maybe that is where you get the "fedora tipping" vibes from?

I had the same feelings of cringiness for the first few pages, but then I realized that this is simply how that world would probably look in such a (hopefully) unprobable future; people using weird lingo, wearing strange clothes and literally drowning in the noir of it all. Imagine yourself from 10 years ago in a conversation with your friends from today, they would cringe at the weird expressions you use and the strange clothing you wear.
It's part of the package when you try to read and immerse into a novel of which the plot has not been done to death 3 times over, like classic knights vs orcs fantasy for instance.

Besides, it doesn't make the plot or the characters any worse.

>> No.8722686


The biggest meme fantasy author I ever fell for.

I think Mistborn is really overrated shit and the oh so clever mechanic of burning metals and turning a little girl into a fucking fanfic tier sonic-superman-batman combo got tiring really fast.
It's not even the morally flawless goody two shoes characters, but the flawless arrogance with which he presents his cast of morally superior heroes that annoys me so much.

Maybe that's just me and people really fall in love with his characters, but to me they were very unlikeable for some reason.

>> No.8722698
File: 257 KB, 1080x1599, Gormenghast Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These books may be more your speed.

>> No.8722702


I really hated when Kelsier died, he was the best toon in the series

>> No.8722712


You mean avatar?

>> No.8722735

No like league and dota, and other toon games.

>> No.8722870

It's literally born from paranoia about Ronald Reagan. It looks ridiculous today but then there's Trump paranoia now, too. All the punks in the 80s thought Reagan would ban rock'n'roll and let the corporations overpopulate the planet or something.

>> No.8722876

Maybe Sanderson is simply morally superior, and it's his moral reprobates he has to research to write. Maybe the arrogance is yours for assuming nobody can be Sanderson-pure.

>> No.8723396

>Sanderson -pure
You what mate?

>> No.8723622

how long before sandersonfags move to reddit and /tv/


>> No.8723672

>how long before sandersonfags move to reddit and /tv/

Judging by the pic from

, I doubt it's ever going to happen, if reddit so vehemently praises rothfuss, then it's a fucking grace that we have sandersonfags here rather than rothfuss garbage, it's always about the lesser evil, unless you would like to have both evils here

>> No.8723712

So pure you have to invent swear words.

>> No.8723777

Not racist so much as the main character spent more time in a classroom learning about how the way his society was organized was objectively correct than he did fighting aliens.

>> No.8724054

Are you that daft? Yes he is escaping cussing with invented words, but they have a purpose.
None of Sanderson's worlds are earth, it was never implied that this was a translation for earth people(botns).

The "invented" swear words are just some of the most horrible things that could happen on the worlds it takes place.
E.g. you are on a world were plague is prevalent, you and somebody have a verbal fall out, you tell that person a plague on you and your family. The other person would want to knock you out.
Same shit with Sanderson.
Storms /rust are some of the worst things to happen in stormlight and mistborn respectively. It's understandable that they are curses.

Sanderson isn't even the only author that does this, many authors (if you actually read instead of second hand memeing) use this "worst thing on planet as cuss" trope. The only difference is that they throw in a "fuck" or "shit" now and again, which to me sounds out of nowhere, and only placed there to placate retards like yourself who can't read deeper into a book's meaning.

Let me ask you this. If a book is about alien dogs raiding a slug planet, would your autism fire up when they don't use memes, puns, smilies, metaphors, or cuss like us?

>> No.8724070

But you put Mussolini. I never read that book, but I know anything to do with that guy is genocide and racism.

>> No.8724090


>> No.8724091


>> No.8724117

I'm Asian. The number 4 on you and your family.

>> No.8724122

Anon, you seem to have misunderstood. I'm not saying his lack of swear words is a bad thing. I love it. I actually have a list of common curse words filtered on my browser, not because I'm a delicate flower who can't take it but just to cut down the filth on my screen.

Now, are storms really the worst thing that happens to Rosharians? Is sex the worst thing that happens to us? Do Chaucer's characters curse with "blacke death?" Of course not. Swear words are taboo words, and Rosharians feel free to talk about storms in other context - let alone Scadrians, the majority of whom cannot use allomancy, a system in which the majority of metals do not rust.

That's leaving aside how Sanderson uses modern figures of speech quite liberally. I noticed one while rereading Words of Radiance this morning, actually, can't remember it because I don't really mind. The main purpose of him cutting out swear words is because he doesn't like them, and I immensely respect him for that.

>> No.8724123

Read up your history boyo.

>> No.8724164

Mussolini is a good example of fascism that is mostly uncorrupted by Nazism. The political system in Starship Troopers resembles fascism in some ways, and it goes on and on and on about how it is so amazing and wonderful.

>> No.8724265

I know he doesn't like them, but what I said still stands. I may not have worded it correctly, but I think I got my point across.

>> No.8724300

Not only do Sanderson cultures never use the kinds of curses real world cultures would, they react to them mostly like modern Americans do. They add a little spice to a sentence, are used by rougher characters, and go largely ignored. Nobody in Sanderson has punched anyone else just for saying "storm take you." It's a shame, because there are a lot of opportunities here for creative cursing, especially with characters like Wayne in Mistborn 1.5.

>> No.8724365

Let's go to the autistic's general now that we reached autosage.