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File: 31 KB, 583x293, Messages Image(982748945).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8711538 No.8711538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Try convincing me to become a Marxist.

>> No.8711542

The only legitimate reason is for fun.

>> No.8711545

The dank memes on /leftypol/ have layer upon layer of depth. The deepest layers are only accessible to those with a sophisticated understanding of Marxism and its later iterations, which you can only get with either a ludicrous amount of scholarly discipline or a passion for Marxist philosophy. And really, if you're on 4chan, you're probably about as far from disciplined as you can get.

>> No.8711555
File: 257 KB, 415x476, prefer not to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a communist and even I recognize that /leftypol/ is the best board. It just is.

>> No.8711557

youll be able to understand zizeks jokes on hegel and toilets.

>> No.8711575

You will be able to die for the revolution, leaving behind a qt guerilla fighter waifu.
Besides why not.

>> No.8711589

you can't because carl marks killed 10 million jews in 9/11

>> No.8711597

You'll really show /pol/ up! Drumpfkins will be BTFO

>> No.8711635

Being right wing is no fun anymore now that we have a Republican government.

>> No.8711641
File: 422 KB, 616x454, tumblr_nn8de6YSuA1urn3mlo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I secretly inject marxism into /pol/'s veins
>mfw /pol/ feels more and more sympathy towards leftist ideals
>mfw they can't even understand the psyop happening right on /pol/ because they're too blinded by the elections
Soon comrades.

>> No.8711652

Yeah this is the thing. /pol/ used to be anti-establishment, but now they're literally the establishment. It's boring as fuck. Time to jump ship.

>> No.8711692


Read das Kapital plus a few essays on the ltv and convince yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.8711709

Maybe ask /leftypol/ instead of a mainly right wing board

>> No.8711711

We're aware of what you're trying to do commie faggots. After the party is over, you'll get grabbed by the pussy and dumped like the rest of your kind.

>> No.8711721

>mainly right wing
ask me how i know you're a newfag

>> No.8711731


> tfw no delusional /pol/ gf that you can educate on superior marxist theory while you snuggle with her on a cold winter's night.

why even live

>> No.8711925


>> No.8712000

If you're culturally or socially conservative, you could read Christopher Lasch for a view through a Marxist lens why capitalism is poisonous for traditional social institutions and relations.

>> No.8712022

Because capitalism is fucking cuck-tier

>> No.8712026

>implying there's a bottom

>> No.8712029
File: 101 KB, 745x960, surplus_value_in_one_easy_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the alternative is to be a wageslave

>> No.8712086

If you're browsing /lit/, you might just be stupid enough to be one.

>> No.8712089

You shouldn't, because it's an incorrect theory.

>> No.8712118


Regarding the ltv you might as well admit that you haven't read Nils Fröhlich.

>> No.8712130

I haven't, but I've read Sraffa and other neo-ricardians, aswell as actual marxists like I. I. Rubin and others who developed the theory within marxist theorizing. Nothing can save the LTV, which isn't even between the biggest troubles with marxism.

>> No.8712135

The only way to redeem Marx is to accept that it was butchered by Lenin and the rest.

Consider the peasant who lay awake at night listening to the neighbor's wife wailing after finally losing her malnourished toddler. It must have really made him think. People like this were uneducated and misinformed and couldn't see or stop what was happening among the upper echelons of the "revolution", but whose fault is that? Their only crime is being flawed humans like everyone else, there are many highly educated people with the internet at their fingertips who end up with ridiculous beliefs, what chance did they have?

Marxism is at its heart about fighting back against those trying to impose their will on you, even the edgy little shits of 4chan call people "cucks" when people do not. Some of his more bizarre ideas were only the result of him trying to analyze the problem from every angle, in part because this is what a scientist or engineer would do and in part because of the urgency of his task. Sir Bazalgette's sewage system saved 10000s of lives from cholera, Marx was trying to liberate billions from a life of poverty and decrepidation.

I would say Marxism is incomplete rather than inherently flawed. Things like property and family social structures are ultimately beliefs, even libertarians realize this. The labor theory of value and the crisis of capitalism apply to a degree. Marx fully expected his work to be amended and improved. You'd have to have massively excessive standards to reject all this, if you set your biases and ego aside you've have to admit you are already a little bit marxist.

>> No.8712152
File: 87 KB, 504x756, commielossus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this post. It's a good post.

If I were to quibble on one thing, it's that Lenin's writings and understanding of Marxism still hold up reasonably well (in particular I was impressed with Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism), it's just that the practical realities of running Russia became too much for him after 1919 or so

>> No.8712155

How cute

>> No.8712170


Just read the "The relevance of the labour theory of value" published in 2009. He directly compares it to the neo-ricardian trade theory on a theoretical and empirical level. It's a decent chunk of math since in the second half of his work he starts using mathematical models but if you're genuinely interested you should get through it. The only real problem is that you'd have to find a translation since he wrote it in German.

>> No.8712225

I was just reading a paper of his using empirical data and econometric models, but that's not the point, the theory is already wrong in its premises and epistemological basis. Its only relevance is for the marxian implicit moral theory, not price formation.

>> No.8712255


> the theory is already wrong in its premises and epistemological basis. Its only relevance is for the marxian implicit moral theory, not price formation.

He directly deals with price formation in his work. Furthermore he also addresses the common concerns held against the ltv, he covers the most important points raised in academic discourse over the last few years.

>> No.8712411

The great powers would have been rivals whatever economic system they used. I don't know what Marx would have made of ww1, but it is stretching it to attribute the breakdown in the balance of power to capitalism.

child mortality is a thing in poor countries

>> No.8712438

Unlike many other ideological positions, dialectical materialism actually provides a consistent lens for analysis that can be applied to most all events and movements

>> No.8712468

This is the only real answer.

>> No.8712597

it's probably the most painfully stupid way to process information, so masochism

>> No.8712848

FYI Marxism is not exactly the same thing as Communism in modern usage. Communism is a type of government and political ideology. Marxism is a critical theory or method of analysis that can be applied to a any cultural artifact (book, film, etc.) or culture and society in general. Think of Marxism as more akin to Feminism, for example, but providing a critical analysis with respect to class rather than gender. It's actually really interesting and fun, although it will make you more cynical and disillusioned than you ever thought possible.

Good posts.

>> No.8712879
File: 72 KB, 647x960, Pass on the ressentiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you've have to admit you are already a little bit marxist

Heh, cute.

>> No.8712892
File: 261 KB, 1052x512, sddfsdfasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ has went from unironic Nazis to Right Libertarians to Protectionist Populism

Face it, Trump is just another step in the dialectic that leads to only one destination

>> No.8712918

Nigga why the fuck are you telling them this is what we've been doing?

>> No.8713002

>Marxism is at its heart about fighting back against those trying to impose their will on you, even the edgy little shits of 4chan call people "cucks" when people do not
this so much.
i know one guy who supports trump and shitposts on 4chan.
in reality he's a little bitch who will never stand up for himself irl and i'm pretty sure much like him the prototypical edgy 4chan cuckposter is really just a loser who never stood up for themself so they just cling on to whatever popular sentiment that empowers them.

>> No.8713005
File: 7 KB, 500x478, 1378915544249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dank memes on /leftypol/ have layer upon layer of depth.

So nothing like Marxism then.

>> No.8713006
File: 56 KB, 836x678, Heheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. cuck

>> No.8713009

That image makes no sense

>> No.8713010
File: 116 KB, 429x409, 1445165452324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/leftypol/ is shite. it's full of liberals who never read a page of marxist theory

who /marx/ here?

>> No.8713012

This post annoys me.

Just because you aren't retarded and manage to accurately pinpoint problems with current societal power structures and of the economy in general does not make you a genius, and neither does it prove anything.

The problem with Marxism isn't that it *can* accurately point out shit that is true and negative in society, the problem is that it's a utopian ideology that grip people in a dangerous mania; a mania that historically speaking have left people dying in famines and authoritarian rule.

>> No.8713016

lenin did nothing wrong

revisionists out

>> No.8713019

>saves pepe images
>calls people cuck
nice projection.

>> No.8713357

It's almost as if Lenin and other early Orthodox Marxists didn't have access to his more philosophical work since it was published in 1927 :^)

>> No.8713371


>Cultural Marxism
>Literally gibs me dat

Avoid it if you can, it's a sinkhole with no way back. There's a reason why most communists you come across are weak, skinny or incredibly fat, and probably smoking a blunt.

Weaklings will try to use psychology to change the entire world into spoon feeding them for free, since they are incapable of surviving otherwise.

>> No.8713376

>it's a utopian ideology
Confirmed for never actually reading Marx.
gb2 >>>/pol/ and then kys

>> No.8713393

That's why Marxists are so insufferable though, they want to see EVERYTHING through the lens of Marxism. It's like that nerd who never shuts up about his favorite show.

>> No.8713395

You realize your conspiracy theory doesn't have anything to do the actual theory right
You should read some to understand that social conditions are a function or material conditions rather than say, a cabal of Jewish Marxist supervillains controlling the whole world

>> No.8713414


What conspiracy? I never said anything of the kind.

Weak men that cannot thrive will seek to out do the competition by other methods, that sometimes comes in the form of voting for an ideology that pretty much gives you free stuff.

>> No.8713423

>Cultural Maxism
>Not a conspiracy theory
>Marxism is about giving you free stuff
The least you could bother to do is read the manifesto, you can find it online and read it in about an hour. At the very least for the historical significance, but it might stop you from making an ass of yourself

>> No.8713424

>muh hard work

>> No.8713429


>Said the Neet

>> No.8713431

t. classcuck

>> No.8713433


No. Reading is for eggheads.

>> No.8713437

Do you have a link by any chance?

>> No.8713438

okay so basically like Hitler

>> No.8713441

>says the billions of impoverished workers around the globe.

To assume that 'poor people' are poor because they don't work hard enough is completely idiotic. Social mobility for the lowest socioeconomic classes in the US is pretty low compared to the other 'nanny-state' industrialized countries. It must be easy being so dense when you've been spoonfed neoliberal ideology since birth.

>I worked hard, Daddy only made me a small loan of $1M

>> No.8713445


Why bring Hitler into this?

>> No.8713448


>To assume that 'poor people' are poor because they don't work hard enough is completely idiotic.

Point me to where I said this, please. It's like you're arguing with an imaginary friend.

>> No.8713455

Communism is more popular among spoiled first-world children than people in communist countries.

>> No.8713580


No, sorry. I bought the German version off of Amazon.

>> No.8713610

>read the Communist Manifesto
>post here what I thought of it and why I disagree with it
>"m-muh you didn't understand it"
>"b-but marxism is only for intelligent people"

Marxism is the most retarded ideology. You keep fooling yourself over and over again

>> No.8713649
File: 169 KB, 503x640, Mieville_beverage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason why most communists you come across are weak, skinny or incredibly fat
dat strawman tho

>> No.8713658


>> No.8713664

>There's a reason why most communists you come across are weak, skinny or incredibly fat, and probably smoking a blunt.
t. Amerifat

>> No.8713674

>Source : My ass

>> No.8713679

>glances at /pol/ memes about the least important of all communist texts, the Manifesto
>shitpost on /lit/ about identity politics that pretends to be thought and criticism
>cry about being persecuted on the 7kun
>"everyone is stupid but me!"

Go ask your mom for tendies you filthy neet

>> No.8713680

t. spoiled first-world child's desperate belief

>> No.8713685
File: 53 KB, 595x400, The EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's right, you know.


>The only people who don't like Marxism/Communism don't study it

Every time.

>> No.8713687

>following the herd this bad
why do you have to work out? do you have a small penis? are you a closet homo looking for other homos at your gym?
you're just another boring fuck who has no discernible talent or passion so you subscribe to the framework of what everyone else is doing.
and why do you sound so stressed? all hardcore internet capitalists always sound like you're thoroughly unhappy and stressed which isn't any surprise because you're mindlessly following the routine subscribed to you by somebody else. it's like you want somebody to literally fuck you in the butt to destress all the aspects of your life that you hand over to someone elses control, you're the ubercuck.

>> No.8713695
File: 496 KB, 400x230, When the ideology looks tasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right, he should be a Marxist/Communist.

The proletariat has nothing to lose but everything.

>> No.8713703

>the only people that come to /lit/ complaing about muh margzizm are 100% illiterate and unable to follow their own posts

Every time.

Shut up samefag

>> No.8713709 [DELETED] 


>the only people that come to /lit/ complaing about muh margzizm are 100% illiterate and unable to follow their own posts

I know a lot about Marxism, and I still don't buy into it.

You won't believe that, however. Fuckin' cultists.

>> No.8713729

someone like him will only convert when it becomes as popular as trump.

>> No.8713820

I guarantee you're wearing at least one thing that was made by East Asian slave labour

>> No.8713848

Don't bother. It's vacuous. Studying marxism only turned me into a fascist.

>> No.8713938

And why should I feel guilty about that?

>> No.8713989

Nigga what?

>> No.8714355

> loser who never stood up for themself so they just cling on to whatever popular sentiment that empowers them
Nothing wrong with that. I can see why you wouldn't like it if they are empowering themselves by taking on values you disagree with.

>> No.8714368

Not him but you're wrong. /lit/ use to be Marxist but over time it's become more conservative & I dare say that at least 50% of /lit/izens are Catholic. Maybe 5 years ago it was Left Wing but that's changed a lot, and thank God for that.

>> No.8714374


Not really. A lot of /lit/fags are still marxist simply because the whole Philosophy is easier to romanticize. Also you should visit leftypol, Christian commies are on the rise and they're cute as fuck.

>> No.8714379

Fact : Marxism is a Jewish geoup evolutionary strategy. Jews want to distract whites from the harsh realities of Darwinian struggle. It's cause they know them better than anyone. They want to feminize white man and plant mud babies in every white woman's womb. They want whites gone. This is war.

>> No.8714383

I remember when I use to be 16 years old.

>> No.8714430

There was an invasion of Christian Marxists last year.

>> No.8714446

I don't recall Marx writing anything about mud babies and feminizing white guys.

>> No.8714455
File: 193 KB, 1240x826, TRANSCENDINGIDEOLOGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've have to admit you are already a little bit marxist.
Heh. *teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, last man.

>> No.8714467

fuck you marty you're barely even a Marxist.

>> No.8714479
File: 4 KB, 210x240, m'ubermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To actually believe in communism, you must have a mental defect or be REALLY naive. The people who hold political power would become equivalent to the bourgeoisie/upper class. There is NO way around this. Instead of the wealthy having the most influence (like in Capitalism) it is the people in political positions because they control the wealth. They essentially amount to the same thing, except in communism, it becomes a lot worse. Communism never takes into account the reality of the human psyche, something that Dostoevsky noted in Notes from the Underground.

On a semi-related note, this is why when you ask every person who advocates for communism what position would they hold in a communist society, they always reply with "oh I don't know, I think I would like a management/government position". None of them every reply with "I'd like to be the farmer/factory worker who slaves away with even less incentive than that in a capitalist society".

>> No.8714489

Not a single communist ever answered why communism never worked.

>> No.8714492

I'm an engineer as a career but I live on a farm because I like growing my own food. I also donate fresh food to the local uni so the students don't turn into malnourished blobs/husks. I participate in a food co-op and take an active role in local council meetings. My life would change very little in a socialist society.

>> No.8714497

>To actually believe in communism, you must have a mental defect or be REALLY naive. The people who hold political power would become equivalent to the bourgeoisie/upper class. There is NO way around this.
>when you ask every person who advocates for communism what position would they hold in a communist society, they always reply with "oh I don't know, I think I would like a management/government position"
There is no government in a communist society by definition.

>> No.8714509

>he thinks fedora.jpg helps his case

>> No.8714511
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>> No.8714517

>marxists that live in a capitalist society can't magically live outside the system
woah, really makes you think

>> No.8714538

Wow what a post. You accept donations? I need to send you some money; you're very talented. We have a Kik group developing core theories that reverberate on the whole insec, involuntary secluded, Internet sphere; every complex and profound new idea you see here was developed there, and I think you can be a good addition to it if you're high iq enough to blend in.

Post your Kik if you have one. Don't leak.

>> No.8714548
File: 38 KB, 395x508, 1478491989217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In communism the workers are the ones who manage the factories, they self-manage as a collective. There isn't a line between management and production, this is the whole point of communism.

I'm not a communist, but some kind of communism is incoming as human labor is rapidly outpaced by machine labor.

>> No.8714579

>I'll just conveniently ignore the reality of fundamental societal functions
>I'll just conveniently ignore the eternity of human history
>Muh lack of government
>M-muh definitions!!
Modern society CANNOT function for sustained periods of time without a government. This is proven. People would rather be ruled under a tyrannical king than be left with the uncertainty of a lack of a higher institution.

>Somehow thinking socialism and communism are the same thing

>> No.8714585

>M-muh definitions!
Well, when a person says "i am a communist" he is saying "i am a person that wants a society with no state, no money, and no classes". Arguing against anything else is a straw man. So yes, "muh definitions" are important, to debate using different definitions is a waste of time.

>This is proven
What is the proof?

>> No.8714622

>What is the proof?
Name me one instance of a large scale society functioning without government for a sustained period of time. Doesn't exist.
>inb4 hasn't been tried
Yes, but the ultimate goal is putting the ideology into practice. There is literally no point to us debating if all you want to do is theorize and toy with the idea of a utopia. To ignore the realities of communism and its previous renditions is childish.

>> No.8714624

meant this for this

>> No.8714648

>more conservative & I dare say that at least 50% of /lit/izens are Catholic

>> No.8714649

>Name me one instance of a large scale society functioning without government for a sustained period of time. Doesn't exist.
>anything that doesn't exist can't exist
Great argument, anon.

>To ignore the realities of communism and its previous renditions is childish.
Again, this just comes down to definitions. Let's take your sentence and replace communism by its definition.
>To ignore the realities of a society with no state, no money, and no classes and its previous renditions is childish.
Does this make sense to you?
If calling it communism makes it impossible for you to dissociate the idea from the soviet experiment, we can just invent a new word for the rest of the discussion.

>> No.8714650
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>why do you have to work out? do you have a small penis?

>> No.8714691
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>trying to become a Marxist in the Trump era

Yeah, why not become a fucking scholasticist while you're at it.

>> No.8714696

Well, i'm a social democrat and i sure feel like radicalizing seeing how trump won and fascist governments are likely to be elected in europe. Electing extreme right wingers is a two edged sword.

>> No.8714706
File: 25 KB, 540x540, loyal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Stop hollowing out words. Trump isn't a fascist. He's something new.
You fuckers are so stuck in the 19th century it isn't even funny anymore.

Any political formantion you don't like = fascism.
Anything that a woman doesn't like happening to her = rape.
Etc. etc.

I'm so happy your political wing is losing. Hopefully, we'll kill you all one day :).

>> No.8714720
File: 183 KB, 656x425, 1468625200596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuse to have his right wing movement be called fascism
>wants his political opponents to be murdered by his movement
Irony is lost on /pol/fags

>> No.8714722

Everyone non-autistic knows that Fascism is colloquially used to refer to a broader phenomenon than just Mussolini.

>> No.8714732
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so happy your political wing is losing
right cucks haven't won the popular vote in America since George Bush Senior lmao

>> No.8714737

>Stop hollowing out words. Trump isn't a fascist.
Read my post again. I didn't call trump a fascist.

>> No.8714739
File: 509 KB, 867x851, 1478673730648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, it's something new dude. Trumpism. Putinism. New phenomena. They aren't the paramilitary movements of the early 20th century. That was essential. This is something more akin to the ancient world's Caesarism, albeit not totally.

We're gonna invent new words for it. New theories that succeed the phenomenon and need proceed ( like you fags do ).
Dugin is doing some work on that.

You go on and keep on inventing new genders though ;) that's really gonna make leftism great again :^)

>> No.8714743
File: 137 KB, 574x768, 2006BB5439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't even know what national syndicalism or integralism are.

>> No.8714744

>Nothing wrong with that.
there is something wrong with pretending to be empowered by "waking up" and really just using that as a front for wanting to be carried by their race.

>> No.8714749


This damage control is delicious.

>> No.8714755

>You go on and keep on inventing new genders though ;) that's really gonna make leftism great again :^)
>i learn about political movements from /pol/

>> No.8714759



>> No.8714766



>> No.8714769
File: 570 KB, 720x400, 1476174858851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I learn about it in the world outside of the internet as well. You apparantly don't learn anythig.

Where are all you "tr00" Marxists now anyways? You think you're seriously a force to be reckoned with in the Left? Why are you deluding yourself? You're not making any fucking progress whatsoever. Identity politics has completely consumed the Left.

Even Zizek is hated by major swaths of the Left ever since he even dared have some questions about the refugees.

>> No.8714772
File: 81 KB, 722x950, 1478426140159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally coming up with new labels over the same old shit

>> No.8714780

I invite you to go to the websites of the communist parties from the world and find identity politics as a their main issue, if at all.
Zizek is a clown.

>> No.8714781
File: 159 KB, 1370x1378, 1478772604775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But it isn't the same.

Maybe if you guys ever have a political movement again, with even a tiny bit of success, you can do so too.

But looks like that isn't happening anytime soon ;).

>> No.8714792
File: 16 KB, 552x344, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>communist parties
>relevant in the western world
>relevant in the relevant part of the world


>> No.8714793


>No, I learn about it in the world outside of the internet as well.

Sucking off a marxist while roleplaying as Engels doesn't count as learning outside of the internet.

>> No.8714800

>thinking the alt-right wining the election with a 50 plus percent turnout is the same as political movement.

Can't wait to taste the salt when Trump fails to do half of what he promised

>> No.8714803

Marxism is boring as shit and utterly vapid. If you're going to go to critical theory for fun you might as well be a Freud or a Bloomfag.

>> No.8714806


>thinking the alt-right wining the election

Stopped reading there.
Winning is all that matters.
I wouldn't expect the "victim currency" crowd to understand or accept that.

>> No.8714807

But critical theory is garbage.

>> No.8714815

Irrelevant. The fact is that the majority of the left isn't what your /pol/ caricature says, and that you are eating up propaganda from a chinese cartoons forum.

>> No.8714818
File: 158 KB, 600x465, 1388582012001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting shit done is all that matters

>condemns "victim currency" when /pol/ had its own brand of victimhood

>> No.8714827

Being a Marxist is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) F < ⌒ヽ A / へ\ B / / \\ U レ ノ ヽ_つ L / / O / / U ( (ヽ S | |、\. | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / ノ ) Lノ__ (/___

>> No.8714828
File: 141 KB, 880x525, intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It does indeed. So when was the last time the left got shit done properly?
Pic related.


>Irrelevant. The fact is that the majority of the left isn't what your /pol/ caricature says, and that you are eating up propaganda from a chinese cartoons forum.

How much of a fucking autist are you? The majority of the left is communist? Who lives in "la la" land here?
Of course there's tons of communist parties. There's a communist party for every 5 communists who happen to disagree with the other 5.
I don't reach the following conclusion looking at that wiki: "loads of communist parties = most leftists are communists".

>> No.8714838

Everything from center left to communism.

>> No.8714839

Not him, but I would say /pol/ is more relevant in today's right than /leftypol/ is in today's left.

>> No.8714841


Again, fuck you, you piece of utter noodle armed shit.

Parties tell me SHIT about the number of ACTUAL communists among the left.

The democratic party isn't communist. I even admit this as an extreme right winger.

>> No.8714849


You seem unnecessarily rustled, anon. I'm sure reading the electoral platforms from actual leftist parties will tell you more about what those leftist parties and their voters want than reading stormfag propaganda.

>> No.8714859


>You seem unnecessarily rustled, anon. I'm sure reading the electoral platforms from actual leftist parties will tell you more about what those leftist parties and their voters want than reading stormfag propaganda.

It tells me the left isn't full communist anymore. It tells me that actual communist parties aren't gaining any votes anywhere, despite them being legion. And where they gained control, they're utter shitholes or only pay lip service to the idea ( China ).

That's how bad your political movement is doing.
Your revolution will never come. You are wasting your fucking life. Don't you realize that?

>> No.8714866

>It tells me the left isn't full communist anymore. It tells me that actual communist parties aren't gaining any votes anywhere, despite them being legion. And where they gained control, they're utter shitholes or only pay lip service to the idea ( China ).
That is not entirely correct, and the link wasn't exclusively about communist parties. But more importantly, it's irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.8714887

Most of the laws benefiting labor and healthcare?

>> No.8714889

I'm searching about leftist parties in my country and I can tell you most of those are either dead, irrelevant, their websites not even functional and some not even leftist.
And I can assure you from my own experience that in those parties the only matters that are discussed are feminism, inmigrants, gay rights etc.. (aka SJW)

>> No.8714891

What country are you from, anon?

>> No.8714895


>> No.8714921

Cool. Let's analyze the links that work:

>El Partido Carlista como foco de resistencia ideológica al Neoliberalismo tiene como objetivo prioritario generar una nueva pedagogía política y lograr la formación integral de sus militantes. Nuestra labor como organización participativa y autogestionaria es organizar resistencias, contribuir a la concienciación de las clases populares y promover su participación en la creación de todo tipo de alternativas al orden socio-político vigente. El Partido Carlista se configura como una herramienta de formación, debate, participación y lucha en los diferentes Países del Estado Español.

>El Partido Comunista tiene como fin único la revolución social; rechaza todo programa mínimo: de la acción política hace una plataforma de propaganda y de ataque a la burguesía; sobre las ruinas del régimen parlamentario y de la democracia burguesa, desacreditadas para siempre, establece el régimen soviético, único capaz de realizar la dictadura del proletariado, dictadura que será necesaria mientras la clase capitalista conserve el deseo de explotar el trabajo humano.

No summary of their ideology, but don't see anything related to identity politics.

>Hoy se libra en todo el mundo una batalla gigantesca. Bajo la bandera del comunismo se amparan dos posiciones de clase antagónicas, dos corrientes ideológicas y políticas irreconciliables: el marxismo-leninismo-pensamiento Mao Tse-tung y el revisionismo contemporáneo. Ambos se disputan la dirección del movimiento revolucionario y de la clase obrera de todos los países. De quién vencerá a quién depende el porvenir de la humanidad por muchas largas décadas.

>Lo primero que hemos de decir es que somos una organización de personas que tratan de cambiar una sociedad que no les gusta por desigual, injusta, autoritaria y, en las más de las veces, irracional. Para ello trabajamos en muy diversos campos de lo cotidiano, de lo sindical a todo lo que tenga que ver con lo social, luchando por reparar a cada instante las injusticias que nos rodean.
>Si por encima de todo ponemos la libertad individual y la igualdad de cuantas personas componemos esta organización, no podemos sino hacer lo propio con las entidades que constituimos. La organización de abajo hacia arriba, el federalismo, es lo que nos caracteriza. Según ello, y en el terreno sindical, diversos niveles actúan con total autonomía y se coordinan entre sí para ser más eficaces. La afiliación se organiza primero en su sindicato que constituye el núcleo básico y soberano de la organización.

Char limit. Do i keep going? I've read nothing about what /pol/ cries about and has supposedly taken over the left so far.

>> No.8714961
File: 34 KB, 304x475, 1478871170280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to BTFO all Marxists and Commies?
Pic related and Dostoevsky.
If they still claim Marxism is mankind's saviour, then you know for sure they are mentally ill.

>> No.8714988


Do you own capital?

>> No.8714999


>implying price theory isn't literal shamanism

>> No.8715001
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>> No.8715005

I was going through the links from top to bottom to not be biased. I know nothing about the party besides what i just read.

>> No.8715012

>>the problem is that it's a utopian ideology that grip people in a dangerous mania


>> No.8715665
File: 2.74 MB, 1154x1500, smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong. Even Orwell knew that fascism/fascist was a buzzword.

Read his Notes on Nationalism.

>> No.8715698

Orwell was a hack with zero intellectual consistency

>> No.8715718



Idiots like you make it fun for me to use Orwell against Lefties.

>> No.8715725

Nice argument.
He's a good fiction writer but when it comes to his political theory its a useless mess because he had no framework or idea of structure, constant contradictions based on whatever he felt at a time. He was always nothing but a journalist in the end, not an intellectual

>> No.8715729


>> No.8715743

I'm a libertarian, but I'd definitely side with fascists over Marxists.

>> No.8715763

You're a propertarian

>> No.8715797

Just googled that, and it turns out I totally am. I'm literally everything that is good in the world.

>> No.8715809

2/3 is accurate and a great insight
That last 1/3 requires religion-tier faith.

Ironically, religion says things will ultimately not change that much because of human nature.

>> No.8715813

What a surprise.

>> No.8715816

t. someone who doesn't understand Marx

Tell me where there are any leaps of faith in Marx's theory

>> No.8715876

can you (or anyone else) explain to me how they have reached the conclusion that there is some human nature independent of the material conditions and other historical circumstances in which every single instance of human experience and behavior takes place?

>> No.8715885


Don't. Read Evola instead.

>> No.8715917

if you want to cut all ties to reality

>> No.8715947
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>Believing in a romanticized ideology made by angsty teenage neets.

>> No.8715949

Correction, Marx was an angsty adult neet

>> No.8716128


> evola

He might as well read a transcript of every /pol/-thread. In terms of insight and detachment from reality they're about the same.

>> No.8716298

It's Biology. Humans are basically vessels for genes. That's what we do, assure the survival of our genes and those of our closest kin. I'm going to strive for what my father strove for and his father before him strove for all the way down to the primordial muck. everything else is illusion. Marxism/SJW/hating one's own race is evolutionary defeat.

>> No.8716317

So you just jumped from closest kin to a broad and arbitrary ethnic division that covers over a billion people.

>> No.8716347

Well, I prefer to preserve the race which created all great science and patrician literature, instead of the race that created 'twerking' and the knockout game

>> No.8716356
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>> No.8716358

You've just jumped from pretending you have some pseudo-scientific argument to falling back on spouting memes

>> No.8716366

so why do you want your race to go extinct?

>> No.8716376

You've gone from spouting memes to being a living meme