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8710390 No.8710390 [Reply] [Original]

How may times does he have to be right until people start to listen?

>> No.8711342
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>> No.8711350
File: 1.99 MB, 360x204, peter-hjtchens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8711364
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>> No.8712182

Explain exactly what he was right about.

>> No.8712202 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 500x330, Hitchens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8712278

I can't get past his pro-life views. I just love abortions so much.

>> No.8712293

Shall we just start with the once? I mean presumably it should be one or more, though practically that isn't always a prerec

>> No.8712296

Go once a week for that saline cleanse bro.

>> No.8712303

Hello Roastie

>> No.8712328

Of course he picks fucking Housman and his imaginary lost England. Fucking Hitchens never disappoints.

>> No.8712331
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x720, 1424643333051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8712332

Waiting for the first time it happens

>> No.8712336 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 269x474, 1445473197530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind your tongue, this is a blue board.

>> No.8712393

There is no need to wait.

>> No.8712455

He's a hack.

He doesn't follow the true teachings of Christ.

He's one of these phony right-wingers that adopts Christian values to seem moral and virtuous in front of others whilst contradicting Christ himself in the next sentence.

He is the epitome of a charlatan. The fact he keeps parroting the same same several ideas of anti-abortion, leave eu, more police on streets, grammar schools and anti-drugs is incredibly grating and makes him a parody of himself.

I say this despite agreeing with him on many things but one cannot deny, he is the ultimate charlatan.

>> No.8712466

see >>8711350

>> No.8712478

Excuse me?

>> No.8712482

>judiasm intensifies

>> No.8712483

There is no motive to care about the truth when it comes to most things, for example most of us will never have a practical use for special relativity, we could declare it false with no negative consequences to our actions.

>> No.8712533

>not realising peter isn't actually a believer but is merely pretending to fulfill his ego as part of his stirnerian master plan

>> No.8712549

Why do you have to be so cringey?

>> No.8712552

Just listened to a conference he participated in on the role of prisons in the UK
Excellent listen

>> No.8712553

you just fell into my trap, roach
little plaything

>> No.8712582

Maybe if he provided evidence of his claims instead of either using confirmation bias or regurgitation people would listen to him.

He's a pseud.