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/lit/ - Literature

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8710653 No.8710653 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8710665

my bitacora to be honest

>> No.8710690

Fear and Loathing is Las Vegas...not necessarily about drugs but linked desu

>> No.8710707
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>> No.8711047
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also Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, Junky by Burroughs, Cocaine by pitigrilli, The Grass Arena by John Healy, anything by hubert selby jr,

>> No.8711399
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Not pictured: "Opium Fiend: A 21st-Century Slave to a 19th-Century Addiction" by Steven Martin

>> No.8711401

>posting worst Hitchens

>> No.8711403


Just skip straight to Hubert Selby Jr lad

>> No.8711452

Currently reading acid dreams and can confirm, the book is great, packed full of detail

>> No.8711698

Speaking of Hubert. How different is the novel of Requiem for a Dream compared to the movie.

I always see the comparison between the movie adaptation of Requiem and Trainspotting(and at least in my opinion RFAD adaptation decides to portray the story in a similar way to a horror movie, meanwhile Trainspotting to walks between a realistic way and something out of a music video).

>> No.8711715

In my country trainspotting is everything

>> No.8711754
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>> No.8711945

Don't let your imam hear you blaspheme Achmed

>> No.8712989

Naked Lunch takes the cake.

>> No.8713032

Jesus son by Denis Johnson

>> No.8713034
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>> No.8713055

>randomly pick out a modern memoir
>90% of the time its about someones trouble with drugs
oo boy, like i dont hear enough about that from my friends. seriously, why is there such a fascination with getting high? its not that great, unless its something like heroin which is a red flag for me

>> No.8713090

Ever wonder why you're not one of the greats? ;^)

>> No.8713094


/lit/ is a StraightEdge board your disgusting druggie fantasies are NOT WELCOME HERE.

So get the FUCK out and KILL YOURSELFS before your addictions get the better of you and you resort to theft or murder to sustain them.

xXStraightEdgeXx 4 lyfe.

>> No.8713223


Ernst Junger - Approaches: Drugs and Ecstatic Intoxication

Go read it.

>> No.8714683
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here are a few good ones

>> No.8715921

>getting high? its not that great
You've never done acid or mdma i presume

>> No.8716921


>> No.8717033
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Also, The Teachings of Don Juan, by Carlos Castenada and Junky, by Burroughs.

>> No.8717044

Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly is the most brilliant novel about drugs and drug user's I've read.

I've been one and I can tell that he really knows them.

>> No.8717049
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Ale faza, ja pierdole.

>> No.8717470

Drugs arent very /lit/, more /tv/

>> No.8717495

Some of the greatest works of literature have been written under the influence of drugs or were inspired by them. Burroughs, DeQuincy, Huxley, Kerouac...

Drugs are more /lit/ than /tv/

>> No.8717522
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>> No.8717534

I was talking about enhancement thing. Drugs and reading does not match that perfectly. And your choices certainly arent greatest

>> No.8717573
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>> No.8717853

You don't know much about the proper use of psychedelics. Their effect is not the same as the 'trippy' process while taking them.

>> No.8718119

>Burroughs, Kerouac
>some of the greatest works of literature

Man, how does being 19 feel? I've actually forgotten. Please become more well read, m8.

>> No.8718850

I've read quite a bit and Burroughs is underrated. Have you read him?

>> No.8718895
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>> No.8719028
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If you like the red hot chili peppers you will probably enjoy it

>> No.8719078
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>> No.8719085
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You're welcome OP...

>> No.8719092

Do you mean microdosing?

>> No.8719330


I once listened to an audiobook of The Sisters by James Joyce at 360 mcg of acid. It was on the comedown, but still it was awesome. I felt like I had a deeper understanding and I could imagine the everything in great detail.

>> No.8719455

I'm not >>8718850
but the original poster and I'm 24
I didn't mean to imply Burroughs was the height of literature, his work is just a really good example of drug-related literature

I agree with >>8717534
with exceptions of cannabis, maybe coffee and some other drugs that I believe do enhance reading

Drugs without a doubt enhance writing

>> No.8719750

It such a shame that most of his works are not translated.

>> No.8720405

>Drugs without a doubt enhance writing
This. This is not a secret, I hope.

>> No.8720435


>> No.8720437

In High School I smoked DMT before doing my SAT and I made a perfect score on the writing and reading comprehension portion.

>> No.8720450


>> No.8720954
