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8710466 No.8710466 [Reply] [Original]

I travel a lot, and need ebooks to read.

I bought boox c65s twice. I liked it a lot, but each time, after around year of daily usage, screen would break up for no apparent reason.

What are other viable readers at this price range? Or was this just an accident and I should buy the same one again, since outside of endurance it was all I expected?

>> No.8710478

Why don't you just buy a kindle instead of buying cheaper ones more often?

>> No.8710587

do you need to buy kindle books?

>> No.8710600

Nah, epubs work

>> No.8710608

what about pdfs?

>> No.8710611

I have a Kindle paperwhite, and I love it, but do NOT buy one if you plan on using .epubs / PDFS, both formats are horrid on the device.
When you convert them in Calibre either to azw3 or .mobi however, they work fine.

>> No.8710613

what's the best one for pdfs then? I read mostly philosophy books and they are always pdf.

>> No.8710616

I was buying cheaper ones because I don't have (nor need, usually) a lot of money, but I'm guessing you're right.

There are cheaper versions with commercials available. From my understanding they won't bother you while you read, but is it still possible to hack the device and get rid of them?

>> No.8710618

actually nevermind that, I did my google search

>> No.8710620

Wouldn't know. There are a few PDF converters that work decently - albeit never perfectly. I only have experience with Kobo (forgot which model) and the Kindle Paperwhite, both of which read PDFs, but rather slowly, and require you to zoom in/out as well in order to read the text.

From what I've read the Sony DPT-S1 is the ultimate beast for PDF reading, which is why it costs a shitton of money as well.

>> No.8710636

Is there anything wrong with kindle 7 touch?

>> No.8710640

I'm a poorfag so I guess I'll have to find a way.

>> No.8710651

If you nearly exclusively read PDFs, I honestly would just opt for a cheapish tablet. There's a bunch of software that yellows the display a little (like f.lux) so it doesn't tire your eyes.

>> No.8710657
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Just get a kindle. PDFs look shit but you throw them trough calibre and it's super fucking easily converted into a more decent format for the device.

Hell on my Paperwhite I can even read Manga halfway decently. Pic related. (some manga translations ram tiny fucking text into their panels, those are basically worthless) so it all works pretty well.

>> No.8710662

I have a Galaxy Tab S2 that has a "Reading Mode" option, it doesn't compare to an e-ink display of course but it's a big improvement still.

>> No.8710676

I was one of these fags who always thought "why would I read on a device instead of an actual book. It can't be as good. just can't" and then I eventually got a kindle in 2013 and.. holy shit was I wrong. These things are fucking amazing. And thanks to internet Piracy I'm reading WAY more than I ever did before.

>> No.8710681

Definitely, me too.

>> No.8710896

Is the Kindle Paperwhite bullshit? I was watching a video review and it kind of seemed like a piece of shit. Is the interface really as sluggish as it appears?

>> No.8710899

I've had a Paperwhite for like two years, liked it a lot.
I had a Touch before that and it was definitely a noticeable improvement.

>> No.8710944
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I bought a Kobo Glo HD recently. I'm on the fence as to whether it was a good purchase or not, primarily because I haven't tried a Kindle Paperwhite for comparison.

The Kobo's response to touch is dog-slow. Hold-pressing over a word should bring up the dictionary but a minority percentage of the time flips the page, depending on where the word is on the screen. The too-few backlight LEDs leave sizable shadows near themselves on the edge of the screen, which is very noticable at lower luminence. Despite a thick bezel surround, the screen will occasionally register a touch while holding the device without contacting the screen--I suspect the bezel is clamping to the screen in my grip and that is being registered as a touch.

On the plus side, the DPI is great and the price was cheaper than the Kindle. I also don't need to muck about in Amazon's walled cesspool. Unfortunately Kobo has stopped selling the Glo HD directly because they're segmenting their market and moving the 300DPI screen to a higher price tier.

>> No.8711441
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I particularly don't have issues reading PDFs on my Kindle with KOreader (pic related). I can't change fonts or line spacing, but it doesn't bother me that much.

On the other hand, plain, unformatted texts are a pain in the ass when the font is too small.