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8706966 No.8706966 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write a gay character?

>> No.8706977

make them say FAAAAABULOUS! a lot

>> No.8706978

you write him as a massive fucking faggot

>> No.8706979

It's easier to write what you know so you should probably go suck some cocks.

>> No.8706981

Just read your own diary, desu

>> No.8706999

Write a man with normal human cravings for love and companionship, except he's trapped in a world of degenerate lust-crazed zombies, walking embodiments of cheesy porno cliches who don't even know what monogamy is, who worship filth and willingly contract diseases for the sake of their hedonism.

Write about how he wades through all these animalistic, unfaithful psychopaths trying to find a single one who thinks with his heart first and his dick second, or even to find a friend and someone who understands his situation, but all he ever gets is more disappointment and disgust.

Then write about everyone else acts like the disgusting behavior is normal and "courageous," and constantly encourages him and the others to be even more disgusting, to be even more stereotypical and one-dimensional, while they all get to experience love.

>> No.8707000
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Is that what this book is about?

>> No.8707002 [DELETED] 


>> No.8707004

t. Trump

>> No.8707008


Are you one of those retards? Trump is just fine with gays.

>> No.8707013

t. Trump damage control drone

>> No.8707019

hey there Rabbi, whatchu doing...

>> No.8707020

>Is a perverted piece of shit
>Angry when the rest of the perverts are also perverted pieces of shit

>> No.8707021


>> No.8707026 [DELETED] 

I like your songs though, Kele, get back together with Bloc Party soon, k?

>> No.8707032
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Underrated post. :(

>> No.8707203

Yeah, that's pretty accurate to what I felt during my teens. But then you grow the fuck up and learn to accept and make the best of your shitty underprivileged life and stay single until you find a proper relationship. Same reason why I don't look into LGBT news and issues. It's too much of a bother, it's never anything nice, and the situation is not going to get any better in this generation, or even the next one. You just have to understand that and live up to your own ideals regardless of what others do, or else you'll never get out of that shitty spiteful state of mind.

Also saying that most homosexuals are massive perverts is ridiculous. You're just looking in the wrong places. I know plenty of other gays who are normal people. Here's a hint: if you want friends or actual relationships, don't go to sleazy bars, clubs and dating apps. That's where people go to fuck. Makes sense when you actually think about it, doesn't it.

>> No.8707207

This is what most people are like though.

Fuck hedonists, the day will come when they will die from liver poisoning and/or STDs.

>> No.8707589

You don't.

>> No.8707607

with a word processing software. you can also write with pen and paper if you have those nearby.

good luck OP!

>> No.8707611

Dont tell the audience they are gay because it isnt important to the plot

>but hollywood!
Congratulations on having entry level taste, please fuck off to the latest bioware game please.

>> No.8707613

This made me kek

>> No.8707622

This post is homophobic and demeaning to the LGBT community! Shame on you for being on the wrong side of history! If I knew who your employer was I would send this to them and see how they would react to finding out they're employing a disgusting homophobe!!!


>> No.8707632

It's so, so much worse in the gay """"community""""

>> No.8707647

Insightful mane

>> No.8707894

if you want it to be good,the same way you write any other. if you want it to be le progressive than google some struggle, have every other character freak out over sexuality, have their parents kick them out and have them suffer till they find an accepting space

>> No.8707911

write a male who didn't quite fit in when he was a boy and felt effeminate but couldn't put it into words, even though if you talk to him as an adult you would probably not think of him sa gay, he might be sensitive on some level and also wants to rape straight boys

>> No.8707914

stage: denial

lasting monogamy is statistically nonexistent among gay men, bro

the CDC says that within a generation, 50% of gay and bi men will have HIV by age 50

>> No.8707921

>lasting monogamy is statistically nonexistent among gay men, bro
It also definitely happens. For a number of reasons gay people often do not pursue long term monogamy, but some do successfully.

>> No.8707929




>> No.8707945
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>> No.8707948

Male homos are as close as a man can become a woman, without being a woman. homos still fail to see that quality is what matters, once you get an access to quantity, but male homos are stuck to quantity over quality.

>> No.8707950

i have neither desu

>> No.8707952

>Here's a hint: if you want friends or actual relationships, don't go to sleazy bars, clubs and dating apps. That's where people go to fuck. Makes sense when you actually think about it, doesn't it.
Most people fail to see this. Just like depressed people fail to see that listening to sad music entertain their sadness.

>> No.8707969


What would sjws ever do if ____ism was eradicated? Who would read their tweets, buy their books, or watch their videos?

Face it Miss Chastain, you need us like a remora fish needs a shark.

>> No.8707991
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write a suicide note

>> No.8708077

What are you talking about? Did you even read what I said? I literally said the (gay) world is going to shit and the only thing you can do is to live your life the way you want to, no matter how depraved the rest are, otherwise you'll just be unhappy forever. How's that denial? It's acceptance and conformity.

And while technically it's impossible for the HIV situation to get any better, it's a blatant exaggeration. Not only can can you not accurately predict the development and spreading of a virus like that (it also fluctuates based on country, region, race, age etc), but also I doubt the census is recent enough to include the distribution of PrEP. If it becomes a big thing, which it doubtlessly will in the next few years, it'll make people practically immune to catching the virus.

So yeah, anon. look into your shit before trying to talk about it, and don't believe the first thing you see on the internet.

>> No.8708099

>it's a blatant exaggeration. Not only can can you not accurately predict the development and spreading of a virus like that

Google what the "CDC" is.

>> No.8708107

Like I said
>not only can you not accurately predict the development and spreading of a virus like that
>I doubt the census is recent enough to include the distribution of PrEP
(since it's a 2016 thing)
That's just a worst case scenario situation. I'm not one to be blindly optimistic, and I myself hate what the gay community is despite being part of it, but it's just being realistic. Maybe that'll be the case in a handful of the larger US cities, but I don't see it happen in Europe or the majority of the world.

>> No.8709003

- as many clichés as possible
- morals
that would make the perfect mix

>> No.8709373

write a straight character, then make him kiss a dude

>> No.8709382

You claim in interviews that he was gay all along without it having anyone relevance to the character at all. Just in case someone hasn't made an obligatory Rowling sucks point.

>> No.8709388

Write him how you would any other character, then make him suck a dick. Maybe two if you wanna really highlight the gay.

>> No.8709424

How do you suck a dick?

>> No.8709436

Make them break out into show tunes at very predictable but inappropriate times. Give him a porno name and a very very long list of multiracial lovers with other porno names that are brought in for dialogue. Have them join into the show tunes even if they are not in that scene. Describe him in a different outfit every scene, preferably elaborate (this works better in a visual medium, since it is unexpected and much more visual.)

Write it like Ulysses but in New York. Cram a few hundred lovers into Gay Day and enough show tunes that it could work as a staged performance. Cover every other facet of unapologetically stereotypical gay life with absolutely no sentiment or sincerity.

Have it start with a gay dream, then a gay wake with the first gay lover next to him. Gay sleep should be with the very first lover he ever had but a promise that he is not planning to settle down, just that he's gone through all the good gay men in the city so he needs to start from the beginning again. Then continue the gay dream from where it ended. Make sure there are show tunes in the dream, as he wakes up, a few times every hour, during an actual visit to the Broadway theatre, just before he goes to bed, and continue whatever song he was in the middle of when he woke up from the opening dream.

Describe every form of gay sex possible, a few times every hour. All with his former lovers. His goal is to set up a mass orgy between them all, but every time he meets up with one he fucks them. Reverse chronological order. 17 years later write a second book solely describing the orgy, "[Protagonists] Wake"
Never make it obvious that it's an orgy, make sure to include lots of show tunes including fan favorites from the first book.

Fuck you.

>> No.8709823

>cravings for love and companionship
It's nothing more than a fetish you cuck.

>> No.8709983

Here's how to write a gay character:

>low IQ
>herd mentality
>toilet humor
>anal fixation
>wants to become a woman
>loves to be beat up and berated

>> No.8710013
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Okay as a bisexual i will tell you there are three types of gays

1. Ultra feminine queen who is an annoying faggot and listens to terrible top 40 music

2. Ultra masculine top who only does manly things, but also sucks dick

3. ugly gay people who won shut up about being gay and post on tumblr everyday about how they are LGBTQIBBQSTPLOL and their whole life is an empty shell that revolves around identity politics

>> No.8710186

>dumb homophobe kids on /lit/
Holy shit, this thread is disgusting. I don't know why, but I expected more. You deserve Trump to ruin your country even more than it already is.

>> No.8710318

Hahahaa, cry harder libtard

Eat some HIV-infected shit from your bf's asshole

>> No.8710336

I don't remember saying I was gay myself, but bigotry is the downfall of humanity.
Back to your infected containment hole, fucker.

>> No.8710702


real homosexual here

some things you should take into account

-homosexuality is a curse, a mental illness, the joy of gay parades is a farce.

-their fear of dying alone, in an apartment, with only a cat as company, who will partially eat the corpse before the body is found because the bad smell reached the neighbours.

If you are gay you end up like that, or you die young living a promiscuous life, or you become a priest, or you become a closetted homosexual and have women and kids to not die alone.

- their close relationship to their mother, which for them will be the only woman of their lives

-diva worship and gay icons, instead of discussing about sports they have Mariah Carey vs Whitney Houston arguments. This is a generalization and it varies depending on the cultural level of the fag, it is different for opera levels among whom gays are very over represented.

-how bullied they were in childhood, even before their sexuality was awoke, there were clues the fag notices of how he was not normal as a kid. One time he wore his mother's clothes when he was 4, how he didnt care and was bad at the sport kids loved, how he liked shows for girls like Jem more than normal boys, etc.

>> No.8710733


>> No.8710744

Think of a heterosexual, then take away reason and accountability.

>> No.8710791


>> No.8711067

So basically the average white man.

>> No.8711113

If I stay a handholdless touchless dateless virgin will I not be degenerate?

>> No.8712083

write a woman trying to pose as a vain man.

>> No.8712117


>> No.8712124

Fuck, I came here to post this.

>> No.8712194 [DELETED] 

yeah f*ck those unreasonable white men! always working jobs and raising families! the bastards!

>> No.8713175


>> No.8713197

>He believes sexuality is fixed

>> No.8713201

It is 'fixed' in each particular person, if you're not into women, you won't be into women out of the blue.

>> No.8713218

Depends on the environment, but if his surroundings don't have anything against being a fag then like any other person.

>> No.8714216

how embarrassing to be you

>> No.8714249


>> No.8714279
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>> No.8715100

Also "Ooh!" and "(name)-boy" a lot.

>> No.8715115
File: 749 KB, 640x624, 1472433343914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it in the ass for the experience, it will help you write

>> No.8715276

Insults used to tickle a bit... Faux-teens don't even pretend anymore, standards shrink by the minute, it's alarming.

>> No.8715576


Yeah. But just so you know, feeding your sense of moral superiority is a lot less fulfilling than feeding your desire for human companionship.

>> No.8715613

im completely unlovable as a human, a piece of living trash. theres no chance of companionship

>> No.8715633


Even trash belongs somewhere, anon.

>> No.8715640

in the trash can where its forgotten because its worthless

>> No.8715644


Worth is relative though.

>> No.8715647

relative to anyone im worthless

>> No.8715653

I don't know. Just write a regular character, only they're gay. In every other way they're normal.

>> No.8715654

gays are worthless
kill us all

>> No.8716087

Making him a cute trap of curse, or lesbian

>> No.8716300

Hopeless, all-consuming obsession with straight men ("real" men).

>> No.8716305


I'm pretty sure any character you write would be gay as shit to begin with.

>> No.8716308


his freedom will set new standards for international politics, this is important to keep moving forward and making sure the clinton machine and its friends are buried.
this was only possible thanks to julian.
kek works through julian.

>> No.8716314


Don't you mean Snowden? Julian isn't on US charges, a US pardon doesn't actually get him out of the embassy. Snowden on the other hand is being charged.

>> No.8716335

>How do you write a gay character?

Make the character incidentally gay.

These questions never make any sense. How do you make a straight character? Do you need to have a plot-related justification for including a straight character? Does the straight character need to convey a political or social message? Probably not. Then why do you apply any such demands to the inclusion of a gay character?

Who cares if some idiots accuse you of pandering because you have a character who happens to be gay.

>> No.8716339

>t. Trump damage control drone

To be fair, I don't think Trump really gives a shit about any social policies. He's a corporate shill. All he wants to do is run the economy into the ground to benefit the 1% as much as possible.

Pence on the other hand...

>> No.8716379

But if you go anywhere else, approaching someone is considered "creepy", unless of course you're a handsome man or at least an average - well at least nice tits - woman.

>> No.8716398


>> No.8716950

>experience, it will help you write
I wanted to write a female-on-male rape scene with terrifying accuracy, so I drugged and raped a poor sap.

>> No.8716983

america is dead