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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 790 KB, 1065x813, Peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8703881 No.8703881 [Reply] [Original]

Pleb/patrician squabbles nonwithstanding, is this a historic moment? I'm a canadafag, and I deeply admire this man's conviction and dignity under fire.

>> No.8703892

>there are a generation of grown men who think 'Pepe the meme frog', 'meme magic' and 'praising Lord KEK' is funny

Aren't these the same people who complain about numales?

>> No.8703894 [DELETED] 

I apologize for the syntax error(s)

>> No.8703900
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'Big Dick' Nick beat him to the punch

>> No.8703902
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>> No.8703904

Yeah, it's mostly just /pol/ and /r9k/. It doesn't diminish my admiration for Peterson though, I live in one of the most liberal parts of Canada, and really appreciate him opening up the conversation about the bullshit that's happening on campuses.

>> No.8703912

I'm mistaken."Liberal" isn't the right word, leftist is probably closer.

>> No.8703914

yeah this shit is at it's zenith now. it will go down after trump looses

>> No.8703916

>having a sense of humor
>in the current year
I know right? I thought we'd progressed past things like jokes by now.

>> No.8703920

If Trump loses it will get worse. And this shit involves more than just US politics.

>> No.8703922

The 'Praise Lord KEK'-thing is the most reddit thing to ever hit 4chan

>> No.8703925
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>> No.8703930

>reddit used to be memed as ribbit
The spooks are scaring me guys...

>> No.8703931

this. shows how reddit nick land and his followers are too

>> No.8703932

I don't give a shit what people find funny. You sound like old men shaking their heads at these strange "memes" all the kids seem to be into nowadays.

>> No.8703935

>If Trump loses it will get worse.
Eh, maybe for a few single moms.

>> No.8703936

/lit/'s had a massive reddit infestation ever since the /lit/ chart topped 1,000,000 views on the front page of reddit, don't act surprised

>> No.8703938

>single moms
>supporting Trump

>> No.8703941

Woah, no need to be so butt blasted buddy.

>> No.8703945

4chan's had a massive reddit infestation since like 2012 dude

>> No.8703946
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>> No.8703948

So the idea is like their frog babies are supporting Trump and then said frog babies have a tantrum when Trump loses.

>> No.8703949

>butt blasted
Reddit gtfo.

>> No.8703951

That's legit a 4chan meme boyo

>> No.8703958

Is that any really worse than infestations from /b/ /pol/ or /r9k/?

>> No.8703961

The reddit meme is itself a spook.

>> No.8703967

/b/ is not really able to infest anywhere, and they don't really raid anymore either. /pol/ I consider a non-4chan board infested by outsiders. /r9k/ is a weird one since /lit/ is an /r9k/ derived board but /r9k/ is not as it was back then.

>> No.8703979


>The 'Praise Lord KEK'-thing is the most reddit thing to ever hit 4chan

yes and no. it is both reddit and deep 4chan at the same time.

it depends entirely on who is saying it, and since we have no way of knowing for sure KEK remains chaotic and elusive.

>> No.8703983

>deep 4chan
No such thing duder. You are able to passively gain 4chan culture with lurking moar because everything is surface.

>> No.8703984

Thanks for the answer. Can you go more in depth about /pol/ being a non-4chan board? I don't necessarily disagree, I just haven't thought of it that way before. I'd also be interested in learning about what /r9k/ was like back in the day.

>> No.8703986

that shit is all memed by some trump troll accounts on twitter

>> No.8703988

Considering Peterson was referencing an obscure mythological deity, idk what website I would classify it as.

>> No.8704057

I wrote a longer post but the system felt it looked like spam. Essentially /r9k/ was polite and gentleman /b/. Now it's very much like /jp/ used to be or probably still is. /pol/ was a board called new, and early on they were invaded by a number of right wing internet communities.

>> No.8704066

No, it is very liberal, these are the fucking retards who gave weed man over 80 seats in the House.

>> No.8704129

That's what red dit says when you criticise them for liking kids shit.

Pepe is adventure time for lonely people.

>> No.8704133

>Is that any really worse than infestations from /b/ /pol/ or /r9k/?
they are one and the same

>> No.8704138

The Other Web Site

>> No.8704159
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/jp/ was actually fun.

>> No.8704194

How do girls rape girls?

>> No.8704213 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 446x501, 1478566718698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704221


Evola would have been very proud of this man, he refuses to stand back from his principles no matter the cost. We need more men like him.

>> No.8704226


>> No.8704232

No, there are more reddit things.

>> No.8704266
File: 11 KB, 171x266, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704272

>those dubs

hail kek!

>> No.8704277

/pol/ is literally the flagship board of this site. it's the sole source of originality and chaos magic we have left.

>> No.8704313

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8704365

do some critical thinking and read between the lines

>> No.8704380

>implying adventure time isn't adventure time for lonely people

>> No.8704392

Looks like a wannabe land

>> No.8704409

I'm unfamiliar with Nick Land. What is some essential writing of his?

>> No.8704512

His ideas are not new, interesting ones, but he is in a situation where he could actually reverse some of the neo-marxist.

Godspeed you, intellectually steadfast footsoldier of liberty.

>> No.8704516

*neo-marxist damage