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/lit/ - Literature

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8695427 No.8695427 [Reply] [Original]

How many books did you aim to read this year? How many have you read up until now?

>> No.8695432


last year I aimed for 50 books, ended up near 100 and no social life.

this year I aimed for 100 books, ended up reading 20-30 and getting into a relationship and fixing all the problems in my life.

>> No.8695438

Is it normal to just read 3 or so books over and over again for the whole year

>> No.8695451

Which three were they?

was thinking of doing a book challenge thing this year, maybe starting with 50, but I don't want to read because of some made up obligation. What if it starts feeling like homework?

>> No.8695462
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I read these books this year. Now reading idiot and myth of sis

>> No.8695494
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I'm currently on book number 13. I was shooting for 20, but a couple of my selections ended up being a chore to slog through.

But I'm happy with most of them, and I forced myself to read a variety of genres instead of sticking to my comfort zone.

>> No.8695510
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This is a blue board

>> No.8695527

I try to read about 300 pages a week, so probably about 40-50 books per year.

>> No.8695536

I'm going for 50 books, 27 so far. I had only read 10 until September, but I'm reading 2-3 books per week now.

>> No.8695599

My goal was 10. I did 11, and will get maybe 2 more in.

Next year I'm shooting for 20.

>> No.8695614

My goal is always to read 52 (1 a week) but with only 6 weeks left I'm only at 32. Oh well

>> No.8695630

I don't aim for a specific number of books per year. Instead I aim to engage with particular works, authors, or movements. For example, I wanted to read more poetry and introduce myself to psychoanalytic and cyberpunk literature this year, all of which I did.

The book total came out to a bit over 30.

>> No.8695632

>How many books did you aim to read this year? How many have you read up until now?

My aim was 100. I have read 788 up until now.

>> No.8695653



Not going to make it.

>> No.8695663

I don't aim to do shit.
I've been reading about 5-20 a month so I don't know. I'm not keeping track.
This thread is as bad as nanowrimo people writing just to bump their word count.

>> No.8695673
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>tfw not going to make it.

>> No.8695709

Just 1, Infinite Jest.

Literature is over.

>> No.8695710
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Yes, that's all every nice everyone. But how many of the books that you've read are actually /lit/ tier and/or are of any literary merit?

>> No.8695766

I fucking hate that book. I could never get past the beginning, all he's talking about is tennis, school and math. This is a thousand page book, how are you going to convince people to make that investment with tennis/school/math? I could read like 5 books in that time.

Sure he's a nice writer but you can read his essays and still get the same thing. Am I wrong on this?

>> No.8695797

sebastian please stop embarassing us.
I aimed for 70, 56 so far lel

>> No.8695819

It is way, way, way more than tennis, school, and math. There is anxiety, depression, a dysfunctional family, addiction to weed and pills and most importantly: entertainment, and then some and then some...

"Sports." Anyone familiar or interested about reading the rigorousness of teenage sport training and why anyone would bother to ever put themselves through that, can get down on the sports bits. DFW's Michael Joyce essay supplements this, sure. And plus, this is probably about 10% of the novel, if that.

Chalking the rest up to just "school" and "math" is a disservice, and I'm gonna suggest you just read it yourself. It's good.

>> No.8695822

add "improve handwriting" to your goals

>> No.8695860

Have you been working out three times a week?

>> No.8695866

I've read a little over 30 books. A couple I've read twice.

I think what I've learned is that is important to have a target, but it's more important to get as much as you can out of a text

>> No.8695882

I read
Brave New World
The Doors of Perception/Heaven And HELL
The Green Mile
The Republic
Fear and Loathing
Call of the weird -L.Theroux
Animal Farm

Currently reading Freedom in Exile can anyone make any suggestions based on this list I'd say i enjoyed all of them to varying degrees

>> No.8695944

next year I want to read 200

>> No.8695952

read Fahrenheit 451

>> No.8695955

I planned to do at least 52, but shit got weird and didn't start reading until 4 weeks ago.
I'm at 14 now.
Making up for lost time.

>> No.8695958
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Ive sunken back to depression and so no i havent. I did tho work out 6 times a week back in september but realised it was all superfluous and just to show off. I thought id quit and focus on music and then depression and i am doing neither.
Thanks i get that a lot, which is why i type. How do you propose i improve my handwriting?

>> No.8695965

I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.8695974

Read about 60 books a year.
Have done for about 25 years now.

>> No.8695980

How old are you ?

>> No.8695990

so you aimed at 1 a week, waited until october, and then read one per day. are you reading golden books?

>> No.8695997

The first week I plowed through 6 Vonnegut novels, then polished off some novellas later on.
I plan to start the bigger ones when winter sets in here.

>> No.8696001

I've already seen the documentary though

>> No.8696012

I've read exactly 25, which was my goal. I'll probably make it to 30 but I won't update my goal because that's cheating.

You can improve by actively focusing on making your lettering look good. If you have an eye for aesthetics you know what a good word looks like so treat everything you write like an art piece. Doing writing exercises is unrealistic unless you're an unemployed neet so you have to improve by treating everything as an exercise.

>> No.8696024

I did not aim to read any books.

In the last 4 months I read 46 audio books like a true junky.

I learned a lot from it. It has had great effects on: My personal happiness, the relations I have with family&friends, self-control/confidence, imagination and general knowledge.

Some of the books I disliked, most I enjoyed. Out of 46 books about 40 were quite simple books and not very long. They just had a couple of interesting concepts which were made very clear in it. It were the kind of books I "always kind of wanted to read but not really am all that excited for".

I'd only recommend a couple of them: 1) Crucial Conversations 2) 7 habits of highly effective people 3) Gabriel Garcia Marquez' book One Hundred Years of Solitude 4) The five love languages 5) 8th Habit 6) The happiness advantage

>> No.8696039

>audio books

>> No.8696111

read 37

i'm behind. I was blazing through books in summer but school is slowing me down a lot.

>> No.8696120

>5-20 a month
So at lease one point this year you have read about 5 books every week for a month. Were they all short?

If you didn't like the start do not continue. You pretty much know what you are in for after the first 100 pages. If you don't like it already you will dislike the next 900.

Don't do that, the book is God awful.

>Doing writing exercises is unrealistic unless you're an unemployed neet
Spending an hour a day-and hour a day that can be spend listening to something-doing writing exercises is hardly unrealistic.

>> No.8696128

Just one book, since I have crippling ADHD.

>> No.8696132
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>It will take him his whole life to read what you do in one year

>> No.8696145

Off to watch tv or play some vidya instead of doing something patrician like reading.

>> No.8696180

i aimed for a book a month, and am currently reading my 12th book, a son of the sun, by jack london.

maybe i'll get to 15 this year, that would be nice, but there's lots of other things to do.

>> No.8696276
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>Spending an hour a day-and hour a day that can be spend listening to something-doing writing exercises is hardly unrealistic.

You can write and listen to something else at the same time? Are you a schizo or something? I can't even listen to songs with lyrics when reading, much less when writing. The closest I've come to multitasking language tasks is talking and reading in two different languages.

>> No.8696304

We aren't talking about creative writing or anything like that. It's just exercises. If you can listen to something and drive a car you can do this.

>> No.8696315


>> No.8696328


>> No.8696339

>Draw up to 5 hours a day
>Have no time to read books in-between drawing and posting on 4chan
>Can only watch one episode of JoJo's bizarre adventure a day at the most

I get depressed when I don't study something for the day.

>> No.8696357

My goal was 50 and I've read 29

>> No.8696363

I guess I can see that working with a pre-written sentence or word. I find that I can't form a sentence and listen to words at the same time.

How about you stop posting here? Clearly you enjoy drawing and I think you shouldn't cut any time from it but you gain little by posting here. Make a goal for yourself to browse 4chan only after you've finished 5 pages and soon enough you'll be reading a book a month.

Also post some artwork, nobody here draws so our standards are low.

>> No.8696369
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I don't really draw much because I'm constantly doing studies, but here you go. It's still bad, but I've since gotten better.

>> No.8696370

I was aiming for one each week, 52, but around July I started to focus on writing my own and I've only read once since.

>> No.8696376

>more than one
>more than one

I succeeded by a margin of about 15 which is not too bad considering last year I didn't read a single thing. Not one whole book. The year before that, all I read was Room.

>> No.8696383

It's pretty good anon. Have you read any books on drawing? I'm halfway through Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain but goddamn it's awful.

Writing is the only time you're exempt from reading I think.

>> No.8696387

Goal 0
I read books I want to read, not a specific number
I don't fucking count I'm not a stat whore

>> No.8696388

I'm reading a bunch of them. I'm currently running through Bridgman's constructive anatomy. When you get to that point if you want to draw people, Bridgman is the best person for anatomy. His drawings are bad quality, but that won't matter when you start to break them apart/re-draw them. His muscle groupings and writings are very informative, and when you combine his book with something like the website "Bio-digital human" and "Anatomy for sculptors" you've got some good stuff going on. Also, be sure to draw yourself in a mirror after you see the forms Bridgman breaks the human body down into to further cement it into your mind.

>> No.8696396

>So at lease one point this year you have read about 5 books every week for a month. Were they all short?
Some of them were short, some of them were long. 175-500 pages I think. It would be a bit weird if they were all the same length.

>> No.8696401

Bridgeman is only mentioned once in the /ic/ sticky, no wonder I've never heard of him. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.8696402

>Writing is the only time you're exempt from reading I think.
That's a good way of thinking about it.

>> No.8696470

Confirmed for pleb.

>> No.8696484

I aim to read fifty every year and I have read forty two so far so I'm on track.

>> No.8696488


I'm new to """""""""real"""""""""" literature, just getting started with classics and entry level stuff

>> No.8696516

Goal: 300
I passed it the other day

>> No.8696594

>Writing is the only time you're exempt from reading I think.
Reminder that sleeping and being dead is for non-reading plebs.

>> No.8696609

>I don't count the amount of books because I don't gloat
>Precedes to gloat about being better than everyone else in the thread

>> No.8696627

I'm assuming you're a NEET

>> No.8696703

Stop watching tv desu

>> No.8696726

I didn't plan to read a certain amount. 0

>> No.8696739

seek help you disgusting rat

>> No.8696745

Brave New World
fahrenheit 451

>> No.8696762

goal: 52
yet: 32
means i have to read twenty hundred-pagers till the end of the year

>> No.8696769

>getting into a relationship
>fixing all the problems in my life
A bit of an oxymoron don't you think?

>> No.8696967

Goal: 50

So far I've read like five or six.
I know, but please do not worry, I will kill myself soon.

>> No.8696971

don't say that

>> No.8696979

I set my goal when I was still somewhat a NEET but now I spent most of my day out and doing other stuff so just 14

>> No.8696999



>> No.8697009

See a therapist, anon

>> No.8697213

What are you talking about? Who say anything about being superior or more interesting because their taste in books?

>> No.8697225

Don´t worry I would never do anything to hurt you, anon.

>> No.8697229

I was serious though

>> No.8697237

I was too. I don´t know how to tell you this but... Anon... I....I-I love you Anon.

>> No.8697247

I love you too, Anon.

>> No.8697258


>> No.8697261

Lets get married in Patagonia then.

>> No.8697271

>You will never married in Patagonia and you no one will ever tell you in a very soft way that truly loves you.

>> No.8697280
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But I´m getting married with anon ;_;

>> No.8697654

Started reading "serious" literature in June and have read 23 works so far. I'm pretty happy with that.

>> No.8697664
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0 and 6
I also managed to read about 300 academic journal articles and no longer enjoy my field

>> No.8697567


>> No.8697608

i have 22 of the 24 books i set out to read this read. i read nearly all of them in the last 4 months. i think i'll up my goal for next year a little to 30 maybe.

>> No.8697632

I own 0 out of 32

>> No.8697976

Which ones did you like the best?
A general suggestions would be Siddhartha. It's good

>> No.8698136

It makes little sense to measure in books when you can move from The Spanish Tragedy to Clarissa to La Recherche.

Anyway, my goal is to read 100 pages a day, which roughly amounts to four hours.

>> No.8698801

I've done four this year because I've been reading ASOIAF, kek get mad

>> No.8698813

Why the fuck is Elliot Rodger's manifesto on there? Have you seen his videos? There's nothing interesting about his worldview.

>> No.8698858

>Theban plays
>Old Man and the sea
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Notes from Underground
>The Stranger
>Cien años de soledad
>The Road
>Taming of the Shrew
>Crime and Punishment
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Heart of Darkness
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
>Brave New World
>Moby Dick
>Of Mice and Men
>Grapes of Wrath
>The Metamorphosis

>> No.8699913

>writing out his goals
>fell for the napoleon hill meme

>> No.8699928

100, and I'm probably gonna make it, right on schedule. But I feel like I'm cheating since most of them are short non fiction crap books. Next year I'm probably going slower and with better books.

>> No.8699932

>Anyway, my goal is to read 100 pages a day, which roughly amounts to four hours.
100 pages is about an hour?

>> No.8699952

Around a 100 would be nice, I'm at 85 or so right now. Will finish up 2 books tomorrow and another 2 are around 1/3 read.
It's been a splendid reading year, my passion for it is always growing.

>> No.8699959

depends on what she's reading

100 pages of YA could easily be read in 30 minutes, but 100 pages of Borges? that's going to take some time to digest

>> No.8699967


>> No.8700071

>not assuming everyone on the internet is female

neck yourself

>> No.8700174

wanted to read 50. I'm at 40 now but I don't know if I'll make it unless I count books of the Bible seperately.

>> No.8701120

>he fell for the "fell for the [thing] meme" meme

>> No.8702286

>that mix

>> No.8702328
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I aimed for 10, have read 16. Maybe I should at least try for 30 next year.

>> No.8702332


>> No.8702375

52, I've read 67.

I'm sure I'll read a few more but I've been more into vidya and working out lately.

>> No.8702397

>working out lately.
Lifting heavy books and masturbating doesn't count.

>> No.8702473




>> No.8702485


>Crippled by a non existent disorder.

>> No.8702491


Even if you watched TV all day and didn't work and stopped and replaced it exclusively with reading you would get through a book a day unless most of the books were trash.

>> No.8702511

Can't remember how many I aimed for. I think I've read about eleven now. Most of them only around 300 pages though.

>> No.8702514

0, i have read 0 books and i don't even read

>> No.8702517

Went for 100, at 70 currently...I was ahead of schedule and then started drinking again. Haven't finished a book in the last 3 months ;_;

>> No.8702526


>> No.8702528

0 out of 40 now. The entire time i've been on /lit/ has been lurking and compiling & editing a list. Pretty fucked up since i've been here for so long.

>> No.8702565

That mother fucker is literally like 2nd in Germany for books read, its ridiculous I'm in awe of him

>> No.8702583

Aimed for 50, 62 right now. Life got in the way.
Next year it should be hundred including a few big ones.

>> No.8702624

I feel your pain. Between work, music, and French it's hard for me to fit in more than 100 or so pages a day.

>Posts Ozu
My nigga

>> No.8702626

>reading Infinite Jest
>Ahmed breaks into house
>Get killed

>> No.8702931

magazines don't count

>> No.8702964

so to the people with high number goals, how does it work? do you just rush through your books and start another one as soon as possible?

do you take notes on what you read? do you re-read passages? at what speed do you read? what do you feel you get out of reading?

i'm trying to understand where the line between reading so much it goes in one eye and out the other and actually absorbing the material is

>> No.8702980

haha get laid fag

>> No.8703009

>so to the people with high number goals, how does it work?
You don't care about the arbitrary number and just read because you have a passion for it. I read around 600 pages weekly because I like it and I have little to no social life outside of smoking with normies during study breaks.
>go to a cafe
>go home
>i'm trying to understand where the line between reading so much it goes in one eye and out the other and actually absorbing the material is
This very much depends on how much you like the novel. You will remember what you see as important to your life at that moment.
I don't reread unless I didn't get it, which is much more common with philosophy than it is with fiction.
I think I absorb a lot because people around me notice it, in any case I can discuss my thoughts with people who study philsophy as if I was studying it myself, or at least on a level which is not much lower than their. Of course I'm talking about friends who are good at it and not people who are just getting through.

>> No.8703023

Trying for 26
I'm on 23 but it's The Recognitions and it's taking me forever, still have over 200 pages to go.

>> No.8703058

If I read multiple books on the same subject (non-fiction), there's likely enough overlap between them that I can proceed fairly rapidly. Generally I have 3-4 books in progress that I read intermittently, usually focusing on different subjects so that I can keep them separate.

>> No.8703280

You you never read? That does kinda make it fucked up that you spend a lot of time here

>> No.8703758

I quite liked Room.

>> No.8703893

i didnt aim at any number

i already lost count

>> No.8704030

I read at least a book a week ever since I was a little kid, and can go through a paperback novel in a day when I'm on vacation or otherwise unoccupied. I don't watch TV or go out much, although I play in a successful bar band that gigs a couple times a month. I teach in a technical field (not computers or electronics related) and go through a lot of related books and manuals, but always have a stockpile of fiction, history, and "true crime" and war books lying around.

I figure I've read over 2,600 books so far, and will probably double that before I die unless I get hit by a bus or otherwise get cancelled.

>> No.8704062

>the trial
>the stranger
>genealogy of morals
>american pastoral
>alice in wonderland
>oedipus plays of sophocles
>4 shakespeare plays
>the iliad
>moby dick
>herodotus histories
>society of the spectacle
>the state and revolution
>part 1 of the german ideology
>ego and its own
>portrait of the artist as a young man
>2 dion fortune books about the occult
>the sound and the fury
>as i lay dying
>mao II
>wittgenstein's mistress
>foucault's pendulum

Currently reading Absalom, Absalom

>> No.8704393

like 20, got 5 now (almost 6)

It's going great.

>> No.8704506

In the past 7 years? Maybe 20.
I actually only started reading again last year. I've got around 2,000 books that I plan to plow through over the next ten years. Should be good.
And yeah, a lot of them are light novels and books purely in Japanese. They help me with my language studies.

>> No.8704599


>> No.8704662

Let's see
Crime and Punishment
Notes from Underground
100 Years of solitude
Love in times of Cholera
The time of the hero
The savage detectives
Distan Star
By night in Chile
Death in Venice
The trial
The sorrows of young werther
Pedro Páramo
The setting sun
No longer human
For whom the bell tolls
The old man and the sea
Open veins of Latin America
Heart of darkness
Plato´s dialogues
Descartes meditations
The tunnel (Sabato)
Various short stories from: García Marquez, Borges (Almost all of them), Kjell Askildsen, Cortazar, Thomas Mann, Kafka, Rulfo (El Llano en Llamas), Joyce (Dubliners), Faulkner, Pynchon, Juan Villoro, Bolaño, Maupassant.
A lot of poetry from: Alejandra Pizarnik, Borges, Octavio Paz, T.S Eliot, Whitman, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Joyce, Cesar Vallejo, Pablo Neruda, Pessoa, Nicanor Parra.

I´m surprised how much i´ve read considering i´m a college student and i don´t have a lot of free time.

>> No.8704679

I'll have read 50/51 books once I finish this tocqueville and zola soon.

I only started reading serious literature last year and took it up again this year in March. Tbh one of the most exciting things on a daily basis is looking for new books to read, it was the same when i downloaded a shit ton of movies to watch last year.

>> No.8705005

>being this redpilled
Why don't you just have a seat right over there OP, have a beer and watch some game of jews.

>> No.8705030

26. One every two weeks.

Im close (19), and I can probably pad my stats with shorter novels and day long reading once exams are over in three weeks, but i'm still pretty happy so far. I've never read this many books (lit) in a year.

>> No.8705053

This so much
Best year of my life up until now, just had to be a little machiavellic and now I enjoy being a man
Lifting does wonders too

>> No.8705108

Wut. I'm at the beginning of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. What's wrong with it?

>> No.8705140

No idea
A lot, I dont keep count

>> No.8705141
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About half of these are under 200 pages but it's still good given work and school. Pagecount is about 25k.

>> No.8705184

It's more time management than anything else. A modest 50 pages a day is 1500 a month. And when there are some three or four days a week when you can dedicate more attention than usual, it adds up. And if you practice this steady consistent reading, you become a better more discerning reader and can read larger chunks without sacrificing an ounce of comprehension. It's all cumulative. It's not as inconceivable as you make it out to be, just like anything it takes routine practice.

>> No.8705212
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Meh. Too much work plus infinite jest took me almost 3 months

>> No.8705326

>How many books did you aim to read this year?
As many as I want.
>How many have you read up until now?
As many as I wanted.

>> No.8705331


>> No.8705342

6 Gorillian / 6 Gorillian

>> No.8705367

16/24 ;__;