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File: 120 KB, 646x639, IMG_4973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8694572 No.8694572 [Reply] [Original]

I dare /lit/ to write one paragraph about this picture

>> No.8694583


>> No.8694695

it was a lucious booty
thick in tight blue jeans
it twas lit

w e w l a d

>> No.8694698

I dress like shit. My boyfriend dresses like shit. I have no sense of style.

>> No.8694704
File: 13 KB, 500x373, CJPrz1MVEAAghBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694709

Stay in school kids.

>> No.8694727

The camera had done its job. Every object, structure, and living thing not included within the viewfinder at the time the photo was taken had been removed from the world. A single oblong square of concrete stood a few feet away, the severed legs and torsos of the few unfortunate enough to be caught in the flash hovered a few inches off the ground, detached at the feet. At the edges of what remained was blackness. Nothing existed but what the camera saw. He projected his awareness in the direction that used to be down and saw the device fall away into the void, and at the same time noticed that he no longer had any physical form. Over the next eternity he became familiar with the small square of space which was now all that existed, every stitch, every atom, every subatomic particle: named, studied, and organized. Truly he had become the master of his world.

>> No.8694815
File: 52 KB, 554x554, 8faebe6ae92e35dcbbb54ef8bc908af1resNet10_m7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He masturbated quietly as to not alarm his flatmate and finished quietly on a piece of scrap paper that was a test from last year. In the dark his sleep deprivation psychosis is kicking in as it always does in the dark after a certain time. He relentlessly opens the clover app on his phone and browses his favourite board /lit for no reason in particular. Eyes reflecting the screen light and brain confused as to whether its tired or not, at least his back is resting from his 12+ hour attempt to make a beat that revolving around the motif of chairman mao, he sat at his desk for the whole time. Now eyes lit and mindlessly consuming the content, he sees this picture of what seems to be a girl's lower half that seems too tightly surrounded by a crafted fabric. It cant be healthy he thought, but what does he know about today's fashion standards. He didn't leave the house today, again. Chant of the templars sounds really good through his earphones but these earphones always make his ear uncomfortable. It would be wise to sleep now and not indulge in this internet addiction anymore he thoughts, so 4 am is where it ends. He finishes this sentence, bookmarks the thread in hope someone will reply tomorrow and give a little flavor to his life, and now is going to really sleep. Good night anons. Please dont 404 this thread before he comes back to check on this post.

>> No.8694868


Nice legline, but the buttocks aren't as defined as they could be. She should do some squats and go running instead of sitting all day. Well, compared to the chopsticks in the background, I guess she's passable.

>> No.8694909


One is thick
One is thin
To jail I will go
If I stick my penis in

>> No.8694961

Optimus Prime had sworn to protect mankind from the decepticons, not from himself. That was his excuse to justify the dishonorable thoughts teeming through his head at the thought of her Hank Hill ass through those jeans. His bulge crept it's way out from his chassis until it was but a few feet from his fetish. It was broad daylight, but his lycanthropic fever for Lucy lingered...
He lunged forward.

>> No.8694989

>hank hill ass

Spotted the virgin

>> No.8695006
File: 279 KB, 1280x1047, IMG_5373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this one

>> No.8695029
File: 1.43 MB, 320x232, firstprize.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creeper award of the month goes to you.

Being an ass connoisseur does not imply virginity. Spotted the ugly dude who's never laid finger on quality ass.

>> No.8695065

From underneath the desk of classroom make
My camera eye does a juicy ass espy;
I'd like to lay my hands on 't, for God's sake!
Sit those cheeks on my face, or I will cry.

>> No.8695087

>Now this one
Post more

>> No.8695111
File: 36 KB, 314x462, IMG_5336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8695122

wtf why do you have a photo collection of this girl?

>> No.8695157
File: 45 KB, 355x479, IMG_5307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because her ass is amazing

>> No.8695275

Her tight, young ass was showed off in her hollister jeans. She made her way to her bus home when a pedophilic teacher took a creepshot of her behind. Little did she know this happened, and that she would be the subject of this teacher's sick fantasies.

>> No.8695334



>> No.8695344

Your ass standards are quite low. And if you're reacting like this to a mediocre ass, what are you going to do when you encounter a truly great one?

>> No.8695371

Patches on her ass reminded me of the Ukrainian coat of arms, and, by extension, of Vasya and vodka made of cleaning agents.

>> No.8695372

As a Brazilian I can tell you this is an average ass.

>> No.8695380

>oh what I would not give for muh dickus in that tuchus

>> No.8695398

I try not to think about myself. My life, it seems sometimes, it's reduced to book written pages. The things I have lived are, for the most part, the things I have made up in my mind.

My thoughts are never original. The people to whom I talk to, the things I do and I do good, are always stolen from someone else, taken from people who live their lives in flesh and bone. Just yesterday I was waiting outside, waiting for a lecture that was about to begin. I saw a young couple, talking, and my mind started to wander. I imagined I was him, I saw myself talking about various subjects, I picture myself joking and laughing. It took me less than a minute, and I had stolen the experience they were in.

>> No.8695406
File: 49 KB, 256x342, IMG_5378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for low res. I panic deleted them off my phone and used Phone Rescue to get them back. Phone Rescue only gets them in crap resolution.

>> No.8695412
File: 594 KB, 1000x1075, 1477533409238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now tits one

>> No.8695429
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another girl

>> No.8695439

I mean op it's just ass. I dont understand if you wanna masturbate you could just find much better porn or even "ass pics" on the internet. The motive for this confuses me.

>> No.8695445

It's probably the thrill he gets of actually taking the photos more than anything

>> No.8695454


This is the depths to which chronic masturbators can sink.
For him its the "naughtiness" of the perversity itself that he finds titillating.
Him sharing this with us is also part of his enjoyment of perversity, btw, so by posting in this thread you are basically stroking the penis yourself.

>> No.8695456


If I make multiple posts in the thread am I pretty much putting his dick in my mouth?

>> No.8695471

OP here

It's just the booty really

I just make these threads to bait reactions

>> No.8695479

desu, if you feel persecuted enough to tell us you made the thread for reactions, then you probably made it for a different reason

>> No.8695482

Yes. Licking my screen right now

>> No.8695493


You acknowledging my post is just another layer added to the perversity. I'm the father figure right now and I've just caught you masturbating. Now it's your turn to invent the lie that you were just checking for ticks. Meanwhile feeling more and more giddy inside. I know the whole routine. It's ok. No one can tell you how to feel, but what you're doing to these girls is wrong anon. They don't deserve this. When you learn how to stop treating people as objects your life will grow so much more dynamic and rich.

>> No.8695495
File: 264 KB, 380x458, IMG_8297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Freudian mindfuck!

Fuck off with that dumb shit

>> No.8695502

>stop objectifying women
A proud womyn like you shouldnt get triggered so easily

>> No.8695555

Another day at school, the sun shines up high
I am confused, insecure, and have no sense of who I am
I hear laughter and chatter around me nigh
Yet I am not a part of it, as lonely as the son of Sam

I hear a shutter snap and raise no question further
No alarm was seen on my face, yet still a smile did I lack.
Why have you forsaken me father?
I thought I was your favorite red backpack.

>> No.8695610


>he thinks the categorical imperative is 3rd wave feminism

You have to go back.

>> No.8695627

OP is my hero desu

>> No.8695652
File: 1.47 MB, 1334x750, IMG_5364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww thanks

>> No.8695656

No problem. I used to do tons of creep shots in highschool, but all I was a Sony Ericsson cell phone so the quality is extremely shit.

>> No.8695661

all I had*