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8691732 No.8691732 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your boss gives you nothing to do for a week and a half, so you just get paid $22/hr to read

>> No.8691767

i have the odd feeling your place of employment may be about to sink into the ocean.

>> No.8691777

nah, it's a huge company that's government subsidized. ain't going anywhere unless society collapses.

>> No.8691790

This is why the right wing is making a comeback.

>> No.8691806

hospitals are sort of important

>> No.8691810

So they can get paid for doing nothing? I thought they already did that?

>> No.8691885

What's the argument you're trying to make? If you are saying that the right wing wants to cut subsidies, then the gov't wouldn't be paying those companies to sit around and do nothing.

>> No.8692036

Yes, that's why they should be efficient.

So that hippies like OP actually have to work.

>> No.8692350

No, I mean the right-wing is making a comeback because they're balls deep in big business. They'll stop subsidizing shitty companies that get paid for doing nothing but the story is always different when it's THEIR shitty company or their friend's shitty company or some shitty company that promises them kickbacks.

How many days do ANY lawmakers have to go to work a year anywat? Aren't we already paying them obscene amounts to sit around in addition to the bribes their already taking?

This isn't just related to right-wingers btw, but I feel like this is just as big a problem as small businesses cheating the system. Especially when the biggest businesses make more money than most of the small ones combined but pay almost none of the associated costs.

>> No.8692713

This is why we need Trump. He'll get rid of the loopholes in financing, cut taxes to a maximum of 15%, and make sure that companies conform to the new rules.

on another note, I'm already halfway through my next book ;)

>> No.8692984

Take advantage of it, but make sure you also read stuff that's going to further your career. That's a situation you can easily never have again.

>> No.8693045

If I was in charge I'd gut your shitty hospital.

>> No.8693102

I'm reading some literature along with some programming books, so I can at least make my time here productive until I start doing things again. This will be my 4th programming language

>> No.8693109

lol, I would too. We are in need of a major budget shift.

Along with that, my boss is so fucking incompetent. It's like watching a lizard trying to navigate a smartphone. 90% of our meetings are him going on a rant about things we already know.

>> No.8693728

>It's wrong if someone isn't doing something every single second


>> No.8693752

I'm in the same boat, OP. But I have "specialised" computer programs that are somehow able to read epubs, so I'm able to read ebooks at work and seem like I'm actually doing something instead of chatting with 16 year-old apprentice nurses.

>> No.8693762

>tfw you work overnight at a library so you just listen to alt-right podcasts and read for $13/hr

>> No.8693767

i used to do midnight-5am shifts in the library for work study. i'd play world of warcraft $15/hr

>> No.8693773
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Shit's pretty cash, isn't it?

>> No.8693864

That's Neetcore. Holy grail of Neetdom.

>> No.8693881

What library is open to 5am?

>> No.8693902

>alt-right podcasts
recs please

>> No.8694376

lol nice. some of those nurses can be really hot, though

>> No.8695348

t.butthurt wage slave in a dead end job

>> No.8695409

Uni libraries are often open 24 hours a day.