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/lit/ - Literature

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8692027 No.8692027 [Reply] [Original]

Are cigarettes and coffee /lit/?

>> No.8692031

cigarettes, yes; coffee, no.

>> No.8692032

/lit/erally gonna fuck your teeth up

>> No.8692049

Addiction aside, they're all about signaling faux maturity.


>> No.8692061

>Are cigarettes and coffee /lit/?
Coffee has some health benefits. I rather have the pseudointellectuals on this board die faster than slower.

Thus the drug crocodile and cancersticks are /lit/. Strong liqour too, and of course please take considerable amounts of it.

>> No.8692085

Try brushing them once in a while

>> No.8692097

Anything can be /lit/ if you're/lit/. You are clearly not.

>> No.8692100

tea is better

>> No.8692102

I think tea and pastries are more /lit/.

>> No.8692119


>is X /lit/

Who cares, if you really care about shit like this you truly have a low IQ.

>> No.8692123

your coffee better be black and don't bother with menthols

>> No.8692132
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They will still get yellow from high coffee/ black tea consumption. There's nothing you can do about it besides bleaching (which will really fuck them up).

But it's just aesthetics.

Fun fact: In Japan it was a sign of beauty to have black teeth - at least for women.

>> No.8692138

Cigarettes aren't anymore, it's the sign of a try hard poser who is trying to emulate his 20th century heroes, faggots who wear peacoats and such.

You might as well carry around a typewriter.

>> No.8692155

yeah cigarettes are out

if you want to be a hip literary artiste nowadays you have to smoke crack

>> No.8692158

>Who cares, if you really care about shit like this you truly have a low IQ.

Don't worry, I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.8692169

No, just cigarettes are lit.

>> No.8692183

Reminder to sage and report every are X /lit/ threads. They are always without fail made by /fa/ggots who want to have a literary image without having ever read, maybe buying a Pynchon novel once to feel justified in doing so

Despise these kind of people

>> No.8692223

being aggressively anti-smoking is the sign of being a propaganda indoctrinated dork, you're just as big of a tool as the people indoctrinated by big tobacco propaganda

>> No.8692231

>muh cigarettes are ebil meme

Kys, faggot.

>> No.8692233

Fuck you O.P I used to love coffee and have like five cups a day, but it fucked up my stomach and now I can't drink it fuck you OP for reminding me it used to be the thing I loved most in life

>> No.8692237
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>LITERALLY fucking up your lungs to prove you don't listen to da government man xD

>> No.8692238

>it used to be the thing I loved most in life

Virgin detected.

What happened to your stomach, mate?

>> No.8692239
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>> No.8692244

I'm not aggressively anti-smoking and I don't think cigarettes are evil, you just look silly trying to LARP your favourite authors.

>> No.8692245

Turkish coffee is made over a fire.

>> No.8692246

Smoking is a great occasional pleasure, especially while drunk. Don't know why anyone would make a regular habit out of it though.

>> No.8692250

>Don't know why anyone would make a regular habit out of it though.

Maybe because it's /lit/. Have you thought about that?

>> No.8692254

why are you faggots still replying to a thread that has nothing to do with literature

>> No.8692262

Addictions arent lit

But casual enjoyment 1 or 2 times per week is. Nothing more disgusting than a habitual smoker though

>> No.8692263

>drinking damn good coffee...and hot
>not giving a fuck

>> No.8692264

thanks for the bump, mate :^)

>> No.8692273

sage has been repeatedly used including now

Why do you make this thread every 2 days

Please go back to your tumblr board and stop dragging this one down with it

>> No.8692274

You're dumb

>> No.8692280
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Sure just got Reddit in here, desu.

>> No.8692301
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Smoking is disgusting in public, you bother to the people that doesn't and you are damaging your lungs and you will get as pic related.
Also after you quited at it, you will get chubby.

>> No.8692312

What a boring person you are

>> No.8692315

Jesus, the coming lung cancer is looking me straight into the eyes.

>> No.8692317
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>What a boring person you are

>> No.8692318

Eh, it's only tangentially connected in reality, I was mostly shitposting. But over the last year and a half, I started having these sort of pseudo-panic attacks. It started in near the end of my final year of high school, where I'd basically have to skip classes cuz I couldn't handle being trapped in the one place for that length of time without being able to just get up and go. I say pseudo-panic attack because it mostly was just these waves of nausea and intense stomach pains (plus racing heart and thoughts) that would get worse until I left wherever I was. At it worst, I basically was constantly fighting back an urge to vomit night and day, for a period of about a month. It's much better now, to the level that I can ignore it, and its either down to me stopping drinking coffee, or taking lactose stuff, or (the one I've been kind of leaning toward recently) stopping taking this weird health supplement that someone convinced me to take called 5htp, that's mainly for depressives (which I'm not really), but I used it to get to sleep at night (and it really worked, but I reckon the panic attack/stomach problems were caused or exacerbated by it; it's supposed to do something with your neurotransmitters and that's some brain chemistry shit that I con't want to fuck with unless I really have to).

But yeah, sucks having to cut out a bunch of stuff you enjoy from your diet y'know.

>> No.8692322

Please just fuck off. I seriously loathe posers in anything, lit especially

>> No.8692354

>lmao be a drunk
Alcohol is slowly ruining what intelligence I had. My memory has fogged up and there's this dull automation to my consciousness. If you want to do something meaningful with your mind then you must strive to stay sober enough to use it.

>> No.8692418

is browsing /lit/ effay?

>> No.8692419


>> No.8692425

Only if you read effay books, in non-penguin editions

>> No.8692429

Snuff is the most lit way to consume tobacco. I like to look at my watch, tap my snuff box, take a pinch and imagine i'm Jaque's master

>> No.8692447

Enjoy your gum cancer, faggot.

>> No.8692486

>gum cancer
You don't even know what snuff is friendo

>> No.8692490

No, you shallow fuck

>> No.8692544

i ddrink lotsa black tea (at least 3 glasses a day) and my teeth are fine.
they get yellowish when i dont brush them for 2-3 days tho, but it goes away when i brush again

>> No.8692906

Well, they actually are, you stupid fucking cunt. Enjoy breathing poison, while you can breathe at all.

>> No.8692917

It's pretty arbitrary right? You wouldn't get this agitated over someone defending binge drinking

>> No.8692923

Thats as /lit/ as you can get though

>> No.8692985


How did these girls have sex? What happened when they started to sweat and the makeup ran?

I remember once in high school I danced with a short girl a lot and when I got home my shirt was plastered with her makeup from where she had laid her head.

>> No.8692999

seriously though
what the heck does some /lit/ guys just throw their life like that? specially the frenchs

>> No.8693005
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>faggots who wear peacoats

>> No.8693038

>How did these girls have sex?
They didn't. And when they did they would bath before hand.

>> No.8693043

This genuinely pisses me off. I ask far more /lit/ related questions and they are still removed.

>> No.8693048

>leather jackets are the only cool coats

>> No.8693050


>Not making the switch to duffle coats

I love it, when it's rainy I pretend I'm hunting U-Boats in the North Atlantic. On the con side this coat is worn by many girls.

>> No.8693054

>faggots who wear peacoats
listen here faggot. Peacoats, Trench coats, and Polo coats are the only acceptable coats for a man who wears a suit.

>> No.8693057

leather jacket are LARP tier as well

>> No.8693065
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>> No.8693070


Where I live businessmen don't even wear ties, and on Friday some of them wear sports shirts. If you wore a trench coat or a Polo coat people would think you were a dandy, although pea coats are okay as long as they're short.

>> No.8693081

Hello, Reddit

>> No.8693629


Jesus christ, mate. I love ciggies but I am so much healthier after I quit. Quitting smoking is a great life choice. Yeah i get that it's classic to punch darts etc and I know it can be hard, but pull ya fucken head in m9

>> No.8693737

Nice blog post

>> No.8693756

Nobody does that anymore. We just use our electric stoves.
t. Balkanese

>> No.8693775

Who cares what people think about you? If you're confident AND wearing a coat, best believe you'll be getting that pussy.

>> No.8693777

you have to go back

>> No.8693804

I've smoked for years, but never more than a couple a day, and often go a few days without smoking. I can still run a mile in around 8 minutes and I never really crave nicotine.

it isn't a secret that cigarettes are addicting, I don't know how people manage to get snared by them and then struggle quitting like they didn't see it coming

>> No.8693834

Ciggarete is such a meme. I always wondered why characters in Godard movies always smoke most of the time. Is this some phallic capitalist symbol?

>> No.8693875

Speak for yourself, filthy balkanigger
t. Balkanese

>> No.8694180

My peacoat looks and fits sharp af on me and I fuck my girlfriend harder than life has fucked you. Maybe you just need to stop being such an insecure autist.

>> No.8694183

Cigarettes, in my opinion, are for people who don't care too much about personal health.

>> No.8694189
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>replying this angrily
>calling others insecure

>> No.8694236

Literally this. And do heroin too. In fact, I do both (although I've never gotten to the point of doing either regularly). I think smack is a little more /lit/ though.

>> No.8694250

>Duffle coats
>Banks, accounting firms, law firms, investment firms, country clubs.

Pick one.

On the other hand, it's perfectly acceptable to wear a top coat over your sport coat.

>> No.8694517
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Because I want to get a job as well as "pussy."


But I'm just an accounting student anon, not even a CPA candidate. Let me dream a while longer of cold sea spray and thundering Bofors.

I was kind of hoping that I could get away with wearing it over a suit because this is a very casual city. On your advice I'll buy a more formal coat though when I go to recruitment events and (hopefully!) interviews. Maybe something like this would be appropriate ;)

>> No.8695146

Who /occasionalcigar/ here?

>> No.8695149
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Of course.

>> No.8695152

*Greek coffee (Arab would be acceptable too.)

>> No.8695349

>tfw if I drink coffee I can't sleep at night
>can't even drink too much tea

>> No.8695605
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Is being edgy /lit/?

>> No.8695861
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>not wearing leather

>> No.8695869

You put it up your nose and there has never been a recorded instance of it causing cancer. Retard

>> No.8695910

Fuck you I love my cigarettes and peacoats

>> No.8695925

Your kind is the worst.

>> No.8695938


I did that for years. Then I was bored on my weeks off and smoked like crazy because why not. A couple a day became half a pack. Half a pack became nearly a pack. That's where I am now.

I realized that I was addicted even when I was smoking max. 5 a day. I just never set my nicotine need higher and I never let my addiction kick in by always getting my daily fix. Sure, there were days when I didn't smoke, sometimes weeks, but I didn't crave it, it was just a vague feeling, something like "I would totally smoke one right now.", and it was easy to hush away.

This is exactly the reason why they don't see it coming btw. It starts with once a day. Twice a day. 3 times a day, and so on. Years might pass before they get to a pack. If they don't smoke much, their addiction is hardly noticable, but it's still there. The more they use, the harder it gets to put it down.

Also, when people say smoking is bad for your health (lung capacity etc.) it's mostly based on the assumption that you'll eventually become a heavy smoker. I played basketball competitively and I never had trouble running full-court back to backs or chasing people down for blocks while on D.

>> No.8696204


They are, but they are kinda gay too. There's something offsetting about coffee and cigarettes.

Before someone calls me an American redneck or something, I'm European, used to smoke and I still drink coffee on the regular.

>> No.8696207

Nice blog post, faggot.

>> No.8696213
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Mate is /lit/

>> No.8696259


You're probably addicted already, and you just suck on the cigarette harder to get as much nicotine as you can. You just don't know it yet.

>> No.8697642

>tfw can't sleep at night
Oh god, maybe its the coffee.

>> No.8697751

They're entertaining though and build a sense of community.

Also, don't responding to every fucking post it's fucking annoying.

>> No.8697769

are its effects that different to coffee? I enjoy the taste of black unsweetened coffee.

>> No.8697794


Mate is basically cocaine tea.

>> No.8697915

Books are lit, try that instead you faggot.

>> No.8697933

I used to be totally fine with drinking at least two cups of black coffee a day. Then one day I suddenly couldn't sleep any more. The same thing happened to my father.
Maybe its time for you to kiss your coffee goodbye.

>> No.8697985

coffee is shit, tea is better
cigarettes are subhuman tier

>> No.8698533

you're an idiot

t. current smoker