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8675726 No.8675726 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post hardly translatable words from our language.

>> No.8675740
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>> No.8675743


i dont know what the english translation could be

>> No.8675747

Bazenpoeperij. (Flemish-)Dutch.

>> No.8675751

What language? I take it isn't German.

>> No.8675753


>> No.8675755

Saudade : ^)

>> No.8675758

oh but it is

i dont think you would translate hoff to hope

>> No.8675761


>> No.8675762


>> No.8675763

and what's the meaning of this words?

>> No.8675765

Quite fucking literally any word?
Culture and language are intertwined, hence no words from, say, german, means the EXACT same thing as the same word in english.

>> No.8675770

I hate this. Stop it.

>> No.8675771


>> No.8675786
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>scheiße doesn't mean shit

>> No.8675789

Brotherhood? Comradeship?

>> No.8675796




Niet Nederlands.

>> No.8675798


>> No.8675803
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le fado meem

é inevitável no entanto

>> No.8675814

Table, chair, door, pen... literally most words.

>> No.8675820


>> No.8675822

This would be my argument except you would need to remove the "un" from the OP

>> No.8675832

>Noord-Nederlands taalpurisme
Nou breekt m'n klomp!

>> No.8675838

Tente mais duro.

>> No.8675855

Everyone saw it coming

>> No.8675858


>> No.8675880
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Enbrotherening would be better.
Fuck your OED

>> No.8677100


>> No.8677119


>> No.8677132


>> No.8677143


>> No.8677170


Then again, I hear they're not unique to Swedish. But wth.

>> No.8677325
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Bögigt att ta upp fika.

>> No.8677327



>> No.8677336


>> No.8677341

Bre - in serbian on itself it means nothing or if were stretching it, it is close to "damn", doe its never used on itself. Its use is in conversation to put emphasis on something, generally revealing anger or irittation. "put the shorts in the washing machine bre!". Invuse its like "goddamn it" just in one syllable and no taking lords name in vain.

>> No.8677386

kurwa mać

>> No.8677388


>> No.8677389


>> No.8677401


>> No.8677403

"Pá", not the shovel, but the linguistic cane portuguese people use in sentences. It means nothing really.

>> No.8677404

Let me explain this one: it comes close to the word torture, but is not quite like it. It is like a social kind of torture. It often includes unhealthy food too.

>> No.8677408


>> No.8677421

lah, leh, lor


>> No.8677488


>> No.8677489


>> No.8677920


Is that the sucking noise people in Umeå make, meaning "yes"?

>> No.8677960

Especially "hart gönnen".

>> No.8677992


>> No.8678020

Well, what do the various internet articles about it fail to explain? Tell me, friend dane.

>> No.8678032

Tiriti tran tran tran

>> No.8678160


>> No.8678207


>> No.8678247

korean has a bunch of "particles" which are hard to put into english

for example 는데 can mean (after a sentence/clause) that you are giving more information on something but also, the information has to be kind of contrasting or surprising.

there are 2 different words for "I"

나 and 제 (na/jheh), jheh is a form where you are kind of putting yourself below whoever you are speaking to and being humble, while na is the opposite. there are a lot of feelings associated with the grammars and concepts.

another grammar is "던" which has a ton of meanings. typically you put it into a verb and then it means something like "an action in the past, which you used to do a lot (habitually) but has stopped now, and you are remembering it."

lots of korean things are kind of hard to translate into english or other languages that arent asian languages

there are also two endings yo and seumnida, and the first is polite but the second is very polit, but sometimes you can use the very polite and formal one in casual situations to be nice, its weird

>> No.8678250

also there are a ton of grammar particles, like serioulsy hundreds of them..

>> No.8678253


>> No.8678255

no one cares that you jack off to korean music videos

>> No.8678270
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i abstain from all sexual activity and do not listen to kpop, korean is an objectively interesting language.

>> No.8678304

false, we have it in polish as well

>> No.8678311


>> No.8678312

As it does not mean much in french, translating it by "having fun" would not seem a treason to me.

>> No.8678316

y-yeah sure

>> No.8678353

"Misgönnen" auch. Jemandem etwas gönnen kann man noch umschreiben, aber sich gönnen oder jemandem etwas misgönnen, das weiss ich nicht wie ausdrücken im Englischen.

>> No.8678355

You think these 'simple' words do not carry multiple meaning, idiomatic functions, and cultural baggage?
Table means a furniture item, and a grid, it doesn't in many other languages
Door can be used to describe a hinged barrier, yet english speaker have phrases like 'at deaths door' or a 'door mat' (weak person) that, again, cannot be directly translated into other languages

>> No.8678360


>> No.8678506


What the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.8678509

Like 'misgunnen' in Dutch?

>> No.8678539

Ombudsman is in Afrikaans as well, means 'public mediator/ advocate'

What is 'Halalhippie'? Sounds like 60's Islam

>> No.8678611

Having fun is a euphemism relatively to the meaning s'enjailler conveys.

Also, 'having fun' is not a single word, so you're kind of proving my point here

>> No.8678687


>> No.8678738


>> No.8679099
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Brazileiro detetado
'Sehnsucht' is conceptually in it's meaning not the same thing as 'saudade' as in the felling being expressed is more of a anxious longing for something not necessarily experienced and the latter a feeling of melancholic yearning for the return of something or someone now missing.

>> No.8679115


>> No.8679116

How will Japan recover from this?

>> No.8679132
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>> No.8679167

''inat'' too

>> No.8679169

'Craic' means 'fun' in Irish; it's the extra *English* meaning it has gained that's untranslatable in other languages.

>> No.8679218

This is such a fucking pedantic argument. In a strictly literal context, what the word "door" is referring to is easily represented in every fucking modern language, and the literal meaning of the sentence "He opened the door" can be carried over 1:1 from one language to another without encountering any cultural barriers. You can't paint every word as having equal difficulty being translated in every context. Yes, in the case of a metaphorical idiom like "at death's door," the word "door" isn't defined by its literal referent and thus that particular phrase may be more difficult to translate, but that's a specialized context totally distinct from what "door" plainly and normally refers to, for which it is fucking easy to find a corresponding word in pretty much any other language. Such a rigidly schismatic view of language might seem sound in purely rational theory, but it just isn't applicable in the real world.

>> No.8679384

>i read saussure and now i annoy people

>> No.8679413

Have the same in Norwegian. "Skinnhellig".

Basically means hypocrite though.

>> No.8679529

No. It's a chilean slang. The thing is that the meaning of "hueá" depends heavily on the context.

>> No.8679536

Craic doesn't mean fun directly, but the spirit or geist of fun.

>> No.8679598

I'm surprised this thread isn't filled with more moonspeak.

>> No.8679605

"mana", a Māori word (found in lots of other Polynesian culures also).

The translation is roughly "prestige" or "authority", but its kind of like an accumulation of those things through action, circumstance, and character; reasons why you should respect someone's opinion and authority.

>> No.8679693

>Expecting any Western posters on 4chan to be competent enough in Japanese to know the ins-and-outs of accurately translating it into English
>Expecting native Japanese posters on 4chan to do anything whatsoever besides shitpost about Koreans on /int/

>> No.8679725

Any "serious" conversation that a jap would like to have they're going to have it in their own IB.

>> No.8679741

oh shit isn't that that Portuguese thing
it's just like longing kinda like nostalgia but not really or whatever

>> No.8679834


>> No.8679980


>> No.8679997

>that that

>> No.8680023


>> No.8680776

interesting example because it's more internet slang than an actual word in the dictionary but

套路 (tao lu)

direct translation is 'established series of skills and tricks in wushu‘ but in modern usage has come to mean certain devious tricks and skills that let you get ahead socially, often through means of deception and manipulation.

>I was 套路ing this girl at the bar last night
>Bob’s 套路 is very strong
>Don't you try and 套路 me

>> No.8680788

This. Too bad 90% of people on /lit/ are postmodrnist edgelords without a hint of intellectual depth or honesty.

>> No.8680800
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Any balkan bros in here?

>> No.8680805

Kunami, katuki, funini, meréketé

>> No.8680807

Kosovars use ''bre'' in albanian too, it's weird bre.

>> No.8680927


>I was jewing this girl at the bar last night
>Bob’s jew game is very strong
>Don't you try and jew me

>> No.8680960


>> No.8680967


>> No.8680988

In portuguese we have "judiar" which comes, obviously, from the word jew (judeu) and can be translated as injuring someone or being mean.
And we also call people who don't like to borrow things or help others "semitico" (semitic) , even though most people don't even know that it is a very offensive thing to call.

>> No.8680996


What the hell is the difference between saudade and nostagia?

>> No.8681004

Pretty sure Germans could identify jewing

>> No.8681011

Saudade is a stretchable portuguese word that can convey any fucking meaning regarding longing for something that you may or not have had/experienced.

>> No.8681020

It's used in Romanian and Greek too and it comes from Turkish.

>> No.8681036

in italian we said "fare l'ebreo" that means literally "acting like a jew".
funny how few days ago i've found into a novel the term "ebreizzante" that that could be translated in a "which makes jew" sort-of.

>> No.8681082

surely jewing more commonly denotes economic tricks?

>> No.8681094

I've got a nightmare mode word for you: an English word which is nigh-untranslatable into other languages:


>> No.8681101


>> No.8681138

However even for the 1:1 translation words, at the end of the day they are different words in terms of letters they are composed of and sounds they make, which makes them have different vibes. Obviously there might not be huge differences but I think this fact makes that translations are always flawed

>> No.8681160

I really hate this meme where untranslatable means "word does not translate into a single other word".

>> No.8681172

someone explain the spanish asco to me
it bugs me that it's a noun

>> No.8681616


It's kind of what Macgiver did. Temporarily solving problems with what ever is around.


Oh, you mean yearning? Or nostalgia. Sure bud, that's quite hard.

>> No.8681640

I recently came across the word 'defenestrate' in my english practice.
Why does it even exist

>> No.8681667

It exists in French too : défenestrer
Gilles Deleuze killed himself by way of defenestration.

>> No.8681670

Yeah, Heureux Hasard conveys almost exactly the same idea I think

>> No.8681677

Débrouillardise or Démerde

>> No.8681693


>> No.8681701

>Solving problems with whatever is around
"Jeitinho brasileiro" hueheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuhe
Hahahaha, jokes on you, you can just say "surprise" with the proper tone.

On a slightly more serious note, "serendipia" is a word in spanish.

>> No.8681706

Repugnance, Revulsion, nausea, retching...

>> No.8681709

"They've got like fifteen of these in japanese. Thank you animemes.

>> No.8681747

Fremdschämen i guess.

>> No.8681751
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it exist even the meme xD

>> No.8681758


>> No.8681813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8681822
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>> No.8681830

זין בתחת

>> No.8681834

Du gönnst dir aber schon hart, was Brudi?
Läuft bei dir, ker?

>> No.8681844

You mean Epá

>> No.8681861

what is this word? Polak here.

>> No.8682099

You mean like the soup?

>> No.8682114

Easily translated into Dutch: "Schijnheilig". Also, sanctimonious for English.

>> No.8682122


>> No.8682123

Dutch is not a real language to be quite honest, it's a silly German dialect spoken by people who don't know how to spell.

>> No.8682139

All Germanic languages (apart from English) sound like "a silly German dialect" to outsiders. Thank you for showing your limited linguistic knowledge though.

>> No.8682150

what about adequate

>> No.8682154

Actually I'm fluent in both German and Dutch but thanks for projecting your own personal experiences, opinions and characteristics on everyone who browses your favorite Vietnamese sheep farming board

>> No.8682155

>mis gsicht wenn eine behauptet, holländisch sig e sprooch für sich

>> No.8682162

Not really. Adequate doesn't mean "Just right"

>> No.8682163

As am I, friend. You can be as fluent as you want and still be wrong.

>> No.8682174
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>tfw don't speak german or Hollandaise and still understand this

>> No.8682176

How about "just right" then

>> No.8682192

Out of curiosity, what do you speak?

>> No.8682199

What's the definition of lagom? I'd say its more of a "not too much, not too little" instead of a "just right". I mean a shoe fits just right, but a shoe doesn't fit lagom

>> No.8682205


>> No.8682211


>> No.8682214
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Borscht, can´t you read? Looks delicious, as well.

>> No.8682233


Gesicht and behauptet is the tricky words

>> No.8682237

Just right seems like a decent definition.
Klänningen var lagom för henne.

>> No.8682242

I'm genuinely impressed, given how much Germans seem to struggle at first when they come here.

>> No.8682277

Well, if you're talking about the dutch language, then it's fucking horrible to understand, speaking.

>Hrerk and Ik sounds the same

>> No.8682294

Swiss German, actually.
Äu nid wirklich e sprooch, aber die meischte vo uns gänds z'mindescht zue.

>> No.8682329


It's not a true 'English' word. Look up Serendip, bunch of countries just added -ity- -iteit etc to it

>> No.8682356

Russian, or russe

>> No.8682365

this is one of the cool features of English; it just absorbs words

if you can't translate a word into English, just start using that word in English

>> No.8682378

Means kind of like desu but a little less ironic

>> No.8682400

"Icastico" in Italian
Referred to an incisive, memorabile, vivid, rich in meaning image or expression

>> No.8682406


>> No.8682418

Me too. Any word from any language can be translated into any other language, it might just take some circumlocution.

>> No.8682427

Might be harder to do serendipitous.

>> No.8682428

nah it comes from Greek

>> No.8682432

turkish, means spite

>> No.8682435

Trzeba było napisać barszcz po prostu.

>> No.8682455

So, aretè in ancient greek?

>> No.8682472

Nostalgia means a feeling of looseness, while saudade is like a pain you feel for not having something near/anymore/etc
Saudade is stronger than nostalgia

>> No.8682490


>> No.8682589

something like entering into a depression?

>> No.8682670

as far as i know, in first instance, saudade involves the conceot of "regret".

>> No.8682682

Saudade is a very extensive emotion.

In essence, "saudade" encompasses every feeling associated with being away from someone you love.

>> No.8683267

maori? doesnt it mean white man or some shit

>> No.8683445

In swiss French:
Something that has the consistence of mud but isn't mud (noun)

Chaos in physical form

In French
That feeling you get when you are in an other country

A wine inviting to be drunk (adjective)

>> No.8683520

Additionally, "L'appel du vide"

>> No.8683555

Asco/asqueroso are Portuguese words too (same meaning as Spanish)

>> No.8683583

"Glad i"

Closest English approximate is "fond of", but it is more than that.

>> No.8685134


>> No.8685181



My ex used to say "Jeg er glad i deg"

>> No.8685215

Bergtatt, glåbe, traust, kjekt, drose, gridle. Some of these are dialect words tho

>> No.8685224
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hello spurdo xD
bergele bergele

>> No.8685244

Desficiòs. It is an adjective, meaning that you are eager to do something, but you don't know what it is. Also, in an annoying kind of way. Like you are bothering people because you cant stop moving in your chair, gettring up and down continuously.

>> No.8685253

"So on and so forth"

>> No.8685259

It is the noun regarding "disgusting".

Like, from anger, angry.
So, from asco, disgusting

>> No.8685264

Isn't the first one similar to "however"?

>> No.8685271
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Easy, "Just right"

>> No.8685278

>(after a sentence/clause) that you are giving more information on something but also, the information has to be kind of contrasting or surprising.

You mean "although" or "however" or any other word like that?

>> No.8685315

Sauna = a place heated to such a degree that the activity of sweating takes place (80-120 'C)

Kiuas = sauna heater

Kiulu = a plate (?) which holds the water that you throw on the kiuas

Löyly = steam that comes when you throw water on the kiuas, in ancient times meant the spirit and the soul

Vihta/Vasta = a pack of tree branches (mostly birch) which is used to whipping oneself in the sauna

Myötähäpeä = a shared sense of shame, literally translated "with-someone-shame"

Poronkusema = a distance unit in Lapland, literally translated "a reindeers pissed", meaning "a distance that a reindeer can travel before pausing for a leak" (some 7,5 km)

>> No.8685343

Are you a native Portuguese speaker? I am and I cannot think of any example in which "saudade" is used as longing for something you haven't had/experienced.

>> No.8685361

Brazilian here.
Icky = Eca.

I also hate this.

>> No.8685384

We have gambiarra for that. I suppose lifehack comes close, though not exactly.

Dread + disgust

It comes from "Fenestra", which is latin for window.

>> No.8685451
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>And so on

>> No.8685455









>> No.8685469
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Alright, Boyos.

1. пepeпoдвыпoдвepт (perepodvoypod'vert) - to do something in a needlessly complicated way
2. cyшняк (sooshnyak) - a dry feeling you get in you mouth when you are hangover
3.Зaчeм - used to say "why", but literally means "what for" (зa = for, чeм = what). Used to find the purpose rather than the reason.

Also, пoнты and пoшлocть

>> No.8685471

These aren't real right?

>> No.8685477


>cyшняк (sooshnyak) - a dry feeling you get in you mouth when you are hangover

Of course Russia would come up with that.

>> No.8685486

Well, I also the English "a cat shit in my mouth" which is less concise but as effective in describing the feeling.

>> No.8685488


>> No.8685493


We usually call that sort of thing, whether due to a hangover or plain old morning breath, something like "shit breath" or else "my/your breath stinks of shit".

"Did you eat shit?"/etc.

>> No.8685502

нaкopмить - to feed to fullness
нaпoить - to make somebody drink until they aren´t thirsty anymore

I´ve just realised that these two are untranslatable and it is doing my head in.

>> No.8685509

They are in a published book by an acclaimed author if that helps their realness any

>> No.8685511

It's not actually hard to translate, it essentially means comfy in social kinda way.

>> No.8685514


>нaкopмить - to feed to fullness

I'm guessing that's a pre/post-Communism word...

>> No.8685521

that's some impressive stream of thoughtism anon

Isn't a decent english translation of Sehnsucht just "Longing"?

>> No.8685526


Oh I got it now

>> No.8685530

In swiss german meaning the end of a bread

>> No.8685542


We call that a 'heel' where I'm from (UK/NI)

>> No.8685568

Easy. Heel or, for the less well-read, "butt-bread."

>> No.8685602


in some cases maybe, but its more of a feeling than it being translated into an actual word. there are a lot of pieces of grammar that don't translate into words but are there moreso for just a feeling. there are also literally words that are put in there just to give the sentence more of a feeling, but don't have any meaning. it would translate like "and" or, in colloquial speech when ending a sentence, as a rise in intonation or a brief "wow".

>> No.8685608

there actually is a German equivalent to this that has the same meme status, but it's not known outside of 4chan uezs

>> No.8685616

>2. cyшняк (sooshnyak) - a dry feeling you get in you mouth when you are hangover
that's called cottonmouth

>> No.8685629

Cottenmouth is not a real word and the urban "dictionary" definition which is the only one you will find since it's not a real word doesn't connect it with the specific mouth feel you get when hungover.

>> No.8685636

Lets have terms for hangover in different languages

Tête de bois

Olla heikossa hapessa
Tukka kipeänä

And straight loan words for hangover

>> No.8685642

in germany we call it "Pappmaul" (cardboard-mouth)

>> No.8685662

Language is permanently evolving. Todays slang is tomorrows dictionary extension. If it's something natives use on a regular basis, it's part of the language - if some elitist linguist likes it or not.

>> No.8685699

so it's a copy, not translation

anyway saying slavic languages are different and seperate is like saying that spanish and portuguese, or german and austrian, or english and american, are too

>> No.8685723

Austrian is not a language anon, there is no such thing as "Austrian", they just speak German with a slight regional accent.

Swiss-German on the other hand is a thing.

>> No.8685741

viitsima, its in Estonian

>> No.8686592

Swaffelen. Dutch, hitting your penis against a surface

>> No.8687713

This cannot be real.
>tfw it's real

>> No.8687721
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is Ostalgie nothing but the german way to say Nostalgie de la boue

>> No.8687722

> ?

>> No.8687858

Someone who doesn't accept words like that is not a linguist.

>> No.8688123


>> No.8688556

We literally use "macgyver" as a verb in America.

>I totally macgyver'd a solution to this problem.

>> No.8688561

>It comes from "Fenestra", which is latin for window.
We know how the word is formed, he's asking why the fuck we have a word for that specific thing.