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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.43 MB, 1156x1643, The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8682821 No.8682821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you reading this? I love it so far, probably the most relatable account of depression I've read

>> No.8682828

I am. I can't say I empathize too much though.

>> No.8682875

The author legitimately has mental illness. If she was an american she would be a tumblrtard.

>> No.8682892

the cover is hilarious

>> No.8683192

Are there good and many sex scenes, or does she spend the whole book watching leaves fall or some shit.

>> No.8683200

it's not erotic at all, just a couple of nude scenes

>> No.8683214

>tfw this was more relateable than i thought
and i am a homo that is the worst part

>> No.8683221

mostly she cuts herself, under/overeats, and wallows in her own misery

>> No.8683230

Does she look pretty in real life.

>> No.8683233

I don't know but probably not

>> No.8683277
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i like the cover

think i'll read this

>> No.8683297

I hate lesbians. They're just so useless.

>> No.8683312

Not as useless as you though.

>> No.8683332

Everything that conservatards dislike is a mental illness, apparently. Dykes are awesome. Tumblr is pretty cool 2bh pham. Stay mad.

>> No.8683341

It's a good thing she's Japanese and further removed from the influence of modern liberalism, which swallows whole the impressionable minds of young fuck-ups and fags.

>> No.8683345

hahahaha funny. Not true btw. I don't subscribe to bourgeois values.

>> No.8683354

wtf this is a comic get this shit out /lit/

>> No.8683376

tumblr is a better site for discussion than reddit is, it just has a worse community

>> No.8683400

What? Tumblr's platform is shit for anything other than reblogging images.

>> No.8683404

Tumblr is better for solitary activities, like masturbating to porn, exploring art blogs (which btw there's thousands of), and writing blog posts. It's a fantastic site, which just happens to embrace progressive ideology which all people who aren't evil do.

>> No.8683409

I'll take SJWs over mindless marvel watching bazingalords any day

>> No.8683411

>I'll take SJWs over mindless marvel watching bazingalords
>implying these aren't the same people

>> No.8683435

They overlap but they overlap with here too

>> No.8683656

>relatable account of depression
>The author legitimately has mental illness

I'm not sure why this would be a bad thing.

>> No.8683693

They're equally shit, actually, and full of insufferable and untalented faggots. 4chan is better tahn both, but not by much.

>> No.8683698


the problem is the world is full of insufferable bazingalords

>> No.8683699

Progressivism would be great if 99% of progressives weren't feminazis

>> No.8683807

>believing in the good/evil dichotomy
you are a moran

>> No.8683824
File: 7 KB, 234x216, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off they are.

>> No.8683930

how are you guys reading this?

>> No.8683939

They learned Japanese and bought it off amazon. You wouldn't come to a board like /lit/ without even being fluent in Japanese would you?

>> No.8683944

wait, are you telling me that no one on here flies to Japan and buys it there?

>> No.8683948

This I think. I'm radically progressive but I just also think most SJWs don't really care about people they just like the smell of their own shit and feminism is intellectually bunk.

>> No.8683964

bato to

>> No.8683975

I just read this first chapter and I am just completely amazed
at how well this writer can describe these emotions behind
her destructive tendencies. This is a beautiful story.

>> No.8684078

When's the last chapter getting scanlated?

>> No.8684091

this is cute as hell bro

>> No.8684127

Looks really cute and informative but I just can't relate to lesbians whatsoever. The ones I've met are the most self-centered spoiled man-hating feminist psychos I've ever met

>> No.8684153

Fag who reads Japanese here.

I know nothing about this book but the title is a bit mistranslated on the front. More accurate would be something like:

"(My) report on seeing lesbian sex workers when I was intensely lonely."

>> No.8684170


I think it's a bit too early for you to be pointing out mistranslations.

>> No.8684172

That's not even the most relatable account of depression written in Japan, which is No Longer Human.

>> No.8684230

God I hate 4chan. What kind of twisted perception of real life do you have to have to spout shit like this?

>> No.8684259

Oh boy, you are so not ready to discover /r9k/

>> No.8684268

What do you mean "too early?"

And I was just making an observation.

>> No.8684319

you inspired me to discover r9k. its full of freaks

>> No.8684321

This nigga knows

>> No.8684365


I mean, your correction was barely any better, so I don't think you've been studying for very long. Yet you saw it necessary to share your "observation" that doesn't really have anything to do with anything.

>> No.8684372

has anyone here ever tried Brintellix?

>> No.8684380

>tfw no depressed lesbian gf

>> No.8684406

I want a depressed unkept fujoshi gf in boy clothes to hug (or atleast I think I do)

>> No.8684427
File: 42 KB, 399x322, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Er, he's not wrong.

>> No.8684429


You aren't any better.

>> No.8684457

Autism: the post

>> No.8684470

>I mean, your correction was barely any better, so I don't think you've been studying for very long. Yet you saw it necessary to share your "observation" that doesn't really have anything to do with anything.

This post makes my head hurt because there's so much wrong with it, but I'll try to tackle it.

>barely any better
What do you mean? Are you saying my translation is inaccurate? That needs to be more accurate? If so, give me your more accurate translation.

>your "observation" that doesn't really have anything to do with anything.

You mean an observation about the title of the very book that the people in the thread are discussing "doesn't really have anything to do with anything?" Huh?

You seem really unreasonably triggered. What gives?

>> No.8684483

Thats awful though, the "miss" translation is poetic and witty

>> No.8684493

>God I hate 4chan

Why do you come here then?

>> No.8684510

Anyone else cry?

>> No.8684512

What no. It's the exact opposite way around. Tumblr is a horrible site for discussion, BUT the community is actually bearable; they have barely any pseuds, whom I hate, only retards (which for some reason I get along with just fine...).

>> No.8684517

Lesbians aren't real, it's a trick to garner further male attention. Just ignore them

>> No.8684518

self-loathing pseud.

>> No.8684519

>I-I'd better pre-emptively call him a triggered autist before my offended meltdown


>> No.8684531

But literally, what is your deal?

Give me a better translation.

>> No.8684532


Almost. The part where she just wants a hug hits too close to home.

>> No.8684549

I know, right? I wonder how many people's desire for hugs are sublimated into sexuality..

The first kiss was really subtly done, but it forced a weird sound out of my throat from the strangest mix of cringe and sheer empathy.

>> No.8684557

he said there is a mistranslation and you made a weird remark. Honestly, by responding like this you aren't making it any better for you

>> No.8684691


>> No.8684697

>I don't want to read it because lesbians

Her being a lesbian isn't even a main plot point

>> No.8684699

T. basement dwellers who need a website to be their personal echo chamber to hate other losers who live their life differently

>> No.8684704

this, holy shit
every site fucking sucks

>> No.8684707


t. Lesbian Cyber-Volunteer

>> No.8684708

My experience of depressed women is not good. I'm not sure if I'd be able to take this seriously to be honest. Has anyone here both read this and dated (or been) someone who was legitimately depressed (diagnosed, eating disorders, self-harm, the works)? If so, and you still recommend it, I might give it a shot.

>> No.8684710

Who is the author and how old are they?

>> No.8684713

It's a 20 minute read, holy shit man just do it.

>> No.8684715



>> No.8684720

Men love to fuck women, depressed or not. Some men will continue to provide beyond sex for the depressed woman, but they understand sooner or later that it is quite a lot of work to uplift her.

>> No.8684725

>The "I'm 18 years old and all human interaction is just based on sex, women are fundamentally unable to grasp rational thinking" meme
Good that there's still people talking about REAL ISSUES MAN.

>> No.8684728

I have and yes

Nagata Kabi, 30 I think

>> No.8684730

Can we have more posts from people who have read the fucking thing

>> No.8684731

How did the author advertize this?

5 million views is incredible. If you charged $1 per view you'd have over one million dollars, probably more.

>> No.8684735

It was an unexpected hit on Pixiv and now it's getting licensed and everything

Happy for the author desu

>> No.8684756


>> No.8684767

I'm reading it now, it's very good. There's nothing quite like this kind of art that is brutally sincere.

>> No.8684890
File: 227 KB, 960x573, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is good

>> No.8684898

Do you relate to the story?

I feel guilty for relating so much.

>> No.8684938

No, actual mental illness. Like she had/has the constant compulsion to rip out her hair.

>> No.8685038
File: 40 KB, 657x527, Hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the first couple of chapters, but it ended up being as pathetic as I expected.

What is it with the mentally ill and their making it so difficult to have sympathy with them?

>> No.8685042

Go back to facebook normie. If you're not trolling then I have nothing but disgust for you and people like you.

>> No.8685051

>making it so difficult to have sympathy with them?
Your lack of empathy. How does it feel to be more beast than Man?

>> No.8685057

empathy is a word created by hedonistic people to justify their hedonism

>> No.8685066
File: 2.74 MB, 1154x1500, smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) I don't have Facebook.

2) Unlike 90% of the people ITT, I actually tried reading this piece of shit. All I kept thinking was "first world problems", which is especially applicable here because I've lived in Tokyo and it's extremely comfy. You ever wonder why there's no where near as many self-pitying 'woe-is-me'-types in 3rd world shitholes?


Empathy/pity is not a virtue in the first place. Read Neetchuh.

>> No.8685081

Better luck next time.

>> No.8685083
File: 20 KB, 474x528, tips Christian morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He thinks I'm trolling

>> No.8685089

I've also read it.

Also your retarded objection to this being a case of "first world problems" and therefore being worthy of dismissal is so retarded it makes me want to puke. You're worthless. Kafka, DFW and every other great writer spammed on /lit/ covered what might be call first world problems. Who gives a fuck how bad Utanabe Wasabginwa feels eating raw goat in Eritrea after his clan got wiped out, it's a consequence of his culture's stupidity. Who cares if some Afghan kid learns magic to help put a smile on the face of his townspeople after they are scarred by war. It's terrible stuff. First world problems are future third world problems. First world problems are inherently interesting because they are the consequence of an intelligent race / society who have cured all external ills but still suffer from internal ones. You're a fucking retarded child or boring dullard adult if you dismiss such problems as being unworthy of consideration. Literally make a facebook account and stay there please. You're a garbage human being.

>> No.8685096

>frog pictures
>named images, instead of timestamp
>18 years senior edgy and Nietzsche

I feel really sorry for you if your not trolling.

>> No.8685099

>I am a beta

it shows.

women base their life on sex, then on anything but sex
men do not get to base their life on sex.

>> No.8685100

you are no better than him

>> No.8685110

I appreciate the value of the art in question here, which means I objectively am. Deal with it.

>> No.8685117
File: 30 KB, 547x603, you sure about that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First world problems aren't problems PRECISELY because they occur within the first world. Much as I enjoy having offended your bourgeois sensibilities, I'll continue.

>Who gives a fuck how bad Utanabe Wasabginwa feels eating raw goat in Eritrea after his clan got wiped out, it's a consequence of his culture's stupidity. Who cares if some Afghan kid learns magic to help put a smile on the face of his townspeople after they are scarred by war. It's terrible stuff.
>Who gives a fuck
>It's terrible stuff

There's a contradiction here, and it's revealing. I'm sure that in public you might pretend to care about the miseries of Africa/Afghanistan/etc, but with the anonymity of /lit/ we can see your performance for what is.

The irony here is that you accuse me of lacking empathy, yet you (and anyone else who sympathizes with the author of this work) can only relate to it BECAUSE of your refusal to put it into perspective with the other suffering taking place out there. As with any first world problem, those experiencing them have merely, whether due to a lack of imagination or consideration, failed to set their ego aside and consider the suffering of others.

>First world problems are inherently interesting because they are the consequence of an intelligent race / society who have cured all external ills but still suffer from internal ones.

The worth of suffering is not dictated by how 'interesting' it is.


Wow it's nothing. Nice ad homs bro.



How low is your bar?

>> No.8685123

Yeah, while her circumstances don't apply to me her personality hits home

>> No.8685128

>All this text
As if I'm going to read that fag

>> No.8685136


Yeah, you'd probably rather read fuckin' mangas with a 100 word count.

>> No.8685146

You can do better. Try again.

>> No.8685147

Should be out soon i think

>> No.8685154

At "I wish I had friends"

>> No.8685158

>a countries past political affiliation determines whether their problems "matter"
>"absolute suffering"

This was a fucking stupid reply and I shouldn't have wasted my time reading it.

>> No.8685165

>first world problems
again, go back to facebook anytime

>> No.8685185


If I knew it was this easy to trigger bourgeois millennials, I'd have done it on purpose.

>> No.8685200


>> No.8685204

great art style, enjoyed following process of sublimation of seeking maternal love -> physical contact -> sexuality

is there any research or literature on manifestation of desire/seeking in alternative sexualities, or the misattribution of longing for human connection as sex? wonder how much of modern culture's sexualization can be attributed to author's struggle for genuine human friendship and self-validation. it's easier for me to tinder than to make real friends

>> No.8685206

Just read it and it's pretty cute and solid as light reading-- will await updates. Reminds me of when I lost my virginity to a hooker except it wasn't a gay hooker (n o h o m o).

>> No.8685216

>not losing you v card to a cute trap
you arent never going to make it kiddo

>> No.8685228

>it's easier for me to tinder than to make real friends

I'm not only writing this as snarky shitposting.
But that says more about you.

>> No.8685257

actually... she was southeast asian and had a pretty deep voice and fake tits. I've always had a bit of a fear in the back of my mind.

>> No.8685274

The fuck are you talking about? Chapter 4 is just one long sex scene.

>> No.8685426

Depression is a mental illness.

>> No.8685429


How does that contradict who you're quoting?

>> No.8685435

Whom is an objective pronoun, pleb.

>> No.8685650

You're lucky. I know it sounds strange but I wish I'd lost my virginity to a prostitute instead of some girl I had a crush on whom I soon stopped liking and who quickly became an object of disgust to me.

>> No.8685663

In which nothing happens.

>> No.8685940

Wait, what did Proust say about lesbians?
"True love can only be experienced to females"

>> No.8685946
File: 48 KB, 409x426, 21398141981091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>promoting homosexuality

>> No.8685963

I know how you feel, anon.
I don't come here as often as I used to. It's been months since my last visit, and things haven't really changed.

>> No.8685968

>putting a space between lines

>> No.8685983

is there anywhere where i can get a physical copy of this yet?

>> No.8685998

Under my bed.
my diary desu.