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/lit/ - Literature

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8684060 No.8684060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Review of this holy scripture, written by lord E.R. http://abclocal.go.com/three/kabc/kabc/My-Twisted-World.pdf
Please rate, comment, discuss.

>> No.8684068

Very enlightening. It is a shame he is no longer with us, but his spirit wished to be detached from his body and be by herself and hopefully he suffers no longer.

>> No.8684070
File: 784 KB, 1920x1080, edgelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*record scratches
YUP. that's me. sooooooooo. yeah. i bet you're probably wondering how i got in this situation, huh?
>shoots up entire fraternity and sorority
>kids of america starts playing

>> No.8684073

Only valuable as a comedy, really. It's quite funny, though.

>> No.8684075

he's not even unattractive I don't get it.

>> No.8684081

its an ironic meme you dink

>> No.8684083

the only irony is the part where we pretend we're not sincere

>> No.8684087

also I like how I started using dingus offensively and now they have to switch to dink

I love ruining things for people

>> No.8684095

no I get that it's a meme. I got memed into reading 3 pages of his book months ago. I don't get ER himself. It's not like he was some greasy fat fuck that was never going to get laid, literally all he had to do was wait until college.

>> No.8684096

How about you go and fuck yourself?

St. Elliot was a genius and his new religion shall conquer the world.

>> No.8684100
File: 996 KB, 360x176, 1d4BJDM_700wa_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delusional idiot writes memoir thinking of himself as the great gatsby, holden caulfield, and attempts the prose of shakespeare.

>> No.8684134

What's not to get.
Attractiveness has nothing to do with being a neurotic, insecure, mentally disturbed turbo beta.

One of the great ironies of 4chan is that they constantly deride "supreme gentlemen" like Elliot and beta/fedora shame all the time, but than their /pol/ alt right "men's rights" Cheeto finger cry babyism (as well as their race views) are pure Elliot. It's hilarious.

>> No.8684146

What work of literature could have made him realize the error of his ways and saved all those normies?

>> No.8684150

fault in our stars desu

>> No.8685245

All literature

>> No.8685250

the enchiridion of epictetus

>> No.8685256

The funniest parts are his euphoric descriptions of bland landscapes or regular buffet food. How anyone could take this guy serious, is beyond me.

>> No.8685258

they take him seriously because they see themselves in him. autistic losers who blame the world for their problems.

>> No.8685261

>literally all he had to do was wait until college.
Did you mean to add "ended" before the period? He went to college.

>> No.8685268
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a ghastly period piece

>> No.8685270

The overwhelming majority of people worshiping Elliot are making fun of him, even in places like /r9k/. You're just easy to troll.