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8679758 No.8679758 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s opinion on audio books?

>> No.8679802

they're fantastic, allowed me to get a lot more 'read' by using time when I usually either listen to the radio or podcasts.

>> No.8679808

Audible in particular is great, lets you add notes to segments of the audio to check back on later. Plus I have an income so the fee is reasonable.

>> No.8679814

I was thinking about trying it out but I was looking for some opinions on it before I pay 30$ for something I wont listen to.

>> No.8679816

They're not books, they are audio translations. Some material is more suited than others.

>> No.8680136


>> No.8680161
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it bothers me when someone tells me they read a book but I later find out they listened to the audiobook and didn't physically read the book. maybe i'm reading too much into it, but it makes me feel like they want me to think they're the kind of person who reads books but isn't willing to put in the effort.

what's worse is when they try and tell me that listening to the audiobook is the same as reading the physical book. if its the same, then why are you ashamed to admit you listened to the book?

>> No.8680182

What effort is there in reading?
Some people perfer to take information differently.

These people aren't ashamed the don't consider it any different that's why they 'read'

>> No.8680304

Personally, it feels awkward having to say I listened to a book. If someone is talking about a particular topic and I say "I listened to a book about that. The author made a good point about..." They are going to be momentarily confused. That said I wouldn't hide it and if questioned I would tell them about the which reader I chose and what I thought of it in the audio format. As I think someone said already, some books are better than others for audio format. Non-fiction especially can be nice to listen to, and in fact, the greek dialogues are a very comfy thing to listen to.

>> No.8680313

on audible if you dont like the book you can swap it for a different one, no questions asked. its hard to get in to the habit of listening to a book but its rewarding.

>> No.8680316

I need some advice. I am trying to listen to audiobooks while I work out. Unfortunately however I am an unfit piece of shit and have a hard time paying attention to anything complex while dying during cardio. Anyone have some good books to suggest that one could follow while dying?

>> No.8680383

The board might hate me for it, but I listen to garbage self help books that are made up of small nuggets of life advice, Tony Robbins type shit. I'm in the same boat bro, I know inspiration is useless but it will get your through the next workout until you build a habit. Avoid fiction.

>> No.8680515
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I use it for the history lectures

>> No.8680582

Well suited for some material. I like to listen to them when skiing or riding my bike. Takes my mind off of trivial stuff and I feel more relaxed.

>> No.8680613

I feel bad when listening to audiobooks.

I am a spooked autist who quietly waits for physical books instead of reading them on my phone(unless my autism breaks for a moment) and want to read more than just listen to someone read them to me.

Anyways, I use audiobooks when I want to go through a book that I wouldn't necessarily spend the time to read, my reading list is massive already.

>> No.8680652

I'll only listen to an audiobook of something I read already, otherwise I end up missing things.

>> No.8681448

Theyre great. I drive an hour each way to work and always listen to them in the car. Only sci fi or fantasy though, nothing i have to pay too much attention to

>> No.8681456

>he doesn't read two books at once using audio books

>> No.8681471

Are you dyslexic or something?

>> No.8681483

like they are saying they "I read the book", or you've had a convo with someone and they didn't shoehorn the fact that they listened to an audio book instead of reading it

>> No.8681489

Why does this bother you?
How has your life gotten to a point where the way other people choose to consume media actually bothers you?

>> No.8681492

you are not pushing yourself hard enough, keep your heart rate up to its near max and after 15-20 min you should be too high off endorphins to really notice the pain of the cardio, If I can make it past the first 15 min of my workout I can go an hour easily

otherwise you should just do high-intensity interval training, listening to the audio during your down cycles

>> No.8681496


Nigga most people listen to audiobooks while doing something else. I do while I draw, some people do while they drive, etc. It's not because of lack of ""effort,"" it's because if you have to do some boring shit might as well listen to something entertaining.

>> No.8681501

well it is a bit disingenuous to say "I read such and such" when you listened to it

but that being said I see no reason why how the book was consumed would even come up in a serious or casual conversation,

>> No.8681505

What the fuck is the different between reading a book and listening to an audio version?

>> No.8681601

no difference

but why would you feel the need to hide it unless you thought there was some difference

>> No.8681654

I dont think anyone except pseuds find it worthy of hiding. Its just that most people naturally think it's weird to say something like 'Last week I finished listening Crime And Punishment'. It sounds stupid and begs for an explanation nobody asked for

>> No.8681655

Why would you need someone to differentiate it? Its meaningless

>> No.8681825

Been listening to a couple of books on the job, I work as a mailman so I have like 7 hours/day to listen while I work. Used my free audible books on history books since you don't really have to pay attention. Anyone know a good source for pirating audiobooks? I go through a 350 page book in a week just on the job so that would be like 100$/month which is a bit rich.

>> No.8681842
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i just text-to-speech (there are good voice renders on the piratebay) obscure books from gutenberg.org

>> No.8681845
File: 34 KB, 525x600, skept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do adult americans really listen to audio books?
here we use them to teach the children
it would be totally cringe to say "I listen to audiobooks"

>> No.8681846

What is a good one you've gotten?

>> No.8681849

I don't think anyone sits down and listens to an audiobook. They're usually listened to while driving or doing some other simple activity.

>> No.8681854

program to past text and render to mp3/wav:

>> No.8681860

It's alright for books that don't have dense prose or complicated plots, though if you want to actually retain something reading is preferred.

>Personally, it feels awkward having to say I listened to a book.
Just say you listened to the audiobook. It's not awkward at all.

>> No.8681868

does this do languages other than english?

>> No.8681890

This really doesn't answer my question.

>> No.8681930

Demonoid was the best for audiobooks, though because of its long downtime a lot of them are unseeded

Piratebay is okay for major titles, but you have kind of the same problem, a lot of them have only one or two seeders

>> No.8682089

Fucking audiobookbay

>> No.8682398
File: 12 KB, 367x168, ss (2016-11-01 at 11.02.15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, downloaded like 10 books

>> No.8682597

it does tho. the answer isnt to listen to simple children's books while dying, the answer is to stop dying while listening.