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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 572 KB, 1062x1507, 6UuzOjz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8666554 No.8666554 [Reply] [Original]


Am I the only one who gets angry when they see shelves like this?

>Covered with shitty knick knacks.
>99.9% YA fiction with disgusting covers.

>> No.8666563

looks difficult to get to the books

>> No.8666569

Those cases should be burned.

>> No.8666572
File: 689 KB, 1800x1305, CheckThisOut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really take other people's homes personally. I assume my bookcases enrage you as well?

>> No.8666574

the only physical book i own is a steven universe book

>> No.8666577

So the books are just an aesthetic thing? Because otherwise why would you put crap in front of them?
Are you never going to read those books again, and if so, why don't you sell them?

>> No.8666584

Nah thats some patrician collection there

>> No.8666596
File: 1.02 MB, 3000x2250, IMGP0146edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really pretty easy to move some shit (and the books are mostly double-rowed, so move some books too) and get a book out. I have very limited space. Besides, it keeps some stuff away from my toddler.

>> No.8666650

>those care bears

>> No.8666701
File: 4 KB, 299x168, ave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no other sizes of this image found
>it's real

>> No.8666704

i love how all the troll shelf pics are from

>> No.8666727

This pic was from /r/books. Its on the front page.

>> No.8666746

Holy shit this triggers the fuck out of me

>> No.8666767

it doesn't anger me
i think it's dumb though, like shelves of anime or obscene video game collections

>> No.8666774


Hoarding is a mental disorder.

>> No.8666845

>Am I the only one who gets angry when they see shelves like this?
Of course not.


>> No.8666862

im just sick of all the fucking vanity posts in general. shelves, stacks, etc.

never leads to any meaningful conversation just "i liked it" or "what should i read next"

>> No.8666916
File: 532 KB, 911x689, 13696969696969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like this reproduce

>> No.8666919

what if I hoard literature and not YA

>> No.8666945
File: 56 KB, 640x480, soap why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people don't read books, and if they do, it's YA.

Just look at all that shit cluttered all over the place. There's no way to get to any of those shitty books without knocking over one of the dozens of gimmicky meme shit splattered everywhere.

Why do nerds have to buy so much shit. They just can't read a good book or look out a window, they have to buy a bunch of fucking toys and t-shirts and start any paragraph with "having struggled with depression".

>> No.8666961

I like bookshelf threads when the people in them are discussing things like organization and aesthetics. I don't think of it as vanity. Some people just have better sense than others and its helpful to see/ discuss opinions like that.
But I agree, conversation tends to be "lol meme tier" the moment they see IJ.

What should I read next doesn't make sense to me. Who will possibly synthesize every book on your shelf and decide what you should get?

>> No.8667136

And in alarming rates.

>> No.8667151


>having struggled with depression

lost it

>> No.8667158

Is this the shelf of a 12 year old?

...of course not, it's an adult.

>> No.8667160

You just made a thread on a hungarian basket-weaving board so that you could talk about how shitty some stranger's bookshelf is.

As terrible as is that person's choice in books, you're still the bigger loser.

>> No.8667224

needs more swords

>> No.8667268
File: 44 KB, 680x765, 1477525068837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having struggled with depression

>tfw cant even be depressed anymore cause it's a cliche meme at this point

>> No.8667273

I figure shit like this keeps the publishers alive, and as long as they also publish actual good books that's okay.

>> No.8667283

>Am I the only one who gets angry
nope, you and every other teenager who has read a few books they think are adult level. Adults dont get angry about other peoples choices in books.

>> No.8667358

> and start any paragraph with "having struggled with depression".

Having struggled with depression, good post

>> No.8667368

Poorfag detected, the rest is correct though.

>> No.8667374


as usual the normies ruined it

>> No.8667386

>they have to buy a bunch of fucking toys and t-shirts and start any paragraph with "having struggled with depression".

>> No.8667396


These sorts of shelves have been around for as long as the printing press has been around. It sure seems as if its getting worse these days, but its hard to know.


> start any paragraph with "having struggled with depression"

Hey don't make fun of people's challenges. You don't understand what its like clearly. The only thing that gives me peace of mind is to express myself through words. My psychiatrist gave me the idea, and a shitload of anti-deppressants. They have permanently reduced my sex-drive, but that's ok, because now I have the courage. Now I have the voice that I didn't have before. My parents helped me publish my first book. Its about a young girl who finds a dragon and she learns magic from a wizard and she has a friend who just learned he's gay and he's learning how to fight against all the hate.

You can read on my blog about my progress towards writing the sequel. I don't know where I would be without my fans. They give me the strength to move on.

>> No.8667621

Quality bait.

>> No.8667660

Shit, those Sandman figures are expensive af now

>> No.8667665

>doesn't even have the Chaos Walking trilogy
if you're gonna have YA shit, at least make it so you have the one good example of it. OP fucked up big time.

>> No.8667672

>Am I the only one who gets angry when they see shelves like this?
yes, because reading isn't an image and i couldnt give less of a fuck about what other people's bookshelves look like? it changes literally fucking nothing about the books i'm reading you stupid fuck

maybe if you spent more time reading books and less time browsing reddit you'd be a little smarter or at least a little less retarded

>> No.8667690

Would be funny if it wasn't so true

Nah its still funny

>> No.8667693
File: 284 KB, 576x432, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8667702
File: 56 KB, 119x253, DaBottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah hold on a second I know this shit: you can only get it from a tiny store in a really remote location.

>> No.8667719

Reading didn't make me smarter

>> No.8667727

i didn't ask

>> No.8667736

Jesus christ the "pleb n' proud" crowd is really in full force. Reddit truly is the death of literature.

>> No.8667745

Paperbacks are infinitely more aesthetic and functional.

>> No.8667833
File: 121 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is most likely peeved at how people with such organized and finely-kept books (hardcover, no less) are just using them as vanity. That they don't actually read the books they store, just use them as vessels for their narcissism when they post pictures of it on their Tumblr.

You're fine, man. It looks like you actually read your shit.

>> No.8667849
File: 608 KB, 1280x2000, IMGP0072edit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. They do get read, absurd as the shelves look.

>> No.8667861
File: 217 KB, 294x316, Captura de ecrã 2016-10-28, às 15.26.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you make the conscious decision to have sunscreen on a book shelf.
Do you enjoy reading the label for prose?
>factor 60
Are you a corpse?
Honest questions

>> No.8667874
File: 469 KB, 1280x853, image_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guy, leave him alone.

>> No.8667877
File: 395 KB, 767x2000, case12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My toddler sleeps in the same room, and needs to get slathered when I dress him. That small room has a crib, a bed, and ten bookcases.

>> No.8667926


>> No.8667938

I really enjoy this picture, man, thanks for posting it.

>> No.8667973
File: 25 KB, 402x402, mytriptoneworleans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a child
brb going to an hero

>> No.8667997

You both need to get some standards.

>> No.8668047

Me too! Save it, it's all yours friend :)

>> No.8668105
File: 100 KB, 500x500, Pepe 14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's more aesthetic about a fucked up spine and greasy edge?

I buy most of my books used and paperbacks just look and feel shitty. Go be poor somewhere else.

>> No.8668217

I'm okay with this, but only because of tintin

>> No.8668246

nice collection senor- are eldritch tales and necronomicon both written by lovecraft? i am so confused even after reading their writeups...

>> No.8668265

>I buy most of my books used
>go be poor somewhere else

>> No.8668306

> supporting my lokal antiquarian bookshop and getting high quality books in return which will withstand multiple readings
> beeing poor

You're propably one of those people who buy something from chebay and think they made a great deal - at least for a couple weeks.

>> No.8668415
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women. They're the scourge of humanity.

>> No.8668438

the closer you look the better it gets

>> No.8668566

Go be pretentious somewhere else, you bloody old towser-faced boot-faced totem-pole on a crap reservation.

>> No.8668585

>marguerite de navarre
>christine de pizan

>> No.8668590

Oh fuck off, everyone but you has fun in stack threads.

>> No.8668794

The vanity in this exercise is repulsive, however, the failure to present an organised and tidy shelf is even more so. You would think people have enough self respect to not live in a fucking pigsty. Not even putting the books themselves into the equation.

Prime example, fucking disgusting. Looks abysmal with all that clutter and shit on the shelf. So much can be thrown away or put elsewhere, they could at least tidy it up a bit.

You are one-hundred times worse you sack of shit. All that useless fucking clutter. Neck yourself my man. Throw away all that useless crap and then tidy it up.

Nice, neat and tidy shelf. qt

I'd tidy that up and throw away that stupid crystal ball. Otherwise not the worst shelf.

>Those figurines
Throws those useless things away my man. Otherwise, not bad.

>> No.8668994

oh yo can you do me a favor?

take a photo of the first two pages of that brothers karamazov for me?

its the ralph matlaw revision of garnett and theres NO preview online, and i want to sample it and see if i like it

would be a great help to me.

>> No.8669008

Nigger, this image has been around for ages.

>> No.8669027

is the big sleeveless hardback in the bottom left miss macintosh my darling

>> No.8669035


>> No.8669093

No, i don't get angry. I don't care what they read. You, on the other hand, care too much and are a complete sperg.

>> No.8669108

I browse shelve posts because I'm a materialist and it's like porn to me.

At least I read the books I own.

>> No.8669153

>tfw all the shitty people my age are "depressed" and "insomniacs"
>tfw they don't know what it's like to only be able to lay in bed for 16 hours while occasionally leaving to pee and carefully avoid looking at your face in the mirror just to go back to bed
>tfw they're losing sleep because they're out with friends til the early morning and have jobs to go to and don't know what it's like to be begging for death or sleep because you're so tired but you just can't do it no matter hard you try
>tfw they don't know what it's like to feel the open air under their toes while looking down at their apartment building parking lot, debating if a three story fall will kill you or just make your life even more unbearable
>tfw I found out I can get past all of this by drinking heavily every night, and hide it by claiming to be a craft beer enthusiast
>tfw I don't even like hops that much
>tfw when I hear more and more people start half-jokingly calling themselves high functioning alcoholics because they have a beer or two a few nights a week
There is no face for this.

>> No.8669312
File: 3.43 MB, 3648x2736, IMGP3177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still real, and my books. Look.

>> No.8669340

>getting angry at someone else's bookshelf

Fucking lmao youre pathetic OP

>> No.8669342
File: 57 KB, 1141x960, FB_IMG_1463639623120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, literally me.

>> No.8669369

yeah this lol
it only reinforces how distanced i am from the normal human experience
like seeing people complain about their undiagnosed, circumstantial 'depression' and getting tons of support
and meanwhile im paying a guy $100 per session as a substitute because i lost the ability to make friends in 2008 and start shaking when people try to communicate with me

>> No.8669385
File: 189 KB, 480x640, ffd4cd27-2ec7-5858-d68c-c4faf744c0ba-mediumoriginalaspectdouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you think of an all-Penguin shelf? I'm sort of tempted to do this

>> No.8669403

Why did you think it was OK to breed before you obtained the third pogo volume?

>> No.8669550

Well, those bastards at Fantagraphics had sworn they weren't going to release Pogo in slipcased pairs (the way I've been buying Peanuts for 12 years, and that run ends next month), so I bought the first two volumes separately and then they went ahead and released them in a slipcase. So I bought an empty slipcase (since this pic was taken) to house vols 1 & 2, and held off on any further volumes until the slipcase of 3 & 4 came out. I have it pre-ordered, and it's supposedly coming out Dec 27 for some reason.

>> No.8670043


>> No.8670044

I dont get it, why do you hate hard covers op?

>> No.8670063

women are the niggers of gender

>> No.8670073

>Am I the only one who gets angry when they see shelves like this?

I used to until I despooked myself and came to grasp that reading isnt solely about self improvement. I look at this the same way others look at those who have gaming computers.

>> No.8670327

Disgusting and tasteless desu.

>Not having eclectic shelves.

>> No.8670361

Newfag here, what does YA mean? Google doesn't help.

>> No.8670368

Young Adult

>> No.8670370

Get a dissociative disorder (except identity disorder, or multiple personalities as it has been known before), those aren't a meme yet, they are much harder to comprehend and less romantic.

>tfw dysthima, get better then shit happes and despersonalization
>tfw literally nobody notices
>go to therapist
>two years on top of the three I already had to a bunch of neurotic shit and depression
>repressed shit hurts a fuckton and makes me almost cross the line to pyschosis
>mostly solved now but sometimes get down and still have stuff to get out

>tfw I make my first story when I feel bad
>it's about about someone vomiting the pills of an attempted suicide

I'd post it but it's on Spanish.

>> No.8670375

Was gonna make a serious reply until you said

> You can read on my blog about my progress towards writing the sequel. I don't know where I would be without my fans.

This is a good post, keep it up.

>> No.8670384

Nerds are literally the worst. They should be marginalized, excluded, and fed a steady diet of government cheese while they invent better things for me.

I'm not kidding.

>> No.8670545
File: 55 KB, 800x800, damn fine cup of coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like hardcovers with sleeves because I like the way they look on my shelf with the sleeves off.

>> No.8670932
File: 132 KB, 552x667, 1477668764410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is that a c-cumrag?

>> No.8671185

that's the luckiest person in the world

>> No.8671250

all black is spooky desu

>> No.8671343

Don't hate on hardcovers, if you have the money they're the way to go (I have like 90% paperback and would still prefer hardcover).

The other stuff is true though, probably a girl's shelf (hopefully)

>> No.8671351

Beth ydych chi'n ei olygu?

>> No.8671401

In what way are they the way to go? What is appealing about them?

>> No.8671428

I like penguin and the past 3 books I've purchased have been by them but I would never restrict my collection to 1 publisher only. I might try Oxford next.

>> No.8671435

I don't get why would you put anything that is not a book on your bookcase.

>> No.8671451
File: 186 KB, 512x384, 1400951354960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I the only one who gets angry when they see shelves like this?

no. I'm sure there are other petty people who are so bored they actually get triggered by insignificant shit like this just like you.

>> No.8671493

*tips fedora*

>> No.8671522

Idiotic, some of their publications are great, but others have better options available.

>> No.8671532

>ya fiction
>nocking point mug

makes sense

>> No.8671539
File: 1.00 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't even be depressed bc it's so overused that even I don't take it seriously kek

>> No.8671547
File: 875 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8671548

Good books good beer.

>> No.8671553
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dude here's more

>mfw I own 100+ poetry books

>> No.8671561

I have a bunch of shit on my shelves too. It's all stuff I made myself or things friends and family got me as gifts while travelling. Is that bad?

>> No.8671574

I'm jealous. Looks like a nice room.

>> No.8671575

Not that guy but they probably won't be crumbling in 50 years and usually have acid free paper.

>> No.8671576

Not that anon but no they don't. I'm severely judgmental of you and your basic-bitch need to surround yourself with shit.

>I love that book cover!
>rate my editions x^)
>just love the tactile aspect of a good physical book!!

You're no better than ledditors, none of your swearing and edgy language will hide that.

>> No.8671578

>parents basement
>parents basement....in London so not too bad

>> No.8671604

Not that anon but no they don't. I'm severely judgmental of you and your basic-bitch need to surround yourself with shit.

>I love that book cover!
>rate my editions x^)
>just love the tactile aspect of a good physical book!!

You're no better than ledditors, none of your swearing and edgy language will hide that.

>> No.8671605

I'm in London with my own place but my collection isn't as nice or tidy.

>> No.8671619

>wanting to live part current age +50
Hopefully I'll be dead by that time so it doesn't matter

>> No.8671622

What did you think of inventing the future? I only got like 1 or 2 chapters in and am noy sure if its worth the time to finish it, does it actually end up having any substance?

>> No.8671624


>> No.8671633

I spend most of my income on books and read very fast, exhausting a 200-300 page novel in a day means I need constant new shit. Books are expensive but if you don't have any friends or a partner, you end up with money sitting around. I have so many I lose track when lending, which is fucking annoying.

You an OG South London nigga like me? Lewisham = endz, bruv

>> No.8671648

It's worth reading more because there is a more detailed outline of the interrelatedness of UBI and automation, and how they complement each other. There's a bit at the end that talks about the best way to build a counter-hegemonic 'populist left' movement that is definitely worth reading, particularly if you're into Laclau/Mouffe and the rise of parties like Podemos.

>> No.8671860

Yes mate, SE9.

>> No.8672066

That's a baby blanket, put out of the toddler's reach until nap time so he doesn't carry it around all day.

>> No.8672117

>needing a ladder to access the books on higher shelves

enjoy your expensive decorations I guess

>> No.8672126

So the question still stands, do you use it as a cumrag?

>> No.8672138

i once stayed in blackheath.

>> No.8672152

Are you really too lazy to use a ladder? Just keep a step ladder in your library. I have to keep one just from being short with ~9 foot shelves.

>> No.8672159

Further East than that. Practically Erith.

>> No.8672225

<sigh> No, obviously I do not.

>> No.8672235
File: 57 KB, 600x591, 1471701168036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should

>> No.8672251

But having swords within reach is okay?

>> No.8672352
File: 1.67 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20161029_174725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, shelf thread. Here's mine

>> No.8672370


>> No.8672371

>that Dredd volume 3

>> No.8672621

Does no one realizes this is bait? I´ve seen it a thousand times before

>> No.8672632

He can't take those down.

>> No.8672646

>owning books
libraries exist dumbasses

>> No.8672673

>using flash
Lrn to camera, guys.

>> No.8672892

Why the fuck do publishers do that? How hard is it to stick to a spine style?

>> No.8672946

>shit paper, shit binding/spine, mass market
Why are plebs obsessed with Penguin? Is it signaling?